Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Morning Tribune,

Saturday, July 24, 1880


The Third Ward Club Organized.


Altoona Republicans now have ward clubs organized in four wards of the city and will probably organize in another within a few days. The Republicans are working quietly and vigorously and with a badly divided "must have harmony" city Democracy have good prospects of rolling up a large majority in the county in November. Last evening, the Third ward club was organized in the Opera House. There was quite a large turnout of persons living in the ward and the club starts with the best of prospects. The permanent officers elected were as follows, President, J. B. Hileman; Vice President, John Louden; Secretary, W. L. Woodcock; Treasurer, B. F. Custer; Marshal, D. G. McCullough. The club decided to meet in the Opera House every Tuesday evening. It was also agreed to ask the Fifth ward to unite with them and form a stronger club. The following committees were appointed: On equipment, W. S. Hammond, Mr. Dieffenbaugh and Levi Knott; on transparencies and banners, G. W. Stratton, B. F. Custer, Ed. Mountney and Messrs. King and Work. A Committee on Naturalization was appointed as follows: Messrs. W. L. Woodcock, Ed. King, W. S. Humes, Levi Knott, Charles Gardner, C. E. Applebaugh, C. C. Mateer and John R. Kemp. Arrangements have been made whereby it will cost nothing for anyone to be naturalized who is entitled to vote. An Executive Committee of nine members will be appointed by the Chairman and announced in a few days. The work of the Republican clubs is now going on all over the city and the amount of enthusiasm shown is wonderful. There has not been a slimly-attended meeting yet among any of them, and with such work the result cannot fail to be satisfactory in November. The club room is now well supplied with newspapers and anyone desiring to drop in and read awhile during the evening is welcome.


Junior Order American Mechanics.


At the State Council of the Junior Order American Mechanics, in session at Easton this week, the election of officers for the ensuing year was held yesterday and resulted as follows: S. C., George V. Hight, No. 108; S. V. C., G. Howell Arthur, No. 127; S. C. Treasurer, John W. Calvert, No. 3; S. C. Secretary, Edward S. Deemer, No. 8; S. C. Conductor, H. A. Markley, No. 10; S. C. Warden, John O. Montayne, No. 26; S. C. Sentinel, E. S. Jones, No. 22; S. C. Sentinel, Joseph G. Cullin, No. 86; Representatives to National Council, Harry C. Hinchman, No. 3, Lewis A. Harmer, No. 4. Of the places suggested for the next annual session, Lancaster was suggested. The representatives were instructed to urge the following as an additional object of the order: "To maintain the public school system in the United States, prevent sectarian interferences therewith, and uphold the reading of the Bible therein.


The Logan House Concerts.


Below will be found the programme prepared by the Logan House quartette under the leadership of Mr. Praetorious. Exercises will begin at 11:30 A. M.


Swedish Wedding March, No. II, Soderman
Overture - "Barber de Seville," Rossini
Cello Solo - "Romance," Schuman
Selection - "Prophete," Meyerbeer
Waltz - "New Vienna," Strauss
Overture - "Pique Dame," Suppe
Gavotte - "Forget Me Not," Glese
Selection - "Norma," by request, Bellini


List of Properties Sold, Held Over and Stayed.


The following disposition was made yesterday of the properties advertised for sale by Sheriff Bell:


The interest of Patrick Hickey in a house and two lots of ground on Seventeenth avenue, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, Altoona, to Edmund Shaw for $105.


The interest of Jacob L. Meller in sixteen acres of ground in Allegheny township to Jacob Rink for $300.


The interest of D. A. Burtnett and wife in a house and lot of ground on Fourth avenue, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth streets, Altoona, to Martin Runyan for $35.


The interest of Joseph Weaver in house and barn and twenty-five acres of land in Snyder township, to John T. Fowler for $25.


The interest of Alexander Irwin in a house and lot on Seventh avenue, between Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth streets, Altoona, to T. J. Armstrong for $425.


The interest of James H. Patterson and Annie E. Patterson, his wife, in one hundred and twenty-five acres of land in Catharine township to George W. Garretson, of Huntingdon, for $500.


The interest of Edmund Malone in house, stable and one hundred acres of land in Freedom township, and in another tract of two hundred and twenty-two acres of land in the same township to Adam Hoover, for $500 and $525 respectively.


The following were held over until 1 o'clock P. M. next Monday: Forty acres of land in Antis township, in which the interest of Robert McKnight is advertised for sale; house and lot of ground on Washington avenue, Tyrone, in which the interest of Porter Bateman is to be sold.


The sale of the property of Philip Faddle, of this city, was set aside and settled.


The sale of the following properties was stayed: Theodore U. Stover, of Logan township; C. G. Minehart, Logan township; Thomas Hickey, Altoona; H. B. Sailley, Altoona; George W. Domer, Antis township; John Empfield, Logan township; Joseph Ramsey, Sr., Bell's Mills; James A. Farrell, Altoona; Joseph Smithhammer, Altoona; Edmund Malone, East Freedom; George Hyle and Emma Hyle, Frankstown township.


Cambria County Clippings.


John G. Lake, Esq., of Ebensburg, is seriously ill.


Hon. A. A. Barker has been quite sick the past week, but is now recovering his accustomed health.


Joseph Gutwald, butcher, of Ebensburg, had twenty-seven sheep killed by dogs a few days ago.


A little child of William Page, of Jackson township, had his left foot cut off by a mowing machine recently.


Two new steam saw mills are in course of erection two miles southeast of Wilmore, and the timber they cut will be brought to that place for shipment.


Mr. Adam Leiden, of Chest township, recently sold the timber on his large tract of land, in the above township, to Messrs. Weaven & Bates, of Clearfield county, for a consideration of $12,000. The timber consists of pine, oak, ash, etc.


Messrs. Chisholm, C. McOmber and Caleb Guyer, of Tyrone, have purchased from different parties in Elder township a large quantity of valuable timber, and are now busily engaged with a number of hands preparing for the Eastern market about one million feet of hard lumber.


A Lively Family Rumpus.


For several days past William Allen, proprietor of a restaurant at Tenth avenue and Fifteenth street, has been on a spree. Yesterday morning he began abusing his wife, and to cap the climax took about one hundred dollars worth of her clothing, including a fine silk dress, threw them out of the window, and then set the pile afire. They were all destroyed. In the afternoon James Kearney, who has an interest in the property occupied by Allen, went to the house to try to straighten matters out. While there he fell to the floor in a spasm and was for a time very sick. A physician was called, who attended to his needs, and he was then taken home in a carriage. His illness was caused by the warm weather and by excitement, but will not be serious. Allen became so boisterous that Mayor Howard had to be called in finally. There has as yet been no arrest.


Beware, Ye Little Fishes.


Yesterday afternoon a party of West Enders were seen quietly stealing toward the city outskirts in a two-horse wagon, with fishing poles, "catsup" bottles and all the et ceteras which go to make up a fishing crowd. From the way they started it was judged they would not get stopped before Williamsburg was reached. The lines were noticed with a pair of white horses at one end and Mitch Trout at the other, and Mitch was rearing back at such a rate that if one of them had broken he would probably as a result of the recoil have turned a series of somersaults and rolled out over the tailboard. In consequence of these proceedings, Theo. Stroh has suspended business until Monday.


The Emigrant Travel.


Yesterday there came steaming into the depot a train of eighteen car loads of emigrants. They were bound for Utah and were converts to the Mormon form of faith. With them were a number of the Mormon missionaries. The emigrants were the finest looking set of foreigners who have gone through this season. More than half of them were young people under 15 years of age. The sexes were about evenly divided. Later in the day the way passenger train brought four more car loads of emigrants.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 24, 1880, page 1


Sheriffs' Inquisition - Properties Extended and Condemned - Indian Relic.


Mr. David Lemon, of Philadelphia, is home on a visit.


A telephone is being erected from Hollidaysburg to Rodman via the Catfish pike.


The public are informed that a corn-field on the county farm has in it big roasting ears.


Mr. William Jones, of Omaha, Nebraska, and Mrs. Thomas Gartland, of the same state, and both former residents, are visiting residents here.


Yesterday we were shown a stone plowed up on Mr. David Riddle's farm, on the Hollidaysburg and Morrison Cove Branch railroad, that in size and shape is a fac simile of an old buckskin glove.


Two young men named David Waters and Thomas Grove, from foot of Ten, were committed to jail on Thursday evening charged before Justice Fleischer with disorderly conduct and doing other unlawful acts. On Friday John Grove had the boys released, having entered security for their appearance to answer at court.




Mr. Crawford Lingafelt has a stone tool supposed to be an Indian hatchet. It is about six inches long and shaped like a double-bitted ax, without an eye or hole for the handle. On the side is two holes evidently intended for a thong to pass through to attach it to a handle. Mr. Lingafelt's father, in his lifetime, had it in his possession for over fifty years.




On Thursday night some young men were refused beer at the American House bar, and in consequence got into a row with Mr. Dannals, the bar-keeper. Soon after they departed it was discovered that the new cloth on the pool-table had been cut in three places. The cloth cost sixty dollars. A reward of forty dollars is offered for information that will convict the guilty party.




Sheriff Bell held his inquisition yesterday afternoon in the arbitration room. The jury consisted of Judge James Funk, Prothonotary J. P. Stewart, Treasurer A. Rutledge, Janitor W. H. Westover, Major John Wighaman and one other sardine. Ten writs were considered and disposed of as follows:


Charles Shafer's house and lot, in Taylor township. Extended at a rental of $60.


William F. Kelley, house and lot in Altoona. Extended at a rental of $108.


Dennis McCartney, house and lot in Altoona. Extended at $50.


George Collier & John T. Fluke, house and soap factory in Altoona. Condemned.


Daniel Cammerer, house and lot in Martinsburg. Extended at $60.


W. H. H. Robertson, house and one acre of ground in Snyder township. Condemned.


Simon P. Barr, Hollidaysburg, Fourth ward, house and lot. Condemned.


James Morgan, Sr., Altoona, two houses and lots. Extended at $200.


Llewellyn Davis, house and lot in Altoona. Condemned.


James Roller house and lot in Williamsburg. Condemned.


After the work had been completed the hungry jurors were called from labor to refreshments, and marched to "Reed's." The supper was all that a Philadelphia Councilman could desire, consisting of fried oysters, roast chicken and lamb and a hundred other good things. Desert - Lancaster ice cream, buns, cakes, etc. Besides the Sheriff and jury there were around the festive board Lawyers Doyle, Smith and Brumbaugh, and clerks Baldrige and Bowers.


Five Thousand Dollars in Gold Coin Hid in the Three Mile Dam.


Miss Nellie Lowe, one among the few good looking young ladies of Altoona, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Johnson.


Miss Lizzie Patterson, one of our sprightliest young ladies, will leave to-day for a visit to the wilds of Clearfield county.


Many persons in this community knowing the goodness and kindness of heart of Dr. Hugh Pitcairn will wish him abundant success in his new field of labor.


Mr. Howard Watkin, a member of the three W firm - Weimer, Wright and Watkin, boot and shoe dealers, Philadelphia - visited our merchants on Friday.


The Cornet Band have been invited to a clam bake, or some other kind of a bake, at Clover creek to-night, and will give the seekers some of their sweet strains.


Major T. Snyder, wife and daughter, of Martinsburg, and Mrs. Gettys and son, of Norristown, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kinkead on Tuesday.


Two young men, members of the coon club, created a sensation on Friday, bringing a live ground hog to town, thinking it a coon. A committee of "coons" only made the mistake known after a thorough examination and not finding the regulation badge.


That intelligent compositor will keep at his wrong doings until forbearance will cease to be a virtue, and like brother Gardner of the Lime Kiln Club "we will forget for the space of seven minutes that we ever joined the church," and the way of those compositors will be handled will be frightful.




For some time past certain parties belonging to Hollidaysburg have been suspected of seining the river near this place, but until recently it could not be discovered who the guilty parties were. One day last week, becoming emboldened by success, perhaps, they did not take the usual caution and were seen at the willow dam, and also at the anal near Mr. John Saler's. If caught again they will not get off so easily a with a notice of this kind.




The Juniata canal was built in 1832. Much money was made by certain parties. By some it was made honestly, by others differently. Many murders were committed and robberies made and the guilty parties were never discovered. We have a letter picked up by a certain person well-known in this vicinity and in the county, and we can assure the readers of the TRIBUNE that this is not a sensational story, but just given for what it is worth, without giving the names and without alleging that the parties stole the money, although it would seem that it had been stolen. The letter is dated January 7, 1879, and comes from a far western fort, and reads as follows:


Dear Brother Isaac: I write you for the last time, as I got a bullet from a low, skulking Comanche, who was one of nine that attacked our house on the night of December 5. The ball hit me in the back and lodged in the spine, and I am paralyzed and the doctor at the post says that I cannot live much longer. Before I die I have an old secret which might prove of value to you, as I hear that the old dams are all gone out of the Juniata river: On the night of the 15th of June, 1836, Jim _____ and myself put a keg, which contained gold coin to the amount of $5,050, in the three-mile dam. The exact spot we could never clearly tell, but it was about five hundred yards below old Boyles' where the packet horses were usually kept. The keg must have sunk in the mud as we often hunted for it before Jim died in 1859. By going along and sinking a sharp iron down you might strike it if the water is low. I hope you may find it, and it may do you some good in your old age. I always thought I would find it some day, but it is no longer possible now.


After being away twenty-eight long years I would like to see the old soapfat furnace again. Give my love to George and Nancy. Truly your Brother. - George _____


A Series of Accidents and Mishaps - That Elopement - He Didn't Hang Well.


Henry Nerus is the happiest man in Bennington with the exception of Andy Basal. They are both bouncing boys.


The Cambria Iron Company are receiving about 1,500 tons of foreign ore at this furnace, which is being unloaded from the cars at present.


We have an aged clog dancer up here, and his name is McCabe. He is about 62 years old, and we can vouch for it, that he can beat all they bring to him for dancing clogs.


Miss Kate McVay met with a very painful accident while walking along the ends of the ties on the railroad. She slipped off, spraining her ankle and rendering her unable to walk without the assistance of another.


Mr. Thomas Dalton had a very valuable cow killed on the track at this place on Monday morning by engine 258. The engineer neglected to whistle, although Mr. Dalton saw the engine coming and tried hard to get his bovine off, but in vain.


An interesting game of base ball was played on the "Hill" Saturday afternoon between the Quicksteps, of Bennington, and the club on the Hill that has never been beaten before by a mountain club. The score stood, Quicksteps, 7; Hill, 6. On the ninth inning the score stood 5 and 5, requiring the tenth to settle the contest, on which the Quicksteps scored 2 and the Mill 1.


We are troubled at this crossing very much by the trains not being cut while standing. We know that ladies who were in a hurry to get home to attend to domestic duties were detained fifteen to twenty-five minutes, and when a gentleman came up and asked a trainman to cut the train he replied that he could not, and became terribly dignified. We sincerely hope that the authorities will so order their trainmen to keep this crossing clear.




Mr. Thomas Stanley and Miss Ratchford, the eloping couple we made mention of in our last letter, have turned up. They were united in the holy bonds of matrimony in Duncansville and have taken up their abode in your city. Now that they have done it may peace, happiness and prosperity be the tide that will carry them down the ocean of life, and may they anchor on the golden shores of heaven.




Uncle Jake, the author of that poem, has a method of punishment all his own when his boy disobeys. He brings him in and draws a chalk line; makes the boy walk it to and fro, and then when he goes fro he calls his attention to a rod overhead. He then nails the boy to the board partition by the flaps of his pockets; then proceeds to lather him with soap suds and shave him with a trowel, but don't use the rod, and it serves the best method, for the boy never went away since.




His name might be "Pete," but it isn't. After his wife remarked that the hired girl must leave, he said that if she left he would commit suicide. The word of the wife must prevail. So Rebecca left. The inconsolable husband proceeded to execute his suicidal feat. He got the strap, made a noose and told his little offspring to draw it tight about his neck. The wife was inexorable, and did not "carry on" worth a cent over his desperate attempt at self-destruction. This made him more desperate, and he proceeded to the attic to hang by the rafter, but came back, threw down the strap and said, "Go, Bec!"




Mr. Angus Carrigan, an employe of the furnace, stepped on a lump of cinder, and it not being hard enough to bear him he went through the crust, burning his foot very severely. Dr. C. Miller is attending him.


Mr. Patrick Leonard was also so badly burned as to disable him from work. He is the "Keeper."


Two of the fillers retired Thursday at noon for the residue of the day. An overdose of gas sickened them.


The Tomato Blight.


EDS. TRIBUNE: The trouble among tomato vines, referred to in this morning's TRIBUNE, is caused by a fungus, the minute spores of which float in the air during the close rainy weather of such seasons as this. It occurs mostly upon heavy soils, or in closely confined situations. Dry, open localities are seldom troubled with such difficulties. - W. L. A., Altoona, July 23, 1880.




HEINSLING - In this city, July 23, of lingering consumption, Bettie McCulla, wife of William J. Heinsling, in the 30th year of her age.


Funeral will take place to-morrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock, from her late residence, Eighth avenue and Eleventh street. To proceed to Fairview cemetery. Funeral services conducted by Rev. J. F. Shearer. Friends are invited.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 24, 1880, page 3


Things Briefly Told.


Policeman James Allen is again on the sick list. We hope to see him better soon.


During the Tyrone fire J. W. Thomas rescued his horse in a costume that a Georgia colonel would have envied.


The train last evening on the Hollidaysburg branch brought to this city twenty-eight bushels of huckleberries.


Mrs. J. S. Elway is lying very ill at her residence on Eighth avenue, between Eighth and Ninth streets.


The iron horse on the Lewisburg and Tyrone road runs beyond Warriorsmark - a distance of ten miles from Tyrone.


William Lasher, the man who lost his leg at Kittanning Point, is getting along very well and on the high road to recovery.


As though they haven't had fire enough down at Tyrone the Herald keeps throwing out sparks. Want another blaze, Colonel?


Mrs. Julia Glasgow, an old resident of Tyrone, died of cancer in the side, on Tuesday morning, after a long siege of suffering.


Dr. Fay returns thanks through the TRIBUNE to Mr. Henry Stiffler for the return of instruments found by his little daughter.


The Cambria Freeman knows to a dot how the soldiers of this city will vote. We leave the ides of November to quarrel with its figures.


Mr. Denny, residing near Warrior Ridge station, killed thirty copperhead snakes last Wednesday, and a number got away from him.


A boy named Wren Price, in the employ of A. G. Sink, had his had caught in the cog wheels of a sausage cutter and three fingers taken off.


The receipts at the Mayor's office so far this month have been about $172. This is the fourth month of Mayor Howard's term, and up to this time over $800 have been taken in.


Letters held for postage at the postoffice: Joseph Fittspatrick, Wiley avenue, Arthur street, Pittsburgh; Mrs. Emma J. Sommers, Three Springs, Huntingdon county.


Huntingdon will have to wait another ten years to be made a separate judicial district. Her daughter, Blair, has far outstripped her in the population race, exceeding her some 14,000.


A fight took place at Charlie Haid's brewery, on Fourth avenue, last evening between an employe and a visitor, and proceedings for assault and battery have been begun before Alderman Rose.


Huntingdon county has three Lambersons, David, Jackson and George, and lightning has been after them all - each having received more of the electric fluid than they cared for, and still live.


This is the way McPike dishes up the weather: A streak of shiver and a streak of sweat, a streak of dry and a streak of wet, a streak of joy and a streak of fret, are the streaks of weather we these days get.


Rev. . T. Keedy, Principal of the Hagerstown Female Seminary, called yesterday at the TRIBUNE office. We are pleased to learn that the institute is in a flourishing condition. One hundred pupils were in attendance last year.


E. B. Trout and F. H. Haggerty had the greatest saving of fuel on the Pittsburgh division on engine No. 7. The company makes it an object to the men to save their fuel. They were complimented by the road foreman on their economy.


Mrs. Bettie Heinsling, wife of W. J. Heinsling, who resides at the corner of Eighth avenue and Eleventh street, died at an early hour yesterday morning in the 30th year of her age. She had been ill of consumption. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock; interment at Fairview cemetery.


The Three Springs (Huntingdon county) Paper says the Board of Directors of that borough have begun proceedings against Henry T. Stains, late collector and treasurer of the school funds, who left over a year since, having in his possession the draft for the State appropriation, with which he started a grocery in Altoona.


Fired for Swearing.


There is an old law in this Commonwealth which imposes a fine of sixty-seven cents and costs for each "swear" of which a man may be convicted. Yesterday Thos. Shafer, of Millville, was arrested on our streets and convicted of swearing, by Alderman Rose. The alderman imposed the fine and costs.


How He Victimized John T. Fowler, of Centre County, and Escaped.


The Tyrone Herald says about three weeks ago an Englishman, who gave his name as George Lewis, stopped at John T. Fowler's mill, in Centre county, and complaining that he was sick Mr. Fowler took him in and had him cared for until he was able to get around. He represented himself as a painter by trade, and Mr. Fowler agreed to give him a job of work at painting some houses. On Thursday of last week he gave the fellow an order to Kline & Hoffer for a lot of oil, which he disposed of in some way not yet known to the police. Some time during the day Lewis came back to the store of Kline & Hoffer and said he had missed the train, also asking Kline to loan him a dollar to pay his hotel bill. He received the money and went to Altoona the same evening, where he sold a revolver that he had procured from George Harder on a verbal order from Mr. Fowler. Lewis then returned to Tyrone on Friday morning, went to the hardware store again, and represented that Fowler had sent him for five gallons of oil, one hundred pounds of lead, two pounds of green and a brush. He procured these goods after some hesitation on the part of the dealers and arranged with Mr. Wooden, of the City Hotel, to deliver the articles in Altoona, where he sold them to parties in the city. During the same morning one of Fowler's men came into town, and making inquiry, found that Lewis had obtained goods on Mr. Fowler's credit by false representations, and that he had left town evidently with the intention of selling out and skipping away. A warrant for his arrest was obtained and placed in the hands of H. T. Harpham, who made inquiry as to where Lewis had gone, and upon being informed that he had left for Bell's Mills, followed him to that place, but failed to find him for the very good reason that he had gone to Altoona. Saturday morning Mr. Fowler came to Tyrone and sent Constable Harpham to Altoona, where he found out all about Lewis' explorations in the way of selling lead, oil, revolver and brush, but although assisted by the Altoona police, failed to find his man Lewis, who had no doubt taken time by the forelock and left for parts unknown to his pursuers. The revolver was sold to a Mr. Watson for $4.50. The oil was disposed of to another party at seventy-three cents a gallon, and the 100 pounds of lead for nine dollars. The goods were not recovered. From all accounts Lewis takes life easy, and when he has money makes it "fly" in places where he thinks it will do the most good. He has been to several ill-famed ranches in Altoona, and left one of them about 8 o'clock Saturday morning, which is the last heard from him by those who feel an interest in cultivating his acquaintance.


Boyd Learning Trades.


EDS. TRIBUNE: In this morning's issue of your paper I noticed an article in which you offered a suggestion in reference to our boys learning trades instead of rushing into the learned professions, and thus making failures by doing so or undertaking to do that for which they are wholly unqualified for. Now I want to say a word in reference to our boys, especially those of the high school, as I personally know of three who have made every effort to get positions where they might learn a trade, and have assisted them in every possible way to secure such places, but have failed to find any. Now would you be kind enough to assist these young men in search of just such places as you say they ought to be in? Advice is very cheap, but if you really desire to benefit the boys and know where they can obtain places to learn trades you will find plenty of boys of our high school who do not think themselves above becoming a good mechanic or machinist.


[We know it is difficult to get boys situations in the railroad shops, for there are not enough places to go around the great number of applicants, still many do gain admittance. The great drawback in this city is the want of other manufacturing establishments to give employment to our surplus boys and girls. But the article in question was not intended to condemn boys who wished to learn trades, but that class who rush into profession for which they have not been fitted. The same may be said of boys who seek to learn the trades in which they will never become skilled mechanics. We have known boys attempt to learn the printing business and fail because they had no conception of the business, and were woefully deficient in comprehension. If they had lived to the age of Methuselah and worked at the business they never would be anything but indifferent workmen. So it is with every kind of craft.] - ED.


Pennsylvania Railroad Earnings.


The following statement of the business of all lines of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company east of Pittsburgh and Erie, for June, 1880, as compared with the same month in 1879, shows


An increase in gross earnings of $830,665
An increase in expenses of 419,413
An increase in net earnings of $411,263


The six months of 1880 as compared with the same period in 1879 show


An increase in gross earnings of $4,020,013
An increase in expenses of 1,771,460
An increase in net earnings of $2,248,553


All lines west of Pittsburgh and Erie for the five months of 1880 show a surplus over liabilities of $1,311,136, being a gain over the same period in 1879 of $1,730,473.


The Afternoon Exercises at the Altoona Business College.


The exercises were opened with music - "General Grant's Grand March" - by Augustus McClain.


Reading, "The Lost Pantaloons," by Dennis Cronin. Declamation, "Dollars and Dimes," by John Parrish. Music, "Peri Waltz," by Frederick Seeger. "The Jolly Old Crow," read by Gertrude B. Stewart, and "Tom Fits' Wedding," by Gracie Hurd. Though quite young Misses Stewart and Hurd acquitted themselves very creditably.


Essay, "Humbugs," by Frank Schum. The essayist said that natural science describes a great many different kinds of animals, insects and bugs, but was silent in regard to the biggest bug of all - the humbug; that we really had some humbugs in Altoona, and that our people actually liked to be humbugged occasionally. "Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lecture" was finely rendered by Agatha Carr, while "The Old Clock," by Mrs. Lizzie Redding, was highly appreciated by all.


"Woman's Rights," by Fannie Howell, was given in her happiest mood and received with hearty applause, though it was evident that some of the smaller boys thought that more was claimed for woman than the facts would warrant; after which "The Blue Checked Apron" was finely rendered by Mollie Potter, followed by Willie M. Hooper who read "Fifty Years Ago." Essay, "The American Flag," in the description of which John C. McDowell waxed quite eloquent. A poem on the same subject will be read by Gertie Kline. Music by Miss Carr. "The New Church Organ" was read excellently well by Kate Curry, and "If I Only had Capital," by Warren Walker. Debate, "Resolved, That Art is More Pleasing to the Eye Than Nature." James K. Wilson in the affirmative and G. R. Stiffler in the negative. This discussion was so well conducted that it made quite a number of the boys feel that they wanted to debate.


A Dishonest Domestic.


On Thursday afternoon a domestic in the employ of Alderman Blake, named Annie Cregar, was sent on an errand up stairs by Mrs. Blake and while there took about forty dollars of the Alderman's money out of a private bureau drawer and pocketed it. She then left on short notice, going out of town the same evening. The Alderman discovered his loss just too late to catch her, and did not even know certainly that she had gone, as she was seen on the streets a few minutes before the train left. He watched every departing train all night Thursday, and yesterday inquired among her friends and discovered that she had gone to Tyrone. Later in the day he pursued and captured her. She had disposed of about fifteen dollars, but the balance was recovered. The girl was brought back to Altoona and last night lodged in the lock-up. She says that she left here in company with a tramp, with whom she jumped a freight and rode to Tyrone. She gave him fifteen dollars of her money. The Alderman saw them together walking along the road, and when she saw him she took to the wood, but after a lively chase he captured her. She will be taken to jail this morning to await trial at court.


Celebrating a Double Anniversary.


The seventeenth wedding anniversary and the 37th birthday of Mr. and Mrs. William Jarves, was duly celebrated at their residence in Logantown on Thursday evening. The Mountain City band discoursed sweet music on the occasion. The festivities included dancing, for which the string band furnished the music for the lovers of the "light fantastic" to show their skill in the terpsichorean art. The host and hostess furnished refreshments in great abundance, and between the good things and the amusements the party enjoyed themselves grandly. Mrs. Jarvis was made the recipient of several suitable presents. The party broke up at a seasonable hour, greatly delighted with the evening's enjoyment and wishing Mr. and Mrs. Jarves many returns of their double anniversary, and one enthusiastic participant wished they might number a thousand years.


Going Into the Boarding-House Business.


Since his retirement from the book and stationery business Henry Fettinger has moved his family to a fine large house, No. 1213 Eighth avenue, where he is now comfortably fixed. Mr. Fettinger has a large airy house and has decided to take a few boarders. The down-stairs floor has good accommodation for these - a sitting room, parlor and dining room. The Judge also has a fine library there, as good a selection of books on general topics as there is in the city, and he offers the free use of it to his boarders. There is a fine parlor, with a high bay window, and an organ for amusement. Above are quite a number of neatly-furnished rooms, which may be had at a moderate price. The Judge will no doubt soon have his house filled with people.


The Mayor's Levee.


Yesterday an Eleventh avenue sewing machine agent indulged too freely in the flowing bowl, and as a consequence was landed in the lock-up. The Mayor afterward fined him and he was released.


Blair Penlow, a colored individual, was locked up for "raising hob" at home. It is on the programme to send Blair to Hollidaysburg, but if the parties do not appear and make complaint this morning he will be turned loose.


Officer Whittle yesterday arrested a corn doctor for being without a city license. Mercy for once beamed from the magisterial eye and he was released upon payment of costs.


Twelve more of the calithumpian serenaders were arrested and fined five dollars and costs each yesterday. There are four more yet to be arrested, and one will have a trial on Monday night.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Saturday, July 24, 1880, page 4




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