Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Saturday, July 31, 1880




A Fine Large Flag.


The Republican committee appointed for the purpose yesterday received a fine large flag to be hung across the street between the Opera House and the building opposite. It is of bunting and twelve and a half by twenty-four feet in size. The new flag will be flung to the breeze this evening between 7 and 8 o'clock.


A Game of Cricket.


The cricket club, representing the Philadelphia officers of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, will arrive in this city in a special Pullman car attached to Pacific express this morning to engage in a march game of cricket with the Altoona Cricket Club, of this city. They will be met at the depot by a reception committee of the Altoona club, and after breakfasting at the Logan House will proceed to the grounds of the Altoona club, at Seventh street and Chestnut avenue, where play will be called at 10:30 o'clock.


A Cross Action.


Charles Hench and Jacob Meadville, of Sinking Valley, do not have a very friendly feeling toward each other. A day or two since Hench sued Meadville for assault and battery. As there was no constable in the township the defendant came before Alderman Rose himself and entered bail for his appearance at court. He then brought an action against Hench for cruelty to animals. It is alleged that Hench in a fit of passion broke one of his hog's legs. There will probably be a hearing on Tuesday in the latter case.


The Logan House Concerts.


Below will be found the programme prepared by the Logan House quartette under the leadership of Mr. Praetorious. Exercises will begin at 11:30 A. M.:


Boccacio March, Suppe
Overture - "La Gazza Ladra," Rossini
Traumerei, Schuman
Selection - "Norma" (by request), Bellini
Waltz - "Night Brises," Waldteufel
Turkish Patrole (by request), Michaelis
Cello Solo - "Image of a Rose," Reichard
Selection - William Tell (by request), Rossini


The residence of John Hickey, Thirteenth street and Eighth avenue had a narrow escape from fire last night. The flue was seen to be in a blaze, but the bucket brigade turned out in time to save it. No alarm was sounded.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 31, 1880, page 1


The Water Vote.


EDS. TRIBUNE: On Monday we vote on the question of whether or not we will authorize our City Council to borrow $60,000 for some purpose pertaining to our water supply. Just what is proposed to be done with the $60,000 does not seem clear to the average mind, some people claiming it is to bring in an additional supply, some declaring that it is to build another reservoir and some contending that it is to lay additional pipes. We certainly ought to know exactly what the money is to be expended for before we vote to incur so much additional debt. But is there any occasion for borrowing any more money for water purposes? What are the facts? Our water tax is now ten mills on a valuation of fully $2,000,000, producing at least $20,000, and our water rents average $12,000 a year, making a total of $32,000. Our expenses are $14,600 for interest on our water bonds, say $2,000 for collections, exonerations, etc., and say $2,000 for Superintendent and force, a total of $18,000, leaving a yearly balance of $14,000 to go somewhere. Where is this balance? No bonds have been lifted and no effort made to fund them at a lower rate of interest. Until I know exactly what is proposed to be done with the $60,000 asked and what has been done with the net proceeds of our water department during the past six years, I propose to vote "No." - THIRD WARD.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 31, 1880, page 2


Annual Report of the Schools of Blair County for the Year Ending June, 1880.


In presenting this report of the condition great educational reforms to note, nevertheless it is claimed that steady advancement and general progress have been made.


More strenuous efforts have been made the present year than in any previous one to free the schools of incompetent teachers and to keep out of the profession young and inexperienced ones until they make more thorough preparation before entering on so important a work. The standard has been raised so as to exclude a number of teachers who belong to that class which serves no other purpose than to check the wheels of progress, and while it is impossible to reach all in this way, there seems to be no more effective means the superintendency can use for ridding the profession of unworthy and incompetent teachers. This in connection with what directors are doing in exercising from year to year greater care in selecting teachers, seems, next to good teachers themselves, to be the most efficient means at our command for the improvement of the schools. It is useless to talk about good schools, where inefficient teachers are employed, and anything which tends toward the protection of those fitted for the work and the rooting out of those who have mistaken their calling should be encouraged by all friends of education.


Houses. - Three of the four houses erected during the year were built in Logan and one in Antis. All are substantial buildings well adapted to the purpose for which they were intended and fully up to the demands of the times. Unlike the practice of some districts, they did not diminish the term and reduce the wages to make teachers help pay for them either. On the contrary Logan, with a larger debt than any other district in the county, is still keeping to the front, promising to increase the term another month, making it seven months. It is needless to say that progressive as are the Directors of this district, they could not accomplish what they are doing were it not for the fact that they are encouraged to go forward by a gentleman who is by far the heaviest tax payer in the township. Taking into consideration the fact that this gentleman has no direct interest in the schools - having no children to educate - it might not be out of place to say that this ardent friend and supporter of the common schools is Dr. S. C. Baker. The Directors of Tyrone borough placed in their building apparatus to heat the rooms by steam, which in connection with other improvements made, delayed the opening of the schools so as to make it necessary to diminish the term. The Directors of Blair also made extensive repairs to one of their houses, making it a better, building than when it was first erected, and costing nearly as much as a new one.


School Grounds - Greater care is exercised in the selection of school grounds, and few boards think of purchasing less than half an acre of ground for a school. Among those districts paying most attention to fencing and improving the grounds may be named North Woodberry and Logan. There are other districts doing something in this direction, but much still remains to be done.


School Examinations. - Many of the schools closed with public examinations, which if properly conducted, will no doubt produce good results. In our opinion there should be a committee of three to examine, one of which should be the teacher of the school examined. When the teacher alone is allowed to make a public exhibition of what his scholars have done, we have about as little faith in these examinations as we have in the exhibition of scholars' (?) work at county fairs. Whatever tends to lead to the practice of deception is objectionable anywhere, and the closer we guard against the introduction of it into our schools the better.


Salaries. - Taylor, Gaysport borough, East Tyrone borough, Woodberry and North Woodberry increased the salaries. Gaysport deserves special mention in this respect, having increased the term and the wages near the expiration of the term. This speaks well for the teachers, and sets an example worthy of imitation by other directors. There still is a tendency in a few districts to gradually reduce the wages until districts that at one time commanded the best teaching talent in the county are compelled to employ the most ordinary teachers. If we are not very much mistaken in the signs of the times this matter will begin to regulate itself by another year.


Institutes. - The County Institute was held in Hollidaysburg commencing December 29 and closing January 2. It was the best attended institute ever held in the county, and in point of interest was pronounced fully equal to any heretofore held. The instructors and lecturers besides teachers of our own county, were Professors J. H. Shumaker, of Chambersburg; Carothers, of Shippensburg: J. F. Davis, of Altoona; P. H. Bridenbaugh, of Martinsburg, and Rev. Dr. B. B. Hamlin, of Altoona.
The only District Institute held in the county was that of Frankstown township, and the teachers and directors deserve credit for reviving what at one time was regarded as indispensable with teachers. It is true that literary societies, to some extent, supply the place of these institutes, but they can never meet the wants of the teachers as fully as did the good, old-fashioned institute.


Course of Study. - The course of study referred to in our last report was adopted at nearly all the ungraded school districts of the county. Although it is scarcely possible, under existing circumstances to conform strictly to this or any other course of study we are pleased to say that many of the teachers did as well as could be expected, and it has at least been the means of introducing more oral instruction into many of our schools. We here urge upon the teachers, as we have frequently done in visiting schools, the importance of giving more attention to language lessons and oral instruction. By giving these more prominence and by making more liberal use of the blackboard and objects, especially with primary pupils, a reform might be wrought in the schools of the county that would surpass the expectations of the most sanguine. While we readily admit that there are teachers who need no prescribed course of study to guide them, we do think there are some general principles underlying teaching that no teacher can afford to wholly ignore. To superintendents who have failed to discover how utterly impossible it seems to be for some teachers to pull out of long traveled ruts, we recommend the adoption of a course of study.


Teachers. - Of all agencies employed in the promotion of the interests of our schools the teacher plays by far the most important part.
Disguise the fact as we may, there is more truth in the adage that "as the teacher is so is the school" than many are willing to admit, and no one has a better opportunity of learning this than the superintendent. If teachers who always fail to give satisfaction and are ever ready to charge the blame to some other cause than themselves were to inquire into the real cause of failure they would trace it nearer home, perhaps, than they would have the courage to acknowledge. We wish to assert here, not without fear of contradiction, however, that a teacher worthy the name of teacher can go anywhere, it matters not what the condition of the school or how unfavorable public sentiment may be, and not only teach the school successfully but more - he or she can build up public sentiment in favor of good schools more than all other agencies combined.


We have such teachers in Blair county, but alas too few; they are the pillars upon which rest our common schools to-day. Take away this class of teachers and how long will our schools prosper.


Unfortunately for the schools and the cause in general the class of teachers first referred to never seem to realize the possibilities of the teachers, and, consequently, fail to discover their utter unfitness for the position. This class of teachers play the part of mere parasites, sapping the life of the school system as well as robbing our boys and girls of the most precious time God has given them.


A reform should begin somewhere. Some steps should be taken to thrust aside these worse than useless things and make room for more proficient teachers. This power exists, mainly, in the hands of Directors, and while they generally exercise great care in the selection of teachers, still home talent is too often allowed to crowd out more worthy teachers. Home teachers should always have the preference, other things being equal, but once they have been tried in the balance and found wanting they should give way to more competent teachers, let them come from where they will.


In some localities this matter is, to some extent, regulating itself. The people - and they are the power - rise up and assert their rights, refusing to submit to being taxed for the support of schools kept by mere school keepers. With few exceptions our people are willing to be taxed for the support of good schools. Let us use our united efforts to secure them. We have already occupied too much space with this part of our report, but before closing we wish to call the attention of teachers to the importance of reading more. They should not only read works on pedagogies, history and biography, but by all means should they keep posted on the news of the day. Every teacher should take a good weekly newspaper or two, and a daily, if possible. - JOHN H. STEPHENS, County Superintendent.


Prothonotary Stewart Presented with a Leather Badge - Freak of Nature.


The Democrats of Hollidaysburg and Gaysport have leased the Masonic Opera House and will meet this evening to form a Hancock and English campaign club.


Some of the farmers are complaining that although their corn fields look splendid the yield of corn will be small, as a majority of the largest of the stalks have failed to produce ears of corn.




Messrs. McFarland and Bell, a notice of whose departure to Lebanon and other points east, was mentioned, have returned home safe and sound. In this connection we might add that the Lebanon daily News tells about two old gentlemen from Hollidaysburg, Blair county, who came near being ejected from the cars, all because they were taking home with them some "ball cheese."




Mack Smith and brother having returned from their recent trip to the seashore, report that the greatest freak of nature seen by them was a two-headed calf, owned by their uncle, Dr. Andrew Smith, of Troughcreek valley, Huntingdon county. he heads are separate and each complete, with the usual number of eyes and ears.




We have been informed that a few of our weak-minded citizens have remonstrated against the morning call whistle at the furnace. But our motto is the greatest good to the greatest number and say let her toot. The employes who are benefited by the whistle and are thus enabled to be up and at their work without the expense of paying a private watchman to notify them are determined that if the whistle is not permitted to blow for their benefit, it shall not blow for the benefit of men who have nothing to do but nap in the morning. All will agree that as a fire alarm the whistle is a desirable arrangement and indispensable.




On Friday evening a hack containing seventeen privates, members of Company D, under command of Lieutenant Amies, from Altoona, drove up to the Kellerman House and after a few preliminaries were formed in line and marched to the Opera House, expecting to receive some useful instructions in the manual of arms by seeing Company C put through the drill, fully armed and equipped for the occasion. Some of the privates at least felt disappointed in their reception, but our young ladies, who are noted for their hospitality, came to the rescue, and not only gave the boys lessons in marching but also made their visit to our town very pleasant. The squad were reinforced by Captain Piper and Lieutenants Garden and Ball, who came over on the train. Their line of march for home was taken up about 1 o'clock A. M., well pleased with their visit.




On Tuesday evening Lieutenant J. P. Stewart was the recipient of a leather badge from his comrades in arms, members of company C. The presentation speech by Mr. Woodcock was, as Bret Harte puts it, both "childlike and bland," particularly that part in which he hoped Mr. Stewart's children would ever keep and cherish the gift as a reminder of their father's superior ability to hit the bull's eye. This valuable gift is in the shape of a leather keystone. On one side was neatly written: "Company C, 5, N. G. P. Presented to Lieutenant J. P. Stewart by an admiring command for best shot, July 24, 1880." To the keystone was fastened a massive silver chain and a brass spread eagle. This beautiful and artistic badge was designed by Mr. Ed. Thompson, a member of the company, and manufactured from the sole of the shoe - the first one ever worn by the "girl who never was born." The entire expense was borne by Mr. Stewart's comrades in arms, and it was presented as a reward for the superior shot made by him on Saturday last at target practice. Mr. Stewart was visibly affected during Mr. Woodcock's speech, and after the gift had been placed on his right breast, assured his comrades that their valuable gift was duly appreciated, and when ordered to fall into ranks to join a different class of soldiers than the ones he drilled with now, he would bequeath the valued gift not only to his children, but to his great grand children. He then took his place in the company, and the drill went on. If anything followed the reporter was not present.


Arrested for Threatening to Kill a Young Lady - Personal Mention.


W. Scott Campbell, a former resident of this burg, now a resident of Philadelphia. is spending a short vacation here with his brothers, Messrs. Isaac and Thomas Campbell.


Dr. David Wineland has sold his valuable little farm, containing forty-one acres and a blacksmith shop, situated in North Woodberry township, about two miles south of this place, to David Hoover for the snug sum of $4,750.


Mr. Samuel Bolger and Miss Baker, of Altoona, paid a flying visit to the family of Levi Bolger yesterday. This is Sammy's first visit home in a great while, and the universal wish of his friends here is, come again soon and stay longer.




Information was made against Adam Benner of this place, on Monday morning last before Justice Fred. Hyle by C. P. Stoner, Esq., charging him with threatening the life of Lydia A. Stoner and a writ for his arrest was issued. Owing to the absence of Constable William Snyder, at Court, the writ of arrest was not served until yesterday. When brought before Justice Hyle, Benner wore a defiant, don't care look, and treated the matter very lightly. The facts in the case, as learned from most reliable authority are as follows: Benner had conceived a most intense love for Miss Stoner, and had on various occasions given her presents, among them a ring. He became furiously jealous, if at any time she saw fit to accept the slightest attention from any other person than himself. No doubt prompted by jealousy Benner wrote the following letter, which is copied verbatim from the original:


"Lydia, I will tell you once more about that wring and also about them other things you have that belongs to me; if you don't return them it will be the last wring you shall ever ware, and the last one you shall ever keep that don't belong to you, and there is a nother thing you will have to comply with, if you shall ever keep company you would better do it that I don't find it out, for IF I DO IT WILL BE THE LAST OF YOU!


The "wring" and "other things " referred to in the above letter were returned to Benner, and the matter was apparently dropped, until last Saturday night, when Benner met Miss Stoner returning from
the "bazaar." He escorted her and demanded the return of the above letter, which was refused. Frenzied by jealousy and crazed with drink Benner swore that he would kill her if he saw her in company
with a man again, and at the same time used the foulest epithets in speaking of Miss Stoner's escort. He was, however, quieted for the time, and it was supposed by all that there would be no more of the disgraceful scene. But Benner hastened down street and waited a short distance below J. Ross Mateer's drug store, where the lady must pass on her way home. Here he reiterated his threats and indulged in much abusive language. Hastening home Miss Stoner informed her parents of what had occurred, and the present action was determined on. Miss Stoner is an excellent young lady and enjoys the respect and esteem of the entire community, as do also the family of which she is a member, and they have the sympathy of the whole community in this unfortunate, and on their part, unavoidable occurrence. At this writing we are unable to say what disposition will be made of Benner, as no decision has been rendered.


Picked from the Mountain Top and Sides, and from the Glens and Vales.


Cool nights on the mountain, Levi Roush smokes a mere - sham pipe.


Blackberries are said to be plenty in this neck o' woods.


Huckleberries are selling for 25 cents per bucket at New Florence.


Married, July 27, in the Catholic church at Wilmore, by the Rev. Father McHugh, Mr. Thomas McConnell and Miss Rose Cramer, both of Portage township.


B. of "A. G." reports the peach crop along Turnbaugh's fence a complete failure this year. "Frank, was that a peach or a big quince you so gently lifted over the fence a few days ago?"


Maurice Lorig, an employe of the Edgar Thompson Steel Works, at Braddocks, who has been visiting the home of his childhood, for several weeks, returned to his duties as weigh-master.


Mr. Jacob Stoner, of Allegrippus, is the owner of a valuable pup. We night venture to say a Cuban blood hound of rare specie. Jake intends making a setter and pointer out of him.


Mr. J. M. Bowman, of the firm of Bowman & Morrow, merchants at your place, has moved his family to Portage and intends remaining here during the hot summer months. Mrs. Bowman is a sister of Mrs. Maggie Pringle, the estimable wife of our merchant friend, Mr. William Pringle, Jr. They are indeed a pleasant family.


A monster catamount has been seen several times along the siding leading to the coal mines of Piper & Co., at Ben's Creek by men going and coming from work. It is acknowledged by those that have seen it to be the largest of the kind they ever witnessed, and is said to be as playful as a kitten. Wonder if Billy Brody or Alex. McKnight know this? Hunters, to the front!


The boys had a war-dance on the Portage commons, just above the depot, on Wednesday night, and kept it up until the cocks crew Thursday morning. As yet there is no blood spilt or scalp missing, or at least we haven't heard of any. Too much beer and fire-water mixed, you know.


John McCloskey, flagman of the Gallitzin ballast train, will on the 4th of August take unto himself a wife - the name we do not remember - who resides in the vicinity of Ashland Furnace, Cambria county. Well, Mac is just as capable of starving a woman to death as any one else, and oh well that's nobody's business. The wedding tour is going to be a very extended one. They will visit the most prominent watering places, such as Cape May, Long Branch and Niagara Falls, returning home by way of Munster. We wish them a happy and prosperous life, and that their troubles may all be "little ones."


Married, July 28, at the residence of the groom's parents by Peter McGough, Justice of the Peace, Isaac Shaffer and Miss Mattie Eamigh, both of Portage. The boys about 80 in number, headed by Samuel Green, Captain, filed up to the front door in platoons and tendered Isaac an old time serenade, for which he stepped up manfully to the front and counted out four silver dollars and laid them in the hands of the Captain. After congratulating the newly wedded couple, the band rendered "Home, Sweet Home," and the crowd dispersed, saying: "twas well to be there."


Gathered and Garnered - Trick Played on a Married Couple.


Michael Bracken has had his new house, which was built last summer plastered.


The Tunnel Hill Minstrel Troupe is going to give a concert in the school house on Saturday night.


J. H. Gilson and family were down to Lloydsville on Wednesday, taking in the sights of that place.


George Aukenbauer is building himself a new house beside his brewery. Dave Burkey has the contract.


Engineer Thomas Masterson was in town on Thursday. Tommy is the happiest man on the road. "A daughter."


G. W. Bonner starts for Colorado on next Monday, as Superintendent of a coal company from Philadelphia. We wish him success.


Perhaps the officer of the law did not know that the ladies he was using such language to the other day knew him so well, or he would not have made himself so free. They have given him away.


Rev. Thomas Ryan bid his congregation farewell on last Sunday. He has been here for twenty-one years, and has hosts of friends. We wish him well in his new field of labor. Rev. Boyle, from Ebensburg, will fill Rev. Ryan's place here.


The pumping engine that was put up one mile west of here for supplying engines with water was started the other day with John Hilman and William Robaugh in charge. All engines that stop here now take a full supply of water, as orders have been sent to that effect. This will be a great saving of water at Altoona.




Jacob Geoner, of Cambria City, was married on last Sunday, in Johnstown, to Mrs. Bower, of Altoona. Mr. Geoner came to our town to stop over night with his brother-in-law, A. Bender. During the day that Mr. Geoner was to arrive, some person or persons who seemed to know what room Mr. Geoner was going to occupy during the night, went and used a saw to such an extent that when they were snug in bed Bender thought he heard "somedings" drop. On going up to see what was wrong, Mr. G. met Mr. B. and said: "It was a nice trick for him to play on him." B. said it was good for him. The same kind was played on him when he was married. "All right, gentlemens, I finds 'em oudt."


A Letter from Some City Councilmen.


EDS. TRIBUNE: An item appears in your issue of the 28th inst. calculated to mislead the public and throw odium on a Council committee. You charge them with deceiving the people in a statement that $14,000 would erect the proposed dam at Kittanning Point. The committee have made no statement in relation to the matter whatever. A survey was made some time ago by engineers of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and an estimate made of the cost of a 34,000,000 gallon dam at the above point. They put the cost at $14,908.35. These are their figures, not the committee's. A further examination was made by Mr. Whitney, an expert of the company, but as yet he has given the committee no opinion as to the cost. His estimate will be made for a dam of 100,000,000 gallons, and consequently will cost a great deal more than the first estimate. The committee are not disposed to look on this project as a small matter, nor place the cost at a low figure. They believe it will be worth all it will cost whatever that may be; and they believe Mr. Whitney to be a competent, reliable engineer. He has been long in the employ of the company. Through the courtesy of Mr. Pugh the committee secured his services, and we are relying on his opinion and advice both as to location and erection of dams and reservoirs if any are built. As to the statement that the engineer who examined the topography at Kittanning placed the cost at $25,000. Mr. Whitney denies that he made this statement directly or indirectly. He would not venture an opinion as to the cost until a thorough examination of the underlying strata was made. When the surveys and estimates are made they will be given to the public as the engineers give it to the committee. Respectfully, THE COUNCIL COMMITTEE.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 31, 1880, page 3


Things Briefly Told.


Senator Conrad raised the first building on Tyrone's burnt district.


A post of the Grand Army of the Republic will shortly be organized at Williamsburg.


Mrs. Harry L. Woods and child are lying very sick at their residence in the Eighth ward.


Miss Sadie Burtnett has gone to Clearfield on a visit to relatives. We wish her a pleasant time.


The Eighth ward Republican club will probably be organized about Tuesday and start off with fifty members.


Our colored fellow-citizen, William Nesbit, Esq., has been made a member of the Republican State Committee.


The company's water supply is exhausted and yesterday they were compelled to call on the city for the aqueous.


J. H. Brown has been appointed Register and Recorder of Cambria county, by Governor Hoyt, in place of J. G. Lake, deceased.


A drummer without a license and a "culled gemmen" who was helping in a fight yesterday paid their respects to the Mayor.


Eight cars packed full of people composed the excursion from the Pittsburgh division to Lloydsville yesterday. They had a very pleasant time.


On Monday the election will be held to decide for or against the new city loan. The polls will be presided over by the new judges elected last spring.


Misses Julia M. Stevens and Lettie Wilson, propose on Monday next to start on an eastern trip. They will take a good slice of the sea shore while on their rounds.


A Blair county official whose business calls him to every part of the county says he finds the TRIBUNE in almost every house. Advertisers will please note this.


The house of John McCormick, Summer hill township, Cambria county, was burglarized last Thursday night of $20 in money, a silver watch and a set of silver teaspoons.


When going to the fire last night the Excelsior Hose Company lost a nozzle. It was picked up afterward by a boy named Bowers, who restored it to them and was not even thanked for his trouble.


Willie Burk, aged 11 years, who set about to earn something for himself as an off-bearer at Beyer, Guyer & Co.'s planing mill, in Tyrone, had his hand caught in the cogwheel the other day and mangled in a fearful manner.


The torchlight procession on Thursday night was solely the effort of the Sixth ward Republicans. For the benefit of the curious it might be worth while to mention that not one of the torches was stolen after the procession.


Altoona's Republican Mayor has already earned the reputation of being the best Chief Magistrate the city has ever had. If Mr. Howard continues in well-doing until the end of his term he will be exceedingly popular with all good citizens.


In our Hollidaysburg correspondence it was stated that a boy named Kilinger was. arrested and sent to jail for stealing pears out of a garden. The mother of Kilinger writes us to say that the boy's name was Andrew Kitzner, not Kilinger.


There was a reunion yesterday at the residence of Water Superintendent Baer. His sisters, Mrs. Lamison, of New York; Mrs. Fewgate, of Centre county, and Mrs. Elway, of this city, being present, besides the elder Baers and several young ones.


Mr. A. P. McDonald, one of Altoona's most active and enterprising young business men, is in town with his family, taking in all the pleasures of a week or two of vacation and relaxation from business cares. We wish him and his the fullest measure thereof. - Bedford Inquirer.


At Squire O'Toole's yesterday afternoon some of the "culled" citizens said she did and some said she didn't, and this is about all the listeners could make out of it except that somebody's youngsters had been smacked. The Alderman shut all parties up and discharged the case.


A day or two since a married man, a resident of Green avenue, found occasion to make a call on a young unmarried lady in the neighborhood. His wife went after him, and finding his coat and hat hanging on a nail captured them and left the poor fellow to meander home bareheaded and in his shirt sleeves.


An enthusiastic meeting of the Democracy of the Second ward was held in the Levan hose-carriage room, Ninth street, last evening. A temporary organization was effected and a committee on permanent organization was appointed. The meeting then adjourned, with three rousing cheers for Hancock, to meet at the same place next Wednesday evening.


A Visit to Hollidaysburg.


On Thursday evening quite a number of members of Company D, of Altoona, paid a visit to the members of their sister company, of Hollidaysburg. They went for the purpose of seeing them drill and were very well pleased with Company C's proficiency. Among the exercises of the evening was the presentation, by W. Irvin Woodcock, on behalf of the company, of a leather medal in the shape of a keystone to First Lieutenant James P. Stewart. The distinguished honor was won by the Lieutenant on Saturday last, at which time he made the best shot at the company target practice. The visiting members were well pleased with what they saw. They returned home in a private conveyance at a later hour.


Killing Bumble Bees With a Hatchet.


The Tyrone Times says that Edward McKinney, son of John, was the victim of quite a singular accident on Wednesday of this week. A "bumble bee" lit on his forehead, and holding a hatchet in his hand at the time he undertook to use it as a fly brush. He missed the object of his pursuit, but the hatchet struck the boy's head, severing a branch of the temporal artery. The blood flowed freely for a while. Ed. says a hatchet is not a good weapon to kill a bumble bee with, especially when occupying a seat so near an artery.


A Fire Alarm.


An alarm of fire about 12 o'clock yesterday startled our citizens. Fire originated in the chimney of a house at Sixth avenue and Nineteenth street, occupied by William Evans, a machinist. The fire was very slight, being, nothing but a chimney afire. The engines turned out but were not needed.


In the evening shortly after 8 o'clock the alarm was again struck. This was caused by a message received through the telephone that McCauley's shops, beyond the Fifth ward, were in flames. It proved to be only a bright blaze coming from a stack or cupola which was being burned out. The engines were turned out and the boys had a little run but their services were not needed.


To Water Consumers.


Persons who have leaky hydrants are hereby notified to have them repaired without delay. The water supply is already rapidly falling and the utmost care must be taken to present a water famine. - JOHN A. BAKER, Superintendent.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 31, 1880, page 4




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