Harold B. "Ditty" Mitchell

Clearfield County, Pennsylvania
Spanish American War Veteran

DuBois Courier Express, DuBois, Pa., Tuesday, March 27, 1928


Acute dilation of the heart was given as the cause of death of Harold B. (Ditty) Mitchell, whose body was found in the shanty of Henry Leibarger, corner of Twelfth street and Cemetery road, Cleafield, by County Corner H. H. Lewis when he was summoned there early Sunday morning. Death had occurred some time between eleven and twelve o'clock, Dr. Lewis determined.

An investigation of the conditions surrounding Mr. Mitchell's death was made by Coroner Lewis. At this investigation it was explained that Mitchell had been removed from the rooms of the Eagles Club on Market street about 10:45 Saturday evening by Lelberger and J. P. Smith, Mitchell at that time apparently being in an advances stage of intoxication.

When taken to his home on West Fifth avenue, Mitchell refused to get out of the Smith car and was then taken to Leiberger's shanty, where he had been lifted from the car. He became ill shortly after this and when Mr. Smith noticed his illness he decided it was serious and started out to summon a doctor.

Driving up over Cemetery road, Smith got stuck and was forced to leave his car and walk to town on foot. Dr. Lewis's office was the first one he came to and he returned to the Leiberger place with the coroner. When they arrived it was found that Mitchell was already dead.

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