Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb






Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Wednesday, August 11, 1880




The Garfield and Arthur Central Club.


On Thursday night of this week the Central Republican club of this city and Logan township will meet in the Opera House. Speeches will be made by W. Lee Woodcock and several others. Some of the ward organizations will come in as a body and there will probably be an extensive turnout.


New Uniforms.


The Citizen's Cornet Band, eighteen members, under the leadership of H. W. Stouffer, are getting a set of new uniforms. They will arrive in the course of a few days. The suit is a navy blue, with a blue cap. The organization is now in first-rate order and the members are interested in keeping it up to a high standard.


A Reunion Picnic.


The people living in Altoona who came from the vicinity of Warriorsmark are arranging for a picnic and reunion at that place, to occur about the 28th of the present month. They will make Michael Funk's grove their headquarters. The Knights of the Mystic Chain have been invited to unite with them and make the demonstration a grand success.


Police Items.


Policeman Hamlin gathered in a drunk from the depot last night. When he searched him he jammed a finger into the fellow's vest pocket. That finger came out again with a jerk, looking as if he had met a porcupine. The fellow had a handful of needles lying loose in his pockets.


The east side policemen picked up a drunk and disorderly last night with which they had a great deal of trouble before he was landed in the lockup.


Two men were arrested about midnight for fighting on the TRIBUNE office corner. Both were locked up.


One of two other drunks and disorderly individuals were captured, and there's a prospect of more.


Sentiments of the Hope Fire Company, of Harrisburg, in Relation to Their Reception on July 5, 1880.


At a regular stated meeting of the Hope Fire Company No. 2, of Harrisburg, held August 6, in their hall, the following sentiments of the company were adopted and ordered to be published in the Altoona TRIBUNE, Evening Call and Hollidaysburg Register.


The Hope Fire Company, of Harrisburg, have not forgotten the very pleasant and agreeable intercourse which they had with their brethren of Altoona during their visit to that city July 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th. The acknowledgment of the special acts of courtesy, and generous invitations to their hospitality, have been delayed until they could be made by direct authority of the company, given at the first regular monthly meeting which has taken place since their return from Altoona. It is not possible to embody in a card of general thanks the expressions of individual admiration for the Altoona friends of the company, which were indulged in by members present at that meeting, but is for us truly to say, that of all the visits made by the Hope Fire Company, in which any of its presents members took part, it is conceded that none surpassed and few equaled that made to Altoona July 4th. Our reception was an ovation, our entertainment a spontaneous display of hospitality, and our participation in the pageant which took place on the 5th of July, notwithstanding the inclement state of the weather, made an indelible impression on our hearts. As to the manly bearing of the firemen of Altoona, and the courteous welcome of the citizens of that beautiful mountain city, the memory of that scene and the feeling which its incidents produced will be cherished by the Hope Fire Company for years to come, and when the opportunity offers it the power to reciprocate, that will be done in the emulation of every generous act we received at the hands of the people and fire departments of Altoona. Let it suffice then briefly to specify:


First to the company whose guests we were, the Altoona, of Altoona. What they did for us was dictated by brotherly and fraternal regard; everything that tended to make us comfortable, all that could make us feel at home was showered upon us, and placed at our command without stint, and we felt that we were at home, and will ever regard the Altoona, of Altoona, as brothers in a great organization which is not only recognized as an ornament in all civilized communities, but is respected as of the largest benefit to mankind, the volunteer fire department of the country.


To the people of Altoona and especially the ladies (God bless them), nothing was left undone in generous report and cheerful encouragement by them all to heighten the pleasure of our visit. To such firemen as A. J. Kipple, G. F. McNulty, R. Woods, W. A. Adams, Chief Engineer Rose and William Snyder we are indebted for personal attentions, the means of seeing the vast manufacturing interests in that vicinity.


To Mrs. G. F. McNulty, who took a true woman's view of what contributes to the wants of men on a journey, by presenting to the company, as it embarked to leave Altoona, twelve magnificent cakes, which seemed after each man had partook sufficient of the same to fill their pockets with the fragments left.


To Mrs. David Johnson for beautiful boquets.


To Landlord J. Alleman, of the Globe Hotel we return our grateful thanks.


We must further add a word of thanks to our friends in Hollidaysburg, which beautiful borough we visited on the 6th of July, to participate in a fireman's parade and picnic, as the guests of the Good Will Hose Company No. 2. To Mr. William De Silvey, John McClure and Chief Engineer James Stewart for attentions and escorts to various places in the borough and for introductions and courtesies on the picnic grounds. To the Hon. William Dewart, an old fireman, for words of cheer in an elegant speech, and to the ladies and citizens generally who vied with each other to make our brief stay among them cheerful and interesting.


S. H. ETTLA, Secretary.


Some Lively Snake Stories, Prolific and Otherwise - Personal Mention.


Ex-Sheriff James Funk, the Democratic candidate for Associate Judge, is suffering with rheumatism.


Master Arthur Bruce Dobbins, one of the carrier boys of the TRIBUNE, who has been sick for the last two weeks was able to be out yesterday, but very pale and weak.


W. H. Babcock and wife departed yesterday for Manhattan Beach, and on the same train Miss Clara Patterson for Spring Lake.


The entire State, borough and school taxes assessed in Gaysport for the year 1880 is $2,400.56, making a tax of $2.77 on each man, woman and child if it were equally divided.


Last evening Master Thomas Baldrige, son of H. M. Baldrige, Esq., while playing with some children in Mr. William P. Smith's stable fell on a board and dislocated his elbow.


Some Blair county men have purchased a steam thrasher that they move from one farm to another with steam. The most objectionable feature is that it frightens horses as it goes puffing along the road.


One of the engines has a fashion of giving a short toot every time it moves. Some persons think a tap of the bell would sound better, and would be quite as effective in giving warning.


The water supply, we are informed, is not sufficient for all our thirsty citizens. Yesterday morning at least one-half of them were like the sick man, who for six weeks in the long month of August, done nothing but cry, "Water, water, water."




On Monday two Gaysport boys named Freidenbloom discovered a striped snake about four feet in length crossing the plank road on McCloskey's hill. After killing the snake they opened it and took out one hundred and one young lively snakes from six to seven inches in length, and each one as thick as a lead pencil. Several reliable citizens went and looked at the dead snakes and counted them. The lowest number that any one of them counted was ninety-nine. Martin Daughenbaugh assures us that he discovered a snake of the same species that had been run over by the cars between the Loop station and Reservoir, which contained one hundred and three young snakes about the same size, and Mr. Jacob Wagner informs us that a viper was plowed up in the Cove that had forty young vipers in it, one of which had three heads, two of the heads being as perfect as the head on any single snake, while the third one was only a head in shape, having neither eyes or mouth. Hugh Evans, also a reliable citizen, asserts that he saw a small green snake that had a head on each end. The heads were perfect in all their parts, even to sticking out their forked tongues. This remarkable snake was sent to Philadelphia and sold for $25. Constable I. C. Houck killed a large rattlesnake which was remarkable thick in the middle. He opened it with a sharp ax he was carrying and was surprised to see a full grown black squirrel as perfect as when alive and hopping among the trees. On Saturday while the family of Thad Banks was seated under the shade of the trees at Sunny Mount a toad suddenly made some lofty jumps from the grass under Mr. S. R. Banks' chair. On looking under the chair to ascertain what had disturbed his toadship a large snake was discovered coiled up. It was soon put out of the way and the party moved to another part of the yard, where the supper table had been spread, and before reaching it another snake was discovered and killed. We might add several more snake stories, all brought out by the killing of that old mother snake and her hundred and one little ones on McCloskey's hill.


Explosion at the Paper Mill - Injured While Blasting Rock.


H. C. Lower, Esq., has the boss potato crop, from the yield we observed from a patch along the Woodberry pike.


Our friend Lorenze (Morrison, Bare & Co.'s book-keeper) is rusticating with Mr. Morrison at Tyrone. No doubt he will return kicking the beam at 250 pounds.


E. G. Bobb and J. T. Whitaker expect to start for Atlantic City on Friday to take a bath in the ocean. We wish them a safe returns and pleasant dreams about whales or some other big fish.


Roaring Spring will be fully represented at Newton Hamilton camp meeting. We hope all that will go will come home refreshed in the spiritual man, and we can expect them to be better citizens, the correspondent included.


Henry Albright, while engaged in blasting rock for Morrison, Bare & Cass, met with an accident. He was holding the drill and was struck on the nose with the sledge of the striker. His nose and face are very much mutilated.


The joint council of the Martinsburg charge, (Lutheran), on Saturday last selected H. B. Walter a delegate to the Allegheny Synod, which convenes at Berlin, Somerset county, September 8, 1880. The last session of the council was held at Roaring Spring. D. Hite was elected alternate.




An explosion at the paper mill of Morrison, Bare & Cass occurred about 4 o'clock yesterday morning. The explosion was in that part of the mill known as the rag department. A rotary paper boiler was used there to reduce rags to pulp, and through some cause or other an explosion took place which blew the casing off and the side out of the building that had been recently erected for the reception of the boiler. No person was injured. The damage is light.




SWOOPE - HAINLEY - August 7, at the residence of the bride's parents, by Rev. A. E. Fulton, Mr. Joseph S. Swoope, of Barree, and Miss Anna M. Hainley, of Blair Furnace.




NUNEMAKER - In Williamsburg, August 8, Mrs. Sarah Nunemaker, aged 52 years, 4 months and 18 days.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, August 11, 1880, page 3




Things Briefly Told.


The boy stood in the melon-patch
When all but him had fled,
And visions of a royal feast
Went dancing through his head.
But the farmer and the bull-dog came,
And the boy, oh! where was he?
Go ask the doctorman who patched
His sore an-at-o-mee!


Miss Effie Custeed, of Philadelphia, is visiting her young friends in this city.


The Times says Tyrone was never so full of strangers, nor was work ever so plenty.


The police force on the east side and that on the west will trade beats within a few nights.


The Davy Crockett combination will give an exhibition in the Opera House on the 24th inst.


The Eagle Hotel in Tyrone was burglarized on Saturday night of a watermelon and some "bug juice."


Jacob Green, of the Sixth ward, was announced as one of the speakers at the Millville Republican meeting last night.


The train carrying the machinists' picnic party to Roaring Spring on the 12th inst., will leave the Altoona depot at 7 A. M.


The colored men of Johnstown have issued an address stating that they number forty-six and are solid for Garfield and Arthur.


Rev. James M. Stiffler, D. D., of New Haven, Conn., will preach in the Second Presbyterian Church this evening at 7:45 o'clock.


Sanford D. Ramey, of Tyrone township, is just now bobbing around on crutches because he allowed a heavy stove to fall on one of his feet.


The Greenbackers will hold their county convention in this city to- day. They will utilize the hall occupied by the Democrats in Roush's building.


The Relatives of Mr. James Wills desire to return their heartfelt thanks to his friends for their sympathy and many favors extended them in their sad affliction.


On a bet last night a brakeman named Price, of crew No. 88, managed to eat a whole watermelon. He looked like Eli Green on a small scale when finished.


The fiftieth anniversary of the Centre Baptist Association will be held at Milesburg, Centre county, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, September 1, 2 and 3.


Mr. W. Lee Woodcock, yesterday returned after a tour of the watering places. He reports Ocean Grove the best to rest in an Coney Island beach the best bathing ground.


The First Lutheran Church will hold their picnic on Friday at Flowing Spring. Duplicate tickets can be procured at the church this evening or at Theo. Myers' store any time.


The Hollidaysburg Standard donkey is trying to get the job of hauling around our Ninth street man's monkey show. If his legs were as long as his ears he might stand some chance of a position.


The Cambria county Democratic Committee on Monday nominated Michael Sweeney for Register and Recorder on the forty-fifth ballot; Montgomery Douglass for Coroner, and Henry Scanlan for Surveyor.


In the case of Mrs. Funk against three men, in Logan township - reported yesterday - Alderman O'Toole rendered a decision, discharging the defendants and putting the plaintiff to the expense of the costs.


Constable Harpham conveyed Perry Bailey, of Tyrone, to the Huntingdon county jail on Saturday evening. He was arrested for throwing a stone through the window of cab No. 100, near Huntingdon, on the 27th day of July.


The Constable of Logan township says that complaint has been made to him of certain parties who are polluting a stream in his district with carrion, and that if it is not abated he will have to return them to the next Quarter Sessions.


Yesterday's Johnstown Tribune says that a destitute woman, with five children, the eldest about 10 years of age and the youngest an infant, arrived there on mail train to-day from Greensburg. They had been sent from Pittsburgh to that town, and were forwarded to Johnstown. Poor director Easly purchased tickets for them as far as Altoona. The mother is anxious to reach New York.


Mysterious Stranger.


A night or two since some person living on the east side discovered a person looking around their dwellings in rather a suspicious manner. The person was dressed in women's clothing, but those who saw her thought she was a man in disguise. A large pair of heavy boots did not dispel the illusion. The police were called on but whoever it was disappeared before they arrived.


Increase of Pension Granted.


The many friends of George Parsons, of this city, will be glad to know that the department has granted him an increase of pension of four dollars per month. It was obtained through the efforts of Agent Nicewonger. Mr. Parsons was a member of Company E Forty-ninth regiment, and is entirely disabled.


President Hayes Passes Through Altoona.


Last evening the depot was alive with people who had gathered to see President Hayes and party pass through on their way to Columbus. The company came in Tom Scott's private car which was attached to the rear of fast line. Most of them got out and walked the length of the depot, across the Golyer pavement and into the Logan House, where they took supper. While there a reporter of the TRIBUNE stepped into the car and found Major Nickerson, one of the party, lying on a lounge and complaining of feeling unwell. He seemed glad to have some one with whom to talk. The party, he said, was composed of General and President Hayes, General W. T. Sherman, General MacFealy, Chief Commissioner of Subsistence; General Craine, Assistant Surgeon General; Generals Hazen and Upton, Colonel Corbin, Assistant Adjutant General; Major A. H. Nickerson, Colonel Rockwell and Johnny Clemm, the drummer boy of Chickamauga. The party were bound for Columbus, Ohio, to attend the soldiers' reunion now being held there. They are all United States army officers. The gentleman with whom we were talking at last began speaking of politics. When asked what he thought of the situation, he replied that officers of the regular army had nothing to do with politics and belonged to no party. They did not consider it proper to run for office and very rarely even voted. As the President came out from supper there was a very large crowd standing around to get a view of him. Some one proposed three cheers which were given with a hearty good will. The President acknowledge the compliment by lifting his hat and making a bow, but he said nothing.


Accident at Johnstown.


Yesterday afternoon a fatal accident of a distressing character occurred at Johnstown. John H. Walsh, a machinist in the employ of the Cambria Works for some two years past, met with instant death, under the following circumstances: The locomotive known as the "Coffee Pot," which is used in the rolling mill yard, has been laid up for repairs for some time past in the machine shop of that corporation, and yesterday the necessary work was finished. At 2 o'clock the workmen began "jacking" it up for the purpose of having the wheels placed under it, to run it out on the tracks. Mr. Walsh was assisting in this part of the work, and when it was nearly high enough for the purpose intended the floor upon which the jacks rested gave way and the weight of the locomotive came down on his head, as he was at that instant just under the ash pan. The result was that his skull was fractured and the entire head flattened out to a thickness of not more than two or three inches. As soon as his horrified fellow workmen could bring levers to bear the engine was pried up, but it was evident that death had been instantaneous. There was not the least sign of life about the body beyond a few spasmodic contractions of the legs, and it was not at all probably that he knew the least sense of pain.


Teachers Appointed and School Notes.


After due examination the directors of Tyrone township have selected the following teachers for current school year: R. N. Corbin, J. B. Harpster, S. D. Reamey, M. S. Smith, G. W. Moore.


The Allegheny township directors have chosen: Charles Rinewald, John H. Black, H. S. Wertz, S. G. Wilt, Miss Mollie Black, Miss N. G. Stiffler, G. W. Stiffler, T. S. Stephens, J. H. Walter.


The Standard says that Tyrone township is among the foremost in the matter of education. It is a positive pleasure to witness the interest in education shown by all the people, young and old. This township offers to each teacher whose administration during the coming term commands general satisfaction a money bonus which, though not very large, is the beginning of a wise movement.


Thanks to the Railroad Company.


The Railroad Men's Christian Association of this city has this to say of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company through the Gospel Trumpet: "Our thanks are due to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which, through General Superintendent Pugh, has again forwarded a voucher to cover the rent and janitor's salary for the ensuing six months. The continued liberality of the company towards the association in this as well as other respects deserves the hearty thanks of every employe who enjoys the comforts of our room, and we trust that this willingness on the part of the company to further the interest of their employes may be duly appreciated and made use of to its fullest extent.


Arrived from Germany.


Yesterday afternoon, on the emigrant train, there arrived a young man named Hauser, who had just emigrated from Wurtemberg. He is a cousin of Gotleib Hauser, of this place, by whom he was met at the depot. The young foreigner received a most enthusiastic welcome; he will probably settle here among his friends. Mr. Gotleib Hauser says it was fifteen years ago on Monday that he started for the new world and if his cousin likes it as well as he does he will never return. The people are too much down trodden to love their native land. The mother and several sisters of his are still living there, however.


Logan House Concert.


Below will be found the programme prepared by the Logan House quartette under the leadership of Mr. Praetorious. Exercises will begin at 11:30 A. M.:


Turkish Patrole, Michaelis
Overture - "Light Cavalry," Suppe
Flute Solo - "Barcarole," Fesca
Selection - "Bohemian Girl," Balfe
Waltz - "Wine, Wife and Song," Strauss
Sounds from Home, Gungi
'Cello Solo
Selection - "William Tell," Rossini


An Abusive Passenger.


J. E. Gatchell, a resident of Greensburg, who left Pittsburgh on Pacific express yesterday with the intention of returning to his home, overslept himself and was carried past his stopping place. As the train neared Johnstown he woke up and upon finding that he had been carried so far past his destination the irate passenger commenced abusing Captain Hodge, the conductor, for not arousing him at Greensburg. Hot words passed between them, and Mr. Gatchell finally asked Mr. Hodge to give him an order on the Johnstown Accommodation conductor for a return trip to his home, but this was refused, on the ground that the passenger had been carried past his station owing to carelessness for which the conductor was not responsible. When the train stopped the representative from Greensburg was boiling over with wrath, and as soon as he stepped off the car he commenced belaboring the Captain with a heavy cane. The depot policeman arrested him and took his prisoner before a Justice of the Peace to answer a charge of assault and battery. Captain Hodge is one of the most efficient and obliging conductors on the line and is well spoken of by all his fellow employes.


Company D's Target Shooting.


Yesterday afternoon twenty-seven members of Company D marched out to the range on the Dry Gap road and indulged in off-hand target shooting. As this was their first trial they did very creditably. Two rounds apiece were fired and the poorest shot did not go five feet wide of the mark. The best shot was on the edge of a six inch centre, which was claimed by Walker and Enright. The company will practice target shooting frequently during the fall. Mike Yeager, tin pans, had a bet of a box of cigars that Sergeant Nagle would not hit the target at all, but both of his bullets pierced it.




There will be a meeting of the First and Seventh wards Garfield and Arthur Club in the Opera House, Saturday evening next, at 7:30 o'clock. A marching club is to be organized and other important business transacted. - W. F. TAYLOR, Sec'y.


Still at the Logan House.


Dr. S. D. Sibbet, the medical electrician, is rapidly convincing our people that chronic and nervous diseases can be cured by means of electricity. IN that class of diseases known as rheumatism, neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, vertigo, paralysis, numbness of the limbs, inactivity of the stomach, liver and kidneys and general nervous prostration, electricity stands unrivaled. Persons thus afflicted will consult their own interests best by calling on the doctor without delay. No medicine given in any case.


The Silver Greys.


A special meeting of the Silver Grey Social Club will be held at the usual place, Eaby & Sons' warerooms, on Thursday evening, the 12th inst., at 8 o'clock. Arrangements will be made for the annual picnic. Every member will please attend. Per order, ROBERT ALEXANDER, President. H. FETTINGER, Secretary.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, August 11, 1880, page 4




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