Ka-Keith, D

KA - Keith, D

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  KALENISH Steve     11-7-1925 11-16-1925        
  KARAHEIL Peter     1895 7-4-1946        
C KASPARIAN Frances Marie Sweigart 8-31-1919 10-23-1991 John W. Sweigart Myrtle L. Sweigart   53-09wpe3A.jpg (23733 bytes)
B 125c KAVA Laudell     12-13-1918 11-3-2001 Stanley Kava Lottie Kava   44-08wpe3E.jpg (19782 bytes)
B 125b KAVA Lottie May Boring 9-5-1899 12-29-1977 Phillip B. Boring Elizabeth J. Keith Stanley P. Kava 44-08wpeB.jpg (48608 bytes)
B 125a KAVA Stanley Paul   1894 10-18-1965     Lottie M. Boring 44-08wpeD.jpg (48608 bytes)
  KAZINA Mildred E.   1918          
  KAZINA Ralph     1901 1981        
A KEITH Amanda Elmira Boring 11-2-1862 5-31-1936 Ruben Boring Mary E. Stiffler William D. Keith 69-12wpe2B.jpg (43674 bytes)
B KEITH Angela Rebecca   1977 8-6-1978       42-10wpe34.jpg (19671 bytes)
  KEITH Baby     8-12-1944 8-12-1944        
  KEITH Baby     4-3-1956 4-3-1956        
A KEITH Blair Warren   1893 6-21-1955 William E. Keith Amanda E. Boring Mabel C. Bott 33-15wpe30.jpg (22237 bytes)
  KEITH  Bural   Clark 2-22-1902 7-17-1947     Russell Peter Keith  
B 116b KEITH Carl J.   3-2-1913 3-4-1978       44-05wpeF.jpg (54864 bytes)
B 91a KEITH Cecil Eugene   10-27-1922 2-11-1974 James Q. Keith Sarah J. Gallaher Helen L. Keith 42-12wpe36.jpg (19492 bytes)
C 94a KEITH Charles Alvin   1896 4-13-1954 William D. Keith Amanda E. Boring Mary Ellen Keith 58-06wpe3C.jpg (19987 bytes)
  KEITH Charles G.   1919 5-22-1961        
  KEITH Charles R.   8-23-1907   William H. Keith Ethel Noel    
B KEITH Chester L.   6-17-1924   Blair Keith Mabel Bott Mary E. Keith 42-14wpe38.jpg (18756 bytes)
B77a KEITH Clair H.   4-10-1921 11-20-1988 Rex Keith Evelyn N. Jackson Elsie G. Martin 41-10wpe1D.jpg (54277 bytes)
A 78c KEITH Cora Mae   1906 10-9-1972 Howard Keith Ethel Noel   33-12wpe32.jpg (23340 bytes)
C 14a KEITH David Franklin   10-9-1911 3-__-1975 James Q. Keith Sarah J. Gallaher Margaret "Peg" Dunlap 49-08wpe1F.jpg (48144 bytes)
B 90b KEITH Dorothy Marie   1924 8-6-1978     Melvin M. Keith 42-09wpe19.jpg (50409 bytes)

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