Buckingham Township Property and Tax Records 1779


Israel Anderson John Carver Josiah Fenton Jonathan Kiney
Paul Preston Geo. Walters
Dennis Ashton Joel Carver Samuel Fenton, still Jonathan Kinsey Wm. Preston Jacob Walton
Elizabeth Ashton Joseph Carver Robert Fisher Susanah Kinsey Elizabeth Powers John Walton
Jesse Ashton Rachel Carver James Flack Thomas Kinsey Thomas Pugh Joshua Walton
Joseph Barbin Wm. Carver John Flack Rachael Kirk John Rice weaver Wm. Walton
Adam Barr, still. Wm. Chapman
George Forster Wm. Kirk Isaac Rich's est. Daniel Watkins
Joab Bartin Joseph Church John Freestone Esther Lacey John Richardson Joseph Watson
John Beal Abram Clark David Gilbert Jacob Landes Thomas Roberts Thomas Watson
Joseph Beal's est. John Clemings g.m Priscilla Gilbert Joseph Large John Robins taylor Watson Welding
Martha Beal Henry Clore Thomas Gilbert, Sen. Henry Leer John Robinson Amos White
Wm. Beal John Connard Thomas Gilbert, Jr. John Lewis Cornelious Root's
Isaac Wiggins
David Beans Jacob Culp g.m. Agness Gill John Limberry
Ann Sample John Wilkinson Esq
Jonathan Beans Wm. Curry John Gillingham John McCloud James Sample David Wilson
Matthew Beans Benja. Cutler, joiner Wm. Green Nathan McKinstry Cornelious Shephard Issac Wilson
Matthew Beans Sen. Eleazer Don's Est.
Samuel Harrold Samuel McKinstry Enoch Shrigly John Wilson Esq
Wm. Beans Thomas Dougherty,
Robert Herron John Melone Joseph Shrigly Samuel Wilson
Wm. Bennet,
Ralph Dunn John Hill Richard Meridith
Wm. Simpson Stephen Wilson
Thomas Betts Nathaniel Ellicott Geo. Hillyard Geo Mitchell
Wm. Simpson Henry Wiseman
Wm. Betts,
Hugh Ely George Hughes Wm. Mitchell Robert Skelton Lydia Woods
James Boner John Ely John Hughes John Neape's est Hugh Smith Thomas Wood
John Bradfield Wm. Ely Uriah Hughes David Newburn Sarah Smith David Worster
John Bradfield, Ju. Ephrim Evins Nathan Hummer Geo. Newburn Thomas Smith Lydia Woolston
Wm. Bradfield Asa Fell Mary Johnston Wm. Newman Thomas Smith Jr Isaac Worthington
Amos Bradshaw David Fell Thomas Jones Wm. Ormand Thomas Smith s.m Joseph Worthington
David Bradshaw,
Hannah Fell Geo. Kelly Phillip Parry, Jr Timothy Smith Richard Worthington
James Bradshaw John Fell John Kerr's est. Wm. Pearson Henry Stirk tanner Wm. Worthington
Ruth Bradshaw Joice Fell Anthony Kimble Israel Pemberton James Stirk tanner
Elizabeth Browne Jonathan Fell Wm. Kimble John Perry David Stogdill
John Browne Joseph Fell's est. Benjamin Kinsey,
Phillip Perry, Sen John Thomas
John  Burges, Weaver Mahlon's Fell's est. Elizabeth Kinsey Joseph Pickering Capt. John Thomas
Thomas Bye Sam'l Fell's est. Geo. Kinsey
Elizabeth Pool Lewis Thomas
Thomas Bye, Ju. Thomas Fell Geo Kinsey
Charles Polton Hugh Thompson
John Campbell Thomas Fell Isaac Kinsey Ruth Polton Wm. Timbs
Charles Carter Zenis Fell John Kinsey John Prseton, Ju Simon Tribitt's
Christopher Carter Eleazer Fenton John Kiney
Joseph Preston John Tucker Weaver

Single Men to be Add Soon

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