Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Tuesday, December 28, 1880


A Pleasant Party.


On Saturday night quite a party called in the way of a surprise on Mrs. Sol Bendheim, who lives at Fourteenth street and Thirteenth avenue. They took with them a fine lot of edibles and fixed up a gorgeous refreshment table which was duly appreciated. The evening was passed until 12 o'clock with music and amusements and the occasion was an unusually pleasant one. About fifteen couples were present including Alex. Sheeline and lady, Mrs. Beckhover and son and daughter, Mr. Corn and wife, H. Mayer and wife, Mr. Blumenthal and lady and Mr. S. Neuwahl and lady. There were quite a number of others present.


Officers Elected.


At a regular meeting of Cresson Council, Jr. O.U.A.M., the following officers were duly elected: P.C., Samuel Groves; Grand Council, William Metzgar; V.C., Charles Gall, R.S., G. B. Hight; A.R.S., Samuel Bolger; T.S., Blair Raffensparger; Treasurer, Lewis McGlathery; Trustee, G. B. Hight; Conductor, G. A. Askew; Warden, S. Michael; I.S., C. Markley; O.S., Freemont Long.



How the Order Spent Saint John's Night in Altoona.


Last night will be remembered by the Masonic fraternity of this city as what might be called feast night. Mountain Lodge, No. 281, Free and Accepted Masons, had their annual supper at the Logan House. The occasion was a most enjoyable one, and the supper did great credit to the superintendent. It was gotten up in the very best style and was heartily enjoyed. Quite a number of toasts were given and responded to and all the gentlemen present were given a remembrance to take home with them.


The members of Logan Lodge, F. and A.M., No. 490, met at the Globe hotel and had a most agreeable set out. After a pleasant evening the gentlemen sat back and quite a number of toasts were responded to. T. W. Cole, responded to "The Grand Lodge of the State of Pennsylvania." He spoke of the early history and the birth of Free Masonry and also the birth of the Logan Lodge ten years since. Masonic songs were sung by a duet at intervals. Then followed toasts by D. Orr Alexander, "Masonic Secrecy," a very fine effort; M. Alexander, who diverged from his subject and gave a poetical account of Washington's three loves; John R. Fraser, "Robert Burns as a Mason;" T. B. Patton, "The Bible the Great Light in Masonry;" James White, "The Masonic Supper;" J. W. Fries, "Deer Hunting and Masonry," which he said would not mix and he could not mix them; T. W. Hurd, "Masonic Duty," J. W. Cherry, "Obligation to Lodge;" W. D. Couch, "Setting Sun;" W. B. Miller, "From Labor to Refreshment." After a happy time the company adjourned, first thanking the proprietor for his kindness in preparing such a fine supper.


Stole a Gold Watch.


A couple of strange little girls appeared at the house of a Mr. Boggs, living on Seventh avenue, between Nineteenth and Twentieth streets, on Christmas day, and pleaded for something to eat. The domestic who admitted them went to the kitchen to procure that which was necessary to satisfy the cravings of the little girls, and when she returned they could not be found. A gold watch had been lying on a table in a room near by, and the discovery was made after the departure of the girls that the watch had also disappeared, and it was supposed that the children stole it. Complaint against the children was made at the Mayor's office on Saturday evening. Officer Allen and the Chief of Police served a search warrant. The watch, valued at about $55, was found in a stand drawer in a room in the house of the parents of the children.


Arrested for Attempted Murder.


On Christmas night John Radybush committed a serious crime in Tyrone which will probably result in his imprisonment for a considerable time. He is a young miner residing at Ore Hill, but on the above day went to Tyrone and soon became intoxicated. With him were two companions. As the trio approached Riddle's hotel one of them was persuaded to withdraw by his wife who came after him. This incensed Radybush greatly, and he pulled out a revolver and endeavored to shoot the man. A gentleman ran out of the hotel and took the weapon from him before any damage was done, although he had quite a struggle. The Constable was handy and soon had the would-be murderer under lock and key. He was taken to Hollidaysburg yesterday.


Handsomely Decorated.


The decorations in St. Patrick's church, at Newry, on Christmas were so handsome, so artistic and beautiful that we feel a pleasure in giving the names of the persons that were instrumental in embellishing the handsome little church, viz.: Misses Annie Cassiday, Mary J. Hoover, Kate Anderson, Mollie Conrad, Mrs. Noel and Mrs. Eliza Conrad. The gentlemen were Messrs. Robert and Charles Conrad and John Campbell. All of the above persons deserve much credit for the zeal, energy and taste they displayed.


A Man With a Good War Record.


Mr. Joseph Newman, brother-in-law of Mr. H. C. Crosthwaite, was in the city last week. He fired the first artillery shot at the battle of Gettysburg on the Union side; was through the Mexican war, and served five years in the regular army on the frontier. He was in thirty-one regular engagements, and passed through all these services unscathed, and was never prevented from attending to his duties. He is a large man and a good mark. He resides at Yeagertown, Mifflin county.


The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Tuesday, December 28, 1880, page 1




Mr. Thomas Whittaker, of Johnstown, paid a visit to his home on Christmas.


Mr. William Kellerman we are glad to note, is able to be on the street again.


Dr. E. C. Stockton's choir is an attractive feature of the Teacher's Institute.


The aged mother of Professor B. F. Pinkerton is paying a visit to the professor.


Mr. Thomas Williams has his one eye dressed "in sackcloth and ashes." He don't mind the cloth, it's the ashes that bothers him.


At the Teachers' Institute yesterday Professor Ross, of Hyde Park, in his address on Penmanship surprised some of the audience by throwing out of the schools spelling book, copy book and mental arithmetics, and adding the cost of those useless books to the teachers salaries.


Mrs. Eliza Lemon is making preparations to remove to Kansas. Her residence, which is one of the most desirable in town both in size and location, will be for rent. Mrs. Banks also contemplated leaving our town to reside in Baltimore. We understand she will close her nice desirable residence.




The Santa Claus on wheels, fantastically clad, with an empty haversack at his side, who visited ex-Sheriff Funk's family reunion on Christmas day was not the "Squire." The fact that he left with an empty haversack is abundant proof. The "inveterate wag" was our neighbor, Samuel E. Shaw, who in spite of gray hairs never grows old. He not only paid his respects to our town, but called at the residence of many of his country cousins, none of whom recognized him in his fantastic dress. Over the entire route he met with a hearty welcome and kind treatment, with the exception of one young man in Newry, named Walters, who assaulted him with chunks of ice, inflicting painful bruises. We take it all back, 'Squire. - REP.




On Saturday morning while slowly climbing the icy hill to the postoffice, we were met by Mr. John G. Reed, proprietor of the famous restaurant, who after the usual Christmas greeting extended an invitation to step into parlor No. 2 and sample his oysters, "Bonnerized" on the shell. In the parlor we met Editor Traugh and Colonel Lemon, who having completed their feast sat complacently stroking their beards. Besides the many good things already on the table, a plate filled with great monsters which we were assured were genuine oysters sat before us, and the command given to "unhinge our jaws," which we lost no time in doing. The conclusion arrived at when the job was finished was that Reed's "Bonnerized" oysters were delicious and his menu complete.




Joe Seguin is jerking logs.


Mr. John Kratzer, of Ashland, who was hardly expected to live, is now on the mend.


Little Johnny Kratzer, of Ashland, died on Christmas morning, having been afflicted for a long time. His last words were: "Lord Jesus, take me."


Bang, bang, bang, goes Vanormer's logs against each other. Joe kept his head under his wing last winter pretty near all the time, but now he has it out and is crowing.


In speaking of aged men we have a man out here in these parts by the name of A. Dougherty, 75 years of age, who can drive a deer to its wonted place as fast as any other man.


It's Johnny Dougherty and not Jimmy Crawford that has the time with the hogs this winter. He has been butchering for near two months and as yet has only killed two. They have for their pen about three hundred acres and they can't corner them. --? says they excel any deer in strategy south of the north pole.




Mountain City Lodge, No. 837, I.O. of O. F., will dedicate their hall - third story of the new TRIBUNE building - this Tuesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The lodges of the city and all visiting members are cordially invited to attend. - A. C. LYTLE, Secretary.




William McGinty drives the swiftest team across the mountain from these quarters.


McClellan Wertz, we understand, is slowly recovering from a severe attack of diphtheria.


Mosey Thompson is the happiest man up this way. Plenty of buckwheat and hog grease, he says, keeps him all right.


Miss Mattie Yingling, one of Harrison Yingling's daughters, has been lying quite ill for the past six weeks of typhoid fever.


Morrison Yingling killed a porker some time since that weighed 350 pounds, but Jim Maurer's came out ahead, balancing 400.


Mrs. Andrew Greene's funeral procession numbered about forty sleighs and sleds. The services were conducted by Rev. Sherlock at the Asbury church.


Mr. John Bowers, the man that raised the big corn last summer, was lucky enough to raise a wife after it was husked. Miss Flora Dixon was her name.


Country Sunday schools generally close for the winter season, but the Logan Sunday school still continues. Mrs. Isaac's and Miss Jennie Isaac's classes, numbering about six scholars each, recited off the book during the summer Sundays 3,600 verses.


Christmas was a happy day in these parts. Your unworthy correspondent accepted an invitation to help demolish a turkey up at Mr. Bentley's. The "turk" disappeared "quite fastly." The occasion was indeed an enjoyable one not soon to be forgotten. Mr. and Mrs. Bentley just know how to treat a person.


The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Tuesday, December 28, 1880, page 3




Things Briefly Told.


There will be a meeting of the Land League in St. John's hall this evening.


John W. Humes, aged 69 years, was inadvertently omitted from the list of Silver Greys yesterday.


Mr. W. V. B. Coplin, Register and Recorder of Mifflin county, called at the TRIBUNE office last evening. He is a pleasant gentleman.


The gentleman who stole from the depot a couple of weeks ago Conductor G. A. Houck's butter bucket will please return the same, as he would like to have it filled for him again.


This morning Howard L. Crum, of Wilmore, came to Altoona to have his hand dressed. Two fingers had been badly mashed while he was coupling cars. He will not lose them.


Last evening Philip Hudson, who had a hearing before Alderman Rose recently upon a charge of driving one of Burk & Co.'s horses to death, was bound over to answer the charge at the next criminal court.


A Nicktown correspondent of the Carrolltown News says that Mr. John Houck and Miss Mary Krug, all of Barr township, are announced as candidates for the nuptial knot. For several years, until recently, Miss Krug had been residing in Altoona.


Sheriff Thomas Griffith, of Ebensburg, last week purchased the timber right to three thousand acres of land located in Blacklick township. The land was the property of Dr. George Rex, of Philadelphia, and it bears a heavy growth of hemlock, poplar, ash, etc.


We forgot to note in yesterday's issue, as we had intended, the beautiful Christmas tree which adorned the parlor at the residence of Mr. Gust Klemmert. It was large and well proportioned and hung with a wealth of goodies, and when lighted with innumerable tapers presented a magnificent sight.


In our notice of the presentations we left the new Second ward rooms entirely out in the cold. Nearly all the teachers received presents, among whom were Prof. Book, who received an elegant silver card-receiver and a beautiful album, and his able assistant, Miss Hooper, who received a number of gifts. The janitor of the building was remembered with a twenty pound turkey.


Was Never There Before.


Last Sunday evening as the sexton of the Second Methodist Church was preparing to ring the bell James Webber thought he would confer a kindness by ringing it for him. He did not ring more than a pair of minutes until he (James) upset the machine, and owing to the last ringing the bell had to be placed in its right position. To accomplish this James and the sexton had to climb the ladders up to the belfry. The first ladder being twenty feet, the second sixteen and the third about twelve. Once there, with might and strength, they got the enormous bell in right position. When everything was adjusted and they were ready to come down, the light went out, and neither of the two had a match. The two were away up there in utter darkness. James never being there before did not know how to get down. He was in a terrible dilemma, being usher in the church and the time drawing very near, and still up above. Nevertheless, the sexton succeeded in landing James safely on terra firma by taking the lead and placing James' feet in the path they should go. James says he will not attempt to ring that bell again.


Arrested and Jailed.


A few days since a young woman in Hollidaysburg appeared before 'Squire Jones and made complaint of fornix, etc., under promise of marriage, against a young man named Milton Powell, residing in Huntingdon. Yesterday Constable Houck proceeded to Huntingdon and after quite a chase captured young Powell, who was working on the Penitentiary. He was brought to Altoona and it is said does not deny the soft impeachment.




The fourteenth annual session of the Blair County Teachers' Institute began at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon in the Court House, at Hollidaysburg, Superintendent Stephens in the chair. After reading a portion of Scripture and prayer by Rev. E. C. Stockton, D. M. Lotz was appointed Secretary pro tem, and the teachers, to the number of seventy-eight reported at the desk. The officers are as follows:


President - John H. Stephens, of Williamsburg, ex-officio.

Vice Presidents - W. H. Stephens, of Logan, Captain Francis Cassiday, of Newry.

Secretary - W. H. Schwartz, of Hollidaysburg.

Assistant Secretary - D. M. Lotz, of Frankstown township.


The elections having been attended to, an impromptu choir was organized under the leadership of Dr. E. E. Stockton, and sang "When the Mists Have Cleared Away."  ....The referred question: "What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Keeping a Class Record?" was next on the programme. The discussion was opened by S. B. Smith, of North Woodberry township, who was of the decided opinion that the advantages are decidedly superior to the disadvantages. He has kept a record in his school, and it has been a great success, enabling him to mark impartially, doing away with dissatisfaction, and making much interest....


Superintendent Stephens remarked that the plan advocated by Mr. Smith had been tried in several schools in the county with great success....


Penmanship, by Professor Ross, completed the afternoon exercises. Position and analysis were the only divisions treated on.


After announcements the institute adjourned until 7:15 P.M.


Old People of Altoona.


The Mayor yesterday sent his list of names of old people to the Delaware county physician. Since then several more have been handed in, to wit.: William Ayres and wife Martha, of Sixth avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, one born November 17, 1791, and the other on August 15, 1792; Betsy Newman, aged 80; Elizabeth Smith, who lives on Ninth avenue, near Twelfth street, born in Sulley's Grove, Northumberland county, in 1798; James Maloney, of Ashland Furnace, between 80 and 85 years of age; James Newbury, born near Old Kennet Meeting House, Chester county, in 1796. The latter gentleman was a soldier in the war of 1812, in the Mexican war, and in the late rebellion. He is still in good health and able to do a good day's work at papering or painting. His present residence is in Gaysport.


The Tail End of Christmas.


Among the last presents to mention, but none the less agreeable on that account, is a very handsome chair presented by the clerks in Baltzell & Rouss' store to the senior proprietor. The chair was of fine Russia Morocco and ornamented with a gold monogram. It was a complete surprise, and when Mr. Curtis made a neat little presentation speech Mr. Baltzell scarcely knew how to reply. His clerks think very highly of their employer.


Joseph B. Hileman on Christmas day made "Daddy" Donat's heart glad by presenting him with a beautiful bright five-dollar gold piece. The venerable gentleman lives on Sixteenth street, near the City Hotel, and is quite a cripple. He is not extensively supplied with this world's goods and wishes to publicly thank Mr. Hileman for his kindness.


Double Murder and Lynching.


ALLENTOWN, December 27. - Jacob Gogel and wife, residing four miles from Bethlehem, were found dead in bed this morning, their heads nearly severed from their bodies. A bloody ax was found in the apartment and the walls splashed with blood. Joseph Snyder, who boarded with the Gogels, was believed to be the murderer. He was caught by an infuriated mob soon after the discovery of the crime and hung to the nearest tree. The Gogles leave three children.


Joseph Snyder, aged 24 years, who murdered Jacob and Anna Gogel, near Bethlehem, was found in a neighboring barn under the straw at 9 o'clock this morning. He was immediately taken back to the house of his victims and questioned as to the murder. He was cool and collected. He was interrogated by Rev. Bendle, of Bethlehem, and at once confessed having committed the crime, telling the story with great deliberation. He was in love with the eldest daughter of Gogel's, aged 16, but was opposed by her parents. He believed by killing them all opposition would be removed to his suit. He had scarcely confessed before a rope taken from one of the beds was placed around his neck and he was dragged outside of the house and hung to a large chestnut tree. After being suspended for twenty minutes the body was cut down by the poor house authorities and taken to that institution, where it was found that death was caused by strangulation. The officers of the law made vain endeavors to restrain the fury of the mob, Detective Yohe, of Bethlehem, firing at one of the ringleaders without effect. Several thousand people visited the scene of the tragedy during the day and the excitement is intense.


Arrested for Fraud.


WILKESBARRE, December 27. - Peter Jennings, ex-County Commissioner, was arrested here to-day for defrauding the county of a thousand dollar coupon bond placed in his possession while commissioner. He gave bail for appearance at court.




A young man named Charles Kelso, who claims to be the son of Jesus Christ, has just been confined in the Warren Insane Asylum.


A 7-year-old son of Joseph Peiffer, at Mt. Zion, Lebanon county, was scalped by a ferocious dog chained near a public school house. The school boys teased the chained animal, who broke loose and nearly killed one of them. The scalp of the boy's head was torn off, but was quickly sewed on again by Dr. Grumbine.


The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Tuesday, December 28, 1880, page 4




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