Raymond Arthur Snyder

Clearfield County, Pennsylvania
World War I Veteran

Raymond Arthur Snyder was the son of Daniel A. Snyder and Mary Catherine Haag.
He died with the American Expeditionary Forces in France.

Obituary, Apr 1918, The Punxsutawney Spirit (Punxsutawney, Jefferson Co., PA)


Memorial services for Raymond Snyder who died with the American Expeditionary Forces in France will be held at the Reformed church at 2:30 o'clock on next Sunday afternoon.

Rev. E. M. Dietrich, pastor of the Reformed church, will speak on the subject of the sacrifice made by the former Punxsutawney youth, and the value of such a sacrifice. He will be assisted by Rev. J. A. Hayes, of the United Brethren church here, and by Rev. Meade Snyder, brother of Raymond Snyder, who is pastor of the U. B. Church at Mahaffey. Special music will be rendered.

A gold star will be placed on the church's service flag in connection with the ceremonies. The flag, containing ten stars, was unfurled at last Sunday's services.

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