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  MACAPAGAL Sheryl     11-7-1959 5-1-2007       wpe14.jpg (120326 bytes)
C 48b MACKEY Betty C. Myers 9-16-1924 3-13-2004 Alvie B. Myers Leota Beers John M. Mackey 53-10wpe50.jpg (21805 bytes)
C 16b MACKEY Florence Grace Gallaher 1902 7-14-1941 Valentine Gallaher Emma Boring William M. Mackey 49-12wpe4C.jpg (17146 bytes)
C 48a MACKEY John Melvin   1922 1-10-1963     Betty C. Mackey 53-10wpe52.jpg (21805 bytes)
C 16a MACKEY William Melvin   9-24-1889 12-13-1968 John Mackey Janet Melvin Florence G. Gallaher 49-12wpe4E.jpg (17146 bytes)
B 126a MAHUTE George     4-23-1906 1-11-1996     Mae C. Mahute 44-09wpe1F.jpg (45722 bytes)
B 126b MAHUTE Mae Catherine   1916 11-13-1969     George Mahute 44-09wpe48.jpg (17886 bytes)
C 70a MAHUTE Ralph C.   3-10-1924 2-16-1989     Vivian I. Mahute 56-01wpeD.jpg (50544 bytes)
  MAHUTE Rulette     8-16-1945          
C 70b MAHUTE Vivian I.   1925       Ralph C. Mahute 56-01wpeF.jpg (50544 bytes)
C MAHUTE Wesley Allen     7-3-1950       55-17wpeB.jpg (60436 bytes)
A MAILLARD Harriet M. Youngkin 1914   Abraham W. Youngkin Anna Kathryn Eakins   5-03wpe46.jpg (20464 bytes)
  MARANO Bell M.     1982        
D 21a MARANO Carl L.   2-25-1911 12-21-1984 Frank Marano Frances Pizzina Kathleen E. Thompson 45-06wpe4A.jpg (19852 bytes)
D 21b MARANO Kathleen E. Thompson 1920  


Elmer L. Thompson Edna Chloe Keith Carl L. Marano 45-06wpe1B.jpg (49850 bytes)
D 57a MARANO Nendura Same as Tony V. Marano below. 6-12-1905 7-15-1987     Pearl Marano  
D 57b MARANO Pearl     11-27-1903 12-4-1982     Tony V. Marano 46-11wpe15.jpg (46109 bytes)
C 21c MARANO Samuel Joseph   8-17-1955 8-17-1974       45-05wpe1D.jpg (45840 bytes)
D 57a MARANO Tony V.   6-12-1905 7-15-1987     Pearl Marano 46-11wpe17.jpg (46109 bytes)
  MARK Lawrence M.   1921 10-15-1922        

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