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A SWAUGER Annie T.   1886 12-8-1939     George M. Swauger 19-06wpe95.jpg (19139 bytes)
B 58a SWAUGER Bruce C.   9-3-1916 7-3-1980        
C SWAUGER Charles Plummer   1884 12-18-1959     Margaret Swauger 66-08wpeA1.jpg (23844 bytes)
  SWAUGER Earl George   1906 11-1-1951        
C SWAUGER Frank     12-30-1876 4-22-1965       54-15wpe8A.jpg (62858 bytes)
A SWAUGER George M.   1879 6-11-1952     Annie T. Swauger 19-06wpe97.jpg (19139 bytes)
A SWAUGER Margaret     1850 7-25-1924     Samuel T. Swauger 19-05wpe9C.jpg (40462 bytes)
A SWAUGER Margaret     1888 8-23-1959     Charles P. Swauger 66-08wpeA3.jpg (23844 bytes)
  SWAUGER Mary Louise   12-1-1934       Thomas Lynn Swauger wpe1C.jpg (72519 bytes)
C SWAUGER Park N.   1882 1-19-1961       54-16wpe9F.jpg (25458 bytes)
A SWAUGER Samuel T.   1847 6-4-1928     Margaret Swauger 19-05wpe9E.jpg (40462 bytes)
  SWAUGER Thomas Lynn   10-29-1931 1-12-2002     Mary Louise Swauger wpe1A.jpg (72519 bytes)
  SWAUGER Walter Merle   1911 11-1-1953        
  SWEIGART Francis C.     8-4-1946        
  SWEIGART F. Cecelia   1866 1946       53-07wpe1.jpg (54698 bytes)
C SWEIGART John Wilson   1892 10-5-1951     Myrtle L. Sweigart 53-08wpe8C.jpg (52168 bytes)
C SWEIGART Myrtle L.   1892 1984     John W. Sweigart 53-08wpe8E.jpg (52168 bytes)
C 11b SWINTER Edna  Hazel   1889 7-10-1969     Lewis F. Swinter 48-16wpe9B.jpg (19969 bytes)
C 11a SWINTER Lewis F.   1889 9-1-1939     Edna H. Swinter 48-16wpe9D.jpg (19969 bytes)
C SWOPE D. Paul   8-26-1935 1-1-1980 William Russell Swope V. Irene Hughney   66-12wpeA5.jpg (24231 bytes)
OC SWOPE Emory D.   1879 1917 Nathan Swope Malinda Mellott   22-01wpe99.jpg (25206 bytes)
C 189c SWOPE V. Irene Hughney 11-9-1903 9-15-1989 Abel Hughney Blanche Kline William R. Swope 67-05wpeA7.jpg (24018 bytes)
C 189b SWOPE William Russell   2-25-1900 6-16-1978 William R. Swope Weltha Zimmerman V. Irene Hughney 67-05wpe80.jpg (59230 bytes)
  SYMMONDS Levi       6-8-1951     Mary Krise  
  SYMMONDS Mary   Krise 1864 3-6-1952 George W. Krise Mary Glass Levi Symmonds  

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