Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Wednesday, January 1, 1890


Wedded Last Evening.


Last evening at 8 o'clock a very pretty wedding took place at the residence of Mrs. Mary E. Keefer, No. 514 Sixth avenue. The high contracting parties were Mr. Harry McFarland and Miss Laura C. Keefer, daughter of the above named lady. A wedding march was rendered by Mr. Reynolds Donahay as the couple entered the parlor, attended by Mr. John H, Keefer, a brother of the bride, and Miss Jessie G. Scott. Mr. Oscar G. Irvin and E. Dallas Ickes acted as ushers. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. E, Irvin, pastor of the Third Presbyterian church. After congratulations were extended the happy couple with the guests repaired to the dining room, where was spread a bounteous repast. The presents were both useful and ornamental.


The groom is a young man of excellent character and industrious habits. The lady who has accepted his hand is in every way fitted for the station to which this event elects her. After a short trip east Mr. and Mrs. McFarlin [sic] will go to housekeeping at No. 610 Sixth street. Their many friends unite in best wishes for a life of happiness and prosperity.


Delegates to the Fireman's Convention.


The delegates elected by the various companies of the Altoona fire department will assemble in the common council chamber of the city building on Tuesday evening next and elect a chief engineer and two assistants. There are two candidates for the position of chief - F. P. Molloy, the present incumbent, and H. D. Alexander. There seems to be no contest over the assistants, the candidates being Joseph Butler, of the Empire, for the west side, and John Harmon, of the Friendship, for the east side. The following are the delegates:


Good Will - Joseph Tierney, John Bender Elmer Cherry.
Vigilant - B. F. Rose, George Maxwell, Samuel Jackson.
Empire - C. L. Fettinger, ___ McCormick, W. Smith.
Excelsior - George Wiggins, T. W. Alleman, Charles Klink.
Logan - A. F. Murphy, R. W. Crozier, F. J. Koenig.
Friendship - Frank Harmon, James Snyder, David Holland.
Patrol - I. N. Zimmerman, G F. Hyssong, J. Young.
St. Luke's Church.


The usual services for the Feast of the Circumcision of Christ will be held at 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. to-day.


This day has been observed from the earliest ages of the church as the octave of the nativity, and from about the sixth century as both the octave of the nativity and the Feast of the Circumcision.


January 1 was never in any way connected with the opening of the Christian year, and the religious observance of this day has never received any sanction from the church except as the octave of Christmas and the Feast of the Circumcision. The spiritual "point" of the season all gathers about Christmas, and as the modern New Year's day is merely conventionally so - New Year's day being on March 25 until about a hundred and forty years ago - there is no reason why it should be allowed at all to dim the lustre of a day so important to all persons and all ages as Christmas day.


Officers of Altoona Council J. O. U. A. M.


The following are the officers elected for the ensuing term by Altoona council No. 152, Junior Order United American Mechanics: Councilor, C. W. Bush; vice councilor, George Balsinger; assistant recording secretary, H. A. Walker; warden, D. M. Felty; conductor, John W. Marks; inner sentinel, James McKnight; outer sentinel, W. C. Keyes; trustee, H. A. Walker.


Craine - Rabinowitz.


At 5 o'clock yesterday evening at the residence of the bride's parents, Seventeenth street and Fourteenth avenue, Mr. Haiman Craine and Miss Jennie Rabinowitz were united in marriage by Rev. Cohn. There were many friends of the happy couple present. The wedding was followed by a reception in the Woodcock Arcade, which was very largely attended.


The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abram Rabinowitz and is a very estimable lady. The groom is one of Altoona's enterprising shoe dealers, his store being on Eleventh avenue. The TRIBUNE extends congratulations.


The Blaze This Morning.


The yard engines and an electric alarm from box 244, pulled by Officer Crawford, brought the firemen out at half-past 1 this morning. The cause of the commotion was the discovery of a blaze on the roof of the house owned and occupied by Mr. William Nesbit, corner of Bridge street and Tenth avenue. The companies responded but their services were scarcely required, a plug stream putting an end to the flames.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, January 1, 1890, page 1


A Young Lady's Death.


Our Martinsburg correspondent sends the following: Miss Electa Gorsuch died at the home of her father, G. W. Gorsuch, residing on Market street, in the southern end of the town, yesterday, about 12 o'clock. Several months ago Miss Electa went to Bellwood, where she remained for quite a while, following the trade of mantuamaking. At that place she had a malarial affection, which caused her to return to her home and to take her to bed. After lingering along, the affection merged into typhoid fever, which caused her death. Miss Gorsuch was pleasant in the social circle and agreeable with all who came in contact with her. She was a dutiful daughter and an affectionate sister, so that she will be missed at home and in the outer world by her associates, and no more will she meet us and greet us with smiling countenance and pleasant words, thus reflecting rays of sunshine by the way. The deceased was born at Franklin Forge, March 22, 1867, and was aged 22 years 9 months and 19 days. Her sickness was borne with patience, being conscious to the last, expressing bright hopes of the happy beyond. Why it is that one so young and fair should be thus early in life cut down as is the flower, we know not, and it shall only appear when all are gathered home. Peace to her ashes. The funeral cortege will leave her late home at 10 o'clock Thursday morning and move to St. John's Reformed church, to which deceased belonged, where public services will be held.




Our teachers are attending institute this week at Hollidaysburg.


Mrs. John Carl, of Hollidaysburg, having spent several days visiting friends in the valley, returned home on Monday of this week.


The grain looks very well for this season of the year. If it looks as well in April, the prospects for a harvest will be very encouraging.


The year that has just closed has been an exceptional one throughout. The summer has been one of storm and floods and the winter thus far has been one of extraordinary mild weather for this latitude.


Last Tuesday, December 24, Mr. John Temple brought to his home a new wife, having been married to Miss Valentine, of Pleasant Valley. May you live in peace and be blessed with prosperity are our sincere wishes.


Four months of our school term has passed and its record is unchangeable. It might be well for both teacher and scholar to ask himself if he has done his duty conscientiously. Answering this question the future three months of the term should be shaped accordingly.


The Christmas exercises at the Lutheran church passed off pleasantly and successfully considering the times used in preparation. A solo by Dollie Fleck and recitations by Mabel Crawford, Bertha Westley, Hazel Cooley, Forest Fleck, James White, all of the infant department, were well rendered, greatly to their credit. The treat afterward was also enjoyed by all.


On last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Fleck gave a reception to their son, Charles M. Fleck, and wife, who were married a few weeks ago, and since then been in Jersey City. About twenty-five invited guests were present to enjoy the festivities, many testifying to the elegant dinner they helped to devour. In the evening the Sinking Valley cornet band favored the party with some music, which was much appreciated. The organization was afterwards given a fine supper, and after a few more selections of music were rendered all felt bodily, socially and financially benefited. Our congratulations to the bride and groom are, in the language of dear old Rip, "May you live long and be happy."




Postoffice hours to-day will be from 7 to 10 a. m., and 5.30 to 6.30 p. m.


Professor Alexander, of Chambersburg, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hutchison.


To the TRIBUNE and its thousands of intelligent patrons and readers we wish a happy and prosperous new year.


The New Year's evening reception of the Young Woman's Christian Temperance union has been indefinitely postponed.


Our carrier will issue a New Year's address to-day. All who wish to remember him can do so when he makes his collections.


J. King Henry, who was a visitor yesterday at the county capital, has been appointed postmaster at Bennington, vice E. R. Baldrige, resigned.


We were mistaken in stating a day or two since that Mr. Reed Matthews was spoken of for director of the poor. Mr. Matthews is Frankstown township's candidate for county commissioner.


All subscribers who are in arrears are notified that I will call on them for prompt payment. Unless this is complied with I will be compelled to discontinue your paper. As I have to transfer the names in a new book unless prompt payment is made I will drop the names of delinquents from my list. W. U. JONES, Agent.


The sessions of the teachers' institute are of more than ordinary interest. All who can possibly do so should attend, as much important and valuable information can thus be gained. The lecture last evening by Dr. G. G. Groff, of Bucknell university, on "Early Life in America," was both entertaining and instructive, and the lecturer was greeted by a large audience. To-night our people will have the opportunity, one rarely presented, of hearing Rev. Russell H. Conwell, of Philadelphia, in his popular lecture, spoken of in the highest terms of praise by all who have heard it - "Acres of Diamonds." The reserved seat chart is at the drug store of P. W. Snyder. Tickets including reserved seat, 35 cents.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, January 1, 1890, page 2


William H. Patterson, of Yellow Springs, was in town yesterday and left for home in the afternoon by the overland route.


Mr. Abram Port and daughter, Miss Mary, of Huntingdon, are guests at the home of S. M. Parsons and family, on Main street.


A good old fashioned dinner will be served at the Neptune hose company's room to-day. All should attend and lend the boys encouragement.


Ed. Storm is laying off with a mashed right hand, having had his fingers come in too close proximity with the calenders at the paper mill on Monday.


To-day we will attempt to close the date of our promissory checks and letter heads with 1890, bidding farewell to 1889, with all its turmoils and strifes.


The Baptist Sunday school will give an entertainment at the church on Logan street on Thursday evening, January 2, 1890, at 7 o'clock. Gifts will be distributed to the children. All are invited.


The "whereases it has pleased," etc., are gradually becoming conspicuous by their absence. We earnestly hope to see the day when this old chestnut will be obliterated in death memorials. It is a travesty upon justice and sacrilege to repeat it.


George Washington Reed, esq., the irrepressible republican politician, of Catharine township, was a pleasant and agreeable visitor with us yesterday, looking up evidence in a pension claim for an old friend. What the 'squire does not know about Blair county politics and politicians for thirty-five years past is not worth knowing.


Washington camp No. 327 Patriotic Order Sons of America at their meeting on Monday evening elected the following officers to serve the ensuing term: President, A. L. Dickson; vice president, J. S. Coulter ; master of forms and ceremonies, A. B. Struble; conductor, J. M. Holmes; recording secretary, D. D. Stine; financial secretary, Clement Hiltner; treasurer, J. W. Fisher; inside guard, S. F. Snyder; trustee, Howard Eyer.


Among the changes in business for the new year we are pleased to note that of our warm personal friend and neighbor, Jacob A. Hoffman, who has purchased the stock and fixtures of the wood and paint shop connected with the wagonmaking and blacksmith shop of William Logan, on East Juniata street, and hereafter will be the sole manager of that department, known as the "Bald Eagle Carriage Works." We have known Mr. Hoffman for many years and we can honestly say that no truer, more industrious and faithful worker can be found in our midst and we bespeak for him a fair share of patronage in his line.


To the many complaints urged in the postoffice controversy in this place we have urged a quiet acquiescence to the wishes of the majority of the people. We have been in a measure forced upon the populace as a candidate. We do not desire or wish the place, if our populace think otherwise. The test will or should be in a vote of the republican voters of the town or of all those who are patrons of the office, let it be democratic or republican or prohibitionist. We are willing to abide by the decision. Captain C. S. W. Jones is as fully capable of filling the position as we are and we have not one word to say against him, and in all efforts to obtain the place we have fought honestly and square, and if we do not obtain it we are not going to be driven out of the republican ranks, as some of the loudmouthed opposition are anxious to anticipate.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, January 1, 1890, page 3


Local Brevities


Officers Anders and Storey yesterday resigned from the police force.


A man on a bicycle was one of the sights to be seen on Eleventh avenue at midnight last night,


Misses Annie and Maggie Lykens, of Mines, are visiting friends in this city, Tyrone and Johnstown.


Dan Hertzler, of Huntingdon, who is a U.S. mail carrier in that town, was a visitor in Altoona yesterday.


Misses Elsie Smith and Fannie Lytle, of Huntingdon, are visiting their friend, Miss May Rohrer, of this city.


Postoffice hours New Year's day: Office open from 7 to 10 o'clock a. m., and 7 to 8.15 p. m. Carriers will make the morning delivery only.


At midnight last night there was more than the usual amount of noise incident to the coming in of the new year. The yard engines and the fire bells made a pandemonium.


The Mountain City Dancing association will hold their weekly reception in Elway's hall Thursday evening, January 2. Good music and everything included to spend a pleasant evening.


Mr. E. W. Meloney, night operator at the Western Union telegraph office in this city, was called to his home in Philadelphia last evening, he having received a telegram stating that his son was very ill.


The man arrested on Monday night by Watchman McCabe was taken before Alderman Rose yesterday to answer the charge of aggravated assault and battery on the watchman. He waived a hearing and entered bail for court.


The funeral of Etta, daughter of William and Annie Smalley, will occur this afternoon at 2 o'clock from the parents' home, on Third avenue, between Seventh and Eighth streets. By error it was announced to take place yesterday.


Mr. Harry Baird, of Frankstown, who is attending medical lectures at the Baltimore University, dropped in the TRIBUNE office yesterday morning long enough to state that it was "the other" Harry Baird who had taken unto himself a wife, a notice of which appeared in our Frankstown correspondent's items.


Harry Wayne & Co. is just the firm some young couple about to engage in matrimony want to interview. The firm offers an elegant bed room suit to the couple who will have the marriage ceremony performed publicly in the large show window of the new store room of the theatre building. Here is a chance which should be taken by some one.


Letters held at the postoffice: Improperly addressed - Mrs. Minnie Holland, 1208 Third street; J. S. Auker, 1810 Eleventh street; William Snyder, 802 Eighth avenue; W. C. Henesty, 811 Twelfth street; M. E. Hunt, Fourth avenue and Seventh street; Mrs. Anna McCarthy, 1012 Third street; Frank Cox, 425 Sixth street; Mable Clark, 2216 Thirteenth avenue; Christ Egger, Eleventh avenue; Frank Rhaley, 614 Eighth street; John Hastler, box 1007; Miss Rachael Hileman, Third street and Fourth avenue; Miss Carrie Shariff, 427 Fifth avenue.


Hospital Notes.


Richard Whitehead, of Missouri, a street paver by occupation, and Nick Andreas, a Hungarian laborer, were admitted to the hospital yesterday for medical treatment. From what ailment they are suffering has not been determined.


Dr. U. S. G. Fink, whose resignation as chief nurse of the hospital took effect yesterday, has departed from that institution and his position was taken last night by Dr. Edward Ford, who was elected to fill the vacancy.


The Belvideres' Reception.


The Belvidere club, with their lady friends, last evening held a very enjoyable New Year's reception in their parlor in the opera house block, about thirty-five couple being present. Supper was served at Kreider's restaurant in a very elaborate style. Music was furnished by Krater's orchestra, the dancing being kept up until an early hour, when everybody returned to their homes much pleased with the pleasures of the evening.


Will Organize This Afternoon.


Unity lodge No. 2, Independent Order of Good Templars, will be organized this afternoon in Kipple's hall, Twelfth street between Seventh and Eighth avenues. The meeting will be called to order at 2 o'clock. Any wishing to become charter members will please be at the hall before 2 o'clock. All friends of the cause are invited to unite with the lodge. Officers will be elected at the meeting this afternoon.


Fatal Accident at the Quarries of the Juniata Limestone Company.


To our Hollidaysburg correspondent we are indebted for the following:


One of the most distressing and heartrending accidents which it has been our lot to chronicle for a long time occurred at the stone quarries of the Juniata Limestone company (limited), located about four miles east of Williamsburg, at Carlim station, yesterday morning, by which Mr. Murray Manning, son of Mr. John Manning, of this place, was almost instantly killed. An unusually large blast had been prepared, which contained nineteen sticks of dynamite, and when about to be exploded everybody moved off out of the way, Mr. Manning among the rest. He, with two others, was distant from the "shot" about 300 feet. When the explosion occurred large missiles were seen coming in the direction of the three men, and the alarm was given to "get out of the way." Two of the men jumped to one side, but Mr. Manning ran quickly forward, when in an instant a flying rock of some twenty-five pounds weight struck him on the back of the head, knocking him over against the railroad track, which was twenty feet or more distant.


His skull was crushed in, the neck broken and his back and sides badly bruised. The missile which did this cruel work was described as a long, pointed stone. The father of the young man was near by and had spoken words of caution to his son but a few moments before. The horrible spectacle witnessed by this kind-hearted father was agonizing in the extreme. When taken up by tender hands life was not extinct, but the young man was unconscious and death came to his relief in a few minutes after. It is said he lived but twenty minutes.


The remains, which were brought to this place on the work train which left Williamsburg between 12 and 1 o'clock, were conveyed to the home of his bereaved and grief stricken parents and sisters, where they were received with profound sorrow. The mother, who fondly doted on her only son, was prostrated and in despair.


Reducers Placed on the New Fire Plugs. Permits Granted.


The work of putting down the new 16-inch pipe on Seventeenth street and adjacent property of the Pennsylvania railroad company has been completed, and the work mapped out by the water commissioners for the year 1889 has been finished. When the character of the weather is taken into consideration, the amount of pipe laid and taps made is highly gratifying, as the comparison between 1888 and 1889, published some time ago in the TRIBUNE shows.


Some months ago a number of new and improved fire plugs were placed in position in different sections of the city. These plugs needed what are known as reducers and these have now been placed in position. The plugs are located as follows: Chestnut avenue and Eighth street, Eighth avenue and Eleventh street, Eighth avenue and Thirteenth street, Margaret avenue and Seventeenth street, Second avenue and Fourteenth street, Sixteenth avenue and Twelfth street. These plugs are now equipped with steamer and hose connections.


During the year just closed 270 building permits were granted by Superintendent Gailey, which would indicate that in the neighborhood of 600 houses were either built or repaired. Permits were also granted for 335 water taps. Besides these, the laying of the new water mains on Eleventh and Eighth avenues caused a large number of service pipes to be relaid.


Officers of Camp 54 P. O. S. of A.


At the regular meeting of Washington camp No. 54, Patriotic Order Sons of America last evening officers were elected for the ensuing term. Following is a complete list of the elective and appointed officers who will be installed by District President Meadville on Tuesday evening next: Past president, H. L. Wilson; president, Lewis Wolfe; vice president, A. G. McLaughlin; master of forms and ceremonies, G. W. Levan; chaplain, R. S. Fleck; recording secretary, H. A. Lantz; assistant secretary, D. H. Young; financial secretary, Walter Clingerman; treasurer, A. D Houck; conductor, H. L. Grier; right sentinel, E. E. Holland; left sentinel, C. W. Boring; inner guard, F. P. Wilson; outer guard, Charles Rhoades; trustees, W. I. Dougherty, George Harpham, D. H. Young.


Amusements Notes.


Mr. James O'Neill, who has imitators but no superiors, will give a realistic presentation of Dumas' masterpiece, "Monte Cristo," at the Eleventh Avenue opera house, Saturday evening, January 4. The Chicago Inter Ocean says: "Mr. O'Neill's impersonation of the character of Edmond Dantes and the Count of Monte Cristo is a fine piece of work. Ardent in youthful love, hearty and sincere in manly quality, full of tenderness and pathos in periods of suffering and grief, calm, dignified, in the episode where pride and death are in the trial." Seats now on sale at the boxoffice.


The celebrated war drama, "Herminie," at the Eleventh Avenue opera house this afternoon and evening.


A Birthday Party.


Quite a pleasant event occurred yesterday afternoon at the residence of John Filer, 712 Fourth avenue, it being the third birthday of his daughter, Jessie May Filer. Quite a number of her little friends gathered to celebrate the occasion, each bringing her something to remember it by. They spent a pleasant afternoon in merry games and childish amusements, and after refreshments all went home, wishing her many happy returns of the day. Among those present were Annie Selwitz, Annie Filer, Annie Matthews, Martha Gamber, Emma and Minnie Selwitz, Lee Crawford, Walter Filer, John, Harry and Willie Wiggands.


The Good Will Boys Will Celebrate.


At the Good Will house to-day there will be a pig roast and dance for the members of the company and their families. Supper will be served at 5 o'clock in the afternoon. The Good Will boys are noted for the excellence of their suppers and their dances are always enjoyed by those taking part therein.


Mr. Murray Manning, who was aged about 27 years, was an upright and industrious young man and very highly esteemed in Hollidaysburg and wherever known. He had just embarked in business at these extensive quarries, with bright and encouraging prospects, being a partner in the store established at Carlim, under the firm name of M. Manning & Co. This community heard of the sad calamity with sincere regret, and the parents and family of the deceased have the deepest sympathy of all. Arrangements for the funeral had not been made at this writing.


Names of Persons Who Have Recently Crossed the Dark River.


From her residence, near Bellwood, Monday evening, December 30, 1889, Mrs. Barbara Campbell entered into rest.


Barbara Henshey was born September 25, 1804, near Chambersburg, Franklin county, Pa. At the age of 4 years her parents removed to Sinking Valley, this county. When she was 14 years of age the family moved into Logan's valley, where the family homestead was fixed at Logan Spring. On the 6th day of March, 1831, she was married to the late John Campbell.


She was the mother of twelve children, of whom four died in early childhood and two sons were given to the service of their country in the war of the rebellion. Six children - four daughters and two sons - survive. They are: Mrs. C. Wilson and Mrs. Rebecca Esterline, of Allegheny City; Mrs. Anna R. Black, of Philadelphia, and Miss Martha, who has remained with her mother and devoted herself to her care; Rev. D, H. Campbell, pastor of the Mount Union Presbyterian church, Huntingdon county, and James Campbell, who occupies the homestead. Two brothers and two sisters also survive Mrs. Campbell - David Henshey, esq., of Davidsburg; Samuel Henshey, esq., and Mrs. Mary McPherson, of Fostoria, and Mrs. Betsey Kratzer, of Ashville, Cambria county. There are also twelve grandchildren and eight great- grandchildren living.


Mrs. Campbell had been a member of the Presbyterian church for almost fifty-five years, and was one of the constituent members of the Logan's Valley Presbyterian church. A devoted Christian, she could not be other than a faithful wife, one in whom the heart of her husband did safely trust, and who in every emergency and duty of life proved herself a true helpmeet. An affectionate mother, she trained her children not alone for the duties of this life but also for the service of God, and had the blessed privilege of seeing one of her sons devote himself to the work of the Christian ministry. An honored and honorable life is ended, the record is closed on earth, but the influences thereof remain to bless her children and children's children unto the latest generation. She rests from her labors and her works do follow her.


The funeral services will take place at her late residence Thursday morning, January 2, 1890, at 10 o'clock. Interment in the Logan's Valley cemetery.




The death of Mrs. Henrietta Hench occurred at her home in Logan township on Friday, the 27th inst. Mrs. Hench was 80 years of age, was born in Saxony, Germany, emigrated to America fifty-seven years ago and has resided in Blair county ever since. She united with the Lutheran church in Germany at the age of 14 and had lived an earnest and sincere Christian ever since. Mrs. Hench leaves a family, consisting of a husband and six children, to mourn their loss.


Her husband, Augustus Hench, residing in Logan township, is one of our well known and respected citizens. Her oldest son Charles is a farmer of Sinking valley, Tyrone township; Henry resides in Canton, Ohio; Alfred resides in Dawson, Fayette county, this state. The oldest daughter, Mary A., is the wife of Charles A. Pierson, residing at Dysart, Cambria county, at which place he is a merchant and postmaster. The remaining daughter, Matilda, is the wife of William Kelly and resides with her father on the old homestead in Logan township.


A daughter Henrietta died at Cairo, Ill., where she was a nurse in the army during the war. A son, Frederick Hench, died in Port Royal, South Carolina, during the war. He was a member of company F, Seventy-sixth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers, Captain Wayne, of this city. Frederick Hench was a good soldier, being one of the first to enlist from this county, and was corporal of his company at the time of his death.




Mr. Michael McCabe, of 1503 Eleventh avenue, died at his residence at twenty minutes past 4 o'clock yesterday morning, his death being the result of general debility incident to old age.


The deceased was born in County Caven, Ireland, in September, 1813, and came to this country in 1840, settling in Hollidaysburg, where he engaged in boating on the canal. He subsequently came to this city and engaged in the hotel business. During this time he was the proprietor of the McCabe house on Ninth avenue.


In June, 1840, he was married, the result of the union being ten children, five of whom died in infancy. The living ones are John and Matthew McCabe, of West Virginia; Mrs. Cavanaugh, Mrs. Ellen Riley and Mrs. William Morgan, all of this city. The deceased is also survived by his wife. He was a devoted member of St. John's Catholic church. The funeral will take place from the late residence on Friday morning at half-past 8 o'clock, to proceed to St. John's cemetery, where at 9 services will be held. Interment in St. John's cemetery.


Inspection Day of Fire Companies.


To the Select and Common Councils of the City of Altoona: There will be a grand inspection of the Altoona fire department on Wednesday, January 1, 1890, commencing at the Good Will engine house at 9 a. m. All members of select and common councils and all other friends of the Altoona fire department are most respectfully invited to attend, By request of F. P. MOLLOY, Chief Engineer Altoona Fire Department.




All Pennsylvania railroad employes who are interested in the formation of a gymnasium are requested to meet at the rooms of the Railroad Men's Christian association on Thursday evening, at 7.30 o'clock sharp. The organization has been formed and all employes who desire may avail themselves of the advantages it and the bath rooms afford. Let there be a large turn out.


The Calls to which the Volunteer Firemen Responded in Altoona.


During the year just closed there were fifty-five fire alarms in the city. For the following list we are indebted to Alderman Rose, secretary of the Vigilant Fire company No. 2:


JANUARY - Number of Alarms, 11.


3 - 2.45 p. m. Box 334, Fourth ward. Stable of Joseph Dysart. Same date - 4.50 p. m. Box 334. Slight fire in attic of Joseph Dysart's house. Same date - 11.55 p. m. Box 343, Sixth ward. Stable rear of 2121 Sixth avenue.
4 - 1.20 a. m. Box 336, Fourth ward. Stable of Gust Klemmert. Five horses burned.
10 - 12.50 a. m. Boxes 334, 335, Fourth ward. Union brewery and dwelling house.
12 - 1.10 p. m. Box 526. Flue. Same date - 9.45 p. m. Fifth ward, box 323. Slight fire in stable of G. McIntosh rear of 949 Seventeenth street.
15 - 7.20 p. m. Box 334, Sixth ward. Fire at shop of F. Peddicord, rear of 1618 Eighth avenue.
17 - 2.45 p. m. Box 424, Eighth ward. Flue.
18 - 8.25 a. m. Box 323, Fifth ward. Slight fire, stable of Dr. W. S. Bitner.
21 - 7.20 p. m. Box 234, First ward. Slight fire in office of Tipton & Lafferty.


FEBRUARY - Number of Alarms, 4.


23 - 12.50 a. m. Engine alarm, Fifth ward. Stables of F. P. Molloy, John Halton and John Flanagan. Same date - 1.20 p. m. Box 243, Third ward. Flue.
27 - 8.30 p. m. Box 322, Eighth ward. Roof, slight.
28 - 8.25 p. m. Box 243, Third ward. Lamp explosion in Kemp building.


MARCH - Number of Alarms, 4.


5 - 2.35 a. m. Box 234, First ward. Mountain City theatre.
16 - 3.15 p. m. Fog horn alarm. Fire in company foundry.
23 - 9.50 p. m. Box 342, Fourth ward. Houses Nos. 1313, 1315, 1315 1/2 and 1317 Third avenue, owned by J. McArthur.
28 - 1.50 a. m. Box 344, Second ward. Slaughter house, meat market and stable of Zach Endress; stables of D. K. Ramey, W. L. Pennock, John Foster, Harry Bell and George Hawksworth. Five horses burned.


APRIL - Number of Alarms, 9.


5 - Box 423, Second ward. Slight fire in kitchen of John Cummings, 722 Seventh avenue.
7 - 11.55 a. m. Box 242, Third ward. Flue.
14 - 9.10 a. m. Fog horn alarm. Scrap shed in upper yard of company.
16 - 4.45 p. m. Engine alarm, Eighth ward. Stable of Lawrence Stich, Seventh avenue and Third street.
17 - 12.35 a. m. Box 334, Fourth ward. Dwellings of E. B. Thompson and Christ Greiner, Third avenue and Sixteenth street.
21 - 5.15 p. m. Box 345, Second ward. Slight fire in attic of house Ninth avenue near Ninth street. Same date - 6.50 p. m. Box 526, Eighth ward. Slight fire in attic of house of Crawford Osburn, Second street, between Third and Fourth avenues.
25 - 11 50 p. m. Box 345, Second ward. Stable of J. S. Booth, 914 Sixth avenue.
26 - 1.30 a. m. Fourth ward, alarm by yard engines. Stable of G. A. McCormick, rear of 1418 Eighth avenue.


MAY-Number of Alarms, 6.

8 - 2.30 a. m. Box 243, Third ward. Fire in cellar of clothing store in St. Lawrence building.
9 - 7.15 a. m. Box 344, Second ward. Slight fire in Mackey's planing mill. Same date - 9.30 a. m. Box 245, Fifth ward. Slight fire in stable of Michael Schmitt.
17 - 10.25 p. m. Box 243 Third ward. Fire in cellar of Dughi & Nuberini, 1327 Eleventh avenue.
18 - 5.40 p. m. Box 244, Fifth ward. Slight fire, double house of ___ Lockard.
31 - 11.45 p. m. Box 323, Fifth ward. John Halton's coal sheds.


JUNE - Number of Alarms, 2.

20 - 4.30 p. m. Box 342, Second ward. Stable of Jonathan Foreman, rear of 924 Third avenue.
30 - 4 30 p. m. Box 244, Fifth ward. Explosion of oil stove in house of Alex. Claycomb.


JULY - Number of Alarms, 4.


6 - 10.20 a. m. Box 336, Fourth ward. Flue
7 - 11.45 a. m. Box 346, Second ward. Explosion of oil stove in store of M. J. Hesser, 1101 Fifth avenue.
25 - 6.20 p. m. Box 526, Eighth ward. Slight fire on stable rear of 515 1/2 Third avenue
30 - 7.20 p. m. Box 336, Fourth ward. Boiler explosion at Klemmert's brewery.


AUGUST - Number of Alarms, 3.


8 - 1.45 a. m. Box 343 and 344, Fourth ward. Stable of Thomas E. Campbell rear of 1323 Sixth avenue. Horse and cow burned.
15 - 1.55 a. m. Box 426 and engines, Eighth ward. Stable, meat market and slaughter house of Wolfgang Weiss, rear of 434 Sixth avenue.
26 - 11.05 a. m. Box 424, Eighth ward. Flue.


SEPTEMBER - Number of Alarms, 2.


12 - 12.20 p. m. Box 423, Eighth ward. Roof of house of D. K. Ramey, Seventh avenue and Sixth street.
15 - 2.30 p. m. Box 526, Eighth ward. Store and two dwelling houses owned by M. S. Reigh, Nos. 300, 302 304 Fourth avenue.


OCTOBER - Number of Alarms, 4


9 - 2.40 p. m. Engine alarm, Fifth ward. Roof of house, Tenth avenue and Twenty-second street.
11 - 9.02 p. m. Engine alarm, Fifth ward. Stable of W. G. Stall and office of D. R. Moore. Eight horses burned.
14 - 2.40 p. m. Box 324, Sixth ward. Tenant house of Jacob Green. Same date - 9.35 p. m. Box 423, Eighth ward. Roof of house owned by M. H. Mackey, Sixth street between Third and Fourth avenues.


NOVEMBER - Number of alarms, 1.


29 - 1.05 a. m. Box 244, Fifth ward. Two frame dwellings, 1714 and 1716 Eleventh avenue. Properties of James Robertson and Mrs. Kate Perkins. J. C. Farley's store also in one.


DECEMBER - Number of alarms, 5.


3 - 10.30 p. m. Box 423, Eighth ward. House owned by Joseph Molloy, 614 Fifth avenue.
5 - 9.30 p. m. Box 423 Second ward. Curtain in house No. 719 Seventh avenue.
14 - 12.45 a. m. Box 343, Second ward. Fire in kitchen of house, No. 1116 Sixth avenue.
26 - 3.45 p. m. Fog horn alarm. Fire on roof middle division round house. Same date - 10.25 p. m. Engine alarm. Slight fire roof of stable Eighth ward.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, January 1, 1890, page 4




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