Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Wednesday, June 8, 1870




PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL - Stated Meeting, June 6th, 1870. - Council met at 7 1/2 P. M., and was called to order by the President. The following members were present: - Messrs. Anderson, Carr, Elway, Green, Jaggard, Kerr, Kipple, Long, O'Toole, Robeson, Stewart, and Jones, President - 12.


The minutes of the meetings of May 15th and 23d were read and approved.


Mr. Stewart made some remarks in regard to the dissatisfaction existing among citizens of the First Ward, on account of the bad condition of Tenth Avenue, east of Eleventh street, and, after some explanation by Judge Gwin, late City Engineer,


Moved that it be referred to the Committee on City Property, with instructions to employ the City Engineer to survey and adjust the boundaries of said avenue, and present a diagram of the same at the next meeting of Council.


The motion was agreed to.


The Street Commissioner presented his report of the amount of labor performed during the month of May, the amount and cost of material purchased during the month, and accompanied by his check roll for same.


On motion of Mr. O'Toole, the report was approved and filed, and orders granted for amount of check roll.


The following bills were presented and orders granted for the same:


To Geo. Potts, Mayor, salary for month of May, 1870 - $50.00
J. A. Witmer, for police service, May, '70 - 53.00
H. B. Foreman, for police service, May, '70 - 50.25
Stewart & Hurd, for books and stationery - 3.91
D. K. Ramey & Son, for lumber to date - 21.56
J. Lowther & Co., for lumber to date - 11.20
Moore & McKinney, for printing to date - 25.93


Wm. Fox, St. Comm'r, salary for May, '70 - 50.00
Jamuel [sic] Houck, for 23 day's labor - 34.50
Jno. Clabaugh, for 20 1/4 day's labor - 30.37
Adam Foreman, for 17 1/2 day's labor - 26.25
Francis M'Cartney, for 22 1/4 day's labor - 33.37
John Haas, for 22 1/4 day's labor - 33.37
Hiram Sweetwood, for 1 day's labor, 1.50
Jno. M. Bush, for 12 day's hauling - 36.00
Henry Herr, for 4 day's hauling - 12.00
Jesse Smith, for 2 day's hauling - 6.00
John O'Brien, for 25 loads of cinder - 5.00
J. Grocery, for hauling - .75
Miller Knott, for 16 loads of stone - 32.00
J. W. McKinney, for transcribing duplicate - 20.00
Same, 3 month's salary as clerk - 31.25


Total - $558.36


A communication from the Good Will Fire Company, asking Council to purchase 500 feet of new hose for said Company, and containing bill for repairs to damaged hose, was presented and read.


On motion, the communication was referred to the Committee on Fire Apparatus.


Mr. Jaggard, from Committee on Permanent Improvements, presented a written report recommending the purchase of a tier of six lots in Fourth Ward, known as the lime kiln lots, at $1,500; $500 to be paid on the 1st of October next, and the remainder in three equal annual payments thereafter.


Considerable discussion ensued, when Mr. Kerr suggested that the Council examine the ground referred to, on Wednesday next, at 6 1/2 P. M.


The suggestion was concurred in.


A communication from the Vigilant Fire Company stating that a portion of their hose needed repairing, and also that their lease of the premises now occupied by them, expired on the 10th ult., and that they declined renewing such lease, was presented and read.


On motion of Mr. Green, the portion of the communication relating to damaged hose was referred to the Committee on Fire Apparatus, and the portion relating to the expiration of lease, was referred to the Committee on City Property, with instructions to re-lease said property for one year.


Mr. Jaggard, from Committee on Permanent Improvements, made a verbal report in regard to the quality of stone found at Allegrippes, and submitted a sample of the same for the inspection of Council.


Mr. Kerr moved that the Committee on Permanent Improvements be instructed to contract with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company for the delivery of sufficient stone of quality equal to sample, to properly macadamize Tenth and Eleventh Avenues, and Twelfth and Thirteenth streets, within the limits already prescribed by Council; said stone to be delivered on the streets at not exceeding $1.00 per cubic yard.


The motion was agreed to.


Mr. Kerr moved that the Mayor be requested to forthwith issue his proclamation enforcing the Market Ordinance.


The motion was agreed to.


Mr. Stewart wanted to know why nothing had been done toward the construction of the sewer through Twelfth alley.


Mr. E. F. Lytle, City Engineer, stated that the sewer had not been properly located, and that it would need to be extended beyond the point designated by Council.


A lengthy discussion ensued in regard to the same, and it was finally referred to the Committee on Permanent Improvements, with instructions to examine the ground in company with the City Engineer, and to submit a report at the next meeting of the Council.


Mr. Kerr moved that the City Engineer be requested to locate the boundaries of Broad street, in Fifth ward.


The motion was agreed to.


Mr. Stewart moved that the Chief of Police be instructed to forbid Mr. Kelley from taking sand off Fifteenth street, in Fourth ward, and should he continue to do so, to bring suit against him.


The motion was agreed to.


Mr. Kipple moved that the Street Commissioner be instructed to repair Eighth Avenue, from Ninth street to the Plank Road.


The motion was agreed to.


Mr. Lytle, City Engineer, by request of Council, gave his views in regard to the advantages and necessity of a thorough typographical survey of the city.


Mr. Stewart moved that the Tax Collector be required to furnish bonds in the sum of $10,000 for the faithful performance of his duties, said bond to be submitted to Council for approval at its next night of meeting.


The motion was agreed to.


The Secretary was instructed to correct error in assessment of Richard McClain, and to transfer certain property to the assessment of Thomas Carland.


Mr. Gwin, late city surveyor, called the attention of Council to the advantage of having the original surveys of the tracts of land now embraced in the city limits entered on record in the City Engineer's record book, and stated that it could be done at a very trifling expense.


On motion of Mr. Robeson, Mr. Gwin was requested to have such entries made.


Council then adjourned, to meet on Monday evening, June 18th, at 7 1/2 o'clock.


CENTRAL INSURANCE COMPANY. - A sufficient amount of the capital stock of the Central Insurance Company, of this city, has already been subscribed to guarantee its organization on the evening of the 16th inst., at which time there will be a meeting of the stockholders at the office of Kerr & Co. All parties desiring to take stock in the company should call at the National Bank, Kerr & Co.'s office, or upon some one of the corporators and give in their names and amount of stock desired, previous to the time named.


The stock is divided into two thousand shares of $50 each. Five dollars on each share subscribed must be paid up at the time of organizing, and $20 per share in 90 days thereafter.


As this is to be a home institution, and will be managed by men who fully understand the insurance business, we should like to see all our citizens who have a little money to invest take an interest in it. If properly managed, of which we have no doubt, it must prove a good thing for our city and surrounding country.


There is an actual necessity for the organization of an A. No. 1 insurance company in this section of the State. The Central seeks to meet that necessity, and to render this section partially independent of exclusive tribute to Eastern companies. The surplus and assets can be invested to better advantage to our citizens at home than in other cities.


ARITHMETICAL PROBLEM. - There is a will on file in the office of the Register of Wills of Lancaster county that has set the Executors to ciphering. It contains in substance the following clause:


"I give the sum of $1,269.96 to my four children, to be divided among them in such sums, as each will have equal sums upon arriving at the age of twenty-one years. Distribution to be made April 1st, 1870. The ages of the children, April 1st, 1870: Susan, 21 years; Joseph, 19 years, 15 days; John, 16 years, 5 months, 26 days; Jonas, 10 years, 11 months, 13 days."


The auditor, in making a distribution of the estate, was required to ascertain what amount was due to each child on the 1st of April, 1870. Such of our readers as are fond of tough arithmetical questions may exercise their ingenuity on this.


EXCELSIOR FESTIVAL. - Our readers in general, and the friends of the Excelsior Hose Company in particular, will bear in mind that a Strawberry Festival for the benefit of that company, will be held in the City Opera House on Friday and Saturday evenings next, June 10th and 11th. The arrangements being made for the same will be complete in every particular, and we anticipate a pleasant evening with the Excelsior boys. A sufficient quantity of ice-cream, strawberries, cakes, etc., will be on hand to supply the entire community. The German Cornet Band, and also a string band will be in attendance both evenings, and enliven the occasion with some excellent music. Admission to Opera House, 10 cents. Tickets of admittance and good for a saucer of ice-cream or strawberries, can be procured from the members of the company for 25 cents.


MAD DOG SEASON. - Heretofore it has generally been supposed that hydrophobia prevailed during the dog days, and that cases of the malady, at any other season, were extremely rare. Latterly, however, the disease has manifested itself at all seasons, and no particular season.


Up to the present time we have had little or no excitement, in this city, on the subject, as there has been no cases of hydrophobia reported. One day last week, however, Harry Bell shot a dog belonging to George DeBray, which was supposed to be under the influence of the disease from the fact that it attempted to bite one of Mr. DeBray's children. Take advice, and avoid strange, unmuzzled dogs on the street, and especially do not caress, or attempt to make friends with strange dogs.


QUITE A TREAT. - Printers are much like other men. They get hungry and thirsty. - They get cold and warm, and they like good things, especially in the shape of a can of ice cream with saucers and spoons. Garnier, of the ice cream saloon and confectionery store, No. 1327 Eleventh Avenue, came down on us that way, on Monday afternoon. It is useless to add that the cooling preparation disappeared rapidly. It was well-prepared, finely flavored, rich and smooth, and we feel sure that if Mr. Garnier furnishes that quality of cream he will have a full run of custom this summer. - Reader, drop in and sample a saucer.


ACCIDENTAL POISONING. - A distressing case of accidental poisoning, resulting in the illness of a child of D. Hurdman, and the death of a little boy aged about 3 years, the child of Mr. Adam Duck, occurred at Point Lookout, on Tuesday. The facts, as near as we can ascertain, are substantially, as follows: It appears that Mrs. Duck on Tuesday afternoon gathered a root which she supposed to be spikenard, and, without eating of it, carried it with her to the house and placed it upon a table within reach of the child, who upon discovering the root took it and ate a large quantity, giving a portion to the neighbor's child, with whom it was playing. Shortly after, about 4 o'clock, both children were taken violently ill, and milk was administered as an antidote to the child of Mr. Hurdman, and acting as an emetic the stomach relieved itself of the poison, effecting the recovery of the child. The other child passing into convulsions a messenger was dispatched to summon a physician and called upon Dr. Burkhart, who visited the child, arriving there about 7 o'clock. He found the child in constant convulsions of the most violent character, which it had been subjected to since the first attack, and administered medicines to no purpose, for despite all efforts the little boy died in terrible spasms at about 8 o'clock. The doctor gives his opinion that the root was wild parsnip. - Philipsburg Journal.


THE POLICE AT FAULT. - One or more till robbers have been victimizing Harry Bell, East side, for some time past. The last haul attracted attention, from the fact that a $5 bill was missing. By "laying" for the depredators, Mr. B. discovered that they inhabited a niche in the wall, near the drawer, and were none others than a family of mice. From their nest was extracted the $5 bill and currency sufficient to run up their cash in hand to about $14. The police have made no arrests to date.


ACCIDENT. - On yesterday (Tuesday) morning a freight train was wrecked near Wilmore station, and a brakeman named Hunter instantly killed, and a man named Brown, who, it is supposed, was stealing his passage on the train, was severely injured; he had been discharged from the county alms-house but a short time since. He was taken back to that institution again.


Y. M. C. A. ANNIVERSARY. - The first anniversary of the Young Men's' Christian Association, of this city, will be held in the English Lutheran Church, on Monday evening next. Addresses will be delivered by Gen. James A. Beaver, of Bellefonte, T. K. Cree, of Pittsburgh, Rev. Wiley, of Bellefonte, and others. The public are respectfully invited to attend.


CORRECTION. - We have been informed that we were in error in stating that John Karnes, who recently committed suicide, in this city, was discharged by the foreman under whom he was employed in the shops. He drew his money, on the morning previous to committing the deed, and quit work of his own accord.


The new School Directors, Messrs. B. F. Patton and John H. Roberts, assumed the duties of their office, on Monday evening last, Messrs. Samuel Abrams and John Cherry retiring. The old officers were continued, viz. - H. W. Snyder President and J. W. Frantz, Secretary.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Wednesday, June 8, 1870, page 3




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