Falls Township    1782

Transcribed By Phyllis Campbell

Acres     Horses     Cattle     Servants

Jos. Ashton                                 —      —      —      —

Jos. Ashton                                          —           3          2       —

Jos. Ashton, weaver                             32          1          1       —

John Baily, weaver                                10       —           1       —

Wm. Bailey                                          —           3          2       —

Jacob Baker                                         —           1       —        —

John Baker                                           —           1       —        —

Wm. Baker                                          —        —           2       —

Wm. Barber, labourer                           —        —        —        —

Thomas Barnes’ estate                         350        8          8        —

Sam’l Barrise, taylor                             —        —          1           1

Bartclay and Mitchell                            672      —        —        —

Benj. Belford’s est.                               200         2         2        —

Isaac Belford, carpenter                        —           1       —        —

Hannah Biles                                        300         1          4         2

Wm. Biles                                            300         5       15       —

Mark Bird, g.m.s.m.                             560         8          6          3

John Blair                                             —        —           1       —

Henry Bowmon                                    —           2          2       —

John Brelford                                        —           2       —        —

Walter Brewer                                      —        —           1       —

Wm. Broadnex                                      37       —        —        —

James Broom                                       —        —           1       —

Geo. Browne, Jun.                                190         3          6       —

Geo. Browne, Sen.                               300         6       12       —

John Browne, Jr.                                  —           4          5       —

Mary Browne’s estate                           92          2          4       —

Samuel Browne                                    450         7       15          1

David Buckelow                                   —           2          2       —

Daniel Bunting                                       27       —        —        —

Joshua Bunting                                                —            —                1          —

Sam’l Bunting                                       —           2          1       —

Daniel Burges                                       240         1          3       —

Joseph Burges                                      —           4          4       —

John Burrows, ferry, tavern                   164         2          2       —

Jos. Burrows, weaver, est.                    —        —           1       —

Nathanel Burrows                                 —           1          1       —

Daniel Carlile                                        —           1          1       —

Richard Clark                                       —           1       —        —

Wheeler Clark                                       —           2          3       —

John Coleman, weaver                             10      —           1       —

Patrick Colvin, ferry                              270         4          5          3

Commons land                                     120      —        —        —

Catherine Cornish                                 190         2          3       —

Daniel Creely’s estate                           —        —        —        —

Jonathan Crozier                                   10          3          2       —

Jos. Crozer                                           253         4       —        —

Rob’t Crozer                                        —           2          6       —

David Cutler’s estate                                      200         2            1        —

Sam’l Danford                                       —           2          1       —

John Doble                                           —        —        —        —

John Doubty’s estate, weaver                 —           1          1       —

John Dunn, carpenter                            —        —        —        —

Gilbert Ellis                                           —           2          3       —

Tench Francis                                       300      —        —        —

Gilbert Green’s est.                               70         2          3       —

Rob’t Green                                         —        —           1       —

Sarah Growden’s est.                           500         1          2          2

James Harrise                                       —        —           1       —

Mahlon Hartly, b’smith                            16      —           1       ---

Wm. Harvey                                         240         3          2       —

Jos. Henry                                            —        —           1       —

Peter Herwagon                                   180         3          4       —

Henry Hider, cordwinder                      —        —        —        —

Henry Hill                                             —        —           1       —

Sam’l Hillegas                                       190      —        —        —

John Holmes company, estate                 541         7       10       —

Michael Hutchinson                                68      —        —        —

Sam’l Hutchinson ’s estate, weaver        —        —           1       —

John Inglish                                           —           2          4       —

John Jervis                                            —           3       —        —

Jos. Johnson                                         —           3          2       —

Wm. Johnson                                       —        —           2       —

Jonathan or John Karlile, g.m.                 25         3          1       —

John Karringan, cordwinder                      2      —           1       —

John Kean, carpenter                            —          1          8       —

Joseph Kelly, carpenter                        —           1          1       —

Jos. King                                              —           3          5       —

Ann Kirkbride                                      270         3          4       —

Jonathan Kirkbride & Comp’y                  4       —        —        —

Jos. Kirkbride                                   1250          3          7       —

John Kirle, carpenter                            —        —           1       —

David Larew                                        —           2          4       —

Moses Larew                                       —           2          4       —

Daniel Lerrew                                       300         2          2          3

Abner Lewis                                         —           2          2       —

Rob’t Lewis                                         200         3          6       —

Jonathan Linton, mason                         —        —           1       —

Joshua Linton, taylor                              —           1          2       —

Thomas Loland                                       —        —           2       —

Evan Lovett                                          31       —        —        —

Daniel Lovett, innkeeper                       31          2          2          1

Owin Lovett                                         160         2          6       —

Hugh Mortin, innkeeper,cordwinder        13         1          3       —

Thomas Martin                                      —           4          3       —

John Margerum’s estate                          30         1          2       —

Wm. Markworth, cooper                      —        —           1       —

Daniel McGrogey                                 —        —        —        —

Geo. Merrick                                        95          4          7       —

John Merrick, tan yard                          —           1          2          2

Robert Merrick                                    —           2          2       —

Adam Middleton, b’smith                     —        —        —        —

David Miller                                         —           4          3       —

John Miller                                           —        —           1       —

Isaac Milnor                                         —           3       10       —

Jonathan Milnor                                    —           1       —        —

Jos. Milnor                                           250         5          5       —

Christian Minnicks                                300      —           5       —

Elizabeth Moon                                    —        —           1       —

Jesper Moon                                        —           2          2       —

John Moon                                           —           3          4       —

Sam’l Moon, chairmaker                      —           1          1          1

Wm. Moon, inkeeper                           —           3          3       —

Hugh Mortin, innkeeper, cordwinder       13         1          3       —

Asha Mott                                            —        —        —           1

Martin Mull                                          —           3          2       —

John Murphey                                       2         —        —        —

Wm. Newland                                      —           1          2       —

Edward Nutt, taylor                               —           1       —        —

John Nutt                                             —           3          3       —

John Nutt                                               95         1          1       —

Dennis O’Neal                                     —        —           2       —

John Oliver                                           100         2          4       —

John Oliver & Comp’y                           80      —        —        —

Isaac Parsons                                         50         2          3       —

Henry Passa                                         —           2          1       —

Wm. Pearson                                       —        —           1       —

Land late Pemberton’s                          27       —        —        —

Elijah Phillips                                        320         2       —        —

Henry Pitner                                         —           2          1       —

Sam’l Pleasants                                    166      —        —        —

Nathan  Price                                       —           1          1       —

Sam’l Reeder                                       —        —           1       —

Jos. Richardson                                    248      —        —        —

Thomas Richee                                   1803 ½     5          9          4

John Rineer                                          —           2          1       —

Jos. Rineer                                           —        —           1       —

Francis Roberts                                    —           3          2       —

David & Robert Scott                           400         6          5       —

Jacob Shallus                                        140      —        —        —

John Sharp                                           —        —           1       —

Wm. Shatterthite                                   85       —        —        —

Amos Shaw                                          196         2       —        —

James Shaw                                         —        —           4       —

Jacob Sheafer                                       —           3          5       —

Jacob Shingleton, weaver                      —        —           1       —

Wm. Smith                                           —        —        —        —

Jos. Speakman                                     —        —           1       —

Miles Strickland                                    —           2          1       —

Wm. Swift                                            20       —        —        —

Richard Thomas                                   —           1          1       —

James Thompson & Comp’y               200      —        —        —

John Thompson                                    —           2          2       —

Francis Titus                                         100         3          5       —

John Titus, inkeeper                              —           1          1       —

                                  Daniel Trimble, miller                            —            2          2      1

John Tully                                               20         1          3       —

Gabriel Vansant                                    —           3          2       —

Jacob Vansant                                      —           2          2       —

Benja. Watson, tan yard                         50         2          3       —

Mark Watson                                         20      —        —        —

Francis Weasley                                   —           2          2       —

Matthew Welch                                    —           2          2       —

Daniel West                                          —        —           1       —

Daniel Whartin                                      50          2          2       —

Edward Whartin                                   —           3          1       —

Nehemiah Whartin                                —           2          2       —

John Wharton                                       110         1          2       —

Jos. Wharton                                          40      —        —        —

Peter Williamson’s estate                      500         5       12          1

James Winner, weaver                              —           2          6       —

Benja. Wood                                        —        —           1       —

John Wood                                          160         3          3       —

John Wright                                          100      —        —        —

Wm. Young                                          —           1          2       —



Single Men


John Bludon                    John Murphey, married

Daniel Bunting                    Benja. Ove

Isaac Broom                             Henry O’Harra

Jos. Bunting                              Nathanel Price

Anth’y Burton                            Clement Richardson

Benja. Carter                            Rob’t Scott

Abram Cotman             Amos Shaw

                                    Rob’t Crozer                           Malikiah Richardson, married

John Frits                                 Joseph Scull

Wm. Gore, married                  Rob’t Thompson

Nathanel Inglish                        Sam’l Twining

Thomas Kinney                        John Vandergrift

Patrick Low                             Jacob Vandergrift

Mahlon Miller                           Daniel Weasly

Stephen Miller                          Francis Wensly

Isaac Millnor                            John Wilmouth

Timothy Moon

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