John M. Gallagher

Clearfield County, Pennsylvania
World War I Veteran

Awarded the Distinguished Service Cross For extraordinary heroism in action near Verdun. France, October 9. 1918. While his battalion was defending a hill captured from the enemy, Corpl. Gallagher was placed on the extreme right of the line nearest to the enemy, when an enemy counterattack was launched against their position. On account of the severe casualties indicted, orders were given to withdraw. Remaining alone at his post after the withdrawal, Corpl. Gallagher valiantly resisted the attack, advancing about 30 yards, when he saw the enemy strip the body of his dead commanding officer. Later, when his company drove the enemy beyond the former position, they found the body of Corpl. Gallagher lying across his rifle. In a circle facing him were the bodies of six Germans, whose lives he exacted during the unequal struggle. Posthumous Award

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