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C 142a PALMER Emma E. Freeman 1908 1-8-1973 Clark Freeman Margaret Beers John Palmer, Sr.  
A 76a PALMER John R., Sr.   1906 9-15-1983     Emma E. Freeman  
B PARTNER Mary C.   9-18-1932       Richard L. Partner 44-11wpeC6.jpg (21210 bytes)
B PARTNER Richard L.   6-3-1931 9-4-1993     Mary C. Partner 44-11wpe6A.jpg (52110 bytes)
OC PATTERSON Mary Margaret Glass 1873 3-5-1955     William W. Patterson 22-02wpeC2.jpg (20226 bytes)
OC PATTERSON William W.   1873 7-12-1946     Mary Margaret Glass 22-02wpeC4.jpg (20226 bytes)
C PEACOCK Agnes Amanda Keith 6-16-1906 9-5-1987 James Q. Keith Sarah J. Gallaher George M. Peacock 67-04wpeCE.jpg (23472 bytes)
C PEACOCK George Mitchell   12-19-1905 6-5-1976 Robert Peacock Marrion Peacock Agnes A. Keith 67-04wpeD0.jpg (23472 bytes)
  PEACOCK George Robert   4-23-1937 2-9-2005     Mildred D. Peacock wpeD.jpg (61125 bytes)
C 91a PEACOCK James Alexander   2-24-1876 3-6-1960 George Chambers Peacock Kathryn Tarlton Roxie A. Irvin 57-15wpeC8.jpg (21650 bytes)
OC PEACOCK James Irvin   1900 3-22-1933 James A. Peacock Roxie Amelia Irvin Gladys Mitchell 17-09wpeC0.jpg (22810 bytes)
C PEACOCK Kathryn J.   5-30-1903 1-28-1997 James A. Peacock Roxie Amelia Irvin   57-14wpeCC.jpg (24530 bytes)
  PEACOCK Mildred D.   5-28-1942       George R. Peacock wpeF.jpg (61125 bytes)
C 91b PEACOCK Roxie Amelia Irwin 1874 6-29-1968     James A. Peacock 57-15wpeCA.jpg (21650 bytes)
OC PEACOCK Zella     1900 4-16-1982        
  PECK George       9-18-1914        
  PECK Mary Jane     7-26-1912        
  PENNINGTON Baby     5-18-1919 5-18-1919        
  PENNINGTON Charles Melvin     8-25-1917        
B PENNINGTON Ellsworth     1925 12-4-1964       44-03wpe6C.jpg (54156 bytes)
OC PENNINGTON Jennie M.   1885 10-1-1955       21-16wpe66.jpg (51684 bytes)
  PENNINGTON Liddy       2-7-1915        

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