Bristol, Borough Property and Tax Records 1779

Rebecca Allen
Joseph Atkinson
Wm. Bank
Charles Besonett
Sims Betts
John Broom
Joseph Brown
Phineas Buckly
Thomas Bulford
Mary Burnon
Joseph Church
Edward Church
John Clark
John Conner
Dennis Daily
Wm. Davis
Anthony DeNormandle
James Derrach
John Dowdney, Inkeep.
Abram Forster
Hannah Hall, Estate
Catherine Heaton
John Hutchinson
John Goslin
Richard Goslin, Estate
John Green
Joseph Eyes, Estate
Wm. Kinsey
Samuel Kinsey
Rebecca Lancaster
Ebe'zer Large
Ebenezer Lunda
Eleazer Lunda
Archabald McElroy
Wm. McElvain, G.M.
Timothy Mernich
Sarah Merriott
Pearson Michell's, Estate
Anthony Miller
Robert Morrise
Geo. Muny
Godfrey Pillgrim
Martha Priestly
Thomas Scott's, Estate
Henry Shillinburg's, Estate
James Siddon
Thomas Sisom
Job Stackhouse
Nicholas Stackhouse's, Estate
Sam'l Stackhouse
Tho's Stackhouse
Phillip Stricker, Shallop
Anthony Tombleson
Daniel Thompson
Thomas Watson
Enion Williams
Henry Wilson's, Estate
Jonathan Wright
Joshua Wright
Thomas Wright
Single Men
Dennis Daily
John Hall
Frederick Moleneax
John Muny
Edward Nut
John Phillips
Charles Wright

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