Beaver Valley Church 1964 Centennial-Preachers.htm

Excerpted from the Beaver Valley Church 1964 Centennial Program.  The church was initially aligned with the Evangelical United Brethren.  It is now United Methodist after the merger of the Methodist Church and Evangelical United Brethren.


From early church records of the Fallen Timber Circuit which gave the names of the ministers who baptixed and married early church members we have compiled this list.  Time has prevented research on these early pastors.

In the year 1823 we have Rev's. Ondyke and Sneck.  In 1828 a Rev. Flegal.  In 1833 the Rev's S. S. Snyder and Sexsmith; 1825, Rev. J. Wild; 1845 Rev. Ivern Florence; 1846 Rev. George Snyder; 1850 Rev's. Thomas Thomas and Gambel; 1855 Rev. J. Cidman and Rev. R. Bartow; 1856 Rev. Thomas Vanscoyc; 1857 Rev. H. Moore; 1859 Rev. Jeptah Potts; 1861 Rev's. W. H. Keys and Thomas Hollen; 1862 Rev. Cyrus Jefferies; 1868 Rev. Eister; 1869 Rev's. J. Reynolds, D. Sheerer, and R. Williams; 1871 Rev. J. B. Empfield.

Our records are more complete starting with Rev. J. B. Empfield in 1871.  Them came Rev. J. A. Clemm in 1873; Rev. J. McCord in 1874, Rev. D. A. Messinger in 1875, Rev. John L. Baker in 1878, Rev. Potter Davidson in 1880.

Rev. B. J. Hummell ....................1885-1887       Rev. J. A. Mills .................1917-1919

Rev. George C. Cook ..................1887              Rev. Summers ..................1920

Rev. R. F. Noon .........................1888              Rev. G. E. Householder .......1921-1926

Rev. Buell ................................1889              Rev. Doloway ..................1926

Rev. Hayes ...............................1890-1893      Rev. W. G. Hawk ..............1927-1929

Rev. J. H. Pershing .....................1893-1896      Rev. Rhodes ....................1929

Rev. E. F. Ott ...........................1896              Rev. J. P. Rauch ...............1930-1933

Rev. W. H. Spangler ....................1897             Rev. John Winwood ...........1933

Rev. A. B. Wilson .......................1898-1901      Rev. G. O. Neff ................1934-1939

Rev. B. C. Shaw ........................1901-1904      Rev. Cecil C. Cowder .........1939-1943

Rev. Barshinger .........................1904-1906      Rev. A. J. Steiner ..............1943-1946

Rev. H. A. Buffington ..................1906-1910      Rev. J. C. Moses ................1946

Rev. L. B. Fasick .......................1910              Rev. R. U. Jones ................1947-1952

Rev. J. C. Rupp ........................1911-1914       Rev. W. S. Harr .................1952-1954

Rev. J. H. Bridigum ...................1914               Rev. G. O. Pearce ..............1954-1956

Rev. J. F. Kelly ........................1914                Rev. Melvin Himes .............1956-1958

Rev. M. L. Wilt ........................1915-1916         Rev. J. Robert Singleton ......1958-

Contributed by John and Mary Gates

Beaver Valley Methodist Church Page