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Amos Bonsall's Will

Will of Amos Bonsall, Jr.
J.L. Bonsall & J.H. Hile

Will of Amos Bonsall Jr. of Penn Township, Clearfield County, Pa. made June 15 1903
In the name of God amen
I Amos Bonsall of the Township of Penn County of Clearfield & State of Penna Farmer being in fair health of body and of sound mind and memory do make and declare this to be my Will and Testament in manner Following that is to say I order that all my just debts funeral expenses and Charges of Proving this my Will be in the first place fully paid and satisfied and after payments thereof and every part thereof I Give and bequeath to
Item. The Farm of 109 acres I Give and Bequeath to my son David G. Bonsall (the surface only)
Item. Said David G. Bonsall to Give my Wife Mary J. Bonsall one third of the Crops raised on said Farm as long as she remains my widow
Item. The Cole [sic] and other minerals now under option if taken the Proceeds to go to my Wife Mary J. Bonsall and her son Homer and Daughter Effie
Item. if the coal optin is not taken up said coal when sold the Proceeds of said coal and other minerals to go to My Wife Mary J. Bonsall she said Mary J. Bonsall to Provide in case of sickness for her Son Homer & Daughter Effie
Item. The Lumber at Spencers Mill to be applied to a House for my Wife Mary J. Bonsall
Item. The House Hold Goods are left to my wife one cow & feed to keep said cow are left to my wife
Item. The Stock & Farm Implements to be sold and proceeds to be applied to pay any debts left on the Farm for the present
Item. I direct that my body be Decently interred in the cemetery at Luthersburg according to the Writes [sic] & Cirmonys [sic] of the M.E. Church
Lastly I appoint my Esteemed Friends J.L. Bonsall & J.H. Hile to be Executors of this my last Will and Testament without being required to give Bond

Amos Bonsall

Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testor Amos Bonsall as and for his last Will and testament and in the Presence of us who in his Presence and at his Request have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
Amos Bonsall, Sr.
J.L. Bonsall
This will was written June 15, 1903.
   J.H. Hile J.P. Seal

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; County of Clearfield      SS
                                         Be it Remembered, That on the 24 day of July Anno Domicini, one thousand nine hundred & three, before me, F.B. Row Dep. Register for the Probate of Wills and granting Letters of Administration in and for the county and state aforesaid, personally appeared Amos Bonsall Sr. & J.L. Bonsall the subscribing witnesses to the foregoing instrument of writing, which purports to be the last Will and Testament of Amos Bonsall late of Penn Twp. deceased and being severally sworn according to law, did depose and say that they were present and saw and heard the testator sign, seal publish, and pronounce and declare the same as and for his last Will and Testament: and at the doing thereof he was of sound disposing mind memory and understanding, to the best of their knowledge and belief
Subscribed and sworn before me the day and year above written F.B. Row Dep. Register  
Amos Bonsall, Sr.
J.L. Bonsall

Date of July 8, 1903, filed with Will.

July 24 1903 personally appeared J.L. Bonsall and J.H. Hile and being sworn according to the law Letters Testamentary were issued the the same day.
E.E. Jimeson