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D 76b NOEL Carmen     1920       Lawrence W. Noel 47-04wpe92.jpg (17810 bytes)
B NOEL Effie May Fleming 1920   William Fleming Grace Davis Thomas W. Noel 38-04wpe17.jpg (50399 bytes)
D 77b NOEL Eileen H. Igou 6-22-1922 1-14-1989 John F. Igou Bertha Gallaher George J. Noel 47-03wpeD.jpg (49246 bytes)
OC NOEL Emily Jane   1863 2-12-1894     William Noel 10-05wpe8E.jpg (13762 bytes)
  NOEL Florence M. Stevens 10-14-1939 12-29-1998 Giles J. Stevens Cora Knowls Leonard Noel 77-12

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D 77a NOEL George Joseph   8-9-1917 11-24-1992 Michael Noel Millie Rickard Eileen H. Igou 47-03wpeB.jpg (49246 bytes)
D 76a NOEL Lawrence W.   1919 1-28-1973     Carmen Noel 47-04wpe94.jpg (17810 bytes)
  NOEL Leonard T.   2-4-1938 2-14-2006 John M. Noel Aileeen M. Bender Florence M. Stevens  
  NOEL Mable G.   1918 3-14-1947        
  NOEL Merl C.   7-__-1954 10-15-1954        
E NOEL Michael John, Jr.   3-33-1960 2-10-1997 Michael J. Noel, Sr. Norma J. Kutruff   68-08wpeF.jpg (56005 bytes)
E NOEL Miachael John, Sr.   1926       Norma J. Kutruff 68-07wpe96.jpg (20483 bytes)
E NOEL Norma J. Kutruff 1932   Leonard E. Kutruff Bessie Mae Black Michael J. Noel, Sr. 68-07wpe98.jpg (20483 bytes)
  NOEL Regis A.   1942 2007       wpeE.jpg (110819 bytes)
  NOEL Simon     1846 1-11-1923 Christopher Noel Sarah Noel Alice Noel  
  NOEL Stella   Bear 1889 1-27-1958        
B NOEL Thomas W.   3-7-1920 8-16-1993 Harry B. Noel Carrie C. Rickard Effie May Fleming 38-04wpe90.jpg (20230 bytes)
  NOEL William     1848 4-10-1909 Christopher Noel Sarah Noel Jennie E. Noel  
  NOEL William     1848 6-6-1926        

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