Shope, I-Shope, Z

Shope, I. - Shope, Z.

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C SHOPE Inge B. Katzemaier 1936   Ludwig Katzemaier Bertha Katzemaier Paul S. Shope 67-10wpe3C.jpg (21295 bytes)
A SHOPE Irvin M.   1850 5-17-1923 William Shope Martha Hinton Melissa Hollis 14-10wpe4C.jpg (20905 bytes)
C 160a SHOPE Irvin L.   3-31-1922 3-8-1995 Benjamin F. Shope Bertha Gates Mary K. Wagner 66-01wpe40.jpg (20158 bytes)
C 43a SHOPE John Louis   6-28-1877 1-30-1951 Irvin Shope Melissa Hollis 1)Margaret Gates 2)Esther M. Sneath 53-02wpe44.jpg (23456 bytes)
C 110b SHOPE June M. Ross 2-7-1920 12-6-1990 James Ross Roby Rickart Zenal F. Shope 61-13wpe27.jpg (55169 bytes)
  SHOPE Margaret S. Gates 12-9-1875 11-8-1902 William H. Gates Catherine E. Glass John Louis Shope  
B SHOPE Marlin B.   12-2-1911 12-16-1991 Benjamin F. Shope Bertha Gates Mayme Ross 43-15wpe46.jpg (19414 bytes)
C 160b SHOPE Mary K. Wagner 3-20-1921 11-16-2004     Irvin L. Shope 66-01wpe42.jpg (20158 bytes)
B 124b SHOPE Mayme Mae Ross 11-14-1914 3-9-1990 James Ross Roby Rickart Marlin B. Shope 43-14wpe48.jpg (22313 bytes)
C SHOPE Melissa C. McCracken 1882 4-4-1941     Bill Shope 49-04wpe2B.jpg (56736 bytes)
A SHOPE Melissa   Hollis 4-__-1858 5-27-1930 John Hollis Margaret Conner Irwin Shope 14-10wpe4E.jpg (20905 bytes)
C SHOPE Paul S.   1935 12-6-1975 Benjamin Shope Bertha Gates Inge B. Shope 67-10wpe3E.jpg (21295 bytes)
B 124c SHOPE Wade J.   1941 10-16-1983 Marlin B. Shope Mayme Ross   43-13wpe4A.jpg (22343 bytes)
C 110a SHOPE Zenal F.   9-26-1916 1-1-1989 Benjamin F. Shope Bertha Gates June M. Ross 61-13wpe29.jpg (55169 bytes)

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