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Riceville Borough

History of Crawford County, Pennsylvania : containing a history of the county; its townships, towns, villages, schools, churches, industries, etc.;
portraits of early settlers and prominent men; biographies; history of Pennsylvania; statistical and miscellaneous matter, etc., etc

by Bates, Samuel P. (Samuel Penniman), 1827-1902; Brown, R. C. (Robert C.); Mansfield, John Brandt

Part IV; Chapter III, page 511-513


Riceville was incorporated at the August term of Sessions, 1859, and a special election for first officers was held December 13, 1859, when the following were chosen: Joseph Knight, Burgess; A. H. Eby, Eli Farrington, Daniel Conner, R. B. Westgate and F. G. King, Council;
Stephen Bioomfield and R. B. Westgate, Justices of the Peace; John Himebaugh, Constable; Myron Staring, Auditor; George Metier, Judge of Election; Clark Rice and F. G. King, Inspectors; H. E. Hendryx, Thomas Ferry, Hiram Oles, T. W. Winsor, D. D. Walker and A. J. Rice,
School Directors. Subsequent Burgesses have been: Daniel Conner, 1860: Charles Irons, 1861; Nelson Waters, 1862; T. W. White, 1863; Moses Adams, 1864; Eli Griffith, 1865; G. W. Bioomfield, 1866; B. F. Ruggles, 1867; W. R. Lindsey, 1868; Eli Griffith, 1869-70;
Henry Thurston, 1871; W. R. Lindsey, 1872; C. N. Smith, 1873-74; M. D. Rice, 1875; George Markham, 1876; E. M. Farrington. 1877; Eli Griffith, 1878; C. N. Smith, 1879; L. D. Davenport, 1880; A. M. Scranton, 1881; J. W. Rhodes, 1882; A. H. Langworthy, 1883; A. M. Scranton, 1884.

Samuel Rice, the first settler, about 1831 came to the unbroken forest here and erected a cabin where the Cummings Hotel now stands. He at once erected a saw-mill on Oil Creek, at the site of Davenport's present mill, and for many years was its proprietor. Mr. Rice,
about 1834, started the first store in a building now part of the hotel. He soon after sold it to Adonijah Fuller. Simon Smith was an early settler. He was a carpenter and joiner, and years afterward removed to Indiana. Eussell Bidwell came about 1832, and for
twenty years engaged in farming in the northern part of the borough, then moved to Athens Township, where he died. Newton Graves started the first blacksmith-shop. In 1847 about ten families resided here, including Benjamin Westgate, who operated a sash factory,
Moses Adams, a shoemaker, and Barnett B. Cummings, the hotel proprietor.

The first school within the borough was taught about 1835 by Dorcas Taylor, daughter of Dr. Silas Taylor, of Athens Township. It was held in a deserted cabin, which stood about a fourth of a mile northwest from the depot and which had been built and occupied by Mr. Gunsley,
who had contracted to clear forty acres of land for Mr. Rice. The usual price for clearing land was $5 per acre, including sawing into sixteen-foot logs. Miss Harriet Humphrey and Austin Mosier were early teachers in a plank house which had been erected for the
accommodation of the mill laborers. Sidney Tracy taught in an abandoned log cabin east of the creek, and in 1847 the first schoolhouse, a frame, was built on the hill east of the creek. It was known as the red schoolhouse, and used until the present two-story frame
structure was reared about 1872.

Barnett B. Cummings became the first Postmaster in 1847, receiving the mail once a week from Meadville. The village grew gradually, and reached a population of 301 in 1870 and 314 in 1880. It now contains three general stores, one hardware and drug store,
two millinery stores, one meat market, a gristmill, one water and one steam saw-mill, a planing-mill, a handle factory, a shingle-mill, one hotel, two physicians, two churches, three blacksmith-shops, one cabinet shop and furniture store, one harness shop, one cooper shop
and one wagon and carriage shop. The Union & Titusville Railroad passes through the village.

The earliest religious services in the village were conducted by the Christians, Elder Fish of that denomination preaching as early as 1838. The Presbyterians also conducted early services, but congregations of neither were organized here.

The Riceville Methodist Episcopal Church was organized by Rev. Forest, in 1849, with four members: J. W. Gray and wife, Myrom S. Staring and Mrs. Lorena Austin. Meetings were held for about five years in the old red schoolhouse, then in a hall and afterward
in the Congregational Church, until the present church edifice was erected in 1874. It is a handsome frame structure and cost about $4,500. The membership of the church is about forty-five. Riceville Circuit was formed in 1851 and appointments were made up to 1872,
as follows: W. R.Johnson, 1851; J.Abbott, 1852; J. N. Henry, 1853; C. Irons, 1854; G. M. Eberman, 1855; A. Barris and F. W. Smith, 1856; W. Hayes and W. Bush, I860; J. K. Mendenhall, 1861; E. Hull, 1862; A. L. Miller, 1863; J. Allen and G. W. Patterson, 1864;
J. Crum, 1865; A. H. Bowers and E. Chace, 1866; A. H. Bowers, 1867-68; E. Chace, 1869; G. M. Eberman, 1870-71; L. F. Merritt, 1872. Since the last named date Riceville has been attached to Centreville Circuit.

The First Congregational Church of Riceville was organized March 27, 1858, with the following members: R. B. Westgate, Lorin Marsh, H. C. Conner, Thomas Ferry, V. F. Hale, William Mallery, D. D. Walker, C. N. Smith and G. M. Anderson. Rev. IT. T. Chamberlain
was the first pastor. He has been followed by Revs. J. B. Davidson, J. D. Sammons and R. Morgan. The last is now in charge. The church building was erected at a cost of $1,800 in 1859 and dedicated free of debt in 1863. It is 42x42 in size, and was remodeled and
repaired in 1875 at an expense of $2,000. The membership of the congregation is about forty.

Charity Lodge, No. 489, K. of H., was instituted February 28, 1875, with thirty-three members. It has met with prosperity and now numbers fifty-three members. Meetings are held on the first and third Saturday evenings of each month.

John Fisher Post, No. 337, G. A. R., was organized May 29, 1883, with nineteen members. The first ofiicers were: Matthew Merchant, Commander; C. W. Todd, V. C; T. Zahniser, J. V. C; T. L. Dobbins, Adj.; S. M. Lindsey, Q. M. ; Franklin Davis, Chaplain;
D. B. Winton, Sergeant-Major; D. Shreve, Q. M. Serg't. The membership is now twenty-eight, and meetings are held on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month.

Riceville Union, No. 304, E. A. U., was instituted April 23, 1883, with twenty-two members. Of the first officers, E. S. Beardsley was President; Joshua Bruner, Vice-President; A. E. Jaques, Secretary; C, N. Smith, Treasurer; M. S. Staring, Accountant, Meetings
are held the first Friday of each month, and the membership is now eighteen.

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