Millford Township Property and Tax Records 1779

Richard Acton Henry Deel Abram Huntsbury Nicholas Samsell Geo. Wickart
Yost Artman George Deel John Jamison Devoult Samspsel Jacob Widener
Thomas Bayer John Dickard Wm. Jannison Peter Sansell Adam Willour
Vallintine Bedliman Abram Ditlow Casper Jotter Stophel Saxs Balser Wineberry
Christian Beeler Jacob Doworth Vallintine Keysor Jose Shae, taylor Henry Winny
Robert Betholonme Uilery Driesl Jacob Kooglar Abram Shelly John Witner
Michael Bishop, Ju. Ann Driston John Landis Abram Shelty John Young
Abram Bythaleer Geo. Echerman John Lederach Christian Shelty Christian Zerman
Leonard Bythalman Wm. Edwards Jesse Leobold Jacob Shelty
Michael Bishop Thomas Edwards Henry Matthias John Shelty
Henry Bitting John Edwards David Merckle Geo. Shires
Robert Blackledge James Ellison's est. Christian Miller Connard Shitz
Thomas Blacklidge Michael Erhart Daniel Miller Phillips Shitz
Henry Blyler, Jur. Lawrence Espough Geo. Mock Phillip Shole
Henry Blyler Andrew Everhart Abram Moyers Geo. Singmaster
Jacob Blyler John Everhart Wentle Moyers Adam Smythe
John Blyler John Frech Nicholas Mumbower Christian Smythe
John Bowner Henry Freed Michael Musselman Jacob Snuck
Michael Broughler Jacob Frick Michael Myer Martin Socks
Felix Bruner Jacob Gasper Samuel Nixson Abram Soutter
Peter Bucks Wm. Gatman Vallentine Noose David Spencer
Catherine Catwiller Ludowick Gattage Ezekel Parch John Stacker
Mary Clark Benedick Gayman Frederick Peffer Abram Staly
Samuel Clark John Groofe Jos. Phillips John Steer
Wm. Clark John Grub Easle Phillips John Stoufer
Michael Cline Phillip Hegar David Phillips Peter Suck
Christian Clymer Jacob Herwick Jacob Price Maline Swagern
Jacob Clymer Jr. Jacob Herwick, Ju. Andred Reed Abram Taylor
Jacob Clymer Sr. Jacob Hestand Jacob Renner Ann Thomas
John Clymer John Hever Jose Reyling Leonard Thomas
Christian Clymer Adam Hickman Geo, Richard Robert Thomas
Vallintine Clymer George Hilligrave Isaac Rinker Ludowick Threshing
John Clyn John Holdeman Abram Rinker Jacob Trisler
Jacob Cofman Christian Hoover Stophel Rittinmour John Thrumb's est.
John Connard Vallintine Hoover Abram Roberts Andrew Trumbower
Simon Cooker George Horlocker Enoch Roberts Phillip Trumbower
Elias Coulter Jacob Hubber Nathan Roberts George Waggoner
Peter Couther Jacob Huber John Roberts Sam'l Walter & Comp'y
Barnard Couther's est Henry Huber g.m Thomas Roberts Nathan Walton
Michael Culp Christian Huntsbury David Roderick Charles Wantsler
David Bidleman Jacob Musselman
Elias Bidleman George Phillip
Jacob Bidleman Moses Ray
Dan'l Bifer Adam Rickert
Christian Bitler Israel Roberts
Henry Blyler John Roberts
John Blyler Nathan Roberts
Peter Blyler Henry Shelty
Michael Bouchler Peter Sholl
Walter Clark Phillip Singman
Jacob Cline John Snable
Jacob Clymer Jacob Sox
Jacob Clymer B.S. David Spinner
Jacob Earpouch John Stoufer
Geo. Eastman Ludowick Swager
Michael Everhart Robert Thomas
Jacob Fox John Wineberry
Ludowick Gruber Gilliam Wolfe
John Herwick Casper Yother
Henry Huber
John Huntsbury
Jacob Landis
Jacob Matthias
Peter Matthias
Sam'l Melvin

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