Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Thursday, September 20, 1860


The Shirleysburg Herald, of the 13th inst., says: - On Sunday last, a Mrs. Vaughan, residing in Black-Log Valley, about ten miles from this place, in opening her mouth very wide, gaping, threw one side of her lower jaw out of its place, and closing her mouth, was unable to replace it. Dr. McKinnon was sent for in the evening, and readily adjusted the difficulty.


NOMINATED. - The Democratic Congressional Conferees of the district composed of Adams, Franklin, Juniata and Bedford counties, met at Chambersburg, on the 12th inst., and nominated Hon. Wm. P. Schell, of Bedford, as their candidate. The conferees from Juniata took no part in the conference and disapprove of its action.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 20, 1860, page 2




DISTURBING MEETINGS. - The practice of disturbing meetings, whether they be of a religious, social or political character, is exceedingly reprehensible, and ever has been, and ever will be, condemned by all good citizens. That it is contrary to order and justice is fully established by the fact that the most stringent laws, imposing heavy penalties upon the guilty, have been enacted by our law-makers. Disturbing a meeting is, by the law, considered a breach of the peace, and the penalty attached to the offence, (which will be found in the 31st section of the revised Penal Laws of this State, passed last winter,) is a fine not exceeding $50 and imprisonment not exceeding three months, or both, or either, at the discretion of the Court. Freedom of thought and speech is the boast of our country; but it is neither justice, liberty, or doing to others as we would have others do to us, for one party to interrupt another while enjoying that which the law guarantees them. If the sentiments of those holding the meeting are not agreeable to us, we should stay away. No party over did or ever will make anything by annoying their opponents while holding meetings. On the contrary, it engenders bad feeling between the members of different parties, creating a coolness between friends, which, when the excitement of the campaign is over, must be regretted by all. There is reason in all things, and if men would but act in accordance with their better judgments rather than obey the dictates of their excitable natures, which is too often mistaken for zeal for their party, they would do their party as much, if not more good, and leave less to regret afterwards. All parties are guilty, to a greater or less extent, of this reprehensible practice, and this is intended as much for one as another.


POLITICAL MEETINGS. - These seem to be the order of the day in this locality, and it is a question whether the thing is not being "run into the ground." We like to see men exhibit zeal in the cause of their party, but attending meetings two or three evenings in each week, and hearing the same story told over every time, is calculated to make it rather stale, and cool their ardor.


The Bell and Everett party held a meeting at Bell's Mills, on Thursday evening last, which was attended by the Club of this place, who chartered an excursion train for the occasion. Addresses were delivered by Es. Hammond, Esq., and others.


On Saturday evening last the same party held a meeting in front of the Post Office, in this place, at which there was a large attendance. The "Fast Asleep" Club of this place, preceded by the Altoona Brass Band, and a similar Club from Hollidaysburg, preceded by Van Tries' Cornet Band, paraded the streets for some time previous to the meeting. Addresses were delivered by Mr. Lyon, of Bedford, Essington Hammond, G. W. Harris and M. H. Jolly, Esqs.


On Friday evening last, Gen. John Williamson delivered an address before the People's Party Club in their Club Room.


The meeting advertised to come off on last Monday evening, was postponed on account of the indisposition of Hon. John Hickman, who was to be the principal speaker.


A meeting of the People's Party Club of Logan township is to be held at Blair Furnace School House this (Thursday) evening, to be addressed by Hon. S. S. Blair and Col. L. W. Hall.


THE GOOD WILL. - The Good Will Fire Engine Company, of Philadelphia, passed through this place, on Friday evening last, on their way to visit the Firemen of Pittsburgh and Cincinnati. They had with them their new steam Fire Engine, but owing to the train, to which it was attached, arriving after dark our citizens did not get a view of it. We are pleased to announce that the Company intend stopping over a day in this place, on their return, next week, and will be the guests of the Good Will Fire Engine and Hose Company of this place. There will be a parade of both companies and a trial of the engines on the afternoon of the day the Philadelphia company is with us. The exact day of their return has not yet been fixed upon, but will be announced by posters as soon as positively known. Our citizens will then have an opportunity of seeing a good steam "squirt" and doing the agreeable to a very clever set of fellows, for such the city Good Will boys are said to be.


SEPTEMBER WEATHER. - The weather at this season is a little deceiving; and it is considerable of a risk, if not positive foolishness, to leave home for a day or night without taking an overcoat or heavy shawl. The first few days of this month were such as we might have looked for in July or August, but the second week was suggestive of overcoats and warm stoves. The chill came suddenly on Saturday night, and found the stoves quite unprepared for it. In the "Summer boarding houses" blankets were called for, but came not, consequently in such cases there was more shivering than sleeping. We have heard that there was frost in this region, but we did not see it. The Ebensburg papers say that snow fell in that region.


HUNTINGDON ENCAMPMENT. - The Huntingdon Union says that Gen. Lane has positive assurance that twenty-five companies will attend the encampment at that place, which commences on Monday next. Should this be the case, there will undoubtedly be a large crowd of people in the "Ancient Borough" next week, and ginger bread, rattle-belly pop," bad whiskey and eatables and drinkables generally will disappear rapidly. Hope our friends may have the good weather, and enjoy all the fun and pleasure they anticipate, and that we can find time to run down and see the "bumaladdies" on the "tented field" and "lassies" at the Fair.


AWFUL ACCIDENT. - A man named Morgan, whilst driving a load of shingles into Tipton, on Wednesday evening Inst, fell from his horse, and the wheels of the wagon passed over him, breaking his leg in several places, and crushing his head in a most shocking manner. Death ensued immediately. We are informed that he was a man of intemperate habits, and that at the time of the accident he was very much intoxicated. He leaves a family. - A singular coincidence occurs by this accident. Last fall the same wagon that ran over Morgan was instrumental in the death of William Pruner, which occurred near Bald Eagle Furnace. Both were horrible affairs. -Tyrone Star.


The editor of the Blair County Whig threatens to take down the name of Robert M. Messimer, the People's Party candidate for county Auditor, from the mast head of his paper, for the reason that Robert is Secretary of the Bell and Everett Minute Men Club in this place. - Well, we suppose Robert will feel bad about losing the support of the Whig and such a fat office as Auditor; but the editor of the Whig must remember that if he commences to cut the county ticket, others can do the same, and will do so, in a quarter where it will be felt more than his cutting the candidate for Auditor.


SERIOUS ACCIDENT. - A young lady named Mercer, a pupil at the Birmingham Seminary, met with a very serious accident on Tuesday afternoon of last week. In getting off the accommodation train at Birmingham, her hoops caught on the platform and she fell, precipitating herself to the bottom of a flight of steps that lead down from the railroad. She was severely injured on the head, and was carried to the seminary in an insensible condition. We are pleased to learn, however, that she is recovering. - Tyrone Star.


"TRANSMOGRAFIED." - The drug store heretofore occupied by G. W. Kessler, has been converted into a clothing and jewelry store, by our townsman, Mr. Daniel Laughman. It has been considerably enlarged, and Mr. L. has the shelves well filled with clothing of all descriptions, and a case stocked with good jewelry. He intends adding a new supply of goods in the course of a week or two, when he will be able to supply all who are in want of fall and winter clothing with as fashionable, serviceable and cheap goods as can be had at any establishment in the town.


ALTOONA, Sept, 10, 1860.
At a stated meeting of the Good Will Fire Engine and Hose Company, the following resolution was unanimously adopted and ordered to be published in the Altoona Tribune:


Resolved, That the thanks of this Company be tendered to Mr. Thomas P. Sargent, for the valuable and interesting present given by him to them, with the assurance that it will ever be retained as a mark of his esteem, and interest in the welfare of the Company. - W. W. SMITH, Sec'y.


HURRYING UP. - Those of our citizens who intend erecting houses this fall are now pushing them along as fast as possible. We hear the sound of the hammer in all directions around us, and observe a great amount of lumber passing to and fro through our streets. The steam planing mill is kept constantly going in preparing the lumber, and our streets are gradually being filled up on either side with neat and substantial houses.


ACCIDENT. - On Wednesday afternoon last, Stephen Potts, an employee in the R. R. shops, in this place, had the two middle fingers of his right hand amputated in a moment's time, between the first and second joints, by allowing them to come in contact with a circular saw about which he was working. His fingers were dressed by Dr. J. T. Christy, and are healing as rapidly as the nature of the wounds will admit.


LAID OUT. - On Tuesday afternoon last, a pitiable specimen of humanity, who had taken on a heavier "load of bricks" than he was able to carry, laid down to rest on the pavement in front of the Superintendent's office, and was apparently enjoying a comfortable snooze, when "old Joe" came along and kindly tendered him a bed on the soft side of a plank, in the "Lock Up." Whether the change was agreeable or not we have not learned.


ADMITTED. - We notice, by the Juniata county papers, that our former partner in this paper, Wm. M. Allison, Esq., has been admitted to practice law in the several Courts of that county. Bill has the necessary qualifications to make a successful practitioner, and we expect to see him rise high in his profession. We wish him plenty of cases and better paying ones than are generally found in printing offices.




At the Presbyterian Parsonage in this place, on the evening of the 17th, by Rev. A. B. Clark, Mr. William Myers to Miss Anna Jane Stewart, all of Altoona.




In Shellsburg, Bedford county, on the morning of the 6th inst., Mr. John Clark, father of Rev. A. B. Clark, of this place, in the 71st year of his age.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 20, 1860, page 3




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