Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa.,

Thursday, September 13, 1860




"MINUTE MEN." - At a meeting held in the Constitutional Union Association Club Room, on Friday evening last, a club styled the "Minute Men of '60" was organized by the selection of the following officers:


President - D. T. Caldwell.
Vice President - Joseph V. Carter.
Secretary - R. M. Messimer.
Assistant Secretary - John A. Ray.
Treasurer - W. T. Smith.
Captain - Maj. Henry Wayne.
1st Lieut. - Geo. Hawkesworth.
2d Lieut. - Riley O'Donnell.
Pioneers - Samuel Campbell, James Maxwell.


The "Minute Men" are made up of members of the Bell and Everett party, as the "Wide Awakes" are made up from the Lincoln party. The club met on Tuesday evening last to decide upon uniforms, &c. They will make their first appearance in the course of a week or ten days.


DELICIOUS FRUIT. - On Saturday evening last, our friend, H. B. White, left upon our table a basket of the finest peaches, both as regards size and quality, that we have ever seen, and, we think, surpasses anything of the kind raised in this section of the country. One of the peaches measured 9 1/2 inches in circumference one way, and 10 inches the other. They were all so nearly one size that it was hard to tell which was the largest. This fruit was raised in Mr. W.'s lot, in East Altoona.


Can any of our citizens beat the above? If they can, we should be pleased to hear from them. Mr. W.'s fruit clearly shows that we can raise just as good fruit up here as they can about the cities, and all that is necessary to have it, is for our people to exercise a little more care in selecting their trees, and attend to them when they get them.


A TIMELY WORD OF CAUTION. - As the season for political meetings in the open air is at hand, we beg to caution all persons, except the most robust young people, from attending such gatherings without overcoats. The temperature of the air in the day and early evening is no criterion to judge what it will be by 8 or 9 o'clock. Hundreds of persons have taken agues and fevers, or laid the foundation for consumptions, by standing in the chilly, Autumn air at political gatherings. Let two things always be attended to - first, provide a board covering for your speakers stands, and second, take your overcoat with you. Those who enjoy the benefits of gratuitous speaking, should not expect the stumper to risk a cold or the rupture of their lungs by speaking without a sounding board.


CAUGHT AT LAST. - An old citizen of Cambria county, by the name of Fred. George, and two young men named Brindle, were arrested on Monday last and lodged in the jail of this county, on the charge of having, on Sunday last, stolen a heifer, the property of James Stevens, of Juniata township, in this county. They were seen shoot the heifer, and the beef and hide was found in their possession on Monday. They confessed their guilt. George is said to be an old offender in the way of taking other people's cattle which have been put in the mountains to pasture.


THEFT. - On Saturday last, while H. Fettinger and his clerks were busy serving out daily papers to customers, some person pocketed a box of two dozen medals containing the likenesses of the candidates of the different parties for President and Vice President. Doubtless the thief thought he was getting a box of gum drops, as they were in a box of that kind, but it may be that he knew what they were and wanted them to sell. Should any be offered for sale in this place or vicinity, the person to whom they are presented should inquire where they came from.


INSTRUCTION IN MUSIC. - Prof. Francis Henry is now ready to open his school for instruction in instrumental music. He teaches music upon any instrument - piano, violin, flute, guitar and brass instruments - will give instructions to brass bands. Prof. H. is one of the best musicians in the country, as well as one of the best teachers, and he understands the art of imparting his knowledge to his pupils. His terms will be reasonable.


TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. - On Thursday morning Inst, Mr. George Denning, a freight conductor on the Penn'a R. R., met with an accident which resulted in his death in less than 24 hours thereafter. According to information he was either thrown off or fell from the bumper of a car, near Thompsontown station, and falling upon the track the wheels of a car passed over his legs breaking one and badly mutilating the other, besides severely bruising his person internally and externally. He was taken to the residence of his father in Harrisburg, where he died at 12 o'clock the following night. From the Harrisburg Telegraph of Friday last we clip the following: -


"The deceased had for some time been betrothed to an estimable young lady of this city, Miss Gray, and both looked forward to a speedy and happy union. When it was ascertained that Mr. Denning could not possibly survive, at the mutual request of him and his betrothed, and with the consent of the parents of both, they were married, Rev. Mr. Carson performing the solemn and impressive ceremony by the bedside of the dying man. The bridegroom passed from the altar to the tomb, and the devoted bride of an hour changed her wedding garments for the habiliments of mourning. The bride of yesterday is the widow of to-day! In the midst of her grief, however, there is sweet consolation in the thought of a re-union with the loved one hereafter in a world "where partings are no more."


THE END OF SUMMER. - On Saturday last the reign of Summer ended, and we have now fairly entered upon the season of the "sere and yellow leaf," our delightful and unrivalled American Autumn. The harvest is passed - the Summer is ended - the morning songs of the wild feathered warblers have ceased - the leaves of variegated hue are already making their appearance on the forest trees - and soon the voice of the katy- did and the light of the glow-worm will usher in the Autumnal evenings. How short the time seems since Spring was with us, so swiftly do the seasons pass! The years of human life have very aptly been compared to the degrees of longitude, which shortens as we approach the poles. The ardent youth thinks the years of fearful length until he attains maturity - then they seem to shorten and decrease with every subsequent period of life's journey, until he exclaims, with Job, "My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle." Autumn is the most delightful season, teeming with the fruition of the year, the harvests are gathered, the fruits are ripe, and plenty abounds. It infuses a soothing and tranquilizing influence over the mind, and disposes to contemplation and gratitude.


NEW PAPERS. - We have received the first copy of a new paper styled the People's Defender, just started in Huntingdon. It is well gotten up, and edited with ability. Our old friend, Bill Shaw, is the editor. The paper is gotten up for the purpose of defeating S. S. Wharton, for Senator, and B. X. Blair, for Legislature - the nominees of the People's Party - and this number pitches into those gentlemen rough-shod.


We have also before us a copy of a new tri-weekly paper, called the Union News, just started at Harrisburg, by W. D. Jack & Co. It runs up the Bell and Everett flag and gives them a hearty support. We doubt whether the institution will pay, although Jack has the energy to make it pay if it will.


PEOPLE'S PARTY MEETINGS. - Gen. John Williamson, of Huntingdon, will deliver an address before the People's Party Club of this place, on to-morrow (Friday) evening.


Hon. John Hickman, of Chester county, will address the citizens of Altoona, on the political issues of the present campaign, on Monday evening, 17th inst. Every person is invited to come out and hear these advocates of Free Labor and Protection to American Industry.




The Democratic Congressional Conference of this district met at Johnstown, on Monday last, and nominated Archibald M'Allister, of this county, as their candidate. We are not personally acquainted with the nominee, but learn that he is a very clever gentleman, popular where known, and a friend of protection to American Industry - being an iron master.


We learn from the Hollidaysburg Register that four men, named John McCafferty, Isaac Laferty, Simon Barr and B. M. Morrow, were arrested and held to bail in the sum of $300 each for riotous conduct, in attacking the "Wide Awakes" with stones, while in attendance at the Peoples' Party meeting in that place, on Tuesday evening of last week.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, September 13, 1860




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