Northampton Township Property and Tax Records 1781

Transcribed by Judy Jackson August 2001


Enoch Addis 0-2-1-0

John Addis, Jun., 0-1-1-0

John Addis, Sen., 200-4-6-0

Gilky Andrew 60-2-2-0

Clement Bateman 0-0-1-0

Wm. Bateman 0-1-1-0

Auther Bennet 300-5-6-0

Isaac Bennet 300-5-6-1

Isaac Bennet 0-2-0-0

Isaac Bennet 175-5-8-1

John Bennet 286-5-5-2

John Bennet 140-5-3-0

Jacob Bennet 180-6-5-2

Wm. Bennet 201-6-3-2

Cales Balker 100-4-3-0

Paul Balker 125-3-2-0

Peter Balker 125-4-4-0

John Blaker 100-2-2-0

Benj'a Carrell 25-1-3-0

Jacob Carrell 75-2-2-0

John Carter 0-0-0-0

Joseph Carter, Mill. 55-2-3-0

Wm. Chapman 176-2-3-0

John Cooper 170-5-5-0

John Cooper 0-0-0-0

Wm. Cooper 145-3-1-0

Wm. Cooper, Jun., 100-3-3-0

Gilliam Cornell, Sen 125-6-7-5

Gilliam Cornell, Jun., 260-6-5-3

John Cornell 144-4-3-0

Rem Cornell 240-5-7-2

Christian Corsan 135-4-4-0

Cornelious Corsan 135-3-4-0

Dan'l Corsan 0-1-2-0

Mary Corsan 130-6-4-1

Joseph Crosdale 42-1-1-0

John Crossdale 0-2-2-0

Hugh Cummings 0-1-3-0

John Cummings 150-3-1-1

Cornelious Daily 88-2-2-0

Wm. Daugherty 0-2-1-0

Ab'm Dubois 0-2-3-1

Helenah Dubois 130-1-2-1

Clement Dungan 0-2-2-1

David Dungan 206-4-7-2

Elias Dungan 196-4-5-2

Garret Dungan 0-2-0-1

Ja. Dungan, Sen., 206-4-4-0

James Dungan 196-3-6-0

Jeremiah Dungan, Jr., 196-5-8-1

Jesse Dungan 100-2-2-0

Joseph Dungan 50-1-2-0

Thomas Dungan 100-2-2-1

Benj'a Dyer 100-1-3-0

Edward Dyer 200-3-4-0

Henry Dyer 0-2-3-0

Samuel Dyer 50-1-2-0

Benj'a Eastburn 100-3-4-0

Hugh Edam 0-0-0-0

James Edams 211-6-8-2

Henry Eitherton 0-2-0-0

David Feaster 202-4-5-2

Henry Feaster 14-2-2-0

Cornelious Fenton 0-2-1-0

Joseph Fenton 130-2-4-1

Adrain Hagerman 50-1-0-0

Barnet Hagerman 50-2-2-0

Christian Hagerman 50-3-4-0

Henry Hagerman 50-2-3-0

John Hagerman 16-3-4-0

John Hagerman, Jun., 50-2-2-0

Hannah Harrise 133-1-3-0

Wm. Hayhurst 250-4-7-0

Thomas Hellings 95-2-3-0

Wm. Hibbs 130-2-5-0

Abraham Johnson 0-2-1-0

Joseph Knowles 160-4-4-0

Derrick Kroeson 180-3-8-1

Garret Kroeson 60-1-3-0

John Kroeson 310-6-5-2

Richard Leedam 312-6-9-1

Ann Leffertson 400-4-9-4

Auther Leffertson, T.y. 0-1-4-0

Laff. Leffertson 0-3-1-0

Griffy Lewis 0-1-1-0

Henry Limeberry 59-2-3-1

Jopnathan Linton 150-3-3-0

Joseph Linton 150-2-4-0

Henry Lott 250-4-4-0

Enoch Marpole 80-2-3-1

Wm. McConky 0-1-0-0

Sidney Miller 85-0-1-0

George Misiner 0-0-4-0

Samuel Mitchell 12-0-0-0

Jesse Palmer 160-3-2-1

John Parker 0-1-1-0

George Parsons 97-4-3-2

Robert Parsons 87-2-0-0

Wm. Parsons 0-0-0-0

Wm. Paxston, Tan Mill. 97-3-4-0

Jonathan Pennington 0-2-1-0

John Plumly 214-3-4-0

Wm. Plumly 0-2-2-0

Joshua Richards 74-0-0-0

Joseph Richardson 183-1-6-0

Wm. Richardson 100-0-0-0

John Roberts 99-3-2-0

Benj'a Sergent 0-1-0-0

John Shaw, or Jonathan 164-2-4-0

Zekiel Shaw 0-1-4-0

John Shepard 0-0-1-0

Henry Slonman 0-2-1-0

Phebe Spear 209-4-4-1

Samuel Spencer 100-3-7-0

Thomas Spencer 200-2-4-0

Amos Subers 157-3-3-0

Thomas Terry 0-1-4-0

John Thompson, G.M., 210-5-8-0

Joseph Thornton 220-3-4-0

Hugh Tomb, Doct'r 100-4-5-3

Wm. Tumbleson 0-0-2-0

Jacob Twining 189-4-4-0

Sarah Twining 10-0-0-0

Simon Vanasdalin 166-0-0-0

Abraham Vandewenter 61-2-2-0

David Vanhorn 65-2-2-0

Isaac Vanhorn 150-3-4-1

Robert Vanhorn 0-1-0-0

Elizabeth Vanosdolin –250-4-7-2

Simon Vanosdolin –140-3-4

James Vansant 164-5-3-0

Jonathan Willett 15-0-0-0

Wm. Wiggins 0-0-1-0

Garadus Wynkoop, Esq 216-5-7-1

Thomas Wilson 0-1-1-0

Jonathan Williams 0-0-1-0

John Watson 27-0-0-0

Thomas Worthington 32-0-0-0

Henry Wynkoop, Esq 500-8-8-7


Thomas Barnet,

Barnet Bateman,

John Bennett,

John Bennet, Dungan

Barnet Bennet,

Cornelious Corsan,

Enoch Drakerd,

Phillip Drakerd,

Thomas Dungan,

Guyan Edams,

Joseph Fenton, Doct’r,

Stophy Grimes,

Wm. Harvey,

Wm. Herst,

John Herst,

John Huston,

Wm. Kempton,

Abraham Leffertson,

Timothy McGinnes,

Wm. McMasters,

Edmund Plumly,

John Plumly,

James Kempton,

Garret Kroeson,

Andrew Marnes,

Joseph Richardson,

Joseph Roberts.

Hambleton Roney,

Frawnton Vandevender,

Lambert Vandyke,

Wm. Vanhorne,

Jonathan Willyard,

Isaac Wynhoop,

John Wynhoop,

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