New Britton Township Property and Tax Records 1779

Transcribed by Patricia Woodruff January 2001

Name -Acres-Horses-Cattle-Servants
Moses Aaron-187-2-5-1
John Ambler-33-0-0-0
Samuel Anderson-0-0-1-0
John Barton-0-1-1-0
Thomas Barton-200-6-12-0
Thomas Beal, weaver-64-3-4-0
Mordica Beavin-0-0-1-0
Samuel Berger-100-5-8-0
Abram Bickly-0-2-3-0
Mary Bleakly-0-0-1-0
Ann Boar-50-3-4-0
William Boram-0-2-1-0
Aaron Borom-0-2-2-0
William Borom-160-2-5-0
Alexander Browne-19-1-1-0
Abiah Butler-113-3-5-0
Simmon Cadwalader & Sons-143-4-10-0
Jacob Claws-0-1-2-0
Abram Clymer-108-3-5-0
Christian Clymer's est.-140-3-7-0
Jacob Clymer's est.-30-2-3-0
William Coffin-0-0-1-0
Evered Connard-14-0-0-0
Frederick Connard's est.-160-3-4-0
Joseph Connard-9-0-0-0
George Coungill's est.-121-4-6-1
Connard Coyle, g.m.-127-4-7-0
Jacob Coyle-150-3-7-0
Abram Crots-200-4-9-0
Robert Cummings' est.-17-0-0-0
David Davis-170-5-9-0
John Davis, Esq.-141-4-7-0
James Delap-180-4-3-0
Henry Deneach-237-7-14-0
William Doyle, cordwind'r-0-0-1-0
Jonathan Drake, cond'er-0-2-1-0
Jeremiah Dungyan, Cond'r-0-0-3-0
John Dungyan-126-4-8-0
Nathan Dungyan-0-1-0-0
William Dungyan-350-5-18-1
David Eaton-0-2-4-0
Hugh Edmond-56-1-3-0
Robert Eievers-0-1-3-0
Christian Eitherholt-150-3-8-0
Daniel Evins-174-3-12-0
David Evins-340-4-10-0
Jesse Fell-40-1-2-0
Mary Finly-70-3-5-0
Robert Flack-80-4-4-0
John Foreman-150-4-5-0
Mark Frets-100-4-6-0
James Fulton-40-3-2-0
Henry Funk-0-5-3-0
John Gardner-90-3-5-0
James Giffin, weaver-0-2-2-0
John Godshalk-95-4-6-0
William Godshalk, weaver-0-0-1-0
Jonathan Good, carp't-0-2-0-0
Thomas Good-198-4-6-0
Rev'd James Grier-0-1-1-0
John Grier-140-3-9-0
Joseph Grier-150-3-6-0
Amos Griffith-130-5-8-0
Benjamin Griffith's est.-70-3-5-0
Elijah Griffith's est.-86-2-3-0
Joseph Griffith-0-2-4-0
Samuel Griffith, cord'r-0-0-3-0
Joseph Hair-147-1-6-0
Jacob Haldman-67-2-7-0
Henry Harrise-200-2-5-0
John Harrise-0-4-4-0
William Hines' estate-200-3-6-0
Thomas Hockly, g.m.-47-1-5-3
William Hough-0-2-3-0
Abiah James-65-3-6-0
James James-150-2-11-0
John James, Sen.-100-3-4-0
John James, Jun.-30-3-2-0
Josiah James-100-3-4-0
Samuel James-60-2-5-0
Sarah James-150-3-6-2
William James-120-2-7-0
Benjamin John-190-4-10-0
Jenkin Jones-84-4-6-0
Samuel Jones, B.S.-0-2-3-0
Thomas Jones-315-12-24-1
Benjamin Kelly-100-0-0-0
Rev'd Erasmus Kelly-0-0-1-0
Thomas Kelso-100-5-7-0
Robert Kirkbride-300-6-8-0
John Lapp, Sen-200-5-13-0
John Lapp, Jr.-100-3-9-0
Matthew Law-0-2-2-0
Richard Lewis-0-0-1-0
Lewis Lunn's est-120-0-0-0
John Mason-0-1-0-0
Jonathan Mason, f.m.-36-3-6-0
Benjamin Matthew-125-3-6-0
Edward Matthew-100-2-4-0
John Matthew-160-2-5-0
Joseph Matthews-0-1-2-0
Thomas Matthew-126-3-6-0
Alexander McTim-100-3-5-0
Hugh Meridith, doctor-50-3-2-0
Christopher Miller-200-5-9-0
Edward Miller-100-3-6-11
John Miller, weaver-0-1-2-0
Alexander More-15-2-2-0
John Morrise-300-5-15-0
William Morrise-100-5-12-0
Robert Morriseson-0-0-2-0
Abram Overholt-53-3-2-0
Henry Paxson's est.-100-3-3-0
John Pennington-130-4-11-0
Mary Preston-35-1-2-0
Eloner Preston-40-3-1-0
David Pugh-100-5-10-0
David Rees-50-2-4-0
Jacob Redlion's est,weaver-110-2-9-0
Richard Rile-150-3-4-0
Peter Ripperd-200-6-8-0
Christian Roar-100-2-5-0
William Roberts, Esq.-220-4-11-0
John Robinson-2-0-2-0
Andrew Root-200-4-8-0
Barbary Root-100-2-5-0
Christian Root-0-0-1-0
Henry Root-100-4-7-0
Henry Rosenberge-167-2-4-0
Joan Rowland-10-0-0-0
Henry Schisler-50-2-2-0
Jacob Shewalter, B.S., estate-5-2-2-0
Walter Shewell, Sen, distillery-112-5-6-2
Walter Shewell, Jr.-82-3-5-0
George Shipe-100-3-9-0
Tobias Shull-236-3-3-1
Andrew Simpson-96-3-6-0
Jacob Sliver-156-7-7-0
George Smith-53-3-5-0
James Snodgrass-131-4-8-0
John Starky-0-0-1-0
Benjamin Stephens-50-1-3-0
David Stephens-100-2-3-0
Evan Stephens-0-2-2-0
William Stephens-75-3-4-0
Emanuel Stitely, B.S.-0-0-1-0
Samuel Stuart-200-4-11-2
Andrew Swarts' estate-200-3-5-0
Christian Swarts-150-4-7-0
Owin Swarts-100-3-5-0
Gabriel Swartslander's estate-196-5-15-0
Phillip Swartzlander-15-1-1-0
Benjamin Thomas-40-0-0-0
John Thomas-0-1-2-0
Joseph Thomas-150-6-8-0
William Thomas-20-2-2-0
Zachariah Titrow-180-4-7-0
John Titwiller-100-3-5-0
Jeremiah Vastine-58-3-5-0
Jonathan Vastine's estate-280-3-8-0
Samuel Wear-150-5-6-0
John Whistler-150-5-8-0
George White's est,-100-1-3-0
John & Samuel Wigton-200-5-8-0
Richard Wildgoose, taylor-14-2-2-0
Isaac Williams-40-2-1-0
John Williams-100-4-9-0
John Williams-80-0-0-0
David Worthington-245-4-6-0
Jonathan Worthington-46-2-2-0
Jacob Yeathers-130-4-9-0


James Barton
Joseph Barton
George Buzzard
Jacob Creater
John Dungyan
Lewis Evins
John Floyer
John Gervin
Matthew Gill
Samuel Gotshalk
John Hair
William Hair
John Hall
Abel James
Morgan James
Nathan Jones
Robert Kennedy
John Kimper
John Lap
Isaac Lapp
Henry Lewis
Martin Lorgwell
Joseph Lunn
Lewis Lunn
Samuel Mason
Andrew McCreary
James McWilliams
Jacob Miller
Cap't Pugh
Elias Pugh
Peter Ripperd
Henry Root
Thomas Stuart
Jacob Swarts
John Taylor
Isaac Thomas
Owin Thomas
Andrew Trumbower
Solomon Wartin
Jacob Whistler

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