History of Bucks
County, Pa Volume 3 by William H. Davis
PENROSE HICKS PENROSE HICKS. Bucks county is rich in memories of her honored citizens of the past, among whom must be numbered Penrose HICKS, for many years a respected resident of Richland township. Mr. HICKS belonged to a family whose name is a memorable one in the annals of the Society of Friends. William HICKS was a native of Bucks county, and was the father of five sons and two daughters. One of the sons, George, was a farmer and married Ann, daughter of John and Ann PENROSE. To Mr. and Mrs. HICKS were born eleven children, of whom one was Penrose, mentioned at length hereinafter. In religious belief all the family were Friends. Penrose HICKS, son of George and Ann (PENROSE) HICKS, was born May 9, 1802, in Milford township. In his youth he learned the trade of a wheelwright and ploughmaker, but at the age of twenty-one became a farmer, devoting himself to agricultural pursuits until he was forty-two years of age. Some years later he retired from active labor. He was one of the directors of the Turnpike Company. He was chosen by his neighbors a member of the council, in which he served with honor to himself and satisfaction to his constituents. He was a Republican in politics, and always took an active interest in the affairs of the organization. He was a birthright member of Richland Monthly Meeting. Mr. HICKS married Mary, daughter of William and Martha (CADWALLADER) BALL, and they were the parents of a number of children. After the death of his wife Mr. HICKS married, November 13, 1862, Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh and Elizabeth (ROBERTS) FOULKE. The death of Mr. HICKS occurred July 11, 1886, when he had reached the advanced age of eighty-four. He left behind him the memory of a good husband and father, a kind neighbor, and a useful, public-spirited citizen. Test taken from page 114 of: Davis, William W. H., A.M., History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania [New York-Chicago: The Lewis Publishing Company, 1905] Volume III Transcribed November 2000 by Joan Lollis of IN. as part of the Bucks Co., Pa., Early Family Project, www.rootsweb.com/~pabucks/bucksindex.html Published November 2000 on the Bucks County, Pa., USGenWeb pages at www.rootsweb.com/~pabucks/ |