Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 25, 1859<


Democratic County Convention.


Pursuant to call, the Delegates from the several Wards, Boroughs and Townships of Blair county, assembled in County Convention, in the Court House, Hollidaysburg, on Wednesday, August 17th, 1859.


The Convention was temporarily organized by selecting Dr. J. P. THOMPSON as Chairman, and JOHN COX, Esq., as Secretary.


On motion, A. J. Crissman, Walter Graham, John Woods, E. B. Isett and S. T. Murray were appointed a committee to report officers for the permanent organization of the Convention.


On motion, the Convention adjourned till 1 1/2 o'clock P. M.


The Convention met at 1 1/2 o'clock.


The committee to select officers for the permanent organization of the Convention, reported the following, which were unanimously confirmed: -


President - WALTER GRAHAM.


Vice President - Geo, B. CRAMER, HENRY HARBISON.


Secretaries - M. C. Stehley, Ed. Patterson.


On motion the Convention proceeded to nominate a ticket for County officers. The following named gentlemen were duly nominated:


Assembly, WILLIAM L. NEFF, of Williamsburg.


Register and Recorder, DANIEL D. WOODS, Tyrone Borough.


County Commissioner, ROBERT C. GALBRAITH, Tyrone Township.


Director of the Poor, CHRISTIAN KOON, Frankstown.


Auditor, JOHN M. BURKET, North Woodberry.


County Surveyor, WILLIAM MCDONALD, Altoona. On motion the nominations were unanimously confirmed.


Dr. A. J. Crissman offered the following resolution, which was adopted:


Resolved, That Maj. Theo. Snyder, of North Woodberry township, is hereby declared to be the choice of Blair county for State Senator, and he is hereby duly authorized and empowered to select his own Conferees.


On motion, the Convention proceeded to elect a Representative Delegate to the next State Convention. Maj. J. R. Crawford having received a majority of the votes cast, was declared duly elected said delegate.


On motion, Col. John Woods, R. L. Horrell and E. B. Isett were selected as Senatorial Conferees to meet the Conferees from Cambria and Clentield counties, to elect a Senatorial Delegate to represent the District in the next Democratic State Convention.


S. T. Murray offered the following resolutions, which were read and unanimously adopted:


Resolved, That, as Democrats of Blair county, we will yield an ardent and hearty support to the ticket which is now presented to us, and that we will use every effort and make every endeavor to secure for it a triumphant election.


Resolved, That the Democracy of Blair county know no faction or dissention in their ranks that, as a unit, they affirm their attachment to the never dying truths of Democracy, and declare their determination to adhere to its great principles.


Resolved, That the hightoned and liberal course of the Hon. John Cresswell, our late Senator, meets with our entire approbation, and that we unanimously present him to the people of Pennsylvania as eminently worthy of an election to the position of Governor of this State - feeling that his integrity of character, personal popularity and ability are unsurpassed.


On motion, the President of the Convention was authorized to appoint a County Committee for the coming year.


On motion, adjourned sine die.


[Signed by the Officers.]


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 25, 1859, page 2




BIRMINGHAM CIRCUIT CAMP-MEETING. - We attended this Camp-meeting now in progress, near Blair Furnace, on Sunday morning last. - On that morning an Excursion Train, numbering 18? Cars, conveyed between 800 and 1,000 persons, from Hollidaysburg and this place, to the ground. There are only some 16 or 18 tents erected, and the site selected, as well as the road to get to it, is about as rough as could well have been found, at least, this was the general remark. In the morning, the services were conducted by Rev. Barnhart, of Williamsburg Circuit, who delivered an excellent discourse on the fall and repentance of Peter. In the afternoon Rev. J. H. C. Dosh, of Hollidaysburg, discoursed on the certainty of a resurrection and judgment, and was followed by Rev. Creighton, of this place, in a powerful exhortation. We could not stay to witness the effect of these appeals to the unconverted, but learn that they were followed with good results. Excellent order was observed in and about the camp ground during our stay, although we were sorry to hear that liquor was to be had at a house in the vicinity; but a very few persons gave evidence of having indulged a little.


TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. - A Teacher's Institute will be held in Williamsburg, commencing on Monday, August 29th, 1859, to continue one week. Profs. F. A. and T. Allen, and probably Prof. Stoddard, will be present to assist in the exercises.


Owing to unavoidable circumstances, the undersigned was unable to give notice sooner, but hopes that every teacher will make an effort to be present.


Every male teacher will be well entertained, at good Hotels, for fifty cents per day. Female teachers will be provided for, at private houses, free of charge.


Williamsburg can be reached by stage, from Hollidaysburg and Spruce Creek, at moderate charges. - JOHN DEAN, Co. Supt., Hollidaysburg, Aug. 19, 1859.


CHURCH REOPENED. - The Lutheran church, which has been closed for the last four weeks, for the purpose of making repairs and improvements, will be reopened on next Sabbath the 28th of August at 10 1/2 o'clock. The pulpit, wainscoting, window-facing, and other parts of the internal wood work, have been painted new; and the walls and ceiling, which had been darkened with smoke, have now been adorned with a beautiful coat of fresco. Those members and friends of the church, who so generously aided in liquidating the remaining debt a few months ago, and now, again in making these improvements, will doubtless make an ample renumeration [remuneration] for their sacrifices in the increased attractions and comforts of this place of worship.


ELDERBERRY WINE. - As the season for making Elderberry Wine is close at hand, we give the following recipe for making it: The berries, when ripe, are first picked by the stems, then stripped with the hand, or trimmed close with shears. Next they are smashed fine, which can be done by means of a stick in the form of a pestle. Let them remain until the next day, when the juice is pressed out slowly in a cheese press, or any other convenient way. Next boil the juice "twenty minutes;" skim it, and add four pounds of white sugar to a gallon. When ? warm add a small piece of white bread crust that has been dipped in yeast. Let it stand three days, remove the crust, and the wine is ready for bottling. Age improves it.


APPLE PUDDING. - Remove the cores from a dozen apples without breaking the rind; stand the apples, side by side, in a well-greased shallow pan, and put into each apple a teaspoonful of sugar, a small piece of butter, and a few grains of ground cinnamon. Having made a thin batter of eggs, milk and flour, pour it over the fruit until the pan is half filled; bake it in a ? oven, and eat with a sauce of cold cream. The mealy pulp of the apples bursting through the browned rind, the glistening particles of sugar wherever the pudding looks sweetest, embedded in a yellow, foamy looking custard, is very pretty even to the eye; but, how infinitely better to the taste, let every housekeeper try and prove.


S. of T. PIC NIC. - We are sorry we could not be on hand to participate in the festivities on the occasion of the above pic nic, which came off on Thursday last, as we have been informed it was one of the most pleasant gotten up in this section. The "good things" provided by the ladies far exceeded the wants of the company, and we are pleased to state that a portion of that which was left over was carefully packed into a basket, by some of the thoughtful and charitable, and handed to a person who stood in need of it - a fit conclusion of the pleasures of the day.


LADIES' FAIR. - Our absence from home on Thursday evening last prevented our being present at the Supper given by the Ladies of St. Luke's Church, but we understand that it was one of the best ever served up in the place, there being a profusion of everything which could please the eye or tickled the palate of the most fastidious specimen. The concert on Friday evening is said to have been a grand affair and was well attended. Almost every article exhibited at the Fair was sold, and we are pleased to know that quite a handsome sum has been realized for the church thereby.


CHANGE. - The day fixed upon for the examination of teachers for Logan township school district has been changed from Tuesday, August 29th, to Thursday, September 8th. This change was rendered necessary from the fact that the County Teachers' Institute commences at Williamsburg on the 29th inst.


TEACHERS APPOINTED. - The School Directors of Altoona School District have made the following selection of teachers for the ensuing term: -


East Ward - 1st Grade - Mr. A. H. Sembower.
" " 2d " Miss P. M. Crum.
" " Primary - Mr. E. Elder, Principal.
" " " Miss Ella J. Humes, Asst.


West Ward - 1st Grade - Mr. J. G. Counsman.
" " 2d " Miss E. J. McCormick.
" " Primary - Mr. W. Kinsloe, Prin'l.
" " " Miss N. Galbraith, Asst.


NOTICE PARTICULAR. - The gentleman who answered to the name of Mr. Hesser and received a $10 bill from the subscriber, in front of the Post Office, a few days since is requested to return the money to the subscriber at once and save further trouble, as he is known. - C. W. HORRELL.




Hollidaysburg, August 23d, 1859.
MESSRS. EDITORS: - Local items of general interest to your readers are very scarce here, at the present time. We will, however, endeavor to give a few which we trust will prove of some interest to the readers of your paper.


On Saturday last, a very pleasant pic-nic came off in the "Loop," some five miles from this place. It was given by the Union Sabbath School of that section of the country. The Hollidaysburg Fencibles, under the command of Lieut. John R. McFarlane, were present by invitation. The scholars of the school were accompanied by their parents and many of their friends. Addresses were delivered by Rev. Junkin and Knight. The children were treated to an abundance of "good things," which had been prepared for them. On the whole, the day was spent in the most pleasant and agreeable manner, and all who were present came away fully satisfied that they had enjoyed themselves.


On Saturday last the examination of Teachers for the schools of this place was held. The Board of Directors have selected the following persons as the teachers of the different schools, which will open on the 1st Monday of September: -


Boy's High School - Prof. John Miller.
Male School No. 3 - H. B. Whittington.
" " " 2 - E. C. Dunmire
" " " 1 - John Mitchell.
Female " " 3 - Miss Philandra Hart.
" " " 2 - " Jane Horrell.
" " " 1 - " Mary J. Williams.


The Welsh Miners' Club, assisted by Mrs. Brunker, will give a concert in the Court House, on Thursday evening. The programmed consists of a number of choice glees, duets, songs, &c. They will no doubt render entire satisfaction.


We understand that the Rev. David J. Yerkes, of Pittsburg, will deliver a lecture before the Washingtonian Society of this place, on Tuesday evening the 29th inst. He is well-known in this community, having resided here for some years, and the mere announcement of his name will insure a full house. He is one of the ablest and most eloquent speakers in this section of the State. - W.




On the 17th of July, Nellie Litzenberg, only child of James B. and Lucinda Wells, aged 11 months and 1 day.


Altoona Tribune, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, August 25, 1859, page 3




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