Delos Walker, M.D.





DELOS WALKER, M. D., was born on a farm two miles south of Conneautville, Crawford Co., Pa., October 19, 1837. He received his preliminary education at Conneautville Academy. He having manifested an inclination for medical pursuits, his education was conducted with this object in view, but when the war of the Rebellion broke out he deferred his studies. On April 27, 1861, he enlisted in Company D, Colonel McLean's regiment, and was made Orderly Sergeant. He served three months, and on returning home, entered the Medical Department of the Michigan University. At the end of one term the call for Volunteers became more urgent, and he enlisted for nine months in the One Hundred and Thirty-seventh Pennsylvania Infantry, and was given the rank of Captain. In the following year he was elected Major, in which he continued for his full term of service. Participated in the battles of South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, and Chancellorsville. At the expiration of the term for which he had enlisted, Major Walker again returned to Michigan University, graduating with the class of 1864. He first began the practice of his profession at Medina, Michigan, afterward going to his former place of residence, Conneautville, Pa., and was soon appointed Examining Surgeon of the Twentieth Provost District, which he retained until February, 1865, when he again entereed military service, and taking charge of eight companies of Infantry, went to Roanoke Island, and completed the re-organization of the old One Hundred and Third Pennsylvania Regiment. He was Lieutenant-Colonel of the Regiment at the close of the war. He settled at Union City, Pa., and again entered upon the duties of his profession, and was appointed United States Examining Surgeon, and also Surgeon of the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad. In February, 1867, he came to Kansas and settled at Greeley, Anderson County, where he has a large practice, and enjoys an enviable reputation. The Doctor was married in 1860, to Miss Emerette Greenfield, of Crawford County, Pa.

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