Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Wednesday, June 29, 1870




- No paper will be issued from this office next week.


PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL - Adjourned Meeting, Altoona, Pa., June 27, 1870. - Council met at 7 1/2 o'clock P. M., and was called to order by the President. Messrs. Carr, Elway, Kipple, Green, Jaggard, Kerr, O'Toole, Robeson, Stewart, and Jones, President - 10, answered to their names. The minutes of June 13th and 20th were adopted as read.


A communication was received from the Mayor stating that he had satisfactory reasons for making a change in the office of Chief of Police, and that he had appointed Joseph K. Ely, as Chief of Police, the appointment to take effect July 1st, and asked Council to sanction the appointment.


On motion of Mr. Kipple the communication was received and filed.


On the question will Council approve of the appointment the yeas were Messrs. Green, Jaggard, Stewart, and Jones 4, the nays Messrs. Carr, Kerr, Kipple, O'Toole and Robeson 5. So the motion was not agreed to.


A communication from the Secretary of Board of Directors of Fire Department, reporting the Fire apparatuses in the city as being in good order, was read and ordered to be filed.


Communication from Excelsior Hose Company No. 3, asking leave of absence from the city from July 2d until July 5th was read, and


On motion of Mr. Kerr, the permission was granted.


A communication from several parties residing on line of drain J. B. Rodgers, on Fourth avenue, which drain has been reported as an injury to property holders, was read, in which they stated that there was a mistake in the statements in regard to it. The Street Commissioner was, however ordered to repair the drain, as he had been previously ordered, the repairs to be at the expense of the property holders.


A petition from citizens on Thirteenth avenue was read, asking Council to have the avenue graded.


Also, one from citizens on the same avenue protesting against the grading of the same. - Both petitions were received and ordered to be filed.


Proposals of different parties for the grading of Thirteenth avenue were then read, when


On motion of Mr. Kipple, that the proposal of the lowest bidder be accepted.


Agreed to.


On motion of Mr. Kerr, the President was instructed to enter into contract with D. K. Ramey & Son for the faithful performance of the work, their bid having been the lowest offered.


Mr. Tate, the tax collector elected by the Council to collect city taxes for 1869, being present, informed the Council that he did not think 3 per cent. a large enough commission and that he would not collect the taxes for that amount.


On motion of Mr. Jaggard, that Mr. Tate having refused to collect the tax at the rate fixed by the Council, that we now proceed to the election of a new tax collector.


Agreed to.


Mr. Green nominated Mr. T. J. Williams. There being no other nominations, on an election being held, Mr. Williams was declared the duly elected tax collector in place of Mr. Robert Tate. The compensation was fixed at 3 per cent.


On motion of Mr. Jaggard, Mr. Williams was instructed to have his bond properly made out in the sum of ten thousand dollars, and present the same to the Finance Committee by next Saturday evening.


The proposals for building a sewer from Tenth to Eleventh avenues, on Thirteenth street, and up Eleventh avenue to Fourteenth street, were then read, and,


On motion of Mr. Robeson, the contract was awarded to D. K. Ramey & Son, and the President was directed to enter into an agreement with them for the faithful performance of the same.


Mr. Kipple, from the Committee on Fire Apparatus, reported favorably on a bill of the Good Will Fire Company, to J. W. Lescure, of $22.00 for repairs to hose, and,


On motion, an order was granted in payment of same.


On motion of Mr. Jaggard, permission was given Mr. J. B. Rodgers to have use of the street whilst repairing his drain.


On motion of Mr. O'Toole, that a box sewer from three to four feet in width, be laid from the alley between Seventh and Eighth avenues down Sixteenth street to and as far down Seventh avenue as the City Engineer may direct.


Agreed to.


On motion of Mr. Stewart, Mr. O'Toole's motion was referred to the members of Council from that Ward, the City Engineer and the Street Commissioner, and that they be instructed to proceed and make the improvements.


On motion, Council adjourned to meet on Wednesday evening, June 29th, at 7 o'clock.


THE FOURTH OF JULY. - Trials of Speed on the Park Course - Balloon Ascension, etc., etc. If the trials of speed upon the Park Association course last fall were interesting and exciting, those to come off on Monday next, July 4th, promise to far exceed them. For the first trotting premium, confined to this and adjoining counties, there are several entries, and the premium will be hotly contested for. For the second premium - to pacers - there will be three or four entries, and unless some unforeseen circumstance intervenes, this will also be a close contested purse, as at least two of the horses have previously taken premiums. The third premium of $650 - free to all horses - will be contended for by several fast horses, and will doubtless be the exciting trial of the day. The fourth premium - running - will have a number of contestants, several already entered. The fifth premium - free to all horses that have never beaten 2:55, will bring upon the track a greater number of horses than any of the others, several parties from distant counties having signified their intention to be present with their horses.


The Managers desire it distinctly understood that betting will not be permitted, and no trials of speed for wagers, or otherwise, other than those announced, will be allowed upon the course. This summer meeting of the Park Association has been inaugurated simply to encourage the improvement of horses as to speed, by offering a suitable reward for their training and exhibition upon the track, and it is hoped that all who attend the meeting will conform to the regulations of the Association.


The arrangements for the Balloon ascension, at 5 o'clock in the afternoon of the Fourth, are going forward, and should the day prove favorable Prof. Marrion will take a peep over the hills and mountains surrounding our city. Such a sight will be novel and interesting to many in this section, and the Professor will have a large crowd of spectators.


Mr. Garnier announces that he will send two balloons from the street in front of his store, on the Fourth, one in the forenoon and the other in the afternoon.


The numerous notion stores have received a supply of pyrotechnics, and Young America will be out early in all his glory, filling the air with the fumes of conflagrations of saltpetre.


We cannot make any announcements in reference to the fantastics, but presume that if there are none about in the morning there will be a full turn out in the evening, unless all the whiskey and lager goes up in the balloons.


SWINDLING BOOK PEDLARS. - One of our citizens has informed us of a cool swindle practiced by a book peddler, which we give for the benefit of others who may be visited by this scamp, or some other one, on the same errand. While the man of the house was from home, the swindler called and inquired whether that was the residence of Mr. D. Receiving an affirmative reply, he informed Mrs. D. that her husband had subscribed for a work entitled "Lives of Great Men," (or something of that kind) which was being published in numbers, and that he had brought him the first twenty numbers, which would be $5.00. Mrs. D. declined to take them, stating that she knew nothing of the matter. He assured her that it was all right, that Mr. D. had given him the name of street, number of house, etc., all of which he had marked down, and had told him to leave the books and get the money from Mrs. D. Assured by such minute instructions that all must be right, she took the books and paid over the money. When Mr. D. returned she informed him of the transaction, and was not a little surprised to learn that he had never seen the book agent, and knew nothing about the books, and it is not at all likely that he will ever see the balance of the numbers. We learn that the same game was attempted to be practiced in a number of instances, but do not know the parties were swindled. We advise ladies not to receive and pay for books unless certain that they have been regularly subscribed for by their husbands, or some one of the family. The swindler has most likely bought up a lot of old, unsaleable matter for little or nothing, and is taking this method of disposing of it at full price.


WILL ORGANIZE. - A sufficient amount of stock having been subscribed, the stockholders of the Central Insurance Company of Altoona, Penn'a., will meet on Saturday next, at three o'clock P. M., for the purpose of perfecting the organization of the Company by electing officers to serve the ensuing year. A large portion of the blanks necessary to the working of the company have been already prepared, and it is confidently expected that everything will be in readiness to take risks on and after the 17th of July. Policy No. 1 of the Company has already been engaged.


The Central part of the State has long needed such an institution, and we predict for it, under the management of the experienced men who will be entrusted with the oversight of its affairs, a prosperous future.


It is the intention of those already concerned in the company to increase the capital stock as rapidly as possible, until the Central shall equal the strongest companies in the country, therefore all who have money they desire to invest in such an enterprise can be accommodated at any time, by calling at either of the banks, or upon Kerr & Co. All who wish a voice in the selection of officers for the ensuing year, must hand in their names and cash previous to the hour of meeting, on Saturday next.


CASE OF EJECTMENT. - Some time since, the City Council appointed Robert Tate collector of City and Fire Taxes, for 1870. After the appointment was made, they passed a resolution fixing three per cent. as the allowance for collecting said taxes. Mr. Tate refused to accept the per centage, and claimed five per cent. as allowed by the State law, on the ground that the per centage had not been fixed previous to his appointment as collector. T. J. Williams, collector of County Tax, offered to collect the City and Fire Tax at the per centage offered by Council, and on Monday last he was appointed collector in room of Mr. Tate. The City Charter gives Council the power to regulate compensation to employes, and it claimed the right to fix the per centage for collecting the taxes. It is understood that Mr. Tate purposes restraining Mr. Williams from collecting the City and Fire Tax. Mr. Tate evidently presumes that his appointment having been made it cannot be annulled, and he rests his case on a conflict between the State law and City Charter. The first question to be decided, we believe, is whether the City Council has, or has not, the authority to appoint and remove under officers at will. This disposed of, then the question of conflicting laws would properly come in.


DEMOCRATIC EDITORIAL CONVENTION. - There was a pretty fair turnout of the profession at the Convention held in this place on yesterday, yet it was not so large as anticipated. Of the proceedings of the Convention we know nothing, but judge they were harmonious. Our sanctum was visited by Messrs. Magee, of the Perry Democrat, Woodruff, of the Johnstown Democrat, Jackman, of the Mifflintown Democrat, Meek, of the Bellefonte Watchman, and others whose names we cannot recall. Like all editors when away from home, they are jovial fellows, whose company is ever welcome.


J. Trainor King, of Pittsburg, publisher of Leisure Hours, dropped in on Tuesday morning. Guess he was not attending the Convention, but looking after individuals of note, whose biographies would add interest to the pages of his magazine. He can find several such individuals in this city.


SERIOUS ACCIDENT. - On Saturday evening last, Thomas Davis, of this city, a fireman on one of the freight trains, while going up the mountain met with an accident which came near costing him his life. He was leaning on his arm, with his hand on his head and his head partly out of the window, when he was struck by a piece of timber, projecting from a passing train, which took off part of one finger and cut an ugly gash in his scalp. He was considerably stunned by the blow, but soon recovered and was brought to the city, where his injuries were attended by Dr. Fay. He is now recovering. Had his head been an inch or two further out the window, the services of a surgeon would scarcely have been required.


A HOOK. - While the City Charter gives the Mayor the authority to appoint the Chief-of-Police, it gives to Council the fixing of his salary. It follows, that if the Mayor appoints a party not in favor with a majority of Council, that body can cut short his allowances. This occurred on Monday night, when the Mayor sent in the name of Joseph K. Ely. By a vote of from four to five, the Council refused to sanction the appointment. The funniest part of the affair is, that while Joseph is a Democrat, elected Constable as a Democrat, every Democrat in the Council voted against him. "How's that for high?"


 - On Sunday afternoon we had an old-fashioned drenching shower of rain, which was refreshing to every one under the pressure of "Old Sol's'' rays, indicating on the thermometer, from 90 to 100 degrees. We could wish these genial visitors would come oftener, to cool and brace up our prostrate systems, cooped up in our sanctum, with scarce pure air sufficient to promote healthful respiration. But, as the glorious Fourth is approaching we, with the rest of mankind, anticipate a respite of at least a few days to recuperate.




Ed. TRIBUNE: In response to numerous inquiries received daily from different sections of the State, on different questions connected with our approaching camp meeting, allow me through your columns to answer briefly a few questions "for the better information of the people."


1st. All Tents are secured by lot, NOT BY CHOICE; therefore it is unnecessary for applicants to request "a very good place," as all will be treated with fairness.


2d. Applicants can have their choice of first or second stories until all of one or the other are taken, then the remaining ones will be allotted the applicants.


3d. All persons are free to board themselves, or they can be accommodated at the boarding houses.


4th. Those who do not, or cannot bring sufficient provisions with them, can be supplied on the ground at ordinary market rates.


5th. The drawing of tents are public; any parties desiring can be present, but it is unnecessary, as the one general principle is adhered to.


6th. All who order tents to July 16th, will be supplied, after that only if any remain.


17th. Some excellent improvements have been made upon the grounds, making those places outside the "circle" more desirable than last year.


8th. No trafficking of any kind will be permitted.


9th. Any information wanted, or Tents ordered, direct to the "West Branch Camp Meeting Association," Lock Haven, Pa. - J. N. WELLIVER, President.


- At a meeting of the stockholders of the Altoona Hall and Market Company, held at the Hall on Saturday evening last, it was determined to issue $10,000 worth of preferred stock, guaranteed to bear 8 per cent. interest per annum. This stock, when all sold, will relieve the Company of all indebtedness, and those of our citizens desiring to make a safe and remunerative investment of their surplus cash should at once subscribe for this stock.


By the report of the President, submitted to the stockholders, it appears that the earnings of the Company will enable them to declare an annual dividend of not less than 7 per cent. upon all the stock already sold and upon the new issue of preferred stock. The stockholders present on Saturday evening, all increased their subscriptions 50 per cent., thus leaving but a portion of the new issue yet to be taken.


ANOTHER ATTEMPT AT INCENDIARISM. - This morning, between one and two o'clock, four young men were observed to go into Tenth alley, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth streets, and successively enter the stables of Thomas Carland and J. B. Smith, the latter being occupied by Messrs. Olmes & Sink. The party had with them a bag which evidently contained inflammable material, and were debating among themselves as to which stable afforded the best and safest means of firing. They at last decided to burn Mr. Smith's stable, and began their preparations to do so; but just at that moment Mr. Sink came into the alley to get his horses ready for market, when the scoundrels took to their heels. It is unfortunate for the community, but fortunate for the incendiaries, that they had not time to light the match, as the gentleman who was observing their movements had his revolver drawn and pointed at them, and was determined to secure at least one of them. - Sun.


EMPIRE PIC NIC. - The members of the Empire Hook and Ladder Company will hold a pic nic in the grove, in Second Ward, on Friday and Saturday, July 15th and 16th. They are making arrangements to accommodate a large crowd, and we hope they will be well patronized. The ladies enlisted in their behalf well know how to get up good dinners and suppers, and the boys will do all in their power to please. Give the "Hookeys" a bumper.


- The fast train on the Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne and Chicago Railroad, a few days ago, made the unprecedented run of two hundred and seventy-nine miles in five hours and fifty-one seconds! With this rate of speed the twenty-seven hours proposed between Chicago and New York, can be accomplished with perfect ease and safety. This route being sixty-one miles shorter than the New York roads, will no doubt receive its full proportion of travel.


GRADING THIRTEENTH AVENUE. - It will be seen, by reference to the proceedings of Council of Monday evening last, that the contract for grading Thirteenth avenue has been awarded. We were of the opinion, gathered from the members of Council, that the work of grading that avenue would not be pressed at this time, when improvements which seem, at least, to be more needed cannot be made for want of funds.


- The Juniata Sentinel has changed hands, M. L. Littlefield retiring and B. F. Schweier, assuming control. We have known Frank ever since he knew himself, and believe he is now in a position where he can make himself useful. We have all confidence in his uprightness and true moral worth, and believe that he will make the Sentinel a popular paper. We wish him every success.


- The Industrial Bulletin is the name of a new monthly paper published at Johnstown, by the Industrial League of Pennsylvania, and edited by Cyrus Elder. It makes a neat appearance and stands up ably for protection to American industry. It is furnished free of charge, except postage.


RAILROAD PURCHASED. - By a vote of the stockholders, the Wrightsville, York and Gettysburg Railroad has been sold to the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, and the latter will take possession on the first of July. The road will hereafter be known as the York Branch of the Penn'a R. R.


- Harvest is now crowding the farmers. The wet season delayed corn-plowing, and now they find their hay and wheat harvest upon them all at once. A good many of them will celebrate the Fourth of July by following a reaper.


- The Temperance Union of this city will hold a regular semi-monthly meeting in the Eighth avenue M. E. Church, on Tuesday evening, July 5th, at 7 1/2 o'clock. The public are cordially invited to attend.


- Having other important business to attend on last evening, we did not hear "Brick" Pomeroy's address to "Laboring men and their wives," delivered in the City Opera House, consequently cannot speak of its merits.


- Blair Patton, the new clerk to Council, fully understands the duties pertaining to keeping the records in proper condition, and will no doubt make an acceptable officer.


INJURED. - A brakeman, named Forrest Maguire, had his right foot badly mashed while engaged in coupling cars at the lower end of the yard.


Altoona Park Association.
JULY 4TH, 1870.


PREMIUMS, $1,100.


No. 1 - PREMIUM, $150.
For horses that have never beaten 2:45, in harness or wagon, $100 to first horse, $50 to second. This premium to be confined to this and adjoining counties.


No. 2 - PREMIUM, $150.
For pacers, in harness or wagon, $100 to first horse, $50 to second.


No. 3 - PREMIUM, $650.
Free for all horses, in harness or wagon, $500 to first horse, $150 to second.


No. 4 - PREMIUM, $150.
Running Race, $100 to first horse, $50 to second.


free to all horses that have never beaten 2.55 in harness or wagon. $100 to first, $50 to second.




All horses must be eligible at the closing of the entries.
Entrance fee ten per cent. of premium, and must accompany the nomination in all cases.
Entrance money of horses proven ineligible, will be forfeited to the Association.
Any horses distancing the field, shall only be entitled to the first premium.
In all premiums, three or more entries required, and two to start.
All the above races are mile heats - best three in five, with the exception of the running race, which is two in three.
The Association reserves the right to postpone the races on account of inclement weather.
All entries by mail must be addressed to the Treasurer of the Association.
Entries will close on Saturday, July 20, 1870, at 5 o'clock, P. M.
Premiums will be paid July 5th.


S. C. BAKER, Pres't.
E. B. McCrum, Secretary. JOHN LLOYD, Treasurer.
April 20, 1870.




At Kittanning, Pa., on the 9th of June, by Rev. Dr. Painter, assisted by T. D. Ewing, Mr. W. H. Smith, of this city, to Miss Bird Reynolds, of the former place.




At Tyrone, June 26th, Willie, son of William K. and Margaret Fowler, aged one year and two months.


Little Willie, thou hast left us,
And thy loss we deeply feel,
But 'tis God who has bereft us,
He can all our sorrows heal.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, June 29, 1870, page 3




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