Crawford County Clergy
Pastors, Preachers and Priests in Crawford County, PA.
Martin Dwelle Kneeland
KNEELAND, Martin Dwelle, 175 Huntington Ave., Boston, Mass. —
Born, Onondaga, N. Y.; Ham. C, N. Y., B. A., 1869, D. D., '88; Aub. T. S., N. Y., '73; Lie. '72, Pby. of Cayuga;
Ord. '73, Pbv. of Geneva; Served the following Chs.- Waterloo, N. Y., '73-82; Fredonia, N. Y., '82-87;
Titusville, Pa., '87- 90; Roxbury, Mass., '90-95; Sec. New England Sab. Sell. Protective League, '95 — ; Editor of The Defender.