ESTATE OF JOHN ECKERT, SR Submitted by Alan Eckert on Monday, January 29, 2001 Orphans Court file # 8741 Petition for an order to sell real estate to pay debts. L??? Atty. F???? Sept. 14th 1863 order of Sale awarded and approved of Charles Frederick and Levi Cassel as their Surities. Recorder in Book No. 15, Page 487 To the Hon. Judges of the Orphans Court of Bucks County: The petition of John Eckart and John Oberholtzer Administrators of the estate of John Eckart, sr. late of the township of Rockhill in said county deceased, respectfully represents: That the said John Eckart, sr. died intestate, seized in his demense as of fee, of the following Real Estate, to wit: A messenage and tract of land situate in Rockhill township, in said county, adjoining lands of Edwin Nace, Joseph Hendricks, Jonas Leidy, Frederick Fisher and others, containing fifty three acres more or less----------------- That the estate of the decedent is insufficient to pay his debts, and that it is requisite to sell a portion or the whole of said Real Estate, for that purpose: That the Petitioners have annexed a true and perfect inventory and conscionable appraisement of the Personal Estate of the said decedent , which have come to the knowledge of the Petitioners, and that the above is a full and correct statement of all the Real Estate of the said decedent. Your Petitioners therefore pray the court to make an order, authorizing a sale by them of the above described Real Estate, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the payment of the debts of the said decedent. And they will pray, etc.
John X Eckart A just and true account of the debts of the said John Eckart sr. deceased, as far as
made known to the petitioner: A perfect Inventory and conscionable appraisement of all the Personal Estate of the
said John Eckart sr. deceased: Bucks County, SS. John Eckart, Jr. and John Oberjoltzer being duly sworn and affirmed,
according to law, do depose and say, that the facts set forth in the forgoing petition are
just and true, and that the inventory and appraisement of the Personal Estate of the said
decedent, and the account of his debts which have come to the knowledge of your
petitioner, which are thereunto annexed, and the statement of said decedents Real
Estate, as contained in said petition, are just and true to the best of their knowledge
and belief. Sworn & affirmed and subscribed before me, the fourteenth day of Sept.
A.D. 1863 BUCKS COUNTY SS. The Administrators are hereby required to make return of their proceedings herein at
the next Orphans Court. Witness my hand and the seal of the said Court, at
Doylestown, the Fourteenth day of September A.D. 1863 Order to Sell the Real Estate of John Eckert late of Rockhill Township Bucks County decd. Report of Sale Filed and Confirmed Nisi Dec. 12th 1863 To the Honorable the Judges of the orphans Court of Bucks County We John Eckert and John Oberholtzer, Administrators of the Estate of John Eckert Senr. Deceased,, Respectfully beg leave to Report pursuant to the within order of Sale issuing our of Said Court having first giving Due timely, public Notice of the time and place of Sale by hand Bills and advertisements, according to Law, and the Rule of Said Court, we did on the Eighth day of October A. D. 1863, at two oclock in the afternoon Expose the Real Estate in the Said order more?? Described to Sale by Public Venue or outcry, whereupon Aaron Eckert of Rockhill Township, Bucks County became the purchaser of the within mentioned premises for the price or sum of two thousand nine hundred twenty nice dollars and Seventy one cents payable on the first day of April next Ensuing and that Aaron Eckert Being the highest and best bidder-----and the highest bidder for the same, which sale so made your Petitioners pray may be confirmed by the Court
John (X his mark) No 26 ----1864 The accounts of John Eckert and John Oberholtzer 1864 The accountants crave allowance for the following disbursements made out of the Estate, aforesaid to wit. (There follows a list of 32 disbursements, the largest of which was to Joseph Strawn for 1406.45, and smaller amounts to a variety of people including B.N. Bergey, A.B. Rosenberger,, Levi Cassel, John Eckert and others.) Bucks County S.S. John Obertoltzer one of the above named accountants being duly affirmed according to law says that the above stated account is just and true to the best of hhis knowledge and belief. Affirmed and Subscribed before me the 23rd of April A.D. 1864 I do hereby certify after duly Examining papers and filing a Statement of the Estate of John Eckert Senr. Decd. of which the above is a true Copy. I have given notice to all parties interested according to law that the same would be presented for confirmation in open court this day at 9 oclock A M Witness my hand and Seal of Officce N.B. Sugar Registrar Use of information is for Personal
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