JAMES G. FOSTER Was born May 17, 1825, at
Meadville, Pa. where he received an Academic education. From 1847 to 1851 he was engaged upon the Erie, Cleveland, Columbus &
Cincinnati, and Lake Shore railroads, grading. In 1852 he engaged in the hardware busness [sic.] in Meadville, and carried it
on until 1860, when he took his brother, F. H. Foster into partnership. The firm remained until 1875, when he sold his
interest to his brother, since which time he has not been engaged in any active business. In 1864 he was appointed Crawford
County Treasurer. He served his native city as Mayor one term, during 1870. He was again Treasurer of the county during
1876-’77-’78. He is one of the directors of the Meadville Water Company, and for ten years director of the Crawford Mutual
Insurance Company. He was married January 10, 1856, at Conneautville.
Directory of Crawford
County, PA, 1879-80, page 237.