Obituary: Former St. Paul Rector Succumbs
Dr. Gustav Carstensen Was Also Chaplain Of Volunteers.
Dr. Gustav Arnold Carstensen, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church here from 1892 to 1900,
and chaplain of the 158th Regiment, Indiana Volunteers, in the Spanish-American War, died yesterday in Bridgeport, Conn.,
according to word received here. Dr. Carstensen was general secretary of the Protestant Episcopal Church Congress of the United States from 1905 to 1920
and author of several books on religious and historical topics. After leaving Indianapolis he was pastor of Christ Church in Riverdale, N.Y., until 1917
and then was rector of Holy Rood Church in New York. He had been retired since 1927 and made his home in Flushing, N.Y..
The Indianapolis Star (Indianapolis, Indiana) 28 Jun 1941, Sat