Springfield Township Property and Tax Records 1779


John Ackerman Adam Frankinfield Peter Moyer Phillip Stall
Rudolph Ackerman Chris. Frye Henry Moyer George Stanner
Frederick Alehouse John Frye John Moyers Michael Starver
Henry Applebough Joesph Frye Jacob Narrowconk John Steel
Ludowick Applebough Jacob Fullmer Henry Narrowgang Jacob Sterner
Wm. Armstrong John Fullmer Anthony Newhouse John Strawanider
Jacob Artman John Fuls Ludowick Nuspickle Benedick Strawne
Robert Ashton Abram Funk, g.m.,s.m.,h.m., Jacob Overpack Barnet Swarts
Phillip Barron Jacob Gayman John Owens Andrew  Teetler
James Benson Chris Gayman g.m. Wm. Posty Wm. Thomas
Daniel Bidleman Widow Greenlif David Reasor Phillip Trap
Widow Bightle Phillip Heaft Widow Reece Andrew Trevugh
Adam Billeman Casamer Hemp Henry Riene Phillip Trevigh
Michael Bishop Nicholas Heterick Jacob Ritter, Ju. Widow Twining
Geo. Black Samuel Hillburn John Ritter Vallintine Upp
John Black Nicholas Hiss George Roderick Garret Vanhorn
Samuel Brakenridge Bostin Horn John Roderick Michael Varner
Wm. Brien, Sen. Henry Hout g.m, s.m. Jacob Roderick Jacob Varily
Peter Bright Francis Hover George Roote Carpenter Wartin
Bostin Brong Wm. Irwin Michael Roote Petter Weightle
Wm. Bryan Auther Irwin Peter Roote Christopher Weignor
Nicholas Buck Chris. Johnson Elias Rosenberry Andrew Willy
David Burson Phillip Keisor Adam Ruisor Isaac Wiseback
Isaac Burson John Kersinger Henry Rush John Woolslayer
John Carr Robert Kinly Jacob Rutter John Yeater
Widow Chapman Widow Kirk Jacob Ryener Benja. Yeoman
John Charles Henry Koon Joseph Savige Martin Young
Peter Christian James Logan Wm. Seager John Young
Nicholas Clone Balser Lor Geo. Shafer
Christian Clymer John Loyd Robert Shirely
Martin Connard Woolery Luts Adam Shuck
Wm. Cooper Phillip Mann Peter Shuck
Robert Craige John Mann Andrew Sickafoose, g.m.
Benja, Crow Casper Metaker Andrew Sickafoose, Ju.
Phillip Crull John Metsker Peter Siglar
Jacob Culp Jones Metsker Jacob Silver
Peter Cuver John McCammon Widow Sliver
Barnet Daner Samuel McCammon John Smith
Daniel Deel John McFall John Smith
John Eastler Andrew Mesker Francis Smith
Charles Eyghlin Adam Minch Joseph Smith
Michael Favin Chris. Minch Joseph Smith, Ju.,
Michael Fockindale John Minch Matthias Snyder
Widow Fockindale John Moyer George Sormon


Joseph Burson Sam'l McCammon
John Climer Geo. Miller
Wm. Clutson John Moyer
James Craig Andrew Overpack
Robert Craig Henry Roderick
Wm. Irwin Geroge Sickafoose
Thomas Lloyd David Sliver
Phillip Man

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