Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Thursday, June 1, 1882


Inspection of the Fifth Regiment of the National Guard.


If the officers of the Fifth regiment had entire charge of the weather machinery they could not have had a more beautiful day for the inspection of the regiment than was Friday. The sun seemed to have been burnished up for the occasion, and from the time it first peeped over the eastern mountain until it sank behind the Alleghenies in the west it shed one flood of light which brought forth all the beauty that nature has bestowed on wood and field, and warmed the clear air to a temperature that brought life and enjoyment to every mortal that breathed it. If we had been used to such weather probably we would not have noticed the beauties of nature, but such days are so seldom this year that when one does happen to come along it almost fills us with astonishment. Thursday evening the first company arrived in this city, Company I, of Bedford, and the men were quartered in the cars. At midnight Company F, of Indiana, arrived on fast line and found needed rest and refreshment at the Globe hotel. At early dawn the soldier boys made their appearance on the streets, in their clean blue uniforms, that had never been begrimed by the smoke of a hostile meeting, and indeed we hope they never may, but for all that they looked brave and bold, and attracted the glances of feminine eyes and the admiration even of the old soldier, who took a holiday to see if the coming generation of warriors were comparable to those who marched and fought twenty years ago. Company H, of Johnstown, and Company A, of Ebensburg, arrived on Johnstown express at 7:30 o'clock, and Companies G, of Lewistown, and B, of Bellefonte, arrived on Philadelphia express at 8:50, Company C of Hollidaysburg coming in on the regular morning train. About 10 o'clock the line formed on Eleventh avenue, right resting on Twelfth street, and at the word of command they proceeded up Twelfth street, preceded by the Altoona City band, and out to the reviewing grounds, immediately in the rear of Mr. John A. Smith's suburban residence. The gorgeous uniforms of the band, consisting of blue pantaloons, white coats, high helmets and flowing plume, and the soldier's blue made a pretty picture, which was enhanced by the glittering bayonets reflecting the morning sun. On arriving at the reviewing ground the regiment was inspected thoroughly by Major S. W. Hill, brigade quartermaster. Although hundreds of spectators filled the field, the inspection lasted too long to be altogether enjoyable, though the respective companies performed some pretty military evolutions.


After the inspection Colonel Burchfield formed the regiment into a hollow square and the presentation of the beautiful stand of colors took place. The colors, which are the gift of admiring friends of the regiment in this city - though the greater part of the credit is due to Mr. W. Sargent, jr. - consist of a beautiful silk national flag, on which is inscribed in golden letters "Fifth Regiment Infantry, N. G. Pa.," a magnificent state flag inscribed in like manner, and two silk guidons or markers, inscribed with the figure "5." To Edmund Shaw, esq., was assigned the pleasant duty of presenting the colors, which he did in the following address:


Officers and soldiers of the Fifth regiment of the National Guards of Pennsylvania. Inspection day finds the well disciplined soldier presenting his best personal appearance. His uniform is bright and clean. His knapsack is carefully packed and his arms and accoutrements carefully burnished. This may be said of a well disciplined company of soldiers, and may be said with equal propriety of a well organized and completely equipped regiment of soldiers. A regiment of infantry to be a complete organization must contain the full compliment of officers and men as required by the law authorizing its formation. It must have all the arms and equipments necessary to enable it to perform the full measure of military service required of such an organization under the rules and regulations governing modern warfare. And now, in glancing at the Fifth regiment of the National Guards of Pennsylvania, as now paraded upon this field, all these appointments seem to be complete, excepting possibly in the matter of a full stand of regimental colors. Many of the admiring friends of the Fifth regiment in Blair county and elsewhere in the state seeing this seeming need of the regiment to perfect its equipment, and by way of compliment to the officers and men of the organization, on account of the marked efficiency made by them as a military organization, have procured and through your speaker present to the regiment a regimental stand of colors. Every Pennsylvania soldier knows a complete set of colors is composed of two parts, one a banner with the coat of arms of Pennsylvania inscribed upon its folds, representing the sovereignty and dignity. The commonwealth of Pennsylvania, whose motto is "Virtue, Liberty and Independence" - the other is what is commonly known as the American flag, the "stars and stripes" - representing the majesty and power of the United States of America. This is emblematic of the civil and military greatness of the American union, and the soldiers who follow the one is distinctively a Pennsylvania soldier whose inspiration in the enforcement of the laws of the commonwealth is derived from the sentiment expressed by the words "Virtue, Liberty and Independence," and the soldier whilst following the other has for his motto "E Pluribus Unum." Take then these emblems with this injunction, that the officers and men of the Fifth regiment are required by the donors to see that in defense of these colors the whole duty of the soldiers is expected, and that the inscription upon these emblems shall have true exponents in the soldiery of the Fifth regiment in perpetuating "virtue, liberty and independence" in the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania and in maintaining the great confederation of the American Union, one and inseparable forever.


The colors were received in the name of the regiment by Major D. S. Keller, assistant adjutant general of the Second brigade, in the following graceful speech.


Friends of the Fifth regiment in Altoona and vicinity and officers and members of the regiment. I sincerely regret that his duty as a member of the hospital commission, now in session at Warren, has prevented General Beaver from being present here to respond on behalf of the regiment, agreeably to your first invitation, for I am deeply sensible that I but narrowly fill the vacancy thus occasioned. Indeed had I been aware of what was expected of me when I accepted the invitation to be present as his representative I should have hesitated before assenting, and probably would have declined the honor, but one of the lessons our commander taught us at the front was to accomplish, if possible, whatever we had undertaken, though responsibilities accumulated as we progressed and I shall not now begin to turn my back upon both his precepts and example. Let me say then, friends of the Fifth regiment, while accepting this gift on its behalf, that most of all we prize it as a substantial expression of the good will here existing between the citizen soldiery of Pennsylvania, and the general public. The labor of bringing the National Guard to its present high standard has not been the work of a day or a year, but that of many weary years of toil and thought and persuasion and counsel on the part of those who have had most at heart the interest of the National Guard. And here I may say that to no better hands could your standards be entrusted, for much of the credit of the legislation of the session of 1881 is due in large measure to the practical mind and the untiring zeal of the colonel of the Fifth regiment in his capacity as chairman of the house military committee. In his name and that of the regiment I again thank you for this beautiful gift and in their names I promise that it shall not be dishonored by any act of theirs. Conveyed to us by the hand of a gentleman who during the late civil war nobly bore his part in the shock of arms, the manner of presentation is doubly grateful, and while most of those who will march under their folds were too young to bear arms in the war, there are enough of veterans in its ranks from whose deeds their comrades may catch the inspiration that always attends upon the faithful discharge of a patriot's duty, and therefore you may rest assured that your gift will be in good hands. Colonel Burchfield and officers and members of the Fifth regiment, in turning over to you this magnificent stand of colors I feel safe in promising that by no act of yours will they be dishonored. I know that you realize and appreciate the fact that in becoming national guardsmen you have absolved yourselves from none of the duties of good citizens, but that on the contrary you have simply taken on yourselves an additional solemn, aye sacred, duty, that of maintaining the integrity and majesty of the constitution and laws of both the state and nation, at the sacrifice, if need be, of even your lives. And so I turn over to you the blue banner of the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and with it the stars and stripes, old glory, the emblem that some of you have followed to victory over many a hard fought field, in the full assurance that you will ever be so true in the defense of virtue, liberty and independence, national honor and national unity, that when the time comes, as come it must, for you to turn over to the care of other hands, that which is now entrusted to you, you will be able to transmit these emblems with the added glory of an honorable service.


At the conclusion of the presentation ceremonies the regiment reformed and returned to Eleventh avenue, where they stacked arms. The boys had been under arms for three hours and were so tired and hungry, that when they repaired to the hotels where dinner had been ordered for them free of charge, they ate like warriors who had seen the enemy and got way with him.


The staff and line officers were the guests of Mr. W. Sargent, jr., acting as volunteer aid on Colonel Burchfield's staff, at a banquet which was spread in the parlors of the Logan House at half-past 1 o'clock. Besides the officers concerned in the inspection there were present Colonel Howard of the Tenth regiment, Captain McLean, of the brigade staff, Edmund Shaw, esq., and a representative of the TRIBUNE. The table was set in the form of a cross, Major Keller being seated at what might be called one end of the beam and Colonel Burchfield facing him at the other end. The banquet was altogether an informal affair, and it was probably more enjoyable on that account. As the courses of the programme came and went the good humor of the officers began to assert itself, and there was no lack of mirth in the neighborhood of the seats occupied by Colonel Hastings, Captain Stewart and Major Harris. Colonel Hastings proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Sargent for the generous entertainment provided and as might have been expected it prevailed unanimously. Before leaving the table Colonel Burchfield announced to the line officers that he had received the resignation of Major Woleslagle and suggested the propriety of holding an election at the banquet table to name his successor, so that it would not be necessary to call the officers together again for that purpose when the order for an election was issued. It was explained by the colonel and by Major Keller that the election must necessarily be unanimous and the officers should sign a paper endorsing the choice. The idea was accepted at once and Captain Stewart nominated Captain Samuel W. Davis, of Company A, of Ebensburg, the senior captain of the regiment, and his election was made unanimous by a rising vote. After the officers had discussed the sumptuous banquet to their satisfaction they repaired to Eleventh avenue where the dress parade and review took place. The sidewalk from Twelfth to Thirteenth streets, on both sides of the avenue, was packed with spectators, the small boy forming a very important element. All of the companies took part in the parade except Company I, of Bedford, which was compelled to take the afternoon train in order to get home the same evening. Adjutant Amies formed the line. The troops were put through the manual of arms, acquitting themselves admirably. Company D, of this city, which was only recently recruited, came in for a good share of applause for drill and marching, but Company C, of Hollidaysburg seemed to be the favorite. The Altoona City band was stationed at one end of the avenue and at intervals discoursed inspiring music. The line was dismissed on the avenue, and the soldiers dispersed to their respective quarters, returning home on the evening trains. The visiting soldiery conducted themselves in an admirable manner during their stay in the city and created a very good impression. It is a source of regret that we cannot witness such a military demonstration every spring.


Great credit is due to Colonel Burchfield for the manner in which the inspection was conducted and to his very efficient adjutant Adwin M. Amies, who filled that position yesterday for the first time. No awkward stops or confusion occurred and we can think of nothing that would have added to the success of the inspection and parade. The members of the regiment feel justly proud of their beautiful flags and guidons. They are an honor to the regiment and a very striking proof of the patriotism and generosity of the donors.


A Chapter of Bloody History from the Records of Huntingdon County Retold by "Jason."


In Cromwell township, on the 30th of May, in the year 1840, occurred one of the most monstrous tragedies ever enacted on this planet. The sickening details of the inhuman murder are well known; the newspapers of that period teemed with them for months; but the pathos of the story is not realized; the world does not know how gentle a life these poor people led, how innocently happy were their quiet days. Gentle, faithful, intelligent in their lonely cottage, near the base of Jack's mountain, they were like the sweet, honest, simply folks we read of in Bjornson's charming Norwegian stories, full of kindly thoughts and ways. The murdered Elizabeth might have been the Eli of Bjornson's beautiful Arne or the Ragschild of Boyeson's lovely romance. They rejoiced to find a home just such as they desired in this lonely place; the women took such pleasure in the little home which they kept so neat and brightly, in their flock of hens, their little dog, Speck, and all their humble belongings! Of what should they be afraid? They had not an enemy in the world! No shadow crept to the fireside to warn them what was at hand, no portent of death chilled the air as they talked their pleasant talk and made their little plans in utter unconsciousness. So they abode in peace and quiet, with not an evil thought in their minds, kind and considerate toward each other, the men devoted to their women and the women repaying them with interest, till out of the perfectly cloudless sky one day a bolt descended, without a whisper of warning, and brought ruin and desolation into that peaceful home.


Robert McConaghy murdered Rosanna Brown, John Brown, Elizabeth Brown, George Brown, Jacob Brown and David Brown on the 30th of May, forty-two years ago to-day. The whole affair shows the calmness of a practiced hand; there was no malice in the deed, no heat; it was one of the coolest instances of deliberation ever chronicled in the annals of crime. He admits that these people had shown him nothing but kindness. He says in so many words "They were my best friends." Married to the second daughter of the family they looked upon him as a brother. Yet he did not hesitate to murder them. He was 31 years of age, stout and well formed, dark, with a peculiarly quiet manner. He was seldom intoxicated - he seemed always anxious to keep his wits about him; he would linger on the outskirts of a drunken brawl, listening to and absorbing everything, but never mixing himself up in any disturbance. He was always lurking in corners, lingering, looking, listening, and he would look no man straight in the eyes. During the spring preceding the one in which the hideous deed was committed he lived with Thomas T. Cromwell, but he made very little money, and came often over to the Browns', where Rosanna, his mother- in-law, gave him food when he was suffering from want, and where he received always a welcome and the utmost kindness. At one time he took up his abode as one of the family. During the first summer he was "crippled," as he said, by rheumatism, and they were all very good to him and sheltered, fed, nursed and waited upon him the greater part of the season. While he and his wife remained with them he was looked upon as a brother by all of them as I have said before. Nothing occurred to show his true character. William Brown, his father-in- law, sold him an acre of ground near the old homestead and assisted him in erecting a little house, in which he resided through the hospitality of the people whose kindness he was to repay so fearfully.


Unchallenged by anything in earth or heaven, early on the morning of the fatal day, before breakfast, he took his wife and children off the premises to his mother's, on the top of Jack's mountain, two miles distant. He returns stealthily. There is nothing to resist him. Ah, where were the storms of nature that might have rocked that tranquil mountain and cut of the fatal path of Robert McConaghy to that happy home? But nature seemed to pause and wait for him. It was so still, so bright! But before another sunset it seemed that beauty had fled out of the world and that goodness, innocence, mercy, gentleness were a mere mockery of empty words. He entrapped George, aged 16 years, and treacherously disabled him by a stroke from the supple of a flail and then choked him to death. He then took David into the woods, knocked him down with a club and strangled the little boy of ten summers. Jacob, aged 14, was the third one seduced from his mother's side, and through his brains he sent a rifle ball. Elizabeth, aged 17, was then taken to gather strawberries. It is no matter that she was young, beautiful and helpless to resist, that she had been kind to him, that she never did a human creature harm, that she stretched her gentle hands out to him in agonized entreaty, crying piteously, "Oh, Robert, Robert. Robert!" He raises the stone and brings it down on her bright head in one tremendous blow, and she sinks without a sound and lies in a heap, with her warm blood reddening the earth. Then he deals her blow after blow and chokes her until life was extinct. It only remained, for the time, to despatch the mother. The fiend returned to the house, found her at her household toil, preparing bread for her children! - ignorant of what had happened them - of her own impending doom! He shot her in the arm, threw her on the bed, gave her a drink of water, struck her a deadly blow with an ax and cut her throat! Having thus destroyed all on the premises, he took the guns, closed the house, repaired to the barn, and fixing himself in a convenient position to shoot at the door, awaited the arrival of John from Shirleysburg. John, only 21 years old, and courteous and gentle as a youthful knight - by falsehood and cunning was brought to his father's dwelling and arrived about 2 o'clock. As soon as he sat his foot upon the threshold of his father's door, a ball was sent from the barn through his breast. He was dragged inside - his pocket rifled - the door shut and fastened; and the fiend, "like a staunch murderer, steady to his purpose," repaired again to his lurking place in the barn to await the arrival of the old man from Matilda Furnace in the evening, and complete the work of indiscriminate slaughter, by adding him to the number of the murdered victims. Here, for the first time, the murderous purpose was thwarted, and the assassin failed in his object. Mr. Brown finding the door fastened, and turning his head to look for his aged wife, he saw over his shoulder the flash of a gun in the barn, the ball passed very near his head, stunning him somewhat and striking the door. He turned farther around, and almost at the same moment he saw the flash and smoke of another shot in the same place, the ball cutting his cheek, passing through the lower part of the ear and also entering into the door. He then saw the ruffian raise up his head, and look through the crack to see what he had done. Surprised and smarting, but not daunted, for he had heard the whizzing of bullets before - he had faced British cannons. fighting the battles of his country - he threw down his load and ran towards the barn, and, as he went, the desperado sprang from his lurking place, and made his escape. Alone, it might be said, in the wilderness, he commenced and completed his deed of blood. Completed - No! The overruling hand of Providence preserved his last victim - the bereaved father - from the heretofore unerring aim of the murderer's rifle. Wounded, but still safe, he lived to tell the tale of guilt of his own son-in-law, so far as Providence seemed to place it in his power. While the All Seeing Eye, and never erring Power directed others to the thousand circumstance which all pointed at the guilty agent, and with as many tongues, cried "thou art the man."


Brown returned from his brief pursuit of the murderer and was the first to burst open the door and enter. What words can tell it! There upon the floor lies his son John dead. Stiff and stark is the woman he idolizes, for whose dear feet he could not make life's ways smooth and pleasant enough - stone dead! Dead - horribly butchered! her bright hair stiff with blood the fair head that had so often nestled on his breast crushed, cloven, mangled with the brutal ax! His eyes are blasted by the intolerable sight. His wife a thousand times adored and whom he could not cherish tenderly enough! And he was not there to protect her! There was no one there to save her!


"Did Heaven look on
And would not take her part!"


Poor fellow what had be done that fate should deal him such a blow as this! Dumb, blind with anguish, he made no sign. Some of his pitying friends lead him away, like one stupefied. Though stricken with horror and consumed with wrath, he is not paralyzed. They find Jacob's, George's, David's and Elizabeth's bodies in the wood not far from the house, covered with blows and black in the face, strangled. They find McConaghy's tracks - all the tokens of his disastrous presence - and all within the house and without blood, blood, everywhere.


Brown was an old man of the true English type, black-eyed, fair haired, tall and well made, with handsome teeth and bronzed beard. Perhaps he was a little quiet and undemonstrative generally, but when first assailed and bound in his own house as the murderer he was superb, kindled from head to feet, a fire brand of woe and wrath, with eyes that flash and cheeks that burn. He is on fire with wrath and indignation and hurls maledictions at the murderer of his family - an innocent, happy, family, who never wronged a fellow creature in their lives!


All day (Sunday, 31st) his slaughtered wife and children lie as they were found, for nothing can be touched till the officers of the law have seen the whole. Robert McConaghy being a near relative he was sent for early that morning. He "didn't want to go" - loitered about his mother's several hours before be started, and then "went slowly down behind the rest!" The reason he gave for this mysterious conduct was that he "thought so much of the old woman that he didn't want to see her in that situation!" Affection would have urged him thither. We take sorrowful delight in lingering and weeping, at the very grave of a beloved relation. It was conscious guilt that held him back! When he arrived at the house he found the whole current of suspicion bearing against the old man, who was then believed to be the cruel, unnatural murderer, and who was then in bonds - arrested and tied. Suspicion rested on no one else, until subsequent developments, bearing upon them a force of truth to which impulse and prejudice even had to yield, changed its course and gave it a new direction. Up to the time McConaghy was called before the inquest as a witness, he was not publicly suspected; he had not, to his knowledge, been designated by a single word, or pointed to by a single individual as the guilty man. Yet, under these circumstances, when he was called up for examination, his agitation and alarm were so apparent as to be observed by every one present. He hung his head and endeavored to calm his disturbed nerves by breaking straws! He could not look up lest he should meet the glance of a fellow-creature; and he trembled like an aspen leaf in the wind.


But Brown - what are McConaghy's feelings to his! They dare not leave him alone lest he do himself an injury. He is perfectly mute and listless; he cannot weep, he can neither eat nor sleep. He sits like one in a horrid dream. "Oh, my poor, poor family!" He cannot rest a moment till he hears that McConaghy is taken; at times he is fairly beside himself with terror and anxiety; but he is finally told that he is arrested, and there is stern rejoicing; but no vengeance taken on him can bring back those unoffending lives, or restore that gentle home. The dead are properly cared for; the blood is washed from Elizabeth's beautiful bright hair; she is clothed in her new dress, the blue dress in which she was to be married, poor child, that happy time at her home did not come. Jacob was to have gone to Shirleysburg; he was all ready dressed to go. Various little commissions were given him, errands to do for his mother. She wanted some buttons, and "I'll give you one for a pattern; I'll put it in your purse you'll be sure to remember it." (That little button, of a peculiar pattern, was found in McConaghy's possession afterward. The burial service is read over them and they are hidden in the earth. After poor Brown has seen the faces of his wife and children still and pale and black in their rude coffins, their ghastly wounds concealed as much as possible, his trance of misery is broken, the grasp of despair is loosened a little about his heart. Yet hardly does he notice whether the sun shines or no, or care whether he lives or dies. Slowly his senses steady themselves from the effects of a shock that nearly destroyed him, and merciful time, with imperceptible touch, softens day by day the outlines of that picture at the memory of which he never ceased to shudder while he lived.


When McConaghy was finally arrested and tied he puts on a bold face and determined to brave it out; denies everything with tears and virtuous indignation. The man he has so fearfully wronged is confronted with him; his attitude is one of injured innocence; he surveys him more in sorrow than in anger, while Brown, with uncompromising veracity, "I know you to be the murderer of my family!" Of what use is it to curse the murderer of his wife and children? It will not bring them back; he has no heart for cursing, he is too completely broken. An old gentlemen of that day tells me the first time that Brown was brought into McConaghy's presence his heart leaped so fast he could hardly breathe. He entered the room softly with Samuel Carothers. McConaghy was whittling a stick. He looked up and saw his face and the color ebbed out of his, and rushed back and stood in one burning spot on his cheek, as he looked at Brown and Brown looked at him for a space in silence. Then he drew about his evil mind the detestable garment of sanctimoniousness, and in sentimental accents he murmured, "I am as innocent as any of you."


While in prison he was sometimes pleasant and communicative; at others morose and very reserved - his heart was hard. "I had not," said he, "the advantages of an education, I could read a little in print, but not in writing. Oh, had I been better informed, it would have been better with me to-day. I was not in the habit of going to church; seldom have I been in a church. I had determined to take my woman, the Sunday after I was arrested, and have my children baptized. Oh, had I read this book - the scriptures - I should not have been so wicked." As the day of his death rolled on, he began to feel more and weep considerably, and conversed more freely. He was impressed with the idea that he would not be hung unless he confessed the murder. He therefore denied it again and again. The day before he was hung he was much alarmed, and cried to God for mercy; when told there was no mercy unless he would confess, he hesitated, and said, "I have told you all I can, I can do no more." On the morning of his execution he sent his ministers word that he did not want to see them; but after his grave clothes were on, the rope round his neck, the sheriff invited them up to his room. His feelings seemed to be beyond description. They prayed with him, but when they asked him if he was guilty, though he did not positively deny it, yet he gave an evasive answer again and again said that he had told all he could. He plead hard with the sheriff to give him to the last minute, and was Ioathe to leave his room. He came down with a faltering step, supported by the sheriff and his assistant, and ascended the scaffold. He seemed to shudder at the sight of that instrument of death, but appeared to have hope of living. The sheriff told him he had only eighty more minutes to live. He was again exhorted to confess. After hesitating some time he said, "O, do not bother me, I can tell no more. O! my God," said he "what shall I do?" The drop fell and all thought he was gone into eternity. The rope broke; he fell upon his feet, and then on his back. The rope was then doubled, and in a minute or so he was again on the scaffold. He said to his minister of mercy, "They ought now to let me go clear." They told him, "No, he must try it again." He now felt that it was reality; that death was near at hand. He said, after again being exhorted to confess, "Stoop low; put your faces close to mine. I have a few things to tell you. I am guilty of this murder. How long have I to live?" One hour and five minutes," said the sheriff, "and I'll give you, Robert, to the last minute." He then related one of most horrid and atrocious murders that was ever committed in this county and which has already been described to you.


The drop fell the last time at half a minute before three. He was executed on Friday, November 6, 1840. His wife still lives in this county and has buried three husbands since she stood with her first one at the grave of his victims.


A few weeks after all this had happened, an old man who seemed so thin, so pale, so bent and ill, that you would hardly have known it was Brown. He dragged one foot after the other wearily, and walked with the feeble motion of a very old man. He entered the house; his errand was to ask for work. He could not bear to go away from the neighborhood of the place where Rosanna had lived and where they had been so happy, and he could not bear to work within sight of that house. There was work enough for him here; a kind voice told him so, a kind hand was laid on his shoulder, and he was bidden come and welcome. The tears rushed into the poor fellow's eyes, he went hastily away, and that night sent over his chest of tools - he was a carpenter by trade. Next day he took up his abode here and worked all summer. With his head sunk on his breast and wearily dragging his limbs, he pushed the plane or drove the saw with a kind of dogged persistence, looking neither to the right nor left. Well might the weight of woe he carried bow him to the earth! By and by he spoke, himself, to other members of the household, saying, with a patient sorrow, he believed it was to have been, and seemed to forget his sorrow awhile - married in the family (a Miss Carothers) and when in his 84th year left a wife and eight children and now the voices of charming children sound sweetly in the solitude that echoed so awfully the shrieks of Elizabeth and Rosanna, John and George, Jacob and David.


To "Jason's" account of the awful crime of Robert McConaghy may be added the fact that the murderer was executed by Joseph Shannon, of this city, who was at that time sheriff of Huntingdon county. It was to Sheriff Shannon that McConaghy gasped when the rope broke, "Now I am free," and it was the sheriff who replied, ''No, Robert, you'll have to try it again." At that time Blair county, of which sheriff Shannon is now a citizen, had no existence.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 1, 1882, page 1




Honors Paid to the Memory of the Heroic Dead in Blair County.


Tuesday was observed very generally by our citizens as a day when business might fittingly be laid aside and honors be paid to the memory of the brave defenders of the nation who occupy their last resting place. The majority of our business houses were closed and thousands of people thronged the streets in holiday attire. We are sorry to say that many seemed bent on pleasure seeking rather than spending the day as befitted it, immense throngs witnessing the games of base ball and other sports and amusements which were set down for the day.


The public services in commemoration of the buried braves were under the control of Lieutenant Stephen C. Potts Post No. 62, Grand Army of the Republic. The members of the post assembled shortly after half-past 8 in the morning and formed in line on Eleventh avenue, the right resting on Thirteenth street in the order as given in Monday's TRIBUNE. The line proceeded to the opera house where the published programme was fully carried out. The hall was filled with spectators who had assembled to witness the solemn ceremonies and hear the words of the distinguished orator of the day, General R. M. Henderson, of Captain Colwell Post 201, of Carlisle, Pa. The interest of the vast audience continued unabated to the close.


The Junior Grey band rendered a dirge, whose mournful strains impressed the listeners with the solemnity of the day and the occasion. Appropriate services were conducted by Post 62, of this city, after which the railroad men's choir sang with good effect, "Rest, Soldier, Rest." Further services were conducted by the post of this city, when the Junior Grey band again discoursed sweet strains of music.


We feel our inability to do justice to the eloquent oration of General Henderson, who addressed the assembly, in any abstract we might make of his remarks. We therefore lay them before our readers verbatim. The orator of the day, General R. M. Henderson, of Carlisle, was introduced and spoke as follows:


It is always pleasant to snatch an hour from the dull routine of life's cares and duties. It is sometimes pleasant to step aside from the beaten pathway of life to gather misshapen pebbles by the wayside and mould them into form and comeliness. I come here to-day with misgivings, with little hope that I shall be able to fill satisfactorily the part you have assigned me and which I have so willingly accepted. I do come however most cheerfully with a heart full of sympathy for the cause which underlies the civilization of the world and which to some extent at least this occasion represents. [speech omitted]


At the conclusion of the address, which was listened to with profound attention, the choir rendered the national hymn, "America," whose thrilling strains kindled a patriotic flame in the breasts of the vast audience. Before the benediction was pronounced the roll of the dead was called and as each name was pronounced the drummer gave three rolls on the drum.


Leaving the opera house the procession reformed, and, proceeding to Fairview cemetery, marched up to the monument crowning the hill and overlooking the mansions of the dead, and then deployed northeast and southwest taking up all of the ground occupied by the graves, when the lines halted. The band played a dirge and the firing squad discharged three rounds as a salute to the dead. The bugle sounded "Forward!" and the Sons of Veterans entered the enclosure surrounding the monument and decorated the graves there. The post then proceeded through the cemetery decorating the graves of soldiers as they came to them.


The line then reformed and marched to the east side of town, proceeding to the Catholic cemetery, where they halted. Dividing off into squads they decorated the graves in the Catholic, colored, German Catholic and Oak Ridge cemeteries. The line reformed and marched down Twelfth street to Seventh avenue; up Seventh avenue to Sixteenth street; out Sixteenth street to Seventeenth street bridge and Eleventh avenue; down Eleventh avenue to the post room, where the procession was disbanded.




At Hollidaysburg impressive services were held in memory of the hero dead. The services were in charge of Colonel William G. Murray post No. 39, Grand Army of the Republic. The opera house was well filled by men, women and children who listened with close attention to the ceremonies as well as the appropriate and eloquent addresses of Rev. J. B. Shaver and Professor B. F. Pinkerton. At the conclusion of the ceremonies in the hall the post proceeded to the various cemeteries, where the graves of the dead were garlanded with flowers.


At Roaring Spring, Martinsburg, and other towns in the county, the day was appropriately observed.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 1, 1882, page 2




The geographical center of Pennsylvania is Spring Mills, in Centre county.


Maud Amelia, infant daughter of Henderson and Annie Parsons, died Thursday.


John Gheer, son of Daniel and Anna M. Hicks, died at 10 o'clock Friday night, aged 1 year and 24 days.


The pair of horses sold at Myers' livery stable and noticed in the TRIBUNE some days ago belonged to Thomas Trout, of Antis township.


Conductor James Houck, whose hand was so badly hurt a good many days ago, is still off duty, though the injured member is healing nicely.


John M. Bowman and family have returned from the south and will now make this city their permanent home. The many friends of the family warmly welcome them back home again.


Two new cases of small-pox were reported to the authorities yesterday. Annie Glover, aged 20, and Fred. Glover, aged 9 years, children of Mr. Isaac Glover, living back of Fairview cemetery, are the victims.


On Tuesday morning Rev. Father Schell performed the ceremony which united in holy wedlock Mr. Fred. Strohmier and Miss Annie Eckerman. The brother of the groom and Miss Rose Oswalt were the attendants.


Maggie A. Lockard, aged 6 years, died from small-pox at her parents' home in Logantown at 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon and was buried at midnight. Her little brother died from the same disease a few days ago.


Willie Madden was brought home on Monday night from the house of correction where he has been detained for some time past, a victim to the dread destroyer in the form of consumption. He was buried in the Catholic cemetery Tuesday morning.


Willie Madden who was sent from this city to the house of refuge some six or eight months ago, is seriously ill with pneumonia in that institution and his life is despaired of. His father, who was down to see him, had returned home but his mother is still there.


We regret to learn that Mr. Archie Kerr is seriously ill. He was taken suddenly ill at noon on Monday, and his condition has been very serious since. We understand he is suffering from gastric fever. Mr. Kerr resides on Fifteenth avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.


William Richardson, of Woodberry township, is announced in to-day's paper as a candidate for director of the poor. Mr. Richardson has many friends in his own and adjoining townships who believe that he would make a capital candidate and who hope to see him nominated and elected.


Dr. J. W. Johnston, of Claysburg, announces himself as a candidate for assembly, subject to republican rules. Dr. Johnston is a man of brains, a good citizen and a faithful republican. Should he be nominated he would make a strong candidate, and in the event of his election a faithful public servant.


Mr. George Fay announces himself as a candidate for the office of sheriff. Mr. Fay is a well-known and highly-esteemed farmer, residing in Woodbury township. He is a brother of Dr. John Fay, of the city, and came within a few votes of receiving the nomination for the same office two years ago. If he is fortunate in receiving the nomination at the hands of the republican county convention his election is certain.


Hon. D. J. Morrell arrived in New York on the steamer Celtic Sunday morning, and immediately proceeded to Philadelphia, where he was met by Mrs. Morrell and other members of his family. It is expected that Mr. Morrell will arrive in Johnstown in a few days, possibly on Wednesday. His health has been greatly benefited by his trip across the ocean, a fact that will afford much gratification to all people here.


We are pained to chronicle the death of Mr. William H. Showers, at Elkhart, Indiana, in the 40th year of his life. Mr. Showers was born in Juniata county, this state, and removed to the west sixteen years ago. He was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church and died trusting in the merits of his Redeemer. He was well known in this community, having friends and relatives residing it this city. Mrs. Charles A. Greer, of this city, is a sister of the deceased.


We call attention to the card of Mr. James E. Winn which appears this morning, announcing himself a candidate for prothonotary on the republican ticket. Everybody in Altoona knows the genial postoffice clerk, and there are few who would not give him a boost toward the nomination of they could. If Jim gets the nomination he will receive the unanimous vote of Altoona, and he would use his opponent up in such a manner that he would scarcely know he was running.


Thursday evening Mrs. Henry Crane, an old lady, considerably over 60 years of age, who resides on Fourteenth avenue, Third ward, fell down on the floor of her residence and was badly hurt, though she supposed it was not serious. Friday morning a physician was called in and he found that the old lady had fractured her right thigh. He gave what attention was necessary, but it is hardly probable that, on account of her advanced age, Mrs. Crane will ever get entirely well again.


On Tuesday evening John Doyle, a lad aged about 14 years, was shot in the right breast by a pistol ball from a weapon in the hands of David Strauss, an ex-policeman of Conemaugh borough, the ball striking a rib and glancing off. Young Doyle states that he was in the yard of Mr. Henry Hudson's residence getting a drink of water, and several of his companions were on the pavement outside the fence. Strauss was standing in front of Karr's saloon, just opposite Mr. Hudson's place, and the boys were jesting with him, some of their remarks finally irritating him to such an extent that he pulled out a revolver and fired in the direction of the crowd.


Death of Mr. Lewis Jackson.


Our readers will be pained to learn of the demise of Mr. Lewis Jackson, who was an engineer in the railroad company's yard in this city. Mr. Jackson was ill with typhoid fever only about ten days and no serious results were apprehended. Nevertheless his spirit took its flight at about 6 o'clock on Monday evening. He was well known in this city as a good young man and his many acquaintances will miss his genial presence. During his residence in this city, he boarded with his uncle, Mr. William Jackson who resides on Sixth avenue near Twelfth street.


Chapter of Accidents.


About 10 o'clock Wednesday morning Thomas Drumgold, foreman of the force of bricklayers engaged on the construction of the company's new lathe shop, met with an accident which, though quite serious, might have resulted in a horrible death. In passing from one point to another on the second story, overseeing the workmen, Mr. Drumgold had occasion to walk on one of the iron girders which run lengthwise through the shop. Some one called to him and in turning around his feet slipped from the girder and he was precipitated to the floor beneath, a distance of about twenty feet. He struck on his left shoulder and side and was terribly stunned and shocked. Assistance was soon at hand and he was made as comfortable as possible, and in a few minutes the company physicians arrived. An examination showed that his left arm had been broken close to the shoulder and again just below the elbow, the elbow itself being badly hurt. He also sustained a slight dislocation of the hip, and was painfully hurt on the back and side. He was placed on a stretcher and conveyed to his residence, Third avenue between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, where the surgeons reset the broken arm and gave him what attention was required. He complains of his side and back at present, but it is not supposed be has received any serious injuries in those parts, but that he will soon be able to be about. Mr. Drumgold is a heavy man, and considering the height and nature of the fall, he is to be congratulated that the consequences were not more serious.


Anderson Bougher, a brakeman on Supervisor Fred Ehrenfeld's gravel train, had his left arm terribly injured at Kittanning Point about half past 9 o'clock Wednesday morning. While attempting to pull a pin from the end of a car to make a coupling, the cars came together and his left arm was caught between the deadwoods. The arm was crushed and bursted open and two of the bones broken at the elbow joint. He was placed on an engine and brought to this city, where his injuries were attended to by the company physician, after which he was taken back to Gallitzin where he works. He is about 20 years of age, and his parents reside near Loretto.


A 2-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Hiltner, who reside on Eleventh avenue between Tenth and Eleventh streets met with a singular accident and a serious one Wednesday afternoon. The little one had climbed to a chair and while playing at a table fell to the floor, and showed signs of being seriously hurt. A physician was called and an examination showed that the little one's thigh had been broken. The proper attention was given and the child is getting along as well as could be expected.


Fatal Scalding.


A distressing accident occurred on Tuesday morning about half-past 8 o'clock by which a 2-year-old child of Mr. O. P. Aiken who resides on what is known as the "Swanger property" a short distance west of this city, lost its life. Mrs. Aiken was making preparations to do her weekly washing on that day and had placed a bucket of scalding water on the floor. Having been called away for some purpose she left the bucket standing on the floor, no one being in the room at the time. As she was returning she heard a scream and rushing in, found her son Eddie, an interesting child of about 2 years, lying drenched by the scalding contents of the bucket. Everything that could be done for his relief was immediately resorted to and Dr. W. M. Findley, was called in. The skill of nurse and surgeon was, however, of no avail as the little unfortunate died Wednesday morning between the hours of 5 and 6 o'clock.


A Narrow Escape.


On Tuesday evening as the Williamsburg train, bound for Hollidaysburg, rounded a sharp curve near Mapping & Lewis' stone quarry, between Frankstown and Hollidaysburg, Engineer Snyder was horrified to see sitting on the ties immediately in front of him a 3- year-old child of Michael Morgan, who resides at the quarry. It was impossible to stop the train until it had passed the spot where the child had been sitting and the engineer went back to make an investigation with a quaking heart. A portion of the little one's clothing had been cut away from its body, but it didn't bear a scratch. It was a very narrow escape.


In Memoriam - George V. McDowell.


The arch destroyer death has invaded our home. O! how dreary, lonely every spot; a bright, intelligent, promising youth has been summoned away. A voice is silent, a chair is vacant, a familiar footstep is missed, a loving form and face have disappeared. Youthful companions no longer anticipate his coming. He sleeps in yonder grave yard in sight of home and friends. O! thou voice of my heart why art thou silent? One long, sad, lingering look and we part, no more to meet on earth. Father, mother, sister, brother, schoolmates, all farewell. - H.


A Pleasant Surprise.


On Thursday, the 25th, a few friends of Rev. G. P. Sarvis met at his residence, in Logantown, for the purpose of presenting him with a beautiful silver watch as a birthday present. The donors left fully satisfied that the gift was highly appreciated by the reverend gentleman.


Mysterious Death on the Rail.


When Passenger Engineer Westfall was returning with his engine to this city about 7 o'clock Friday evening, after having helped limited express up the mountain, he observed a man laying on the South track at or near Scotch run, a short distance from McGarvey's station. He stopped the engine and on going ahead to look at the prostrate form discovered that the man was dead. The body was placed on the engine, brought to this city and turned over to Chief Powell, who had it taken to Lynch & Stevens' undertaking establishment. The victim looks to be a man of about 35 or 40 years of age, and is dressed like a laboring man, wearing overalls and large brogans. His entrails were protruding from a large hole in his right side, and his abdomen was squeezed out so flatly that it is thought the wheels passed over him about the middle. His left arm was unmistakably run over as it was cut almost entirely off. A great many saw him at the undertaker's and one man insisted that the remains were those of Hugh Clark, an employe of the wheel foundry, but that theory was spoiled by Mr. Clark walking in his usual good health. There was nothing in the man's clothes to indicate who he is. Coroner Mitchell was notified and he empaneled the following jury: B. J. Lynch, James Powell, W. McFeely, P. B. Stains, J. C. Mitchell and J. Burnett. A brakeman named Troy identified the remains as those of a man whom he had put off a freight train at Gallitzin about 6 o'clock. He said he found three men, all more or less drunk, on a car of his train loaded with lumber. He put two of them off, but the other was too drunk to be put off at that point and he allowed him to ride as far as Gallitzin. Troy's train was followed by a stock train, and Engineer Westfall's engine was the next thing that came down the mountain. It is probable that after the stranger had been put off the one train he got on the following one and while stupid from drink fell off and was run over.


Suicide at Lewistown Junction.


From the Lewistown Free Press we glean the following: Mrs. Mary A. Marks, wife of Peter Marks, residing at the Junction, committed suicide by hanging on Thursday morning. The facts are as follows: She was missed by the members of the family about 10 o'clock, and her little daughter, aged about 9 years, started to search for her. After inquiry of the neighbors she proceeded to look through the house, and as she opened the stair door she saw, as she thought, her mother standing on the stairway. She spoke to her and receiving no reply caught her by the dress, when the body swung around and revealed the fact that she was hanging to the railing above, with a rope around her neck. The alarm was immediately given and another daughter and a neighbor cut the body down, but life was extinct. It is supposed she adjusted the rope to the railing above and then around her neck and stepped off the stairs. When found her toes were touching the step. The body was still warm, she having been missed only half an hour. What caused her to commit the rash act is unknown. The deceased was about 57 years of age, and a daughter of Elias B. Hummell, of Lilleyville.


Cut to Pieces to the Railroad Tunnel.


About 4 o'clock Thursday morning the night watchman in the railroad tunnel at Gallitzin discovered the mutilated remains of a man on the south track, about midway in the tunnel. He notified the proper authorities at Gallitzin and repairmen were sent in with a hand car to gather up the remains and bring them out. That was not accomplished without much difficulty as the fragments of the man's body were strewed along the track a great distance, the unfortunate victim having evidently been killed some hours previous while walking through the tunnel, and a number of trains afterward passed over them. The fragments were put it a box, taken to Gallitzin and turned over to the authorities, who had them interred on the hill, near Gallitzin, Thursday evening. Two bundles of clothes, tied in a red cotton kerchief, and a paper parcel in which was a suit of overclothes were found on the track near the remains. From papers found in the man's clothes, including a passport, it was learned that his name was Michael Seiler, that he was a miller by trade and that he had only been in the country about one month. His age was about 35 years.


Death of An Estimable Lady.


Rarely is this community so shocked as it was Thursday evening on learning of the sudden death of Mrs. Jessie Brehman, wife of Dr. George E. Brehman. She had been enjoying her usual good health up till noon Thursday and had been busy about her household duties. At 5 o'clock she was dead. Her mother was with her when she suddenly became insensible and her husband was soon at her bedside and Drs. Fay and Finley, but medical skill was of no avail. The deceased lady was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith, of this city, and was born in Johnstown June 16, 1850. On April 29, 1878, she was married at the residence of her parents to Dr. George E. Brehman, Revs. M. N. Cornelius and Henry Baker officiating. Her married life had been a very happy one, and her hopes were never higher or the prospects before her brighter than when death came. The blow falls heavily on the bereaved husband and parents, and they have the sympathy of the community. Dr. Brehman had already commenced the erection of a new residence and in order to make room had moved the house he had been occupying to one side. As everything is in disorder about the premises it was thought advisable to remove the remains to the home of Mrs. Brehman's parents, and that was done same evening. Mrs. Brehman was a conscientious Christian lady and a member of the First Presbyterian church.


The funeral services of Mrs. Susan Jessie Brehman took place at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Smith, at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and were conducted by Rev. M. N. Cornelius, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, assisted by Rev. Henry Baker, pastor of the First Lutheran church, the same ministers who officiated at the wedding ceremony of Dr. Brehman and the deceased, in the same house only a few years ago. The residence of the sorrow-stricken parents of the lamented lady were filled with friends and the concourse filled the yard and pavement in front. The services were opened by the singing of the 791st hymn, "My Days Are Gliding Swiftly By," which was followed by the reading of parts of the twenty-first and twenty-second chapter of Revelations.


Rev. M. N. Cornelius, the pastor of the deceased then made an address in which he paid a glowing tribute to the character of Mrs. Brehman. During all the years he had known her, as a dutiful, loving daughter and as a noble wife, she had been great in all of the little things which have to do with forming character. She had made her home all that the Christian's home should be, and when she died the blow fell as heavily on her neighbors who had learned to know her as if one of their own dear ones had fallen. He invoked the tender mercy of God on the stricken husband and parents and exhorted those who still lived to learn from this sad death the uncertainty of life.


Rev. Baker spoke with great tenderness of the dead lady. Although she had not been a member of his church, he felt a special interest in her welfare, as he had assisted at the happy marriage which death had just rudely severed. To the husband and the parents he could only offer that consolation which comes from Christ and which he was sure they would receive. Rev. Baker then closed the service with prayer and the casket containing the remains were closed forever.


The pall bearers, who were all members of the medical profession, bore the remains to the hearse, and the mournful cortege, which was one of the largest we have ever seen, proceeded to Fairview cemetery. Every member of the medical fraternity of the city was present and a great many from Hollidaysburg, Tyrone and other parts of the county were present. After the burial service was said at the cemetery the casket was placed in the family vault and the sorrowing friends returned to their homes. The husband and parents of the deceased lady are much affected by the overflowing kindness and sympathy extended to them by their friends, acquaintances and the public generally, and they desire, through the TRIBUNE, to express their heartfelt thanks for every kind word and act.


Cane Presentation.


On Friday last Mr. Charist [Christ] Hauser, the well known senior proprietor of the Mountain City flouring mills, celebrated his 62d birthday. Many friends in this city arranged to celebrate the event and the Eintracht singing society of Tyrone came up to join them. They all assembled at Frohsinn hall, and when Mr. Hauser made his appearance he was invited to the stage, where President Frederick Vogt, of the Eintracht, in a neat address, presented him with a gold- headed cane. Mr. Hauser thanked his admiring friends in feeling terms. The Tyrone society afterwards paid a visit to the jolly landlord, Gust. Klemmert, and enjoyed an hour pleasantly with music and song. They returned on the midnight train.


Death on the Rail.


On Monday night Joseph R. Higgins and two companions, of this city, went east on a freight train intending to spend the following day in fishing. Manayunk station, between Newton Hamilton and McVeytown, was the destination and they arrived there about 2 o'clock on Tuesday morning. Leaving the train Mr. Higgins lingered on the track for some reason while his friends walked to the edge of the river preparatory to engaging in fishing. Looking back to see what had become of Mr. Higgins they saw that he was still standing on the track and that the western express was rapidly approaching. They called to him to look out for the train, but he seemed to be bewildered and utterly unable to get out of the way. As the engine neared him he threw up his hands and a moment after was hurled from the track and thrown a distance of fifty feet down the embankment among the willows that border the stream. When his comrades reached him it was discovered that he had been instantly killed. The train was stopped and the body brought to this city. It was first taken to the rooms of Undertaker Tipton and afterward removed to his residence, Eighth street, above Howard avenue.


Joseph R. Higgins was a native of this county and was about 65 years of age at the time of his tragic death. He resided for many years at Williamsburg, during the greater portion of which time he followed the business of canal boating. In August, 1862, Mr. Higgins entered the army as first lieutenant of Company B, One Hundred and Twenty fifth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, and participated in the battles of his regiment, Antietam, Chancellorsville, etc. At Antietam he was complimented for bravery on the field, having succeeded in rallying his company when it was forced to fall back before a superior force. He was a resident of this city for about sixteen years, during which time he was employed in the shops of the Pennsylvania railroad company. He was twice married. His second wife survives him. Also one son, Blair Higgins, who resides here. Colonel Jacob Higgins, well known in the county, is a brother of the deceased.


Funeral will take place from his late residence on Eighth street above Howard avenue at 7:30 o'clock on Thursday morning. His remains will be taken to Williamsburg for interment.


The Accident Record.


Thomas O'Donnell, an old man who has been employed as a laborer on the construction of the company's new lathe shop, was seriously hurt Monday morning between 8 and 9 o'clock. He was digging in a trench, and was in a stooping posture, when a heavy block two feet long and ten inches wide fell from the building, a distance of twenty-five feet, and struck Mr. O'Donnell on the back, breaking two ribs from the back bone. He was taken to his home, Seventh avenue and Twenty-second street, where the company physician attended him. He suffers terribly and is in a very serious condition.


Monday afternoon while James Lyman, an employe of the company's erecting shop, was pulling a reamer, the wrench slipped off and he was precipitated into the pit near which he stood. In falling his side came in contact with the iron rail at the side of the pit and he was badly hurt, some of his ribs probably being fractured. He was carried to the residence of his parents, Seventh avenue, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets.


Charles Gundaker, a machinist employed in the lathe shop, had the thumb on his left hand crushed, Monday afternoon, by getting it caught between the spur wheels of the mulling machine which he runs. The injury is painful but not serious.


On Sunday a young son of Mr. Zach Endress, fell from a fence at his father's residence, corner Seventh avenue and Eleventh street and was badly hurt.


Serious Accident.


Tuesday morning a 4-year-old son of Frank Newberry, of Gaysport, fell into a tub of boiling water and was terribly scalded from the breast down to the knees. His injuries are of so terrible a character that it is not believed possible for him to recover.




ENYEART - BLACK. - May 23, by Rev. M. N. Cornelius, Mr. J. M. Enyeart to Miss Lucinda Black, both of Altoona.


SINCLAIR - HEISLER. - At the residence of William Riches, No. 556 North Forty-fifth street, Philadelphia, Pa., May 16, 1882, by Rev. A. B. Chamberlain, James L. Sinclair, of Lancaster, to Miss Annie M. Heisler, of Altoona.


ROBINSON - MADDEN. - May 16, 1882, by Rev. A. K. Bell, D. D., Mr. Westley M. Robinson, of Hollidaysburg, to Miss Jennie F. Madden, of Juniata county.


HOLLAND - RIGLER. - May 18, at the parsonage of the First Methodist Episcopal church, by Rev. A. D. Yocum, George B. Holland to Miss Louie [sic] Rigler.




PALMER. - In this city, May 24, 1882, James C., infant son of James and Martha Palmer, aged 7 months and 7 days.
HICKS. - At Duncansville, May 22, P. Nelson Hicks, aged 79 years.


CAMPBELL. - At Glendale, Cambria county, April 23, 1882, of lung fever, Frankie Albert, son of W. N. and Mary M. Campbell, aged 8 months and 28 days.


GLASS. - In Renovo, May 21, John R., son of Christian R. and Mary Glass, aged 1 year, 6 months and 17 days.


GANETZ. - May 28, at 1 o'clock 8.a. m., Adolph, infant son of Henry and Mary Ganetz, aged 10 months.


ECKERD. - At Duncansville. May 25, Annie H. Eckerd, aged 15 years and 8 months.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 1, 1882, page 3


What Our Correspondent Gathered Up During the Week.


The grass and grain is booming.


The Juniata gets full every Saturday.


John Lingafelt, jr., had a slice taken out of one of his fingers with a grass sickle, which got very sore and painful, but it is now better, the crisis having passed.


A thief on Thursday night went into Colonel W. K. Piper's side yard and stole from the porch several articles, and dug up a shrub tree and took it with them.


Mr. Wike, of Logan township, has been supplying our citizens with plants and flowers. He has sold several wagon loads of bedding plants in our town during the past week.


The dozen or more persons who have been suffering with chronic rheumatism are all on the improve and we hope the genial June atmosphere will bring them to the front again.


Mr. W. H. Banks who has been residing in Hannibal, Missouri, for the last two years and resigned his office on the Hannibal & Missouri railroad and will return with his family to the east.


Fred D. Young, who is in the lumber business in Bedford county, is home on a furlough, having met with a painful accident on Tuesday last, getting the index finger in the left hand split up to the first joint by a circular saw.


Messrs. James Denniston, H. C. Porter, J. K. McLanahan and C. B. Smith are said to be the gentlemen who compose the new firm who have taken the big rolling mill and nail factory, and have workmen at work putting things in order. Mr. C. H. Smith being the superintendent of the works.


Hon. Samuel Calvin and Hon. A. S. Landis were the only legal gentlemen to represent Hollidaysburg at the dedication of the Cambria county new court house. Court Crier Jones Rollins and Blair county's extensive wool merchant, Julius Weil, also represented the county capital.


On Wednesday Dr. D. S. Hays went over to McKee's to amputate part of Mr. Martin Carl's right foot, which had been diseased with a dry cancer for over two years. We learn that the doctor skillfully performed the difficult operation without assistance other than the unprofessional skill of Messrs. H. C. Porter and W. Hartman.


The fourth annual commencement of the Hollidaysburg public schools, under the direction of Professor Pinkerton, will be held in Condron's opera house on Monday, June 5, and the alumni reception will be on the following day and consist in an excursion over the Bell's Gap railroad, the exercises to be held in Rhododendron park at Lloydsville.


In addition to the regular number and kind of birds that annually visit us we have noticed several new and beautiful varieties that never before, or very seldom, have been known to visit us. They can be seen in the field and forest, and a person familiar with our birds will not fail to notice the beautiful strangers, who act as though they intend to spend the summer with us.


Dean, the little granddaughter of Hon. David Caldwell, caused her friends considerable uneasiness on Saturday by starting before breakfast for a romp in the wild wood. She returned about 2 o'clock in the afternoon very tired, and we suppose perfectly satisfied with the song of the birds, the perfume of wild flowers, and feasting on pure mountain air, as she did not find any cakes and pies growing among the flowers or on the trees.


Joe Madara, a Bedford county man who claims to be a member of Pinkerton's detective gang, was in town on Tuesday and created quite a sensation by riding a spotted pony through the street at a 2.40 gait without a bridle. He averred that in coming to town his horse got frightened at a cow and jumping to one side broke a leg square off. It was evidently not the horse that Joe rode through town, for it had four remarkably good legs.


Charles Pope and Joe Meintel, two young mechanics of the county capital, went to work and made an artificial limb for Mr. George Lang, which, when adjusted was so perfect in all its parts that "one might have thought it there by nature grew." It so changed the outward appearance of Mr. Lang that his most intimate friends passed him on the street without the usual salutation. So useful is the new limb that George will never again astonish his country friends by sticking his knife to the hilt in it as he done with the old peg.


The Baptists will soon own a parsonage. They are the only denomination in the town who do not have a home for their pastor. Some weeks ago when we learned that the Vowinckel residence, adjoining the church property, was for sale we noted it in our Happenings and advocated the purchase of a parsonage. It took well with the members of the church, but before anything was done the property was sold to Mr. C. H. Smith, who after learning that the church was in earnest and would purchase or build, very generously offered them the property at the original purchase, and in addition, although not a member of the church, agreed to make a liberal donation to assist them in purchasing the property. When the proposition was submitted to the congregation but one member voted no, and as very near the entire amount needed had been subscribed, the trustees were instructed to make the purchase.


There was a great commotion at the county almshouse on Tuesday evening, caused by the arrival of John D. Clare, a man suffering with small-pox. He was placed in the new county pest house and Darby Kays employed to attend to all his wants. It is claimed by some that it was cruel and dangerous to haul a sick man in a wagon six miles, and also an outrage to the poor and unfortunate inmates to take a man suffering with such a loathsome and dangerous disease to their only refuge, all of which we admit is true, notwithstanding the directors remonstrated against it and agreed to pay all the expenses of keeping him where he was. Yet Altoona is not to blame. They are only doing what they have been asked to do, and what any other town would do if placed under the same restraint. When they respectfully asked the county to assist in building a county hospital they were not only refused but insulted by being told the county had ample buildings and accommodations to take care of its sick wards. At the time we very modestly remarked in our report, that the demands were just and the county should assist Altoona to build a hospital. For this we were denounced as being a traitor to our own town, and working for the interests of Altoona. We then, and we now think the demand was both urgent and just, and that this is only the first fruit of what may be looked for if justice is not done and that quickly.


If the almanac makers can be relied on the winter will soon end, and now is the time for him who would get away from the noisy cares of business and the work shops to make their arrangements for spending a day or a week or a month in the country - in some deep wood, whose unspeakable beauty develops with each new disposition of light or shade that falls upon struggling vine or rugged tree trunk, there to forget the cares that perplex their minds and find pleasure in every object they meet; where they can drink from the pure brook with the thrush and bear home incense from nature's altar in bunches of sweet ferns. Whether you desire to spend a day or a week in the country, now is the time to look about you and ascertain where that day or week can be spent with the most pleasure and for the least expense. Of course mechanics and men of limited incomes cannot imitate the custom so prevalent among the wealthy class, and as a result have to be content with an occasional picnic. That these holidays are highly beneficial there is no doubt but for the short time spent in fresh air can have but little influence on health. There are many beautiful places within a few miles of the city that is just as beautiful and healthful as any in the world and we suggest that a half dozen or so of families purchase a tent, pitch it in some one of our beautiful parks or quiet retreats near the city - Deli Delight, for instance - and then each family take possession in regular terms of say a week or ten days. Take the wife, children and the servant, if you have one. In this way the poor man can have all the benefits and pleasures of the rich at an expense that will not exceed living in your own dwelling.




At 1:15 o'clock on Friday morning, John J. Williams, esq., an old and greatly respected citizen, died after an illness of over four months. The deceased was 76 years and 6 months old, was a machinist and boiler maker by trade, having worked for the last thirty-five years in the McFarland foundry. He was perhaps the oldest Odd Fellow in the county, having been a member of the order for forty years.




On Tuesday evening Mrs. Maria Johnston, widow of the late William Johnston, died very suddenly at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. B. C. Eaton. The deceased lady was in the enjoyment of good health up to within one hour of her death. She had taken her little grand- daughter out for a walk, calling at Sheriff Metz's. After returning home she conversed with the family in her usual cheerful manner and before retiring drank a small quantity of buttermilk. Shortly after going to her room Mrs. Eaton heard her hoisting the window and on going to the room found her using a fan, she complaining of pain in the breast and a difficulty in breathing. Dr. Humes was immediately summoned, but before he reached his patient her pure spirit had left its tenement of clay and had gone to join her loved ones who had preceded her to that better and happier home. Mrs. Johnston was a consistent Christian woman, mild, patient and kind, a model mother, wife and friend, whose example might well be imitated. Her loss to this community will be sadly felt and long lamented. Her vacant pew in the Baptist church will be a constant reminder to the other members of the church of the departure of one of their number who never formed an excuse for being absent from the house of the Lord or for serving her Master in a true, Christian spirit. We have been unable to ascertain her exact age, which is about 62 years.


A Grist of News From Our Regular Correspondent.


This week the trade on the Clearfield road averaged 650 cars.


Councilman Vail, of the Fourth ward, drives the finest Canadian pony in this neck o' woods.


Last week two cows belonging to parties living in East Tyrone were killed by the cars near the latter place.


This week McCamant & Co., broke ground on Lincoln avenue for the erection of a dwelling house for Mr. John Hoffmans.


On Thursday evening, at the Methodist parsonage, by Rev. J. S. McMurry, Mr. Samuel Bloom, of Coalport, and Miss Kate Caskey, of this place, were united in marriage.


Dr. Rowan Clarke now drives a beautiful span of Kentucky horses, 6 years of age respectively and weighing, the one 835 and the other 795 pounds, and are of the most fashionable color - sorrel.


The farmers are complaining already that if the weather continues as it has been much longer the corn crop will be as last year - a failure. Very few have planted yet, and those who have say the corn will rot.


Tuesday Willie Voght, a 12-year-old son of Mr. Fred. Voght, whilst in search of honeysuckle blossoms on the ridge near town, accidentally slipped and re-broke the arm that had been broken in play about Christmas. The broken bone was promptly set by Dr. Clarke.


Thursday night Mr. S. S Blair lost an Alderny cow, the finest without any exceptions in this part of the country, and one which no small sum of money could have bought. Her death resulted from natural causes. Mr. Adam Wolfgang also lost an elegant cow of the Jersey stock recently.


A wreck occurred about half past 6 o'clock Thursday evening in the company's yard, in which a man named Sanford Sessermary [sic] was so badly hurt that death put an end to his sufferings a few minutes after the accident. At this writing we can give no further particulars except that the track was made impassable and the passengers from the Bald Eagle mail walked through town to the station


The remains of Mr. Sanford Sessaman, the unfortunate young man who was killed in the yard on Friday evening of last week, were interred in the burying ground at Bald Eagle on the following Sunday at 2 p. m. Mr. Sessaman had been in the employ of the company but three days when he met his awful death, about twenty feet distant from where an elder brother was killed five years ago this month. The latter had worked only two days. The father of the deceased resides near Vail station.


The usual quiet of our town was set to bubbling on Thursday forenoon, and by 8 o'clock that evening was to fever heat, being the sorrowful topic of conversation by everybody, caused by the sudden and mysterious disappearance of one of our most influential and prominent citizens and leading business men, which took place on Wednesday night. The report struck all who heard it with amazement. ln many instances it was not for some time given credence to, but the terrible truth could not easily be gainsayed nor successfully contradicted. Since we are opposed to kicking a man when down, and not knowing the motives that may have prompted this action on the part of this esteemed and respected citizen, we refrain from giving any of the thousand and one reasons now afloat for this sudden disappearance. Only sorry that we have been called upon to pen what we have. We with many others only hope that the worst bas been told. His wife and family have the sympathy of the entire community, she being an excellent woman, the family one of the first.


In the procession Tuesday, which wended its way up the hill to the quiet city of the dead, could be seen, of the Grand Army of the Republic, seventy members in rank commanded by Grand Commander C. S. W. Jones; Neptune fire company, twenty in number, were commanded by their chief, H. W. Cutler; the Friendship hook and ladder company, numbering fifteen men, in charge of W. F. Henderson, and Dr. Ewing looked after the children, of whom there was a vast assemblage. Mr. George Davidson chief marshal. At the cemetery Rev. Graham led with a very earnest and appropriate prayer, which was followed by one of the most eloquent, patriotic, free from political claptrap, so often dragged into addresses of this kind, orations by Rev. J. S. McMurray that the people of Tyrone have bad the honor of listening to for many a day, if ever. At the close of the ceremonies at the cemetery squads were sent to Charlotteville, Catholic cemetery. Warriorsmark, and the remainder of the post, about forty in number, took passage on mail train at 3 o'clock for Birmingham.


General and Personal Notes of an Interesting Nature.


H. R. Hanks, an ex-editor of Williamsport, is the new clerk at Springfield Furnace.


The Williamsburg cornet band will accompany the Good Will fire company of Hollidaysburg in the 4th of July parade at Altoona.


Blackburn, Royer & Co. have sold one thousand bushels of potatoes since the holidays. For enterprise and vim the two Harrys cannot be excelled, as is evidenced by their large daily sales.


Mr. O. J. McAllister is the "boss" farmer at Royer and the grain and hay prospect was never more flattering. Farmers all over the Cove go to "Orve" for advice in regard to farming and always get new ideas of practical benefit.


J. E. Hagey, the popular manager of Wood, Morrell & Co.'s store at the Mines, is off on a two week's visit to Iowa. Mr. James Isenberg, a young man of good address, and who is fully competent, has charge of the establishment during Mr. Hagey's absence,


A little daughter of Mr. Jacob Brumbaugh made a narrow escape from death on Wednesday. Cal. Johnson was dropping a car in on the siding back of the furnace and discovered the little girl on the track and by instantly putting on the brake stopped the car within a few inches of her.


Rev. J. M. Rice preached his farewell sermon to his congregation on Sunday last from the text in II Corinthians, xiii, 11. Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace and the God of love and peace shall be with you.


The initial picnic of the season took place on Saturday, composed of the following young misses: Mabel Patterson, Sue Dean, Eva Nicodemus, Rose Patterson, Mary Dean, Kate Dean, Daisy Dean, Sadie Ake, Amanda Smith, Emma Campbell, Georgia Van Devander, Mazie Spencer, Carrie Spencer and Angie Patterson. The little girls say they had a lovely time and enjoyed it immensely, and we have no doubt they did.


The liveliest manufactory in Williamsburg is the carpet factory of Mr. H. W. Myers, and like all successful business men Mr. Myers has a few enemies who through maliciousness or envy endeavor to hurt his business. But facts are stubborn things. In eleven days he has made three hundred and fifty yards of carpet, and so many orders are now in that he proposes in a few days starting a branch factory in Altoona.


Since reading the item in Monday's TRIBUNE in regard to Mr. S. B. Isenberg as a candidate for assembly, we have interviewed a number of leading politicians in regard to it, and they are unanimous in the opinion that no better nomination could be made. Mr. Isenberg's honesty and integrity is so well established, his adherence to republican principles are of so firm a character that it makes him peculiarly fitted for the position. We do not know that Mr. Isenberg is a candidate but we do know that he should be, and with Burchfield and Isenberg as members of the legislature, Blair county would be doing herself proud.
General and Personal Items Gathered by A New Correspondent.


The heavy rain of Saturday last did considerable damage to cornfields and newly plowed ground.


The masons and carpenters are busy making preparations to replace the barn of James H. Wilson, which was recently destroyed by fire.


Candidates should always visit us in wet weather, for you know that farmers are always in the best of humor at such a time, and will likely tell you they will vote for you.


For some time past hounds have been chasing deer in this section and no doubt have killed some. The owners of hound pups had better look a leedle oud, otherwise their dogs may all come home with some straying away.


For a long time they called him Emory but now it is Pap Fleck, and he is as proud as he can well be, and why shouldn't he? Uncle Davy Crawford says the little visitor is a fine bouncing big boy.


Albert Templeton, who resided near Scalplevel, died on Thursday last aged about 50 years. He had been a cripple for years with rheumatism and passed away suddenly, being found dead in his bed.


Diehl & Co., have placed a steam saw mill on the land of Charles Hench and intend to cut all the timber they can secure from the farmers in the neighborhood. The sawyer claims that he can saw fifteen thousand feet of oak lumber a day. Pretty fast work in our opinion.


Wet weather is having a bad effect on our citizens. The farmer is mad, his wife is mad, his children are mad and there is a possibility that the dogs will go mad. The farmer is mad because he cannot get his corn and potatoes planted; his wife is mad because she cannot get her garden made; the children are mad because pa has said they should not go to the show. What the end will be we cannot tell.


The mountains which surround our valley, and which but a short time past looked bare and rugged, are now having their old suits patched and are beginning to look neat and well dressed. The leaves which are putting forth vigorously are hiding their nakedness and all nature seems to be astir. Mother Earth, the face of which differs so greatly from the face of other mothers, as her beauty is not purchased in boxes at high prices, but is of the original type, and no application which man can put on will add to her beauty, looks as bright as can be, while beauty put on is but for a time and does an injury which will be visible in after years.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, June 1, 1882, page 4




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