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The home of Stuard and Hannah Gates, originally built by a Cramer family.

Submitted by Lemoine and Suzanne Hemskey

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The home of Stuard and Hannah Gates as it looks today.

Photographed by K. Stallard

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This home  was built in 1785 by George Walters.

Photographed by K. Stallard

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This home was built by Christ Walters in 1848.  Also shown is a photo of the root cellar behind the house.

Photographed by K. Stallard

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The Beaver Valley Barber Shop; operated by John Hemskey for 64 years.  When first opened in 1926, a haircut cost 25¢.  John cut his last head of hair in 1990 when he was 92 years old.

Photographed by K. Stallard

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The home of Levi O. (Uncle Pete) Gates; originally built and occupied by Samuel Kuhn, a son-in-law of Levi O.

Photographed by K. Stallard

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The White Township Municipal Building.

Built ca. 1920 as the Beaver Valley Elementary School.

Photographed by K. Stallard

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Originally built in Glendale, ca. 1870-80, as an elementary school.  Moved to Beaver Valley and converted to a home. (See Glendale History)

Photographed by K. Stallaard

wpe9.jpg (27541 bytes) W. G. Strayer purchased the Glendale School by bid for $81.00 from the White Township School Board.  His bid was accepted on June 20, 1914, payment to be made in 30 days before building could be moved.  He was given a 15 day extension in August of 1914.

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Copyright © 2000-2001 Kenneth W. Stallard

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