Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Friday, July 23, 1880




Accident to a Brakeman.


An accident of a serious nature occurred yesterday morning to a Pennsylvania railroad freight brakeman named Jacob Brichler. It appears that as a freight train was running in Pittsburgh Brichler was standing on top of one of the cars. He attempted to step on to another car when the coupling snapped and the two cars parted. Brichler was precipitated to the track below and struck his head. One of his arms was broken and the injuries to his head are of a nature that will require the most careful nursing to prevent any fatal results. The injured man was conveyed to his home in Pittsburgh. He is about 50 years of age and has been a trusted employe of the railroad company for a number of years.


At the Mayor's Office.


A man named Cahill was yesterday viewed by the Mayor through his official spectacles, and as an atonement for the offence of being drunk and disorderly was consigned to the lock-up for seventy two hours. Later in the day he was released upon payment of a fine.


The two young men from the company's machine shop who tried their muscle on each other's noses on Wednesday were yesterday arrested and fined.


Some more of the large body of serenaders were arrested and fined, including the youth spoken of yesterday, who went over the company's fence in such short order when the officer went for him.


The Rising Sun Hotel Robbed.


At an early hour yesterday morning it was discovered by Adam Wentzell, proprietor of the Rising Sun Hotel, that his bar room had been burglarized during the previous night. Fortunately the thieves found little money and took but about one dollar and fifty cents, a few flasks of whisky and some counterfeit silver coins which were lying in the till. The thieves gained an entrance through a back door which is left open for the accommodation of late boarders. Once inside they crawled through the transom of an inner door and effected the robbery, leaving in the same way. There is no suspicion of the perpetrators.


Organizing for a Movement on the Democratic Forces in November.


A largely attended meeting of the Garfield and Arthur campaign club was last night held in their splendid club room, the main hall of the Opera house. The meeting throughout was a most enthusiastic one.


Shortly after 8 o'clock President Alexander took the chair, and after the minutes had been read called for the reports of committees. The committee on ways and means was first called on and reported a large amount of collections and very liberal subscriptions. The committee on music reported that they had received a proposition from the Mountain City band to furnish music at all times in Altoona for the club free of charge, if the club would allow them the use of the Opera house for three days and evenings for the purpose of holding a fair. The report was received, but will not be acted upon until the other bands are heard from.


A suggestion was made by Martin Trout that the club room should be well filled with newspapers and other campaign literature. Mr. Shaw then made a motion that a committee of five be appointed to ascertain what it would cost to secure one hundred copies each of the following papers during the campaign: the New York Times and Tribune, Philadelphia Press and Pittsburgh Commercial. The motion was carried and the Chair appointed Messrs. Shaw, Woodcock, King, George F. Dern, Joseph Calvert and M. C. Trout.


Mr. Kendig, in speaking of the work for the campaign, was strongly in favor of committees being appointed to make a thorough canvass of the city and obtain the names of doubtful voters, but it was stated that the ward clubs were doing this. Then on motion the Chair was directed to appoint five citizens in each ward in which there was no club to make the canvass as above. The ward committees were given authority to increase their numbers.


The matter of throwing a banner out in front of the hall was then discussed. It was stated that several gentlemen had volunteered a day's service each toward decorating the building.


The Committee on Speakers reported that they would have a speaker present at the next meeting of the club, on Thursday, the 29th inst.


Colonel Burchfield was then called upon for a speech, but declined. He however said he had a "political straw" which he would offer. At the Grand Army reunion at Gettysburg there were between three and four hundred present. A canvass was made on the Presidential question and there were about three votes for Hancock. It showed how the soldiers felt toward the Democracy.


W. L. Woodcock made a motion which was carried that the Republicans of the Third ward meet in the Opera House this evening for the purpose of forming a ward campaign club.


The Chair announced that on the 18th and 19th days of August there would meet in this city a convention of the colored men of the State. On motion the Opera House was offered them for twenty dollars for the two days, as they were a political club.


The Committee on Speakers met during the club meeting and organized by electing J. R. Fraser Chairman and George F. Dern Secretary.


The club adjourned after a most enthusiastic meeting.


An Execution Wrongfully Issued and a Suit for Damages.


In the case of Patrick Mansfield against Conrad Ott, of this city, the defendant appealed on the 16th of April last. Notwithstanding the appeal the plaintiff yesterday caused execution to be issued by Alderman Blake. It is due to Mr. Ott to say that this execution was erroneously issued, the appeal having been entered on the above day. Mr. Ott's attorney produced a certificate of the Prothonotary to this effect, and the execution was withdrawn. He will also immediately institute a suit for damages against the plaintiff and his attorney for wrongfully interfering with his business. He is now conducting his business as usual. Alderman Blake says in regard to the mistake that he was informed a friend of the plaintiff had gone to the Prothonotary and been assured no appeal was taken. If this is the case the Prothonotary must have overlooked the appeal as it was recorded within two or three days after it was taken. The Alderman also states there is no certificate, however, to show this. He was directed to issue execution by the plaintiff's attorney who was to examine the record on the afternoon the execution was issued and telephone the Alderman, but this he neglected to do.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Friday, July 23, 1880, page 1


Something About Flowers - A Monster Casting - Singular Affliction.


We understand that some wretch cut a gash in the udder of a valuable cow belonging to the Misses Young.


McLanahan, Stone and Baily on Wednesday cast a monster blowing cylinder. It is seven feet inside diameter and weights over six tons.


Mr. Christ. Cliber, since the death of the Sexton, Peter Bush, has taken charge of the Lutheran cemetery. We think our citizens should raise money enough to pay Mr. Cliber for cleaning and grubbing it out, being almost in the centre of the town it should by all means be kept nice.


We acknowledge the compliment of a very brief serenade on Tuesday night last by some unknown, but sweet singers, who vanished in the darkness before the "spell that bound was broken" and we had time to don our clothes and get down stairs. All we can say is thanks; come again and tarry longer.




Constable J. A. Border the other night was very suddenly taken with a severe pain in his left eye. The pain lasted but a few minutes, however, but the most remarkable and sad part is that ever since the eye has been blind. The only difference in the eyes is the pupil of the injured one is enlarged.




Mr. David I. Cramer, a former resident of our town, and the youngest of the "Cramer brothers of railroad fame," is on a flying visit to the old home. Mr. Cramer first entered the service of the Pennsylvania railroad in 1853 as a brakeman. He is at present foreman of the coal wharf at Mifflin station. His many old friends were rejoiced to see that old Father Time had been dealing so gently with him. He returned on last evening's train.




Although the recent heavy rains have been hard on the flowers the Alms House yard is a place of beauty - a rich pasture for the humming bird and the little busy bee - a perfect labyrinth of rare plants and sweet scented flowers. The most beautiful Mr. Shinafelt calls a Hibiscus, but which we would say was Bonvardia [Bouvardia] Linetha, a large blood-red flower, exceedingly showy but of short duration. The many persons who invested their ten cents in bulbs sold by their grocers, which they called West India lilies, will be rejoiced to know that one at least has produced the promised cluster of showy flowers which was to appear in six weeks. This one can be seen in Mrs. Glazier's yard, near the Gaysport bridge. The flower is white, with eight long, narrow leaves extending from the shallow cup-like centre. It has nothing but its oddity to admire.


Arm Broken - Furnace Repairs - Business Change - Personal and Political.


The engine at the mill of D. M. Bare, Esq., after standing for some time is now running again. The boilers have been thoroughly repaired.


Boyd Cree, a little son of S. Cree, fell from a stone wall while playing with other boys, and fractured the bones in his right arm below the elbow.


Carpenters are busy at work on the new Bethel Church. Rev. Williams, the contractor, proposes to push the work and complete it in ninety days.


Samuel Kinney, of Taylor township, near Cross roads, threshed sixty-two bushels of wheat from sixty-seven dozen of sheaves. Who can beat this?


H. E. Sullivan, who has just recovered from a severe attack of typhoid fever and rheumatism, is again able to be about. We were pleased to see him in the streets again.


Mr. J. King McLanahan is now laying new iron pipes from the end of the flume at the furnace at Rodman. This has become necessary since part of the old flume became worthless.


Mrs. S. H. Cree is in a critical condition. Her physicians and friends have no hopes for her restoration. Perhaps before this is in print she may be numbered with the "ones who have gone before."


John Shoemaker and Jacob Shoemaker, Esqs., of Daleville, Ind., arrived here on Wednesday of this week, and are the guests of J. P. Shoemaker. They are father and uncle of Mr. J. P. Shoemaker.


G. W. Smith, Esq., of Pittsburgh, the proprietor of the Sarah furnace and Lower Maria forge property, has commenced mining ore at Ore Hill. We have not been informed if it is intended for Sarah furnace ___ for shipment.


John E. Lower has the boss corn and potato patch. About five weeks ago he concluded to try his luck on late potatoes and corn. The weather has been very favorable for his project, and he now has a luxuriant growth of corn and potatoes.


Some effort should be made to get up a Garfield and Arthur club at Roaring Spring. Taylor township is solid to the core, and she will poll her usual Republican majority, if not more. The Hancock movement is very weak. Crow does not _ake worth a cent in Taylor township.


Rev. George L. Cowen, of Chambersburg, will preach in the Bethel Church on next Sabbath at 11 A. M. Rev. Cowen is visiting the home of his parents here. He has been pastor of the Chambersburg and ___town circuit for the past two years, this being his first charge. His numerous friends hereaways welcome him home.


Messrs. Denniston & Co., of Gap furnace, at McKee station, have taken down the old stack of the furnace on account of some defects in it, and are going to build a new and larger one. This important improvement will require the stoppage of the furnace for at least sixty days. Messrs. Denniston & Co., have been remodeling and improving their property very much during the past few years. Mr. J. L. Hartman, the manager, has a decided taste for neatness and order.




We have been informed that the Huntingdon Furnace Farmers' Club purpose to hold their annual picnic July 31, 1880, on the picnic ground near Huntingdon furnace. This is a live club and they propose to have a festive time from what we can learn. The club was organized for the purpose of promoting the interests of agriculture in that section of the country. This is the social and festive part of the programme.




Since July 1 there has been a change in the firm of Bare & Shoemaker, of the Roaring Spring mills, Mr. Bare going out of the firm to give his attention to the paper mill at this place, since Mr. Morrison has removed to Tyrone. Mr. J. P. Shoemaker has now assumed the whole control of the Roaring Spring mills, under a lease of two years from Mr. Bare. Mr. Shoemaker is a thorough and careful business man, and has the confidence of the public. He is bound to succeed, as the reputation of the Roaring Spring mills is unrivaled.




LUNDEGREEN - In this city, July 22, of brain fever, John Waldemar, son of Charles and Amanda Lundegreen, aged 1 year, 11 months and 2 days.


The funeral will take place this (Friday) afternoon at 3 o'clock, from the parents' residence, Fourteenth avenue, between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. Interment in Fairview cemetery.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Friday, July 23, 1880, page 3


Things Briefly Told.


Four car loads of foreigners made up yesterday's emigrant train.


Ticket Agent Nicholson has at last got into his new house on Thirteenth avenue.


The Altoona City Band last night gave an enjoyable concert on the Logan House lawn.


Hon. L. W. Hall, of Harrisburg, but known to almost everybody in Altoona, was here yesterday.


Miss Annie Marks, daughter of Mr. P. W. Marks, has returned from an extended sojourn in Illinois.


Mrs. W. T. Howard yesterday started on a tour to Washington and the Chesapeake Bay. She will be gone for some weeks.


Baker Heess has Frank Hamilton, the Pittsburgh baker, in his employ again. You may now look for plenty of crackers.


A new railway is projected, between Pittsburgh and Chambersburg, by way of Bedford and Somerset, and surveys are now progressing.


A double track is being laid on the Philadelphia and Erie railroad between Watsontown and Milton. It will be completed in about three months.


A census enumerator in Cambria county, and not very far from Johnstown, found a girl but 13 years of age who was the mother of an illegitimate child.


Mr. N. P. Ramsey, of the Pittsburgh, Charleston and Virginia railroad, was in the city yesterday, looking well and as pleasant as is his wont.


A pocketbook belonging to Mr. Samuel Gathers, containing receipts and other papers was found in the street last evening. It can be had by calling at this office.


We acknowledge the courtesy of an invitation to the picnic of the Junior Social Club, which will be held at Lloydsville on Saturday. Weather permitting we will be there.


What is the matter with the tomato plants? We notice that after they have bloomed and as the fruit develops, the leaves begin to curl and the plant wither away. Can any of our readers explain the cause?


D. M. Klepser on Tuesday was standing in D. & C. Moore's wagon at the depot, when he received a severe fall. He was in the wagon when the horse started, throwing him out. Mr. Klepser was severely bruised.


The water-loan election was to take place to-day. Yesterday it was announced as postponed until the 25th of August, and now it is to come off on the 2d of August. If St. Swithin don't let up in the meantime the election will probably be delayed until a dry time is had.


John L. Redette, a brilliant, erratic and somewhat eccentric type, tarried with us yesterday. He is journeying toward the setting sun in the West and also of life. With sixty winters gone over his head, he sports the same black, wavy ringlets that graced his poll twenty years ago. May his sunset be serene after the fitful experiences of his wanderings are ended.


A Severe Upset.


Dr. E. E. Goodman was yesterday the victim of a severe breakdown and upset item. He was driving on Nineteenth street, near the railroad, when a spindle of his carriage broke, throwing the doctor and his companion, a gentleman, out into the street and upsetting the carriage. Fortunately the horse was a meet one and the man of pills escaped without any bodily injury.


Held for Selling Liquor Unlawfully.


At a hearing before Alderman Rose yesterday Elizabeth and Agatha Myers were held for their appearance at court upon the charge of selling liquor without a license. They keep a boarding house on Tenth avenue, east of the warehouse. Two hundred dollars bail was required in the case of each.


William Lasher Has a Leg Taken Off on the Railroad.


Yesterday afternoon William Lasher met with a terrible accident at Kittanning Point by which he lost a leg. The train, an eastern bound freight, was at the water plug at that point. Lasher was a brakeman and just as the train started was walking on the decks. As he stepped from one car to another the coupling link broke, throwing him to the track below. One leg was caught under the rear section and cut off just above the knee by the wheels, ten cars passing over it before he was picked up. Some of his companions saw him fall and immediately attended to his wants. He was placed on the caboose and brought to this city, where the company physicians performed an amputation. The other leg was also found to have been considerably sprained and bruised at the ankle. The injured man is married and lives on Thirteenth avenue, near Fifteenth street. He was removed to his home and is doing well, and hopes are entertained for his recovery.


Removed to Harrisburg.


On Wednesday Dr. Hugh Pitcairn started for Harrisburg where he will permanently locate in the practice of his profession. The doctor has been a careful student, extending over a reading and lecture course of five years, embracing both the old and new schools of medicine. His examination in the college from which he graduated in Philadelphia was thorough, and his graduation was with high honor. He has been quite successful in the voluntary practice he has indulged since graduating. In his diagnosis of diseases he is unusually correct, as has been found by comparing notes with eminent and long-practiced physicians. With this faculty of determination, it follows that the right sort of medicines can be applied for the alleviation and removal of the disease. We predict for Dr. Pitcairn a successful medical career, and are sorry to lose such an estimable citizen and Christian gentleman from our midst. But what we lose the people of Harrisburg gain. We commend him to their esteem and kind hospitalities, assuring them that their confidence and kindness will not be misplaced or abused. Dr. Pitcairn will retain his interest in the TRIBUNE, which will under the control and supervision of the senior partner, Mr. Dern. In his new field he carries with him the benedictions of a host of warm friends in this city and elsewhere. He will drive the entire distance, going through Sinking valley, thence down the river to Mill Creek, where he will switch off into the Kishacoquillas valley, emerging at Lewistown. Thence he will follow the old pike to Harrisburg. We wish him a safe and pleasant drive.


Learn a Trade.


One of the evils of to-day is the disposition of parents to make professional men out of their boys. Every boy who is a graduate of the high school, or in fact of any other school, is regarded as a model of intelligence by his fond and affectionate parents, and is at once set down for one of the learned professions, which, in fact, in nine cases out of ten, he is wholly unfit for such a position in life, and eventually drags out a miserable existence. The boys should learn trades. What we want in this country is intelligent mechanics. A good mechanic is far better off than a one-horse lawyer or doctor. The trouble is now-a-days that the young men are desirous of commencing business where their fathers left off. They seem to regard all kinds of trades as menial. They would rather stand behind a counter at a salary of three dollars a week, than earn fifteen behind a mechanic's bench. This is all wrong. The tendency of this false pride is to make professional loafers out of our boys. A boy who has learned a trade has a capital that cannot be taken from him. He is always independent. Parents who have regard for the welfare of their children will make them learn trades.


Post 62 at Gettysburg.


The Gettysburg Star says Post 62, of Altoona, was represented at the encampment by Dr. Hall, Commander; Colonel Burchfield, Junior Vice Commander of the State; Lieutenant Valentine, on the Staff; Jack Mufty, who "lost his leg" three times on the battle field, Andy Gamble, P. Q. M.; Martin Boyles, Drum Major, and others; the rear of the stragglers being brought up by our former townsman, Captain E. M. Warren. Post 62 certainly gave Gettysburg a general racket. They came for fun and had it. With one exception, every member of the delegation had fought here, and on revisiting their old stamping ground they seemed to be bubbling over with enthusiasm, which culminated in mock processions, grotesque daylight serenades, fantastic appearance on dress parade under the old tattered flag they had carried through nineteen battles. It was a jolly crowd, and their mirth-provoking doings were much enjoyed by lookers on. The Compiler says the turnout on foot and in carriages of Colonel Malden Valentine's squad was one of the features of Monday. "What a hat!"


A Store Till Robbed.


Yesterday about noon a light fingered boy entered the candy store and bakery of Jacob Weiss, on Eleventh avenue, near Fourteenth street, and relieved the till of about two dollars in small change. He also stole some oranges. When Mr. Weiss ran into the store he found a little girl named Madden there, who upon being questioned said that the theft was committed by a boy named Woods. A gentleman across the street, however, says the boy is her brother, young Madden, who spent part of last week in the lock-up. There have been no arrests, and the boy escaped with his booty.


Arrest of the Fiends - Testimony of the Outraged Girl - Revolting Case.


In Monday's TRIBUNE an account was given of the abduction of Miss Saloma Burket from her home in Somerset county by parties connected with Boyd & Peters' circus. The entire circus company was arrested by the Sheriff of Westmoreland county on Westmoreland county on Wednesday, and the inhuman fiends had a hearing before Judge Hunter, who remanded them to the custody of the Sheriff for a further hearing on the 30th inst. Miss Burket, the abducted and outraged victim, stated in substance, after being sworn, that "she lived within three miles of Shanksville with her parents; will be 14 years of age next December; was at Boyd & Peters' show on Tuesday of last week, in the afternoon; in the evening, as I was passing the church building, met a showman; he asked me to go back to the show; I said I did not want to go; he took me by the arm and pulled me, and took me into the big tent; I stayed for the concert, and after that was over I was going out with the Zowries' family; was stopped by a showman and became separated from Zowries; I was afterward taken to the ticket wagon, where I was stopped and threatened that if I made any noise or hallooed I would be ripped open with a penknife. [Her statements as to what occurred are unfit for publication.] There was a dozen or more showmen there; after this I was put in the ticket wagon and taken to Jenner's X Roads; the man that sold the tickets was there; he had a black moustache; others came into the wagon; when I was taken out of the wagon at Jenner's X Roads, I went up town and tried to get away from them; I could not get a place to stay; no one would let me in; I started to go home; when I was a short distance five showmen got me and pulled me into the woods; I tried to escapee from them; they headed me off; don't know if they are the same men that were with me the night before; from that time I don't remember anything until at Somerset on Monday night." A number of men shed tears while her sad story was related.


Miss Burket, it is believed, was taken to near Jenner's X Roads that same night by the showmen, as the next morning she was seen in a field close by; two men approaching her she fled, and hid in a thicket; she was then barefooted. Some time after she was seen between Jenner's X Roads and Laurel Hill sowing sand (as if it was some kind of grain). Afterward she was seen further on the same road, but turned into a lane leading toward Somerset, where she arrived on Saturday morning, and as she was demented and unable to give her name or home, Parke Dade, an engineer, took her home expecting in some way to learn of her people. Her father traced her from Laurel Hill lane to Somerset, finding her at 12 o'clock Monday night. As Mr. Burket was without funds the citizens of Somerset raised him a purse, so that he would not be delayed in bringing the guilty to justice.


General Coffroth, at his own expense, was present at the hearing in Greensburg assisting the prosecution. He says the excitement is beyond description, and that he will send every one of them to the Somerset county jail and from there to the penitentiary. He says the Burket family are very respectable people, that the girl is of good sense and intelligent, and thinks that in a few days she will so far recover as to perhaps remember what occurred after she left Jenner's X-Roads and while she was at Ligonier. The evidence is very strong against many of the showmen, three of those in prison at Greensburg being identified.


Committee on Dr. Baker's Resolutions.


The following named members of the Republican County Committee are hereby appointed as the select committee of five on the resolutions of S. C. Baker, namely: Dr. W. C. Roller, Hollidaysburg, Chairman; S. C. Baker, Logan township; John R. Fraser, Altoona; David L. Wray, Antis township; D. D. Morrell, North Woodberry township. The committee will please be ready to report to the County Committee by Monday, August 16. - SAMUEL McCAMANT, Chairman County Committee, Tyrone, July 22, 1880.


The gentlemen composing the above committee should be able to come to some fair and equitable understanding in regard to the questions at issue, and thus remove the only disturbing element in the campaign. Those composing the committee are Republicans who have the best interests of the party at heart, and will act, we believe, in such a way as will remove every ground of complaint.


Blazing Barns After Harvest.


The annual recurrence of numerous barn burnings, immediately after harvest and at the time when such disaster entails the greatest loss on the farmer, gives rise anew to the discussion of the various theories of "spontaneous combustion." It is very widely held among farmers, and just as earnestly denied by many of them, that damp oats or hay will give rise to a degree of heat that will cause a conflagration, and that a piece of iron, or a steel fork left in the body of the grain will intensify the danger. It is a mooted question of great interest that can easily be settled by scientific investigation, and to which our agricultural societies should give their attention. The farmers want illumination on the subject of a different sort from that which is afforded by their blazing barns.


The Logan House Concerts.


Below will be found the programmed prepared by the Logan House quartette under the leadership of Mr. Praetorious. Exercises will begin at 11:30 A. M.


1. Funeral Marche of a Marionette, Gounod.
2. Overture - "Night in Granada," Kreutzer.
3. Gavotte - "Secret Love," Resch.
4. Selection - "Flying Dutchman," Wagner.
5. Waltz - "White Rose," Bernstein.
6. Selection, "Robert Le Diable," Meyerbeer.
7. Largo, Handel.
8. Galop - "Elyen A. Mayjare," Strauss.


The Proposed City Water Loan.


The Pennsylvania Railroad Company engineers have made a complete map of the proposed city reservoir on the city property at Kittanning Point, and give the following estimates of the cost of building the reservoir:


For grubbing and cleaning, $792.00
Moving 9,640 yards of earth, 2,838.00
Moving 2,850 yards of muck, 997.50
Moving 4,840 yards of puddle earth, 4,380.00
Moving 1,003 yards of riprap, 451.35
Moving 1,500 yards for overflow, 450.00
Masonry and paving outlet, 4,000.00
Contingencies, 1,000.00


Total, $14,908.85


The above is but one of the plans and several more will be prepared at points higher up the stream, after which the most feasible will be selected. Mr. Kerr, one of the Councilmen in charge of the proposed improvement, has had an interview with a gentleman frequently employed by the railroad company to carry such work, and on Monday next a number of the committee will accompany the gentlemen to the grounds and take a good view of the place.


An Interrupted Funeral.


The funeral of Jacob Renner, of this city, took place at Petersburg on Wednesday. The body was accompanied by a large number of friends and twenty-seven members of the Silver Grey Club. When the procession arrived at the cemetery it was found that the grave was not completed and would not be soon, as in digging it the workmen had encountered a large rock. The coffin was left in the yard in charge of the undertaker and the mourners proceeded home without completing the burial.


Morning Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Friday, July 23, 1880, page 4




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