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This list was taken from an old hand drawn and hand written plat map of the Old Cemetery Section.  Some owners were listed by a family name, some by full name and occasionally by what is apparently just a first name.

1a Lucas 39 John Glass 74  
1b Elery 40 Evans 75  
2 Amanda Chapple 41 Sneath 76 Geo. Gilnet
3a Grant 42a James Gallaher 77  
3b Gallaher 42b Michaels 78  
4a Schidler 43   79  
4b Pratt 44 Walters 80 Albert McKee


George Gill 45 Walters 81 Valentine Good
6 Susan Gill 46a Figart 82a Wallace
7 Grace & Wita Briel 46b Strayer 82b Detwiler
8 Esch 47a Matthews 83 Detwiler
9 Wm. Mckee 47b Mrs. Copenhaver 84 David Stevens
10 Frank Henry 47c Walters 85a Spencer
11a David 47d Christ 85b Stevens
11b Irvine 48a Isiac Gates, Sr. 86 Benjamin Beers
12a Hollis 48b Levi Gates 87 Benjamin Beers
12b Shope 49a Joel Gates 88 W. G. Fleming
13 Adam Glass 49b John Gates, Sr. 89 Elizabeth
14a Oshall 50a Peterson 90 Geo. Beers
14b Len & George Beers 50b Glass 91  
15a Oshall 50c Swope 92 D. A. Keller
15b Wilson 50d Beers 93 James Peacock
16a Robert Oshall 51a Glass 94 Levi Oshall
16b Saltsgiver 51b Peterson 95 John Ricketts
17 Oshall 52 Roy Beers 96  
18 Kuhn 53 Fred Beers 97 Geo. Krise
19 W. H. Gates 54 Stevens 98a James Gill
20 Sam Gates 55 Stevens 98b Geo. Krise
21 J. C. Gates 56a Giles Stevens, Sr. 99  
22a Shope 56b John Taylor 100a Witters
22b Maggie Gates 57a Kopp 100b Thaddeus
23 George Troxell 57b Taylor 100c Elkins
24b Kuhn 58 James Stevens 101 Eakins
25 George Lambert 59 Giles Stevens, Jr. 102 Mc Swans
26 Joel Glass 60 Alice Hollen 103 Dunlap
27 Jerry Beers 61a Minnie Weing 104 Pierce
28 George Oshall, Sr. 61b Kufus 105  
29 Walters 61c Stablers 106  
30a Youngkin 62 Nathan Gates 107 Richard Youngkin
30b Gill 63 Isaiah Gates 108 Andrew J. Youngkin
31a Kuhn 64 Matthew Cowen 109 Albert Youngkin
31b Walters 65a Kuhn 110  
32a Cowen 65b John Cowen 111  
32b Walters 66 Shoff 112  
33a Wm. Noel 67 Shoff 113 Thomas Evans
33b Adam Esch 68 Kelly 114 John Lyle
34a Wm. Campbell 69 Williamson 115  
34b Gates 70a Campbell 116a Gibbons
35a J. S. McKee 70b Aaron Lyle 116b Fitz
35b Gates 71 Campbell 117 Kuhn
36 Sam Beers 72a Beers 118 Keller
37a Mrs. McCrackin 72b Sabo 119 Benn
37b Sedgewick 72c Fogelsong 120 Boring
38 John Glass 73 John Oshall 121 Empty
  122 Root
123 Empty

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