Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Saturday, January 4, 1890


Caught Between Two Cars on the Pennsylvania Railroad Near the GD Office, His Life Was Crushed Out - His Neck and Both Legs Found to Have Been Broken - The Coroner's Inquest.


Some Cars Were Being Shifted at the Time - Mr. White Had Been Two Months on the Road.


A peculiarly sad and fatal accident occurred in the lower yard at about half-past 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon on the tracks known by railroad employes as the "Ladder." The victim was Charles White, a young man who is spoken highly of by his fellow workmen.


White was employed yesterday as extra brakeman for the crew of which W. D. Hughes is conductor and W. H. Darrow is engineer. The crew were shifting cars on the tracks near the GD office. The conductor and one brakeman were on top of the train making the signals to the engineer while White was making the runs. While the train was returning from a trip one of the brakeman noticed White lying on his face. The engineer was given a signal to stop and the trainmen gathered around White, who appeared to be badly hurt. He was picked up and while preparations were being made to remove him to his home he died. It was afterwards ascertained that his neck and both his legs had been broken.


From all that can be learned, it seems that White attempted to jump from a draft of cars when near a switch and was caught by a car standing on an opposite track. After being caught, he was rolled between the cars and the life crushed out of him. His remains were taken to the undertaking establishment of E. B. Tipton, where they were prepared for burial. The deceased was 21 years of age yesterday and was a son of Jacob and Mary White, of No. 217 Third avenue. He had been employed in the yard for about two months and is spoken of highly by his associates. He had only worked with Conductor Hughes' crew one day. The body will be taken to his late home to-day, but when the funeral will take place had not been decided last evening.


Coroner Glenn was notified of the accident and empannelled the following jury: J. Cloyd Kreider, foreman; W. Scott Wilson, W. J. Dean, Howard Tipton, J. W. Dougherty, J. W. McKee. After viewing the remains the jury adjourned and again assembled at the mayor's office at half-past 7 o'clock to take testimony.


W. H. Darrow was the first witness examined. He testified that he was an engineer, employed by the company and that his engine was No. 712. He stated that he was pushing up cars near the GD office when he got a signal from the conductor to go back, which he did at once. He thought some one had been hurt, but did not know that an accident had happened. He left his engine and saw some men pick the dead man up and put him on a stretcher. He was of the opinion that the man had been caught between two cars and killed, and he also stated that any other man in the same position would have met with a similar fate. He thought that the accident happened at about 3,30 o'clock; he did not think that the death was caused by any person's negligence. He had seen the man several times but was not personally acquainted with him.


Samuel Woomer, fireman of 712, was then called, and his testimony coincided with that of the engineer.


D. H. Hughes, conductor, was then sworn. He testified that the car which caused White's death was marked "E. T. & H., 825;" that it was standing very close to the next track, and that it would be impossible for a man to stand between the two tracks at that place and not be killed.


C. F. Baird, Charles Bowen, Mr. Yon and Mr. Bragonier were examined, but nothing new was elicited from any of them and the witnesses were discharged.


After deliberating on the evidence the jury returned a verdict that the death of Charles White was caused by his being caught between car No. 825, E. T. & H., and one being run in on a track, and that no blame is to be attached to anyone.


The One in the Fifth Ward to be opened on Monday.


On Monday morning next the commodious and well arranged extension to the Fifth ward school building, at Union avenue and Broad street, will be thrown open to the scholars of that part of the city. The building is of brick. The main entrance faces


Broad street. On each side of the door there is a pillar made of cut stone, upon which the arch over the entrance rests. The design combines architectural strength and beauty. A large hall extends through the entire length of the building, and two small halls at right angles to the main one lead into the grounds surrounding the structures. Leading to the second floor are broad stairways from the centre of the main hall.


On the first floor are four rooms furnished throughout in the most substantial manner. The desks used are designed to seat two pupils and are highly finished. There is a blackboard extending half way round each room, which will greatly facilitate the work of the teachers. These blackboards are all of slate, the school board having learned by experience that other kinds of boards are not as represented. The rooms are all finished in wood, but the work of completion of them will not be done until vacation. The second floor is almost a duplicate of the first. The building committee having in view the fact that the school population would increase, has had the third story so arranged that it can be turned into rooms if those already furnished become over-crowded at any time.


In the cellar the heating apparatus has been placed. The system used is that patented by Smead, Wills & Co., which has been found to work successfully in the new Eighth ward building. The same company's ventilating system is also in use. The floor of the cellar is cemented, this being rendered necessary because of the proximity of the new building to the open sewer which flows through the yard. The building is well lighted by numerous windows. Provision has also been made for lighting the building at night by placing gas pipes and fixtures in various parts of the rooms.


The old building has been remodeled somewhat and greatly improved. The plans and specifications were prepared by Architect George T. Smith and the building was under his supervision since the contract was let. Mr. H. J. Cornman, chairman of the building committee, deserves credit for the faithful work he has done toward securing a building that complied with the plans and specifications. The only defects about the new structure are its situation and surroundings. The greatest of the two faults is that to reach it many of the pupils have to cross the branch railroad. The danger has been abated somewhat by the company placing electric signals at the crossings. The other danger is the open sewer which flows through the school yard. The health of every person connected with the building is, to a certain extent, placed in jeopardy by the foul odors and noxious gases which rise from the stream, polluting the air. When the district sewer is completed this danger will be overcome.


What Was Done at the Regular Monthly Meeting.


In the absence of Dr. S. C. Baker, Mr. Thomas McKiernan acted as president pro tem of the board of trade at its meeting in the Woodcock Arcade last evening. The minutes were read and approved.


W. L. Woodcock, esq., from the special committee on the public building, made report that the committee had organized. Mr. Woodcock also handed in a letter from Congressman Scull relative to the matter, suggesting certain actions to be taken and promising that he would endeavor to arrange a hearing before the committee before action is taken on the bill.


In connection with this subject H. W. Andrews, jr., moved that the secretary be instructed to ask councils to appoint a committee of five to act in conjunction with the board of trade committee on public building. This motion prevailed.


Mr. William Stoke was of the opinion that the citizens generally should hold a public meeting in the interest of the proposed public building.


The question of a book of statistics and the printing of one to be placed before the members of congress was discussed and resolved itself into a motion by E. H. Flick, esq., that the committee be authorized to have 500 copies printed and that the board pay for the same. This motion prevailed.


Then followed a long discussion on the subject of the long deferred book on "Altoona and its History." The debate was lively and was finally brought to a conclusion by Mr. McTamany making a motion (which prevailed) that the chairman on committee on statistics be notified by the secretary that it is the desire of the board of trade that he (the chairman) make report at the next meeting as to the progress of said book.


The resolution relative to a paid fire department was held over until next meeting, W. L. Woodcock, esq., making the motion, taking as his grounds that it would not be courtesy to the member who offered it (H. H. Herr, esq.,) to take action thereon in his absence. Mr. Herr was not at the meeting, having been called out of town.


Mr. Peter McTamany, as chairman of the committee on public markets, reported the members as much interested in the matter and the probability of a report on the subject in the near future. The board then adjourned.


The members present were: Secretary George F. Streit, Thomas McKiernan, H. W. Andrews, jr., C. W. Moore, Charles Lindstrom, William Stoke, E. E. Flick, Peter McTamany, W. W. Rudisill, F. M. Morrow, W. L. Woodcock, L. Plack, M. E. Buckley and G. A. Patton.


Reports Received from a Number of the Orders.


In the different organizations named officers were installed last evening in this city as follows:


White Cross Lodge No. 354, Knights of Pythias - Past chancellor, David H. Kelly; chancellor commander, James H. Homan; vice chancellor, Jacob D. Stauffer; prelate, Jesse L. Bogardus; master of finance, G. A. Askew; master of exchequer, John B. Cole; keeper of record and seal, E. E. Lewis; master-at-arms, Frank Hileman; inner guard, James D. Westfall; outer guard, Andrew F. Peters; trustees, H. C. Bowers, J. P. Housum, W. H. Rickabaugh. Number of members admitted during the term, 12; present membership, 276; amount paid for relief during the term, $844.98.


Juniata lodge No. 372, Junior Order United American Mechanics - Junior past councillor, W. E. McKee; councillor, C. L. Marshall; vice councillor, H. L. Murray; financial secretary, C. E. Steele; treasurer, A. F. Greenawalt; recording secretary, G. L. Yerger; assistant recording secretary, S. C. Galbraith; warden, E. Ritcher; conductor, W. C. Walker; inner sentinel, John Noggle; outer sentinel, E. A. Beach; trustees, W. C. McKee, D. W. Fox, S. C. Galbraith; representative, Joseph W. McKee. The installing officers were: State Councillor J. P. Winnower, and District Deputy State Councillor Charles Marshall.


Circle No. 8, Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic - President, Mrs. C. E. Whiston; senior vice president, Mrs. S. J. Cover; junior vice president, Mrs. C. M. Harris; treasurer, Mrs. A. Buckius; chaplain, Mrs. S. Machlin; conductress, Mrs. S. Fettinger; assistant conductress, Mrs. C. King; guard, Mrs. M. Eishelman; secretary, Mrs. S. J. Steele; assistant secretary, Mrs. S. J. Renner; corresponding secretary, Mrs. K. Fulmer; council of administration, Mrs. J. M. Johnston, Mrs. E. L. Jones, Mrs. T. H. Nicewonger; delegates to convention, Mrs. S. Machlin, Mrs. E. C. Myers, Mrs. S. Fettinger; alternates, Mrs. C. King, Mrs. A. Hawksworth, Mrs. M. E. Beighel. The installing officer was Mrs. Ella L. Jones. After the installation fifty members of the circle adjourned to Kreider's restaurant and partook of an elegant banquet.


Centennial Castle No. 204, Knights of the Golden Eagle (6 months' term) - Past chief, J. O. Gonder; noble chief, D. S. McLaughlin; vice chief, S. W. Bevans; high priest, Charles Wylie; venerable hermit, Robert Smith; master of records, I. N. Atherton; clerk of exchequer, C. H. Closson; keeper of exchequer, D. K. Howe; sir herald, George Fee; worthy bard, W. C. Barclay; worthy chamberlain, B. C. Rickel; ensign, John Riley; esquire, T. F. Donnelly; first guardsman, N. H. Dyer; second guardsman, Frank Barr; trustees, G. W. Cassel, J. P. Lafferty, O. P. Finney; representative to the grand castle, C. H. Closson, The membership is, 199. Admissions during the past six months 19. Amount paid for relief $320. Amounts of funds on hand and invested $1,491.99.


Yohn - Fleck.


A very pleasant wedding took place at the house of Mr. Wilson, No. 330 Chestnut avenue on New Year's eve. The bride was Miss Junie Fleck and the groom, Mr. Harry Yohn both of this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. N. Munden, of the First United Brethren church, of this place. After the words were spoken that made the twain one, the assembled company sat down to a very excellent repast, to which all did full justice. The kind wishes of many friends go with them on the journey of life.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, January 4, 1890, page 2




Mrs. Charles E. Miller, of Glasgow, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Mulhollum, of Portage.


J. M, Smith, agent at Utahville, is incapacitated from performing his duties by serious illness. His son Edward is filling the position.


The smiling countenance of Mr. G. L. Glasgow, after undergoing a day or two of sickness, with a severe cold, is again visible in his store.


We are sorry to note that Miss Bertha and Master Ellis Glasgow, children of Mr. G. L. Glasgow, of Glasgow, are suffering from a severe cold.


Thirty-four persons attended the family reunion of Mr. Joseph G. Hollen, in this township on New Year's day. All but one of those present were his relations.


A festival for the benefit of the Methodist Episcopal church of Mountain was given at that place by the members of that denomination on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings of this week.


Mr. A. K. Willhide, one of the wide-awake merchants of Glasgow, has a force of workmen employed in moving the house recently occupied by Mr. Potter's family, from near the railroad to the rear of his residence.


Mrs. Sarah Troxell, of Clearfield, wife of Mr. John M. Troxell, ex- treasurer of Clearfield county, accompanied by her bright and interesting little son and daughter, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Glasgow, at Glasgow.


Reade and White townships have consolidated for institute work. The first session under the joint management will be held at Shirley, January 18. An elaborate programme has been prepared. Reade township takes an active part in educational movements.


The second month of room No. 2 of the Glasgow schools closed December 24. The record shows the following pupils to have been perfect in attendance: Clara Boon, Fannie Beers, Tillie Mulhollum, Mertie Mulhollum, Emma Rickard, Lyda Lumadue, Maggie Troxell, Ellis Glasgow, William Troxell, Bertha Glasgow, Harris Matthews and Zack E. Stine.


The balmy festal air of Christmas was perfumed by the scent of orange blossoms in this township. The wedding bells pealed out their mellow notes and four couples with "hearts that beat as one," were laid upon the hymeneal altar and made benedicts for life. The following is the list: William Lovell and Eva Schmittle; David Glass and Mary E. Hollen; Martin Mulhollum and Susan Russell, Ellsworth Miller and Mertie Troxell, all of Reade township.


Some of our young folks, anxious to give the old year a send off, on the last night of its existence, placed a heavy charge of dynamite about the central part of our city. About midnight it was fired. The discharge gave the slumbering inhabitants a wakening and shaking up. One nervous young lady, a school teacher, aroused from her slumbers, was so frightened that she ran screaming about her boarding house, declaring the judgment day had dawned and made desperate attempts to jump out of the window, laboring under the delusion that she could thus escape "the wrath to come."




George W. Dickson and wife, of Pittsburgh, are the guests of Harry Huss and family at their pleasant home on Lincoln avenue.


Alexander Port, a leading citizen from the ancient borough of Huntingdon, a member of the reformatory board, was a visitor in town yesterday.


We are pleased to note that la grippe has not yet caught on "Duplex." But it has always been a serious question with us if anything could catch him.


Edward, son of Joseph Dysart, now located with Messrs. Thayer Brothers at Milton, spent his holidays with his parents at this place and yesterday returned to his adopted home.


A. C. Noel, the efficient clerk at the Arlington hotel, left yesterday morning for Hanover, York county, his old home, and will return in a few days with his wife and baby.


Misses Lillie and Minnie Pensyl, two of Altoona's pleasant and agreeable young girls, are visitors at the home of H. C. McCaus and family at their home on Dallas street.


James R. Kinsloe, telegraph operator, of Bellefonte, was in town yesterday visiting friends, and his best girl in particular. He was a former resident and is familiar with the surroundings.


James Hedley will lecture in the opera house on Tuesday evening, January 7, under the auspices of the Tyrone Lecture Bureau; subject, "The Funny Side of Life." All should go and hear him.


We were pleased to note the presence upon our streets yesterday of our old friend, Theobald B. Heims, who for the past six months has been confined to his home, on Logan and Allegheny streets, suffering from a severe spell of sickness.


Resolved, That there is more enjoyment in the pursuit of an object than there is in its possession. Respectfully referred to the applicants for the postoffice at this place for a solution. The affirmative and negative can have their choice in the debate by tossing a penny. Heads I win and tails you lose.


The Lewisburg and Tyrone trains have met with some mishaps on that branch the past few days which have somewhat delayed the passenger traffic. All matters were, however, righted by yesterday noon and the delayed passengers came up smiling, well satisfied that it was nothing worse than delay.


Our colored brother, Rev. O. T. Davis, will officiate at Philipsburg to-morrow. He is at present covering a large field, Tyrone, Philipsburg and Curwensville, with headquarters at Tyrone. He is an honest, able and indefatigable worker and should succeed, and last but not least, should receive greater support pecuniarily. The laborer is worthy of his fire [sic]. We know whereof we speak. Brother Davis is engaged in a good cause and the work he has already accomplished in his ministrations speaks for itself.


Yesterday afternoon about 3.30 o'clock John Logan, a machine tender in the Tyrone paper mill of Morrison & Cass was seriously injured. It appears from what we can learn that he was engaged in some duty on the opposite side of the machine and slipped or fell and was caught about the groin upon the speed belt (which revolves very rapidly) and greatly torn before the machine could be stopped. He was taken to his home on Main street and Dr. J. M. Smith summoned, who rendered all aid possible under the circumstances. The injuries are such a nature that recovery is doubtful. He is a member of Tyrone lodge No. 152 Independent Order of Odd Fellows and also of Good Will Council No. 42 Junior Order United American Mechanics. A man held in high esteem by his fellow workmen and at all times careful and of sober and industrious habits and in this serious mishap himself and family have the sympathy of all who knew him and their hopes are for a speedy recovery notwithstanding the gloomy prospects.




Mr. Samuel Kauffman's children are getting over the diphtheria.


Mr. John Keifer and Miss Scott, of Altoona, spent New Year's day in town.


J. H. Mattern has bought a horse. We hope he has as good a one as Old Jack was.


Mr. Lemuel Bressler's two children are sick with the diphtheria. We hope the folks will pull through.


W. H. Patterson, of Canoe valley, was a visitor to our valley on Monday. He was looking up his old comrades.


Mr. Clayton Fetterhoof is about six inches taller on account of a new girl baby. Wife and baby are doing well. One more for the census taker.


Mr. George W. Spangler, of Harrisburg, is traveling through the valley looking up sales for his reapers and mowers. He is a number one gentleman.


The band was out serenading and gave his honor "Jason" a serenade. "Jason" gave them a grand speech, which was greatly appreciated by his hearers.


George Washington Reed, of Yellow Springs, Blair county, was a welcome visitor to our town on Monday. He is as entertaining as ever. We hope he may soon come this way again.


Mrs. Samuel Ralston and Mrs. George W. Mattern received as Christmas presents from Mrs. Wilber Ralston, of Illinois, two photograph cases, made from a dress worn by Mrs. Wilber Ralston's mother at President Lincoln's reception. Her husband was the president's law partner. The ladies prize the gifts.


Mr. and Mrs. John B. Burket gave a reception at their residence to Mr. and Mrs. Harry McFarland on New Year's night. There was a large gathering of friends of
the newly wedded party. The band gave them a serenade. The many relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. McFarland wish them great happiness and joy in this world. They will make their home in Altoona.


On last Sunday morning Dr. Fickes' tame goose thought it would try its wings and fly down the valley. It alighted on William Burket's fish pond, but in flying it caught the eye of that mighty hunter from Altoona, William Rabolt, who made haste to William Kinch's and got a gun and followed the "wild" goose up till he saw where it was. He then crept up quietly till he could get a good shot, which he did, and down came the "wild" goose, which he bore away in triumph to get Mrs. William Kinch to dress for him to take to Altoona on the evening train. All went well till Monday morning, when Dr. Fickes came around looking for mother goose, which he did not find, only some feathers at Mr. Kinch's. The doctor dined on New Year's day on chicken furnished by Mr. Kinch. Mr. Rabold dined on goose, and many were the stories he did tell about shooting wild geese.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, January 4, 1890, page 2


Local Brevities.


James O'Neill in "Monte Cristo" at the Eleventh Avenue opera house this evening.


Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wert, of Duncannon, are the guests of Mrs. Wert's mother, Mrs. Lydia Long, of this city.


There will be a meeting of the cabinet of the Oxford league this evening at 8 o'clock, in the First Methodist church.


Mr. W. W. Yon, county tax collector, is on the sick list with influenza. His office will be closed until he is able to be about again.


Mr. and Mrs. McFarlin have returned home from their trip east and will now prepare to take up housekeeping at No. 610 Sixth street.


Mrs. Eliza Orr and daughters, Emma and Edna, of Harrisburg, who have been visiting at Mrs. Orr's mother's, Mrs. Lydia Long, Washington avenue, have returned home.


The seventh lecture of the season under the auspices of the electrical section of the Mechanics' library will be delivered Monday evening by W. H. Markland. Subject, "Dangers of Electric Lighting."


Mr. A. D. Ritchey, residing near Huntingdon Furnace, Huntingdon county, on Thursday killed eight fine porkers, one of which weighed 500 pounds. Three of the others weighed over 400 pounds each. This is pretty hard to beat.


A special telegram received by the TRIBUNE from Lancaster last evening announced that Manager Zecher, of the Altoona club, had secured the signature of Leighton Gibson. The new man is a catcher, having been with the Phillies in 1888.


Announcement was made in our columns yesterday that the funeral services over the remains of the late Joseph N. Fettinger would be conducted privately. The relatives have decided that all who wish may attend. The service will begin at 2 o'clock this afternoon.


Drivers of teams as well as persons who indulge in horseback riding should remember that pedestrians have the right of way at street crossings. Unless the fast driving now so prevalent is stopped somebody will have a bill of damages to pay for knocking some one down.


In the proper department of this issue will be found the announcement of Mr. James E. Winn as a candidate for the republican nomination for city treasurer. Mr. Winn is the present and faithful guardian of the city's funds and is well known to every voter in the city.


Rev. E. J. Metzler has resigned the Williamsburg Lutheran charge and will commence his labors in St. Paul's, Millville, February 1, from which charge he has accepted a unanimous call. The people of St. Paul's are to be congrated [sic], as Rev. Metzler is a good preacher and a faithful pastor.


Mr. Harry E. Ferguson, a well known Eleventh avenue business man, announces himself as a candidate for the republican nomination for city treasurer in to-day's paper. Mr. Ferguson needs no introduction to the voters of Altoona. He is a gentleman well qualified to fill the trust he is seeking, and if nominated and elected will make a pleasant and courteous official.


Letters held at the postoffice: Improperly addressed - Mrs. Mary Sweeny; Miss Maggie Carroll, 1714 Union avenue; Mrs. Emma Hefler, 1500 Twelfth avenue; William Rickabaugh, 1719 Sixth avenue; Miss S. L. Bryan, 531 Seventh avenue; W. Brown, 1406 Tenth avenue; Miss Mollie Burnes, 97 Washington avenue; A. B. Brightbill, 1113 Eighteenth street. For postage - Mrs. John Dean, Williamsburg, Pa.; George B. Hopkins, Hollidaysburg.


Funeral of Mrs. Barbara Campbell.


The funeral of Mrs. Barbara Campbell took place on Thursday, the 2d inst., from her late residence in Antis township, and was largely attended by her friends and neighbors. This estimable woman will be widely missed, for her sympathies were generous, and the sufferings of others were sure to awaken and stimulate them. She had been in connection with the Presbyterian church of Bellwood from its organization, more than fifty years ago, and her remains were carried to the grave by its officers and laid by the side of her venerable husband, who preceded her to the silent world more than six years. The family desire to express their thanks to friends for their aid and sympathy.


Republican County Committee.


The republican county committee will meet in the arbitration room at the court house on Saturday, January 25, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of fixing the time for holding the primaries for the election of delegates to the county conventions, one of which is to be held for the election of delegates to the state convention, etc., the other for the nomination of the county ticket, etc.; also to fix the time and place for holding said conventions. By order of W. D. McDOWELL, Chairman. H. M. HENSHEY, J. Z. KINCH, P. H. BRIDENBAUGH, D. T. CALDWELL, Secretaries.


Notice, U. V. L.


Encampment No. 17, Union Veteran Legion, will publicly install its officers in their hall, Ramey block, East Twelfth street, at 7.30 o'clock Tuesday evening. The ladies of auxiliary No. 2, Union Veteran Legion, will also have a public installation of officers at the same place on the same evening. All friends of the order are invited to be present. By order of JOHN HURD, Colonel Commanding. D. E. BEIGHEL, Adjutant.




Mr. William Lauder, of Riddlesburg, Bedford county, manager of the Kemble Coal and Iron company, made our town a business visit yesterday.


Mrs. A. C. Milliken and her interesting young daughter Annie B., after a pleasant visit to relatives and friends at their old home in Pittsburgh, have returned home.


Everybody was so well pleased with the Grand Army of the Republic supper last evening, in Conrad's opera house, that it will be continued this evening, between the hours of 5 and 10 o'clock.


Jeane Moore, the bright and interesting little daughter of Hon. J. A. Lemon, kindly remembered your correspondent on New Year's day by presenting him with a handsome and genuine meerschaum pipe.


A petition will be presented at the January term of court asking for a road from Hollidaysburg to Altoona via the Brush run route. The distance by this route is four and a half miles, and the line surveyed almost level.


Samuel Hazlett, a bright young gentleman from Washington, Pa., who has been spending the holiday vacation with his friend Thayer Melvin, both students at Washington and Jefferson college, will return home this morning.


On New Year's the following persons, representing four branches of the original Lowry family, sat down to a sumptuous dinner at the hospitable mansion of our worthy justice, C. G. Lowry. Mrs. M. A. Royer, daughter of John F. Lowry; Mrs. J. M. Kinkead, daughter of Mrs. Harriet and Dr. John Getty; John F. Lowry, jr., of Butler, Pa., grandson of Alexander Lowry, and C. G. Lowry, Margaret and Mrs. B. McFadden, of the family of Robert Lowry, and also R. L. McFadden, grandson of Robert Lowry. The meeting was very pleasant and agreeable and the dinner all that could be desired by the most fastidious.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, January 4, 1890, page 4




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