Crawford County Clergy
               Pastors, Preachers and Priests in Crawford County, PA.


Henry Samuel Howard Leitzel


LEITZEL, Henry Samuel Howard S. T. B., is; A. B., 12 Allegheny Coll.; Delta Tau Delta; Quill Club; pres. Y. M. C. A. pres. Junior Class; pres W. Pa. Student Volunteer Assn.; Leader Volunteer Band; Ballantyne Scholarship; Football, Prep., 2 yrs. Coll. I yr.; Bd. of Educ. Scholarship, B. U. S. T.; Missionary in charge Yenchowfu Dist. North China Conf. M. E. Ch. ; Pastor 1st Congl. Ch., W. Medbury, Mass., 1912-15; Elgin and Blooming Valley M. E. Churches, 1909-12; licensed to preach, 1907, Pittsburgh Conf.; ordained deacon, 1912; elder 1915; Member North China Conf. M. E. Ch. Taianfu. Shantung, China.

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