History of Bucks
County, Pa Volume 3 by William H. Davis
JACOB WILLARD, of Southampton, Bucks county, was born near Hulmeville, in Bensalem Township, Bucks county, in the year 1838, and is a son of Lewis and Sophia (BURSK) WILLARD, and a grandson of Jacob WILLARD, whose wife was a CAREY. Jacob WILLARD had three children, viz.: Fannie, who married Asa EVERETT, and had a large family of children: Julia Ann, who married Peter BIRD, of New Jersey, and removed to Illinois; and Lewis. Lewis and Saphia were the parents of six children: Elizabeth, Beulah Ann, Mary, Jacob, Hannah, and Theodore. Jacob WILLARD was reared on a farm purchased by his father about 1835, and was educated at the local schools. He was reared to the life of a farmer, and has never followed any other vocation. He and his sister Mary inherited the old homestead, which he continued to conduct until recently, when he retired from active business, and is now living near Feasterville, Southampton township. He married Phoebe Ann, daughter of Michael and Ann (ROADS) STEVENS, and granddaughter of John and Sarah (STOOTHOFF) STEVENS.
Text taken from page 695 of:
Davis, William W. H., A.M., History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania [New York-Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1905] Volume III Transcribed July 2007 by Joan Lollis as part of the Bucks Co., Pa., Early Family Project, www.rootsweb.com/~pabucks/bucksindex.html Published July 2007 on the Bucks County, Pa., USGenWeb pages at www.rootsweb.com/~pabucks/