Blair County Newspaper Articles News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.
Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 11, 1862
In view of the danger of invasion now threatening our State, by the enemies of the government, it is deemed necessary to call upon the able-bodied men of Pennsylvania to organize immediately for the defence of the State, and be ready for marching orders, upon one hour's notice, to proceed to such points of rendezvous as the Governor may direct. It is ordered -
First. That Company organizations be made in accordance with the number required under the laws of the United States, to wit: - One Captain, 1st Lieutenant, 2d Lieutenant, 80 privates as the minimum, and 98 privates as the maximum standard of each company. The company officers to be elected by each organization.
Second. As the call may be sudden, it is desirable that the officers and members of each company provide themselves with the best arms they can secure, with at least sixty rounds of ammunition to suit the kind of arms in possession of the soldier. Such persons as cannot secure and bring arms with them, will be furnished by the government after their arrival at the place of rendezvous.
Third. Each officer and member of the company shall provide himself with good stout clothing, (uniform or otherwise,) boots, blanket and haversack, ready to go into camp when called into service.
Fourth. Each company organization to be perfected as soon as possible, and report the name of officer in command, the number of men and the place of its headquarters, to these headquarters, in order that they may be promptly notified to move when their services are required.
Fifth. Organizations, when ordered to move, will be furnished with transportation by the government.
Sixth. On arrival at the place of rendezvous, they will be formed into regiments or such other organizations as the Governor, Commander- in-Chief of Pennsylvania, may direct.
Seventh. So far as practicable and as may be found consistent with the interests of the public service, companies from the same localities will be put together in such larger organizations as may be formed.
Eighth. Organizations formed under the recent proclamation are earnestly requested to adopt without delay such measures as may be necessary to comply with this order.
Ninth. Organizations called into the field under this order will
be held for service for such time only as the pressing exigency for
State defence may continue.
A. G. CURTIN. Governor and Commander-in-Chief
Our Army Correspondence.
MESSRS. EDITORS: - The same day on which I mailed my other letter to you, Companies D and F were ordered to strike tents, pack up and march - we knew not whither; but we were not kept long in suspense, for, after marching about three-fourths of a mile, over a hill, we were ordered to halt and pitch our tents upon the site of our present encampment, which is a nice place, just outside of Fort Barnard. As soon as we were fixed up we commenced drilling, four hours each day, with the heavy artillery in the Fort. It was great fun for the boys, inasmuch as our instructors were Germans, (of Blenker's Division) whose knowledge of the English language was not as thorough as their artillery discipline. Besides, we had been led to believe that as soon as we could handle the guns properly, we would be stationed in the Fort and thus be exempted from tedious marches and all that sort of thing. But, alas! many a poor soldier's "calculations" have been knocked into pi by "General Orders," and so it was with ours. In a few days the Germans were ordered away, the 1st Maine Reg't took their place, the balance of our Regiment joined us, and we have not been in the Fort since! Company drill, battalion drill and picket duty occupied our attention until Sunday morning last, when, notwithstanding a heavy rain, we were introduced to a duty which had, thus far, been entirely new to us, as a regiment, although, individually, many of us had already had as much experience in that line as was really desirable. The duty referred to was, digging and shoveling. We were set to work in trenches and that kind of drill has been faithfully attended to from day to day by all the companies not on picket. How long the work will last I am unable to say, but I feel certain that nobody cares how soon it is done.
In regard to war news, you are better posted than we are. Madam Rumor seldom tells us the truth, and we know nothing but what we see with our own eyes. On Wednesday last we saw Gen. Banks' Division returning from Centreville; it halted about a mile in our rear. Quite a number of McClellan's troops are also encamped near us, and many of our acquaintances from the 49th, 84th, 110th, and other Pennsylvania Regiments, are daily visiting us. You may depend, it gives us pleasure to take them by the hand and welcome them to our camp; to hear from their own lips the stories of their hardships, hair-breadth escapes, and occasional "skedaddles." On the other hand they are anxious to hear from home, to talk of "old times," and to see so many of their neighbors and acquaintances now in the field, ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with them in the next struggle. They feel encouraged and I have yet to hear from one of them the expression of any such green-eyed sentiments, or rather insinuations and slurs, in regard to the nine-months volunteers, as those contained in the letter from Captains Hicks and Wayne. And here just allow me, in behalf of the 125th Reg't. P. V., to return thanks to you, Messrs. Editors, for your prompt refutation of the uncharitable, ungentlemanly and insulting insinuations of the two "commissioned officers" above referred to. In regard to the information which they desire, I have nothing to say, more than this, viz: - judging from the letter, they are in quest of an article which they stand very much in need of. The allusion to "drafting" is simply contemptible, and dare not be made verbally, face to face! "As to sums donated by private citizens," allow me to say - they were only promises, and have never been fulfilled. Neither have we received the $25 bounty from the Government, nor the "one month pay in advance." The bounties offered the nine months volunteers may have induced some to enlist - not because they lacked patriotism, but because that money would place their families out of the reach of want, until the volunteers would receive their monthly pay. But I do not wish to occupy any more time or space with such "small potatoes."
Now permit me to notice a contemptible affair which occurred at home since we left. The wife of a fine man in our company, was recently waited upon by her landlord, for his rent, long before it was due. On being told that she hadn't the money, he raved like a tyrant, and told her that if she did not pay it on a certain day, still before it was due, he would send the constable there! Now, Messrs. Editors, I would like to know how many souls like that landlord it would take to fill a gnat's bladder. Another man in our company, having more house-room than his own family needed, had rented a portion of it to another; but the soldier has recently been obliged to turn his tenant out for insulting his (the soldier's) family by such language as this: "Any man who would leave a salary of $400 a year to be a private in the army of the United States, could not have stood very high in the estimation of his fellows." I only give this one sentence as a specimen - leaving out his condemnations of the Administration and all who labor for the preservation of the Union. Now, I would just like to say to him that the soldier referred to does stand high in the estimation of his fellow-soldiers. I believe him to be a good man, too, and I doubt not he will "stand high" at the right hand of God when such men as his tenant and the hard-hearted landlord before referred to, together with all "secesh" sympathizers, will be squirming in the bottomless pit like eels in a frying pan!
SEPTEMBER 6th. - This morning we went out to work, as usual, but were called in about 11 o'clock, and ordered to prepare for marching. We are now ready and "the boys" are all in fine spirits. Various are the reports as to our destination; but I presume few care where we go, if we can only accomplish something beyond digging dry canals! Ah! here is the decisive order - "cook three days' rations and march as soon as possible"- nobody knows where, but we shall find out when we get there, and you shall then be informed by your humble serv't - BREVIER.
The Aggregate Quota of Troops to be Raised by Each County.
The following table shows the number of troops to be furnished by the several counties. The quotas embrace all the troops called for since the commencement of the war, excepting the three months' men. The number assigned to each county will be apportioned among the several townships, and boroughs and precincts by the Commissioner, in accordance with the enrolment; and he will credit each township, precinct, &c., with the men already furnished, as shown by the enrolment, and make a draft for the number necessary to fill the quota, unless volunteers are furnished on or before the day fixed for the draft. Credit cannot be allowed for teamsters, mechanics in the army, men enlisted in regular army or marines, or for volunteers enlisted in regiments of other States. Several counties have already raised their full quotas and there will be no draft in such counties. The troops to be raised for the old regiments are not embraced in this table. There will probably be a special draft for those.
NOT TO BE TRADED WITH. - The attention of brokers and others who have already commenced demanding a premium on the new postage stamp currency, is directed to section 195 of the act of Congress, passed March 3, 1855, which reads as follows: "It shall not be lawful for any postmaster or other person to sell any postage stamps for any larger sum than that indicated upon the face; and any person who shall violate this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not more than five hundred dollars."
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 11, 1862, page 2
INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING HOSPITAL STORES. - Some time since we published a short article giving instructions how to prepare lint for hospital use, but we presume it escaped the notice of all not engaged in the work. The following very plain instructions have been sent us by a lady who is deeply interested in the work, and as the most of the ladies in the town and country are engaged in preparing hospital stores, it may be of great advantage to them:
In the first place, the surgeons state that much of the lint sent is not properly prepared, and, in most cases, cannot he used. Most persons who prepare lint go to the trouble of scraping it, which is not only unnecessary labor, but the lint thus prepared can be used only in exceptional cases. The proper way to prepare it is to take old sheets, or any other article of pure linen, old being rather preferable to new, and cut it in pieces from three to six and twelve inches in length. These pieces should then be simply unraveled, thread by thread, and laid together in skeins or bundles, and tied or rolled up in paper, different lengths in separate packages. The surgeons can then roll it up or put it in any shape wanted in a moment.
When scraped lint is used in most wounds, it closes up the wounds, and the blood or pus uniting with it forms a hard mass, which not only irritates, but it is difficult to remove; while the unraveled lint keeps the wound cool and in a healthy condition. The reader will see also that it is much more easily prepared than the scraped lint.
Bandages should be made of unbleached muslin of medium quality, say such as can be bought for ten or twelve cents per yard. They should be four, six, eight and ten yards long, and ranging in width from one- half to four inches wide - say 1/2 inch, 1, 1 1/2, 2, 2 1/2, 3 1/2, 4 inches. The edges should be cleared of all ravels or loose threads, which cause delay or annoyance to the surgeon in applying them in an emergency. Each size of bandage should be rolled up in ribbon style.
Pads for wounded limbs are in demand. These are made of old calico, or anything that will hold saw dust or bran - the latter being preferable. - They are made in the form of bags, of three sizes - 4 inches by 6, 8 by 12, and 12 by 18. When filled there is enough bran put in to make them of a uniform thickness. These are used to lay under wounded limbs. They may be filled by those who make them, if preferred, though the material for filling can usually be had convenient to the hospitals.
Another article much in demand is sand bags. These are muslin bags which go in pairs, and are used in the improved method of treating fractures of the lower extremities. One of them should be long enough to reach from the hip on the outside, and the other from the crotchet [sic], on the inside of the leg, to a point two or three inches below the foot. They should be 3 or 4 inches wide at the lower end and 5 or 6 at the top. They are filled with sand at the hospitals. These are now used instead of splints for fractures of the lower extremities, which is said to be a great improvement over the old style of treating fractures.
In addition to the foregoing, old handkerchiefs, common shirts (open in front and tied with strings) and under-clothes of all kinds are constantly in demand. Jellies suitable for convalescents, and oranges and lemons, are also always acceptable; but cakes, pies, and pastry generally should be kept out of both camp and hospital.
To persons visiting military hospitals we would also say a word. In entering a ward you should not distribute oranges or the like to the inmates unless you have enough to give to all. Surgeons and nurses say that it is no less painful to them than to the slighted ones to see a distinction made among men who are equally brave and deserving. Sick and wounded soldiers are naturally sensitive. Away from home, with nothing to engage their attention but their own sufferings, their thoughts naturally run on the friends, the affections and the comforts which they sacrificed for the sake of their country. They, therefore, see and feel a slight where none may have been intended. If you have anything to give, and cannot treat all alike, it is better to give it to the nurse or the surgeon, to be added to the general stock, out of which all will be supplied alike as their necessities may require. - Lancaster Express.
WHOM TO WRITE TO AT WASHINGTON. - As there are many persons who wish to communicate with the different bureaus of the war Department, a memorandum of the proper persons to address may be useful to our readers.
All letters relating to pay of soldiers on furlough or in hospitals should be addressed to Gen. B. F. Larned, Paymaster General.
Applications for back pay and the $100 bounty of deceased soldiers should be addressed to Hon. E. B. French, Second Auditor.
Applications for pay of teamsters, employees of Quartermaster's Department, or for horses killed in service, should be addressed to Hon. R. I. Atkinson, Third Auditor.
Applications relating to pay and bounty in the marine or naval service should be addressed to Hon. Robert Berrian, Fourth Auditor.
Letters concerning soldiers in the army should be addressed to Adjutant-Gen. Lorenzo Thomas.
THE FIRST COMPANY. - The first company formed in this place, in compliance with the Governor's Proclamation, organized on Monday evening last by electing the following officers:
Captain - H. E. Devlin.
The company is styled the "McClellan Guards," and the members are determined to drill, rain or shine. Young men are cordially invited to join the company.
Proclamation by the Governor.
WHEREAS, in the present position of affairs, it is expedient that measures should be taken to arm and prepare our people for defence:
Now, therefore, I do earnestly recommend the immediate formation throughout the Commonwealth, of volunteer companies and regiments, in conformity with the militia act of 1828. Arms will be distributed to the organizations so to be formed, agreeably to the provisions of that act.
It is further recommended, that, in order to give due opportunities for drill and instruction, all places of business be closed daily at three o'clock, P. M., so that persons employed therein may, after that hour, be at liberty to attend to their military duties.
The cheerful alacrity with which the men of Pennsylvania have hitherto given themselves to the service of the country, has pressed heavily on her military resources. I am reluctant to ask her people to assume further burdens, but as their safety requires that they should do so, it is in their behalf that I put forth the recommendations herein contained, and urge a prompt compliance with them.
Given under my hand and the great Seal of the State, at Harrisburg, this Fourth day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the Commonwealth the eighty- seventh.
Our citizens have entered with spirit into the organization recommended by the governor in the above proclamation. On Monday evening last a meeting was held in front of the Post Office, at which addresses were made by L. W. Hall, Esq., and others, and meetings appointed in the different wards for Tuesday evening to see what could be done in the way of forming companies. Previous to the meeting of Monday evening, the nucleus of some two or three companies had been formed and the persons engaged in getting them up proceeded to fill them out. The arrangement of the meeting on Monday evening was for each ward to form its own organization, but this could not be strictly carried out in all cases, as in such organizations, where the companies are to be permanent, and liable to be marched to the border and engage in battle, men want to enlist under good officers and have a right to their preferences.
According to arrangement, meetings were held in each ward on Tuesday evening, and those who had not enlisted in any of the companies previously formed, attached their names to rolls opened to receive them. There may be more companies forming than will receive a full complement of men, and in this case some of them will have to throw together. We believe there are now some seven or eight companies formed and forming, and there are enough men enrolled in the Marshals to fill all of them to the required standard, if they will come forward and do their duty. In a few days we will know how many companies can be formed and who are to be the officers, and next week we will announce the titles of different organizations and their officers.
There is an important matter which we wish to be distinctly understood, and it is this: - The organizations now being made are not intended to take in the laboring class of our people and let business men escape. If such be the case the whole organization must fail. Our business men, and men of property, are more directly interested in this matter than the mechanics in the shops, and if they would place the town on a footing to protect their property they must themselves enter the ranks and bear their share of the burdens. They must close their places of business every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon and take their places in the ranks alongside of the working men of the town. If they do this, all will go well; if not, the whole thing is a failure. No man who has the welfare of his country at heart will refuse to give two afternoons in each week toward preparing himself for an emergency that may be upon him ere he is aware of it. Sickness, or positive disability, can alone he taken as an excuse for neglecting drill, and those who are physically incapacitated for drilling should close their places of business during drill hours for the purpose of encouraging others and take no undue advantage in the way of trade.
ENROLMENT OF BLAIR COUNTY. - The Deputy Marshal of this county has furnished the following official statement of the enrolment, from which it will be seen that all the districts, with one or two exceptions, have nobly done their duty: -
From the Standard we learn that in the above statement the Marshal by direction of the proper authorities, has omitted from the credit to boroughs and townships all persons who have enlisted in the regular army, the navy, the marine service, all teamsters, blacksmiths, &c. According to a table issued from the Department at Harrisburg, the aggregate quota of troops to be raised in Blair county, under all requisitions to the present, is 1,634. The county now has in the field 1771, showing an excess of 137 in our favor. Since the above returns were made by the assessors 14 men have enlisted in Blair township, and an entire company is raising in Williamsburg and will go into camp this week. This will make our excess probably two hundred and fifty. Has any county in the State done better? If not, "Little Blair" claims the proud distinction of being the banner county of the Keystone.
MUSTER ROLL. - The following is the muster roll of the Hammond Guards, Hollidaysburg:
Captain - Thomas McFarlane.
1st Sergeant - John L. May.
Albert Horrell.
COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. - There not being a quorum present on regular evening, a meeting was called for this evening, September 4th. Present, A. A Smyth. N. J. Mervine, John Loudon [sic] and Jacob Hesser.
Minutes of previous meeting read and approved.
Joseph F. Keesberry, former supervisor, presented report of labor on streets from August 1st to August 7th, inclusive, amounting to $37.50.
On motion of John London, orders were granted the following persons: - Joseph F. Keesberry for $7.50; John Smalley for $6.00; Lewis Smalley $6.00; Myles Doran $1.50; Bernard O'Conner $5.00; Fred. Heiffler $5.50; Henry Foust $6.00.
W. W. Snyder, Supervisor, presented his report of labor on streets from August 7th to August 30th, inclusive, amounting to $58.00.
On motion of N. J. Mervine, orders were granted the following persons: - W. W. Snyder for $17.50; Benj. Devine 16.50; Patrick O'Conner $16.50; Russel Johnson 7.30.
Thos. Williamson presented a bill for lumber amounting to $12.47, and on motion of J. Hesser an order was granted for the amount of bill.
David Brown presented a bill for lumber amounting to $12.98, and on motion of J. London an order was granted for the amount of bill.
On motion adjourned to meet at the call of the President of council. - W. B. KETLER, Sec'y.
LADIES Aid SOCIETY. - It gratifies us exceedingly to be able to announce that the ladies of Altoona have formed a "Ladies' Aid Society," and are now vigorously at work preparing lint, bandages, hospital clothing and hospital stores generally for our sick and wounded soldiers. The initiatory steps toward the formation of the society were taken on Monday last, at which time a number of ladies, of all denominations, met in the Methodist church, and selected officers and appointed committees to solicit contributions. There is nothing of a sectarian character about the society and the members of all churches are cordially and earnestly invited to join with it in laboring for our soldiers. The Methodist church has been offered as the place of meeting, and meetings will be held therein every Monday, Wednesday and Friday afternoon. Come, ladies, whether Catholic, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Episcopal, etc., unite with those who are now laboring for our suffering soldiers. "Many hands make light work."
THE TAX LAW - As the new National Tax law is about to take effect, it would be well for our citizens to post themselves in regard to it, so that they may have no misunderstanding with the Assessors. The "citizens edition" of this law, containing all its general and specific provisions, may be had at Fettinger's. It is done up in a small neat book of 122 pages, and costs but a dime.
* Fettinger has also a variety of military drill books, such as Hardee's, Scott's, and other small works containing numerous engravings. They are a great help to those entering military companies, and as almost every person is about to join some military organization, and make themselves useful as soon as possible, we think they will have a ready sale.
BEAUTIFUL .- We were shown, a few days since, a cluster of plums, which, in the manner they grew, exactly resembled a bunch of grapes. The limb which bore them was completely covered, as was also the small shoots running out from it. It was less than a foot long and must have contained more than a quart of plums. It was grown on the farm of Mr. John Anderson a short distance below town.
MORE OF THE SAME SORT. - Our clever old friend, Joe Metzgar, of Sinking Valley, presented us, on Monday morning last, with a half- dozen small plum tree limbs, beautifully covered with luscious plums. They were not hard to take - not half as hard as Richmond. "Old Joe" very frequently remembers the printer when he has anything good, consequently he has good luck at all times and is one of the happiest men we know.
Our correspondent, "Brevier," refers to some transactions in this place, which are anything but creditable to the parties concerned. We can hardly think that there is a man in this place who would treat a soldier's wife in the manner there referred to, but if there is one of the kind, we should see that it be the last time he is permitted to do so.
ARMING THE STATE MILITIA. - A telegraph from Harrisburg has the following in relation to the arming of the people under Governor Curtin's late proclamation: - "Citizens organizing themselves into companies under the Governor's proclamation are not required to clothe or equip themselves. Arms will be promptly furnished upon application to Adjutant General Russell by the regularly elected Captain, and not necessarily through the Brigade Inspector. Captains will be required to give bond or some good security for their safe keeping. Companies can be organized to number from thirty-two to ninety-eight rank and file. Companies and regiments thus organizing should drill constantly and hold themselves in readiness to march to the defence of our border upon short notice.
REMOVAL. - Messrs. Hall and Neff have removed their law office from the room on Virginia street, to their new building on the Logan House lot, immediately back of the P. R. R. ticket office. - This building was put up specially for their accommodation, and is decidedly neat and comfortable in all its arrangements. They can now entertain their clients and friends in good style, and will be happy to meet them all in their new quarters.
CAVALRY. - The U.S. Government has called on Pennsylvania for three regiments of Cavalry, to be filled up by the 20th of this month. Capt. A. J. Crissman is recruiting a company in this county. Young men who desire to enter the cavalry service have now another opportunity. Recruiting office at Martinsburg. Capt. Crissman has seen service on the battlefield, having been heretofore connected with the 84th Regiment.
On the 9th inst., by Rev. W. Lee Spotswood, George B. Galer to Miss Minerva Trout, both of this place.
In this borough, on Wednesday morning, 3d. inst., Naomi, daughter of Samuel and Ann Eliza Bohler, aged 9 months.
In Logan township, on the 20th ult., James M., son of Oliver and Caroline E. Hagerty, aged 2 years 8 months.
In this place, on the 29th ult., Mrs. Elizabeth Reid, consort of Wm. W. Reid, aged 46 years, 1 month, 15 days.
Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 11, 1862, page 3
* The volunteer's hand book: containing an abridgment of Hardee's
Infantry tactics, adapted to the use of the percussion musket in
squad and company exercises, manual of arms for riflemen, and United
States Army regulations as to parades, reviews, inspections, guard
mounting, &c. by Lee, James Kendall, 1829-1861; Hardee, William
Joseph, 1815-1873. Publication date 1861
Rifle and light infantry tactics: for the exercise and manoeuvres
of troops when acting as light infantry or riflemen by Hardee, William
Joseph, 1815-1873; Randolph, Joseph Williamson, 1815-1893, publisher;
Marshall, Humphrey, 1812-1872; Evans & Cogswell, printer.
Publication date 1861
A manual of infantry and rifle tactics: with honors paid by the
troops, inspections--reviews, &c. by Hardee, William Joseph,
1815-1873. Rifle and light infantry tactics; Richardson, William H.,
comp; Morris, A., publisher. Publication date 1861
Martial Deeds of Pennsylvania, by Samuel Bates. Philadelphia, Pa., T. H. Davis & Co., 1876 |
Blair County PAGenWeb : News
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