Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Tuesday, August 3, 1880




A Heavy Vote Polled in Favor of the Project.


Yesterday elections were held in all the wards of Altoona to decide upon the advisability of raising a city loan of $60,000 in order that our water facilities might be extended. There was a light vote cast but it was a one-sided affair, except in the central wards, which are already supplied with water. Along the outskirts of the city the vote was very heavy in favor of creating the loan, and until about 3 o'clock not fifty votes had been case against it. Every ward in the city was in favor of it. The following are the figures:


Ward - In Favor - Opposed


First ward - 130 - 97
Second ward - 129 - 76
Third ward - 189 - 54
Fourth ward - 123 - 72
Fifth ward - 159 - 24
Sixth ward - 171 - 66
Seventh ward - 89 - 3
Eighth ward - 167 - 26


The vote in the city was, in favor of the loan, 1,157; opposed to the loan, 418; majority in favor of the loan, 739. The result was received in Council last night with considerable satisfaction, and Mr. Kerr, to whom belongs a large share of the credit for its success, immediately offered an ordinance empowering the proper committee to make arrangements to borrow this money. It can probably all be obtained for five per cent.


A Robbery Near Bell's Mills.


Yesterday morning C. F. Lingenfelter, a resident of Fostoria, and who is engaged in the bark business, while on his way to Bell's Mills, was robbed of about seventy dollars. As Mr. Lingenfelter approached his destination he passed two men in the road, and as he did so one of them picked up a heavy stone and threw it at him, but he was not struck. Before he had an opportunity to protect himself the other scoundrel grasped another stone and hurled it at Mr. Lingenfelter, the missile striking him heavily in the stomach and knocking him senseless in the road. The highwaymen then produced a knife and cut open the prostrate man's pocket, cut open his pocket-book and robbed him of the $70 it contained. After the outrage they succeeded in making their escape. Mr. Lingenfelter was badly hurt and was carried to his residence. He was sufficiently revived, however, to state that one of his assailants was marked with two warts on the side of his face. It has since been ascertained that his assailants were tramps. The pocketbook was afterward found in a field nearby, rifled of its contents.


Doings of the Mayor's Police.


Officer Whittle yesterday frightened a car record clerk pretty nearly out of his senses. The young man hails from Williamsburg and when he came to Altoona on Monday endeavored to sell his father's apple crop to our storekeepers. Officer Whittle happened along and arrested him for selling without a license. The pair started for the Mayor's office, but on the way he told the officer that he was employed in the car record office. He was then released and the officer inquired of the Mayor, who told him that he might sell on his father's license. When Mr. Whittle informed him of it he was the happiest boy in Altoona. Hereafter, he says, the old gentleman may sell his own truck.


A young man was yesterday arrested for assaulting Christ. Wahl's brewer, and was fined $10 and costs.


Officer Whittle yesterday captured a drummer, but he was released on taking out a license.


The boy Cassidy who was recently before the Mayor on a charge of pilfering from several stores on the east side, is kept a prisoner at his home, hobbled and chained. Yesterday he made his escape from his home, which is in the vicinity of Seventh avenue and Ninth street, and went up the road at a lively gait with the hobbles rattling at every step. A number of persons ran after him and he was caught and taken back again.


Another Survey.


The engineers employed by the Council committee have made surveys of two ravines which would be good reservoirs. Both are located north of the city. One of them could be built for ten thousand dollars and would hold twenty-two millions of gallons. The surveys will be completed in a few days, when all three will be given to the public.


Another Ward Organization.


The Republicans of the Fourth ward will organize a strong campaign club during the present week. They are quite numerous in this ward and should turn out in numbers. They will get together on Friday night at W. B. Ketler's, on Seventh avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, at 7:30 P. M., sharp.


A Fine House.


At Eighth avenue and Twentieth street Robert C. Orr, contractor, is erecting a very snug two-story cottage for J. Armstrong. It will be a nine roomed frame house, and will be occupied by the owner. Mr. Orr is a new hand at the business but his first effort has been a successful one.


The Logan House Concerts.


Below will be found the programme prepared by the Logan House quartette under the leadership of Mr. Praetorious. Exercises will begin at 11:30 A. M.:


Swedish Wedding March, Soderman
Overture - "Franz Schubert," Suppe
Fantasie - "Traumbilder," Lumbye
Waltz - "Rosensteiner," Lanner
Selection - "Boccacio," Suppe
Largo, Handel
Cello Solo - "L'éclair," Havely
Selection - "William Tell," by request, Rossini


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Tuesday, August 3, 1880, page 1


The Pennsylvania Railroad Trust Fund.


In October, 1878, the directors of the Pennsylvania railroad created a trust fund, having for its object the purchase from time to time, of the bonds and shares of other companies guaranteed by the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and also of the bonded debt of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, for the purpose of ultimately controlling all the liabilities previously incurred. In pursuance of the authority given by the stockholders the directors resolved that upon the first Monday of November of that year, 1878, and upon the first Monday of each month thereafter, the Treasurer of the company should set apart the sum of $50,000 for the purposes stated. The fund, which amounted to $1,000,000 on the 1st of July, has been profitably invested, and, as a prominent officer of the company said on Saturday, this move on the part of the management has been the best ever taken, and the good results of it are now being clearly demonstrated. The trust is making money fast, and every dollar appropriated to it brings its reward. The trustees act secretly and almost always strike a bargain.


Company D to Have a New Armory.


Company D, of Altoona, have rented and will in about two weeks move into a new armory. The present room is very uncomfortable and they propose to abandon it. North of it, on the first floor is a large room used by the Messrs. Calhoun for storage purposes. This has been secured by the company, and will be neatly furnished for a drill room.


The company have a street parade this evening, weather permitting.


The members of Company D are engaged in scouring up their equipments, to be in readiness for the annual inspection at Camp Alexander Hays, in September next.


The Democrats Organizing - Death of Mrs. Lewis - Personal Matters.


On Monday Professor B. F. Pinkerton and wife left for a month at Chautauqua lake.


As an evidence that business is improving, Hollidaysburg has two native street boot blacks.


Mrs. B. F. Pinkerton has been tendered the public school made vacant by the resignation of Miss Griffin.


Colonel Wellington Jones, the designer of the improved Masonic register, is in our town interviewing the craft.


There are at least one hundred strangers either visiting friends or boarding during the heated term in our town.


Mrs. Emma Snow and Mrs. Amanda Fields, of Altoona, are visiting at Mr. Philip Walker's, in Gaysport.


A Miss Comerford, of New Bedford, Mass., one of our many summer visitors, has been sick for several days, but is improving.


Mr. John Bradley, wife and two children, and Mrs. A. B. Condron and two daughters, all of East Liberty, are visiting friends in Hollidaysburg.


The Greenback-Nationals will have a meeting this evening in the Diamond. N. L. Atwood, of Venango county, will address the meeting.


On Saturday a man named William Campbell was stepping along the streets with a live black snake 5 feet 4 inches long around his neck.


William G. Murray Post No. 39, Grand Army of the Republic have decided on an encampment in Dell Delight on September 17, 18 and 19. All old soldiers will govern themselves accordingly.


The last two days might safely be set down as the hottest days of the season. If there should be any warmer days we would feel like the chap who wanted to discard his flesh and sit in his bones so as to cool off.


Midshipman J. J. Everett, of the United States Navy, is spending the heated term at the residence of Alexander Buchanan, Esq. On Saturday he interviewed the trout in Blair Creek and captured some nice ones. Mr. Everett was an officer on the vessel that took General Grant over the herring pond in his triumphant march around the world.




Two gentlemen were discussing politics yesterday when one said he would like to see an "Old Line Whig." The other putting his right hand on his breast, remarked: "I'm your old lion," and at the same time pulled off his scalp, and shaking it at his opponent, said "there's a wig. Now how do you like it?"




Mrs. Harriet Lewis, wife of Thomas H. Lewis, whose serious illness has been noticed in the TRIBUNE, died at the residence of her husband, on Mulberry street, between Penn and Clark streets, at an early hour on Sunday morning. The funeral will take place this (Tuesday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Lewis was a consistent member of the Baptist Church, a lady highly esteemed and the mother of seven children, the youngest not yet six months old.




Sunday, August 1, being the tenth anniversary of Rev. H. F. King's ministry, as well as his pastoral charge over the Hollidaysburg Baptist church, the preacher took occasion at the conclusion of his able sermon, from Phillippian iii, 15, to give some interesting statistics in regard to the church. During the ten years he preached 1,964 sermons, made 2,861 visits, baptized 131 and attended the funeral of 163. Ten years ago the membership was 236, and the greatest membership at any one time since was 271. The entire amount of money paid out by the church during the ten years was $21,760.00.




The Democrats of the county capital met on Saturday night, in Masonic Hall, and organized a Hancock and English club. The room, which will comfortably seat three hundred, was about half full. The meeting was called to order by T. W. Thompson, and on motion J. R. McFarlane was made Temporary Chairman and S. Gibson Barr Secretary. The Committee on Constitution and By-laws consists of two from each ward, and also two from Gaysport and East Hollidaysburg and three from Frankstown - a delegation from that place being present. After a short but able speech from A. S. Landis, Esq., and the reading of the Hancock letter of acceptance the meeting adjourned to meet on next Saturday night.


Burglary Near Fredericksburg - Runaway - Petty Thieving, Etc.


A debating society was formed at Smith's school house, in Huston township, on Saturday night last.


Adam Benner, a notice of whose arrest and the cause of it was given in Saturday's issue, gave bonds to keep the peace, and was released from custody.


A horse belonging to Dr. T. G. Bloom ran away on Saturday last, owing to the carelessness of a boy who was driving him. The boy was thrown from the wagon, and slightly hurt, while the wagon was pretty badly wrecked.




We learn that considerable petty thieving is going on in this vicinity. The thieves seem to prefer meat, flour, corn and wheat, as a number of our farmers have reason to know. To those whose meat houses and granaries have not already been secured, we would offer this piece of advice: Lock your stables before your horses are stolen.




Thieves entered the residence of Isaac Hoover, near Fredericksburg, on Thursday of last week, and after rummaging around for booty were frightened away, taking with them a silver watch. A number of half burned matches were found, with the light of which they no doubt pursued their investigations. We believe the above item is true, but for further evidence as to its truth refer to the "Clover Creek" correspondent of the Call, A. D., alias J. L. W.




Councilman Camerer has again returned from Johnstown, on a brief visit to his family, looking hale and hearty. Now the Councilman had sincerely hoped that Martin Graffius' dog "Pont," would forget his dislike for him during his absence, but alas for human hopes. "Pont" didn't forget worth a cent. Last Saturday he recognized the councilmanic form and forthwith began barking furiously at it and kept it up so uninterruptedly that the Councilman resolved to give the "dorg" a lesson. Bracing himself against a brick wall he kicked at "Pont," and seeing a dark object fly through the air immediately after the administration of the kick, the Councilman fondly imagined it to be the dog, and forthwith indulged in a hearty laugh of satisfaction. When that dog unharmed stood up and joined in the chorus to the laugh, with his shrill, treble bark, and a crowd on the other side of the street held up the Councilmanic slipper and laughed, the way that Councilman went for that slipper and talked about Martin Graffius' blank blanked, dog-goned dog, was a caution. The Councilman is determined either that the dog shall be assassinated or that he will resign and leave town.




The TRIBUNE'S correspondent from that hamlet in Woodberry township, by courtesy ycleped Williamsburg, refers to "a small village in the southern part of the county." Now we have a retired farmer living in this borough who remarked to your correspondent after reading the above "waif," that he left Woodberry township because he was tired of rural life and desired to spend the balance of his days in some live, enterprising town. Therefore, after due consideration, the sleepy, sylvan shades of the aforesaid "hamlet," were left, and his tent was pitched in Martinsburg. That was some time before the canal dried up, too. Mr. James Gibboney did not enumerate any of the inhabitants of North Woodberry township and return them as residents of Martinsburg borough, but we are told that the enumerator of Woodberry township set down the names of the inhabitants of "Champions town," "Aetna Furnace" and the "Ore Bank," and passed them into the Census Bureau as denizens of the "hamlet," Williamsburg. We have good boardwalks and pavements in this burg, too, and therefore don't have to resort to the use of a "skiff" with which to navigate the streets when it rains.


Furnace Making No. 1 Iron - Matrimonial. Personal Notes.


The excursionists from this place to Lloydsville returned home and report having a good time.


Mr. Blair Cunningham has gone into the stock business. He is raising calves bred by a Durham muley cow.


Mr. William Rodkey has had a very severe attack of the ague, we are glad to hear that he is able to be about again.


The furnace at this place is doing exceedingly well. It made one hundred and seventy tons of No. 1 iron to be used at the Johnstown cutlery works.


W. M. Lloyd's creditors returned home feeling satisfied with the five per cent. Dennis, the absent-minded man, says he will take his check along with him the next time.


It is rumored that Mr. Joseph Wilt and Miss Lizzie English is to be united in the holy bonds of matrimony at the camp meeting this fall, at Wilmore. We wish them peace, happiness and prosperity.


At the departure of the train on Saturday night some unruly boys engaged in throwing eggs, one struck a guest of Samuel Stine. Sam says he will make it warm for him if he finds out the lad that threw the egg.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Tuesday, August 3, 1880, page 3




Things Briefly Told.


It was all water yesterday and no beer.


Republicans, keep up the work of organization.


Mr. D. A. Gilland will make a speech to the "back townships" in the near future.


Even the elements were in favor of water and voted us a shower in the evening.


The number of burial permits issued for Fairview cemetery in June was 17, and in July 25.


Mr. Robert Cornelius and wife have gone to Mill Creek for a few weeks recreation among friends.


The proprietor of the White Hall Hotel is fixing up his sidewalk. It is to be raised about a foot.


The Juniata Valley camp meeting promises to be more largely attended this year than any previous one.


The item mentioning improvements in yesterday's TRIBUNE did not refer to John Stehle, the hotel keeper.


Hewit and Burchfield's election is assured. The only question is how large their majority shall be made.


A number of Catholic clergy went to Loretto yesterday to enjoy the second week of the annual retreat at that place.


One of the Vigilant horses had a little runaway at Eleventh avenue and Fifteenth street yesterday. The damage was small.


Grain cars of the Pennsylvania railroad, of their new pattern, which have a capacity to carry 40,000 pounds, are being shipped west in large numbers.


His Honor Judge Dean was in the city yesterday en route to Elizabeth Furnace and from thence west last evening to Ebensburg to hold Argument Court.


The "Greevy faction" and the "Syndicate faction" are waiting for Chairman Doyle's resignation. Judge Riley has his hat extended to receive it. Hurry it up, Johnny.


A Ninth street man has a dog, a fox and a coon. He intends shortly to start to Philadelphia with his miniature show and wants a monkey to complete his list of attractions.


We presume the ordinance relative to hogs running at large on the streets has been repealed, owing to the number to be seen almost every day on our public thoroughfares.


Senator Wallace thinks the Republicans of Blair county displayed great forethought and wisdom in the choice of Hon. Samuel McCamant for Chairman of their County Committee.


John McKinstry, of the night depot force, had a bunch of hair pulled out of his head the other night. Between the saloon door and that English woman Jim came near losing his scalp.


The martins are getting ready for their Southern flight. Hundreds of them congregate every evening on the telegraph wires along the alley in the rear of the General Superintendent's office.


Rev. George P. Hayes, D. D., President of Washington and Jefferson College, will deliver the anniversary address at the First Presbyterian Sunday school on the 22d inst. He will also preach at that church in the evening.


If a second tour of inspection were to be made by the sanitary authorities some of the streets and alleys of the city would be found in a worse condition than previous to the issuance of the "clean-up" proclamation by the Mayor.


Mr. George D. Smith, the Democratic candidate for Assembly from Huston township, will address the harmonious Altoona factions on the subject of "Music," proving very conclusively that no man is fit to teach school unless he understands "do, ra, me," etc.


Mr. E. B. Morrison, of the Newton Hamilton Watchman paid the TRIBUNE a visit yesterday. He would give Speddy, of the Port Royal Times, a hard race on the scales for heft. Mr. Morrison's visit to the city was on business connected with his enterprise.


The quantity of coal and coke carried over the Pennsylvania railroad for the third week of July was 137,896 tons, of which 112,162 tons were coal and 35,734 tons coke. The total tonnage for the year thus far has been 1,763,570 tons, of which 2,831,682 tons were coal and 941,888 tons coke.


The hotels were closed yesterday because of the water loan election. There was some doubt whether the law required this, and the opinion of Judge Dean was asked. He decided that this was an election contemplated by law and to be on the safe side it was best for them to close their bars.


Company D, of Altoona, needs a good overhauling before inspection. It wants to turn out fifty men and has not complete sets of uniforms to go round. We are authoritatively informed that the companies which do not come up to the standard will receive no State appropriation.


W. S. Webb's city directory corps, who so ably canvassed our city some time ago, have been at Johnstown the past two weeks, hard at work canvassing that city for a directory. Mr. George Morrison, their able assistant, will leave this morning for that place to assist them, and Mr. Webb himself will return from Field's Point, Narragansett Bay, the latter part of the week to personally superintend it. The city of Johnstown may be sure that a good directory will be guaranteed them. Webb Bros. understand their business.


The Republican club of the First and Seventh wards held a meeting last night in the Opera House. Quite a number of additions were made to the club roll, and also to the marching club. There will be a general meeting of the marching club on Saturday night of next week.


A little child of Fred Piper's, who lives on the Dry Gap road, near the foot of the mountain, yesterday afternoon about 1 o'clock fell down a well on his father's premises. He was rescued alive but was very seriously injured, and it is not known whether he will survive. The little fellow is under 6 years of age.


Another Street Railway Ordinance Passed.


Last night the usual monthly meeting of Council was held. All the members were present except Messrs. Miller and Taylor.


Under the head of petitions one was received from the property owners in the vicinity asking that Third avenue, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, and extending eastward to Fifteenth street, should be opened. Mr. Allen, of the Sixth ward, asked and was given permission to address the Council on the subject. He said that all the citizens asked was that the avenue be made passable for wagons and that he did not ask for grading. Mr. Kerr stated that he believed the avenue had already been opened. The matter was referred to the Committee on Streets and Pavements and will probably receive early and favorable consideration.


A petition was read from the Excelsior Hose Company saying that their hose was bursted and they wanted a new lot. Referred to the Committee on Fire Apparatus, who were directed to report to Council.


A communication was received from James Kearney saying that in 1875, when Philip Faddle was Street Commissioner, a culvert broke down near Kearney's dwelling house, on Sixteenth street. Faddle filled up the hole with dirt. As a consequence when a heavy rain came it washed out his buildings badly. Kearney then brought suit and proved damages to the amount of three hundred dollars. Afterward he relinquished his claims upon the consideration that when the sewer was laid along his premises no assessment should be laid against his property. The city ignoring this, recently entered a judgment against him for sewer frontage. He asked to have it satisfied. Referred to the Committee on Claims and Damages.


The Mayor reported collections for July to the amount of $266.80; Treasurer Bittner, $994.26; and J. F. Storm, $310.02.


The Committee on Ordinances reported an amendment to the street railway ordinance striking out what was called the "fifteen inch clause," and changing the gauge to five feet. The rules were suspended and the amendment was immediately acted upon. Mr. Casanave objected to it in that shape, and desired that a clause be inserted requiring them to keep the rails level with the bed of the street. As it was evident it would be defeated if this was not inserted, the amendment was referred back to the committee. It was again offered with the amendment of Mr. Casanave inserted and was passed by the following vote: yeas, Messrs. Ball, Bartley, Brannan, Casanave, Geesey, Keough, Kerr, Line, Maxwell, Snyder - 10; nays, Messrs. Endress, Flanigan and McCartney - 3.


Mr. Kerr asked for instructions in regard to printing the Wallace act in the papers, and made quite a lengthy statement of his efforts to get bids. He said that to print it in all the papers would cost about eight hundred dollars. The President refused to consider his remarks as he had not reduced them to writing.


The following bills were read and passed:


Gas company, for July - $96.30
Good Will appropriation - 40.00
William McDonald and assistant - 75.75
Street Commissioner's pay roll - 394.40
Vigilant appropriation - 40.00
Patrick Kelly, instalment, Eighth avenue sewer - 408.00
John Foster, repairing lamps - 3.30
E. B. Haines, printing - 49.25
Mayor Howard and police - 446.62
Rent of rooms for election purposes - 18.50
John Baer and water works force - 216.50
Vigilant team for hauling - 3.00


Mr. Bartley made a statement in regard to an avenue. He said that Fourth avenue had not been opened between Tenth and Eleventh streets because no record of the Court's proceedings directing it had been received. He would like to have $1.50 to pay for the copy of the record. Council thought their credit was good for that amount and refused to grant it at present.


At this point the result of the city's election was received, whereupon President Malloy took the opportunity to make a little campaign speech at the expense of the TRIBUNE and moved the thanks of Council to the Sun, of which he is part owner, and some other papers for their action on the water question. But he didn't get up a cent's worth of enthusiasm, and Mr. Casanave quietly squelched him. He took it meekly, being a syndicate man and well used to such treatment. Nothing more was heard of the resolution of thanks. Perhaps it may be a relief for him to know that the entire TRIBUNE force voted in favor of the loan.


A motion was then made to adjourn but was voted down.


An ordinance authorizing the loan for water improvements was read and laid over for a month under the rules. The Committee on Printing was authorized to publish it.


The President stated that some time since an order had been granted to have Sixteenth avenue between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets fixed up. There are now two very dangerous holes there which should be attended to, for if they are not repaired the city may have a bill of damages to pay. Mr. Ball also called attention to a hole at Seventh street, between Second and Third avenues, which needed attention. The Street Commissioner was ordered to fix both of them immediately.


Council then adjourned until Thursday night without concluding the business.


A Serious Accident at Latrobe.


William Madigan, of Latrobe, aged about 22 years, jumped off a moving freight train in the yard of that place on Sunday and fell under the wheels, which passed over both legs, crushing them to a jelly. The watchman found him about 6 o'clock in the morning, and he had been lying on the track for half an hour or so. The railroad surgeon at that place amputated them just below the knees, but it is extremely doubtful if he can survive. Madigan was a telegraph operator by profession, and was formerly employed on the Pittsburgh division. Some two years ago he quit his work, however, and most of the time since has been absent from home. He is unmarried and his father and mother are both living.


Water Pipe for the Different Wards.


In connection with the water loan it might be interesting to know the amount of water pipe needed in the different wards. The following figures were last night handed into Council but no action was taken on them. They represent the money to be paid for the pipe, although it is not all the same size: First ward, $508; Second ward, $2,018.80; Third ward, $1,425; Fourth ward, $647; Fifth ward, $2,853.80; Sixth ward, $812; Seventh ward, $637.40; Eighth ward, $1,574. Total, $10,503. This amount is for pipe alone and does not include the expense of ditches, labor, etc.


Commissioner Rockett's Troubles.


Street Commissioner Rockett was yesterday before Alderman Rose upon complain of Patrick McCahan, of the Fifth ward, who charged him with assault and battery. Some weeks since the prosecutor asked Rockett for work, but as Council allowed him to employ no more men, the application was refused. He became so boisterous that Rockett, who is a special officer, arrested him and handed him over into the hands of a constable. For this McCahan brought the charge, but the Alderman considered the case so trifling that he dismissed it.


Kindling Fires With Coal Oil.


The wife of William Fishel, living adjacent to the camp meeting grounds at Latrobe, Westmoreland county, was kindling a fire in the cooking stove Sunday by pouring oil from the can, when the vessel exploded; saturating her clothing and the clothing of her two children, which ignited from the flames. The youngest of the children was burned up with the building which was destroyed, as also the contents. The mother and other child escaped from the burning building, but are so shockingly burnt that they cannot possibly recover.


Another Suit Against the City.


The city has a very good prospect of another suit on its hands wherein a large sum is claimed for damages. Yesterday morning Miss Kate Fortney was leisurely walking along Eleventh avenue, near Ninth street, when she slipped on a loose board in the walk in front of Innes' drug store. She was thrown down and had one eye cut and the side of her face severely bruised. Miss Fortney is a resident of Centre county and is in Altoona on a visit. She has retained Mr. Shaw as counsel and intends to sue for damages.


New Books at the Library.


At a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Altoona Mechanics' Library and Reading Room Association, held last evening, the Encyclopedia Britannica, which is published in Edinburgh, was purchased; also, an amount was appropriated for the purchase of new books. This association is now composed of a class of members known as stockholders. The books of the Secretary are now open, and any person wanting stock or any further information can apply to W. C. Leet.


Portrait of General Garfield.


City Treasurer Bittner has completed his portrait of General James A. Garfield for the Republican headquarters. The likeness is a good one, and certainly reflects credit on the artist. Having seen the original we have no hesitancy in saying it would be hard to beat. And the club for whom it was painted may feel highly honored in having so correct a likeness of their standard-bearer.


Committee Meeting.


The members of the Ways and Means Committee of the Garfield and Arthur Club are requested to meet in the Central Club room (Opera House) on Wednesday evening next at 8 o'clock. Business of importance requires every member to be present. - J. M. STONEBRAKER, Chairman.


To Water Consumers.


Persons who have leaky hydrants are hereby notified to have them repaired without delay. The water supply is already rapidly failing and the utmost care must be taken to prevent a water famine. - JOHN A. BAER, Superintendent.


Letter List.


ALTOONA, Pa., August 2. - Following is the official list of letters remaining uncalled for in the Altoona postoffice August 2, 1880. If not called for within four weeks they will be sent to the dead letter office. To obtain any of these letters personal application should be made, giving date of list. Applicants for advertised letters will please say they are advertised.




Baird, Mrs. Mollie
Edmiston, Mrs. Elizabeth
Gardner, Mrs. E
Ghram [Graham], Emma
Fonner, Mary L.
Gifford, Jessie
Gotchara, Miss
Gathers, Mrs. Margaret
Gardner, Elizabeth S
Hadrick, Jennie H
Hoffman, Anna
Kuhns, Annie
Kelley, Lucy
McCormick, Mrs. J
McGough, Lizzie
McKindree, Lizzie
Meadville, Susan
Reagan, Mamie
Rhodes, Martha G
Sutton, Mrs. Mary J
Stolee, Mrs. Magdalene
Stephenson, Mrs. Annie
Westcott, Annie
Westcott, Josie
Wentzel, Mrs. Louise
Woodley, Maudie
Wright, Millie
Wilt, Mrs. Maggie
Walters, Mrs. Mary




Apell, A M
Bell, Wm
Boyle, Wm
Bull, Thos H
Bray, Pat
Boathnell, Chas
Cromwell, Chas
Crider, Harry
Delaney, Fegart
Driver, Geo W
Eckert, Jacob
Forrest, Chas
Hager, Mr
Higgins, Jeremiah
Hiteshew, Milton S
Hildebrand, Wm
Kephart, Wm
Landers, John
Lewis, S J
Linthurst, Harry
Martin, Thos C?
Morgan, F N
Murray, Patrick
Morrow, James
Oswalter, Mr
O'Donnell, Jas
Smith, O G
Schmidt, Peter
Smith, Jas L
Wise, Howard E
Weinzire, John


T. B. PATTON, Postmaster


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Tuesday, August 3, 1880, page 4




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