Durham Township Property and Tax Records 1779


Wm. Abbit

Jacob Hazel Andrew Sickafoose
John Anderson's est. George Henline Robert Shirely's est.
Moses Baldwin Henry Houpt, still. Andrew Shively
Andrew Barnt Connard Jacoby Robert Smith
Mary Bell Frederick Kelsor Jacob Snider
Patrick Bergan's est. Henry Knight Henry Snyder
Abram Biddleman Thomas, Esq. Daniel Stillwell's est.
John Cole Enoch Morgan Felty Telp
Thomas Craige's est. James Morgan, Esq.est., Robert Thopson
Tilman Culp James Morgan Mathias Waggoner
Michael Deamer Thomas Pursly Jacob Walter's est.,
Abram Edingar Christian rason Thomas Wilson
Gasper Fabian Michael Rout John Young
Henry Fry Michael Seerfoose
George Gresler Vandle Shank
John Anson
Patrick Cain
Michael Deemer
Geo. Edingar
Phillip Jacoby
Peter Knight
John Mann
Mordica Morgan
Jacob Stone
Samuel Worrell
Harmon Younkin


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