Joseph Scowden




JOSEPH SCOWDEN, was born in Vernon township, November 20, 1823, and is a son of William Scowden, from Clinton county, who came to Crawford and settled in Union township, formerly Greenwood, in 1800. He lived at the old homestead until twenty-eight years of age, when he removed to Hayfield and worked in the steam saw mill of Foot & Scowden, at Little's Corners, one year. In the spring of 1859 leasing the Crawford Hotel property, Meadvile, he conducted it for six years, then he moved to the Eagle Hotel, buying it and conducted it two years. He then gave up the hotel business for several years, but again returned to it. In 1862 Mr. Scowden was elected County Commissioner of Crawford county and served one term. He was again elected to the same office in 1875 and re-elected in 1878, which term he is at present serving. He was married September, 1851, to Miss Mary M., daughter of Reuben Brown, of Vernon township.

Directory of Crawford County, 1879-80, pages 255