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A McCRORY Laura   McKee 1890 11-21-1951 Albert McKee Margaret Ann McKee Jim McCrory 27-11wpe34.jpg (22198 bytes)
A McCRORY Mae Bell McKee 1882 1910 Albert McKee Margaret Ann McKee Jim McCrory 27-12wpe36.jpg (24862 bytes)
C 28f McCULLY Charlotte Eileen Gates 3-24-1933 5-1-1982 Lloyd C. Gates Sylvia Davis Edward (Bud) McCully, Jr. 51-09wpe42.jpg (21994 bytes)
C 141c McGARVEY Lena May   5-9-1898 7-11-1972       63-11wpe46.jpg (20028 bytes)
B 39c McGARY Michael     7-10-1948 3-9-1988     Virginia L. McGary 38-14wpe3E.jpg (19886 bytes)
B 39d McGARY Virginia L.   1952       Michael McGary 38-14wpe40.jpg (19886 bytes)
A McKEE Albert     1847 9-3-1930 William McKee Hannah McKee Margaret Ann McKee 15-08wpe30.jpg (21352 bytes)
  McKEE Audrey A.   1926 6-1-1929       78-10

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A McKEE Benjamin Arthur   1-__-1926 5-2-1927       29-11wpe38.jpg (23791 bytes)
B 79a McKEE Charles Daniel   10-8-1888 8-26-1939 Albert McKee Margaret Ann McKee Gertrude M. Gates 79-01

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  McKEE Elva Ilene   5-__-1931 11-30-1932       78-11

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A McKEE Florence     1895 12-25-1950       29-16wpe3A.jpg (24552 bytes)
A 79b McKEE Gertrude Matilda Gates 10-26-1901 5-24-1983 Harry W. Gates Ora Ida Oshall Charles D. McKee  
A 35d McKEE Henrietta Vera Ansley 6-27-1938 8-3-1988 Joseph Ansley Marian H. Hopkins Robert E. McKee 15-07wpe2A.jpg (23114 bytes)
A McKEE James William   1875 9-26-1937 Albert McKee Margaret Ann McKee   15-10wpe2E.jpg (23010 bytes)
OC McKEE John Silas   1855 2-10-1938 William McKee Hannah McKee Mary M. Gates 10-02wpe26.jpg (23598 bytes)
A McKEE Laura E.   1889 2-21-1920       29-15wpe3C.jpg (17627 bytes)
A McKEE Margaret A.   5-11-1855 5-8-1923     Albert McKee 15-09wpe2C.jpg (19745 bytes)
OC McKEE Mary Margaret Gates 8-16-1855 4-13-1942 Isaac Gates Mary Troxell John S. McKee 10-02wpe24.jpg (23598 bytes)
A 35a McKEE Robert Elwood   1929   Charles D. McKee Gertrude M. Gates Henrietta V. Ansley 15-07wpe28.jpg (23114 bytes)
A McKEE Hannah     1827 6-25-1889     William McKee 14-14wpe32.jpg (18696 bytes)
A McKEE William     1825 8-18-1889     Hannah McKee 9-05wpe22.jpg (17263 bytes)

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