In 1803 Slippery Rock Twp. was much bigger than the current Slippery Rock Twp. It included the portion of the county north of an east-west line drawn from the northern corner of the western boundary of the County. In regards to the current townships, this area includes all of Slippery Rock, Allegheny, Cherry, Marion, Mercer, Parker, Venango, and Washington Townships, portions of Brady, Clay, Concord, Fairview and Worth Townships, the Boroughs of Bruin, Cherry Valley, Eau Claire, Fairview, Harrisville, Petrolia, Slippery Rock, and West Sunbury, and parts of the Boroughs of Karns City and West Liberty.
This information is from pages 59 through 63 of the 1895 Butler County History. This source also includes the number of cows/oxen/horses owned, the valuation, and the amount of the tax, but since this information seemed of limited usefulness to genealogists, it has not been transcribed.
Name Acreage Comments ADAMS, John 300 ADAMS, Peggy --- ADAMS, Thomas 200 ADAMS, William 400 (2 mills) ALLEN, John 200 ALLSWORTH, James 400 (single man) AMMERY, WILLIAM 91 ARMSTRONG, David 400 (2 mills) ARMSTRONG, George 200 (single man) ATWELL, John T. 400 ATWELL, John, Sr. 200 ATWELL, Robert 400 BAKER, Patrick 200 BARNET, Nelly 100 BARRON, Samuel 200 BEATTY, Ebenezer 400 BELL, James 200 BELL, John 400 BELL, Rebecca 100 BLACK, Robert --- BLACK, Samuel 400 BLACK, William 400 BLAIR, John 400 BLEAKNEY, Joseph 400 BRADY, Ezekiel 24 (blacksmith) BROWN, Alexander 200 BROWN, Ebenezer 400 BROWN, John --- BUCHANAN, James 150 (single man) BURROWS, John 130 CAMPBELL, Andrew 400 CAMPBELL, Ann 400 CAMPBELL, James 200 CAMPBELL, John 130 CAMPBELL, Samuel 400 CANAAN, Edward 400 CARNAHAN, Abraham 400 CARROTHERS, John 400 (tannery) CHAMBERS, James 400 CHAMBERS, John 200 (single man) CHRISTY, David 250 CHRISTY, John, Jr. 180 CLARK, Thomas 400 COCHRAN, Robert, Sr. 150 COLE, Edward 200 COLLINS, William 400 CONLEY, John 300 CONN, Robert 400 CONN, William --- (single man) COOK, Andrew 400 COOK, Peter --- (single man) COOPER, Nathaniel 100 COOPER, Stephen 50 COOPER, Zebulon 400 COSBY, James 400 COULTER, Abigail --- COULTER, James 100 (tannery) COULTER, Samuel 300 COULTER, Thomas 250 (sawmill) COURTNEY, John 300 (single man) COVERT, Luke 150 CRAWFORD, George 400 CRAWFORD, John 400 CRAWFORD, John, Sr. 800 CUNNINGHAM, Robert 400 CURRY, Adam 400 DAUBENSPECK, George 200 DAUBENSPECK, Philip 200 DICKEY, John 200 DIXON, William 400 DOBSON, George 200 DONOGHEY, Alexander 300 DOUGLASS, Edward --- (single man) DOUGLASS, James 200 (single man) DOWNING, James 200 DOWNING, William --- DUNLAP, Alexander 200 EANEAZ, Sarah 400 ELDER, James 400 ELLIOTT, John 400 ELLIOTT, William 408 EUARD, Joseph 400 EVANS, Henry 200 EVANS, John 400 (grist mill) FERGUSON, William --- FLETCHER, Benjamin 300 FOWLER, Archibald 384 FRENCH, Harris 400 FUNK, Adam 400 GAWEAL, William --- GEIGER, Michael 400 GIBSON, James 400 GIBSON, Levi 400 (distillery) GILCHRIST, Alexander --- GILMORE, Joseph 400 GRAHAM, Edward, Jr. 200 GRAHAM, Edward, Sr. 200 GRAHAM, Samuel 200 GRAHAM, Thomas 200 (single man) GRAHAM, William --- (single man) GRANT, Alexander 400 GROSSMAN, Benjamin --- HAGERTY, James 400 HALE, James --- (single man) HALL, William 400 HARDY, James 400 HARRIS, Ephraim 300 HAWK, Andrew --- HENDERSON, Hugh 100 HILLIARD, Alexander 100 (single man) HILLIARD, Charles 400 HILLIARD, Francis --- (single man) HILLIARD, Guy 400 (single man) HILLIARD, Guy, Sr. 350 HILLIARD, Jacob 200 HINDMAN, John 200 (single man) HINDMAN, Robert 200 HINDS, John --- (single man) HOCKENBERRY, John 150 HOGAN, James 400 HOGAN, William 400 (single man) HOLLAND, William 400 HUMPHREY, Thomas 200 HUSTON, Van [see VAN HUSTON] HUTCHISON, William 228 IRWIN, Samuel 400 JACK, Benjamin 388 JACK, William 400 JAMESON, John 400 JAMESON, Robert 400 JARVIS, Reuben 100 JARVIS, Richard 400 JOLLY, Thomas 300 JORDAN, John 400 JORDAN, Robert 200 KEIFFER, Frederick 15 KELLY, Archibald 200 KELLY, Jonathan 200 (blacksmith) KELLY, Joseph 200 KELLY, Michael 400 KENNEDY, Joseph 283 KIMES, Peter 100 KNOX, James 400 LAVERE, Andrew 400 LAVERE, Daniel 200 LAVERE, John 100 LEASON, Robert 100 LINEBERGER, John --- (single man) LOGAN, Robert 400 LOGUE, John 200 LOWRIE, John 800 MAHAN, Walter 300 MARTIN, Charles --- MARTIN, John, Jr. 400 (single man) MARTIN, John, Sr. 400 MCANNALLY, Patrick 400 MCCOLLOUGH, William --- (single man) MCCONNELL, Daniel 400 MCCOY, Charles 400 (distillery) MCCOY, Phillip 400 MCDADE, Daniel 200 MCDONALD, Alexander --- MCKIMMONS, Gabriel 300 MCLAUGHLIN, William 400 MCMAHON, Abner 150 MCMICHAEL, William 300 (single man) MCMURRAY, Samuel 200 MCNEES, James 200 MCNEES, John --- MCNEES, William 400 MCSPARRIN, Archibald --- (single man) MCSPARRIN, Duncan 400 MCWRIGHT, Charles C. --- (tailor) MEALS, George --- MEALS, Samuel 300 (blacksmith) MEALS, Samuel, Jr. --- (single man) MECHLING, Jacob 200 MILLER, Frederick 400 MILLER, John --- MOORE, John 400 MOORHEAD, James 200 MORRIS, Jonathan 400 MORROW, William 150 MORTIMER, David 400 (single man) MURPHY, Henry 400 MURRIN, Hugh 400 (distillery) MURRIN, James 400 (single man) NEATE, Thomas 400 NEWELL, Rebecca 400 PARKER, George 400 PARKER, John, Esq. 400 (one slave) PARKER, Washington 200 (single man) PARKER, William 400 (single man) PATTERSON, Thomas 400 PISOR, Jacob 400 PISOR, John 400 (single man, distillery) POLLOCK, Charles 400 POLLOCK, James 400 (single man) PORTER, Andrew 400 PORTER, Robert 400 PORTERFIELD, Samuel 400 RAMSEY, Alex 400 REDDICK, John 400 REED, James 400 REED, Robert 400 (tannery) REEP, Isaac 400 ROBERTSON, John 150 ROSENBERRY, John 400 SAY, James 100 SCOTT, James 200 SHAKELY, Michael 400 SHEVER, John 100 SHIELDS, James 400 SHIELDS, John 300 SIMPSON, James 400 SLOAN, Samuel 280 SMETHERS, Christian 200 SMITH, Elisha 400 SMITH, James 400 SMITH, John 100 SMITH, Joseph 400 (distillery) SNYDER, Philip 200 STEINTORF, Henry 400 STEVENSON, John 400 STEWART, Andrew 300 STOREY, Robert --- (single man) STUDEBAKER, David 400 (single man) STUDEBAKER, Joseph 400 SULLINGER, John 170 SUTTON, Avad 400 (single man) SUTTON, Robert 400 TAGGERT, John 400 TANNEHILL, Melzer 250 TAYLOR, Robert 400 TOM, Joseph 400 TRAXLER, Peter --- (single man) TRUBY, John 400 TURNER, James 300 TURNER, William 400 VAN HUSTON 200 [? perhaps HUSTON, Van ?] VANDERLIN, John 400 VANDYKE, John 400 VANDYKE, Richard 200 VARNUM, Enoch 400 VINCENT, James 400 WADDLE, James --- (single man) WADDLE, Robert 400 WADDLE, Thomas --- WADDLE, William, Sr. 250 WALSH, John 400 WALTER, Abraham 250 WALTER, David 100 (single man) WARD, George 400 WHITE, James 200 WILEY, Alexander 350 WILEY, Joseph 200 WILKINS, John 400 WILSON, John 400 WILSON, John, Jr. 200 WILSON, Louis 400 WILSON, William, Capt. 400 YOUNG, Alexander 200 (distillery)
The 1895 History alphabetized 'Van Huston' under 'V', but it seems likely
that Van may be a given name.