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D GLOSSNEER Myra Blanche   7-16-1914         47-12wpe37.jpg (17946 bytes)
E GONDEK Frank S.   7-30-1922 1-9-2000     June E. Gondek 68-01wpe3D.jpg (24162 bytes)
E GONDEK June E.   1934       Frank Gondek 68-01wpe3F.jpg (24162 bytes)
A GOOD Anna L.     1932       33-03wpe31.jpg (21285 bytes)
  GOOD Baby     3-7-1928 3-7-1928        
  GOOD Baby     3-14-1932 3-14-1932        
  GOOD Baby     9-16-1936 9-16-1936 Walter Good Bessie M. Holcomb    
A GOOD Bessie Margaret Holcomb 1900 9-17-1936 Joshia Holcomb Lydia Becraft Walter Good 25-08wpe2F.jpg (18880 bytes)
  GOOD Catherine     1857 8-27-1920        
A 59b GOOD Dessie M. Evans 7-18-1903 10-25-1992     Melvin  Good 33-04wpe33.jpg (17668 bytes)
A GOOD Henry     1858 4-16-1927 David Good Mary Reffner Mary K. Lenhart 24-17wpe2D.jpg (20432 bytes)
C GOOD Isaac     6-28-1890 12-18-1959     Mary E. Gallaher 65-09wpeC.jpg (53653 bytes)
C GOOD Kathleen     1-16-1930 7-24-1995 Isaac Good Mary E. Gallaher (?) Ball 65-07wpeA.jpg (51131 bytes)
C GOOD Mary E.  Gallaher 2-10-1911 5-3-2000 Valentine Gallaher Emma J. Boring Isaac Good 65-08wpe3B.jpg (25107 bytes)
A GOOD Mary Katherine Lenhart 1863 1948 John H. Lenhart Mary Frances Dishong Henry Good 24-17wpe1E.jpg (50793 bytes)
A 59a GOOD Melvin C.   2-5-1901 9-27-1972 Jerry N. Good Ellen Shaffer Dessie Evans 33-04wpe35.jpg (17668 bytes)
C GOOD Mina Mae   5-24-1901 7-11-1997     Vincent C. Good 56-12wpe39.jpg (23919 bytes)
C GOOD Robert M.   3-13-1932 6-15-1995 Isaac Good Mary E. Gallaher Lilli M. Gray 65-10wpe6.jpg (52539 bytes)
C GOOD Vincent Clyde   5-4-1899 8-11-1952 Valentine Good Julia Catherine Gallagher Mina M. Good 56-12wpeE.jpg (64449 bytes)
A GOOD Walter     4-6-1896 8-22-1952 Henry Good Mary Katherine Lenhart Bessie M. Holcomb 24-18wpe1C.jpg (58461 bytes)
  GOOD Walter     12-10-1918 12-10-1918        
  GOOD Walter     8-23-1931 8-23-1931        

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