Blair County PAGenWeb


Blair County PAGenWeb





Blair County Newspaper Articles

News, obituaries, birth, marriage and death notices, by date.


Items from The Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa.,

Thursday, March 22, 1888


The Secret of the Removal of the Instrument From the Prothonotary's Office - The Lawyers Have an Arrangement of Their Own and the Business Men are Way Up Mad at the Style in Which They Have Been Cut Out of the Circuit - Forty Out of the Sixty-five Will Order the Phones Removed by April 1.


About eight years ago, when the Central Pennsylvania Telephone and Supply Company began operations in this section of country, they placed a phone in the Prothonotary's office at Hollidaysburg, and there was no trouble about it until the 10th day of March last, when General Manager R. M. Bailey ordered its removal, on the ground that its use had not been paid for. He did this notwithstanding the fact that the instrument had been placed there free of charge and against the protest of Prothonotary Geesey that such had always been the fact. As a further explanation of his procedure in the premises, Mr. Bailey says that the phone is not for the use of dead-heads, but for customers of the Company.


There's a Howl, You Bet.


As might naturally be supposed a great howl has gone up over the matter, and the inconvenience caused by the establishment of a private line between Altoona and the county capital, and cutting off the regular subscribers from their rights, has led to an open rebellion, which yesterday assumed a serious situation for the Central Company. Finding that the phone had been cut off, the legal fraternity of old Blair came together and decided to pay for the use of the old instrument. This the business men regard as an aggravation to the insult and the injury already heaped upon them, and they propose to resent it. Forty out of the sixty-five subscribers to the Central system in this city have signed a petition, ordering the removal of the instruments by April 1, and some of the signers who have been seen state that the intention will be thoroughly carried out, unless the Company recedes from its position and restores communication with the county offices. They say that they have rights in the premises that must be respected, and that if dead-heads have been using the wires it is a matter for the central exchange to stop, and not the subscribers. In order to show what the petition looks like we present it in full.


The Petition.


ALTOONA, __, 1888,
Mr. R. M. Bailey:


DEAR SIR : - In view of the fact that the Telephone Company have removed the instrument from the Prothonotary's office, which was to be placed and kept there for the use of subscribers, free of charge, unless the instrument is replaced as formerly, you will therefore please remove the instruments from our respective places of business, on the 1st of April, 1888:


Bunker & Rhine, D. Wylie, Elway & Harpham, A. R. Wolf & Co., J. S. Elway, W. S. Lee, M. H. Mackey, A. F. Heess, place of business and residence, Booth & Leas, F. D. Hughes, Wm. Findley, M. D., Hostler & Long, Andrew Gamble, Altoona Car Works, J. A. Brennaman & Bro., M. A. Green, H. J. Cornman, Chas. Stolzenfels, J. G. Kline, S. M. Hoyer, Retzlaff & Co., J. A. Canan & Co., J. W. Fries, G. A. McClellan, John Halton, G. A. McCormick, S. S. Reighard, Adams & Co., W. L. Shellenberger, Thos. H. Wigton, Cashier Altoona Bank, G. A. Glunt, William Hare, Sink & Lyne, Ramey & Co., H. J. White & Co., H. W. Gardner, Cashier Second National Bank, Charles Wylie & Co., C. Hauser & Son, H. P. Wilson.


Bailey Writes a Letter.


Manager Bailey is an industrious fellow, and when at home lives at Williamsport, and writes with a type-writer. He says this in one of his letters:


The facts of the case are that a great part of the population of Hollidaysburg outside of the regular subscribers at that point continuously invaded the Prothonotary's office to use this telephone on the most trivial and social, as well as business purposes, to the Prothonotary's great annoyance and discomfort, and the calls from non- subscribers at Altoona, Tyrone and other places have been so numerous and burdensome as to take up a great part of the Prothonotary's time in answering them. This became so grievous that it was almost impossible to obtain an answer from that office, and at last the Prothonotary absolutely refused to give the telephone further attention for anyone, and threatened to use all his influence in having it removed. At this juncture we had several of the attorneys who are subscribers make proposals to us that they should lease a telephone there in their own name and employ an agent at that office to attend to their own personal business, and at their solicitation we took their lease, which they all signed with one single exception, which exception discontinued the use of their home telephone, because, as they said, they had no use for it, and had been considering its discontinuance for some time. Now, If you or any number of our subscribers will in their name lease a telephone for any office in the Court House on reasonable terms with the privilege of having it placed there and employ an agent there to answer your calls, we shall be glad to serve you, but we positively decline to be a party to any scheme to attempt to load the Prothonotary or any one else with the business of others.


Follows it Up On Another Alley.


Under date of March 16th he writes again, says that the subscribers have a peculiar grievance, and also adds that he thinks his company through its employees know how to deal with chronic deadheads. "As you seem to doubt the origin of the movement in the case of the Prothonotary's office, we can assure you that two attorneys approached the writer personally and proposed a plan nearly identical with that in operation, representing that the several attorneys had held a meeting at which the plan was agreed upon, and upon that plan our Altoona manager was sent to secure signatures of the different parties to the lease." The letter says further "we have no right to lease you a privilege in the telephone leased by these gentlemen, and can only reiterate what we said in our letter of the 12th. "


What the Altoona subscribers want to know is the difference between a leased line and a line that is not leased going over one and the same wire.


If Mr. Bailey chooses to continue stiff-necked in this thing, he will simply cut his own nose off to spite his face. There is already a movement on foot to invite an opposition telephone company from Chicago and Pittsburg to establish lines in this city and contiguous towns.


Death of Edward Lynch.


We are sorry to learn that our much esteemed friend and valuable subscriber, Edward Lynch, whose serious illness was noted in these columns a couple of weeks ago, died at his home in Summerhill township, Cambria county, on last Thursday evening, aged, we presume, about 52 years. We are without the facts necessary to an extended obituary notice of the deceased, but can truly say that he was an honest man, a good citizen, a generous friend and neighbor, and an exemplary member of the Catholic church. We are unadvised as to the time of the funeral, but presume it will take place this afternoon, with a Mass of Requiem at St. Bartholomew's church, Wilmore, and interment in the cemetery adjoining. May the soul of our departed friend find peace eternal in the Kingdom of God's glory, is our earnest and heartfelt prayer in his behalf.


Pleasant Birthday Anniversary.


On the occasion of her 46th birthday anniversary a surprise party was tendered to Mrs. Anna E. McGraw, wife of Constable H. Al. McGraw, at her home in East Eldorado, yesterday. A very pleasant time was had and many valuable presents were presented to the lady. At midnight an elegant collation was served, after which the guests returned to their respective homes. The following were present: Alex Riling and wife, B. F. Myers and wife, H. L. Riling and wife, John Forsht and wife, John Riling and wife, John Black and wife, H. Orbogast and wife, Fred. Stiffler and wife, ex-Sheriff Stiffler, Mrs. Wilt, Miss Mary Colclessor, Mrs. Edmundson, Miss Miranda Riling, P. H. Walls, wife and daughter, W. H. Glenn and wife, Miss Hattie Glenn and Master Walter Glenn.


To-Night at the City Opera House.


The Baldwin Dramatic Company fulfilled all expectations at the City Opera House last evening, in the presentation of the great sensational melo-drama, "Monte Cristo. " This is the wonderfully realistic conception of Alexander Dumas, the famous French author. It was elegantly presented by the company, with Miss Pearl Melville as Mercedes and Mr. Walter S. Baldwin as Edmond Dantes in the leading roles. To-Night "The Danites " will be given.


Death of an Unfortunate Yesterday From Injuries Received Near Gallitzin. - The Bullet Still in Eddie Montgomery's Head. - Some of the Inmates Almost Ready to go on the Discharged List.


The register of the City Hospital shows an interesting array of cases at the present time. The new Superintendent, Mr. Thomas H. McClair, has taken charge, and is rapidly restoring the various departments to their old-time condition of order and cleanliness. Superintendent McClair acts in conjunction with the Hospital physicians. He is six feet in height, wears a long beard and is a person of pleasing address and much experience. He has been in New York and Chicago hospitals, and came to this city from the Hahnemannian [Hahnemann] Hospital of Philadelphia.


Little Eddie Montgomery is resting easily, and has returned to consciousness. The doctors have not yet been able to locate the ball that he shot into his head on Tuesday afternoon. He lies face downward on his couch and does not appear to have any pain. It is now thought that he will recover.


The man James Burns, who was struck by an engine at Gallitzin on Saturday, the 10th inst., died at the Hospital yesterday afternoon from the effects of his injuries. The remains were taken in charge by Noel & Arthur, the undertakers, and will be interred at the County Alms House to-day. Coroner Glenn empaneled this jury: Lincoln Louden, foreman; Dr. J. B. Keefer, Jacob Stoner, Silas McGough, R. G. Smith and George F. Fresh. The jury viewed the remains and will meet again today to formulate their verdict.


Among the patients in the Hospital is Jacob Forster, of Everett, Bedford county, who is suffering from a fracture of the femur. He is doing nicely and will be released in two weeks.


Martin Connell, whose home is on Eleventh avenue at Twenty-second street, occupies a cot in the Hospital, and is a sufferer from spinal disease. He is improving slowly.


Another inmate is the Hungarian, name unknown, who had his toe mashed at Tyrone a week ago.


J. W. Merritts, a resident of Springfield Mines, who was severely injured in the Altoona yard a couple of weeks ago, necessitating the amputation of his right leg soon after, is getting along nicely and will be able to be out again before a great while.


The oldest on the list at the Hospital is Michael Kennedy, of Philadelphia. On the 2d of July, 1887, his right leg was run over and crushed by a car of stone at Hollidaysburg, and he has been in the Hospital ever since. He will not lose the limb.


J. H. McCard, of Binghampton [Binghamton], New York, who came in contact with a train at Mount Union and had his collar bone fractured, besides suffering from a number of bruises, is just recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever. He will be out soon.


John Kelly, whose home is at Willimantic, Conn., and who was shot by an officer near the "G. D. " office, is getting along nicely, and his name will soon figure on the discharged list.


The patients speak in the highest terms of the new Superintendent and Matron.


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 22, 1888, page 1


The Leading Local News of the Day and the Town Tersely Given.


The new Citizen Fire Company is going to be a success.


The Spring winds seem to be half afraid to let old Winter go.


And Bellwood is a full grown borough. Now look out for trouble!


"In the Swim," an opera, at Conrad's Opera House, next Monday night.


J. Walter Moore pulled out for Pittsburg yesterday to visit friends in that city.


Ugly, nasty, murky weather yesterday. Rheumatism and much sickness prevail in consequence.


William Myers, the baker, will sell out his furniture, show cases, counter, &c., this afternoon at one o'clock.


The first robin made its appearance in Hollidaysburg on last Tuesday. In Altoona on the night of the same day, there appears to have been a good many "robin's " going on.


The best thing the citizens of Tyrone could do would be to build another town Somewhere in the South, so that as soon as Winter sets in here, they could migrate to the other place. We are certainly not much "struck on" the glorious climate of Blair county.


A brakeman named Nearhoff, who works in the Tyrone yard at the scales, had his left arm caught between two bumpers while coupling cars, yesterday afternoon. Dr. Gemmill was called in, and it is said the injured member had to be amputated below the elbow.


Mrs. John Farrell, an aged lady residing on Logan street, received a paralytic stroke on last Monday, and has been lying in a critical condition ever since. The one side of her entire body is affected, and Dr. Appleby, the attending physician, thinks that if she does not receive another stroke she will probably recover.


George Bouse is a very, very happy man. He is a brake twister on Tyrone Division and is always faithful at his work. Yesterday morning he seemed unusually happy and greeted his many fellow workmen with a huge grin that extended from ear to ear. The boys wondered at his exuberance of spirit, but when all was told and explained he was congratulated on all sides at being a happy dad in the possession of a bouncing boy baby.


Correspondent Caldwell goes for Chas. Emory Smith, of the Philadelphia Press, for publishing stories in that journal that he claims are not fit to read. No doubt Charles Emory will heed the advice of Davy and call a sudden halt on such authors as Miss Amelia Rives. We also expect that a vote of thanks will be tendered to Dave, written on parchment, by the Press Publishing Company, and wouldn't be at all surprised if he were to receive a unanimous call from that journal to assume the editorial duties, vice Smith, removed.


A Record of Interesting Happenings at the County Capital.


William H. Sechler, Esq., of Ebensburg, was in attendance at Court here yesterday.


The pleasant face of City Treasurer Winn, of Altoona, was visible in the court room here yesterday afternoon.


Mrs. John Wighaman, of West Allegheny street, has returned home from a pleasant visit to her daughter, Mrs. John Dickey, in Huntingdon, W. Va.


Yesterday was a general flitting day here, and numerous wagons loaded with household goods were to be seen passing through the muddy thoroughfares.


Messrs. Louis Plack and A. J. Anderson, two of Altoona's prominent and influential citizens, were interested spectators at the sitting of Court here yesterday.


The question that most seriously interests the Republican politicians here, is whether Major Hewitt or Colonel Lemon shall have the solid delegation from this place in favor of their nomination for State Senator. A very dangerous discension [dissension] is threatened. It would be much better for both gentlemen, if they could agree, to divide the delegation evenly between them.


At the meeting of the Presbyterian Ladies Aid Society, which was held on Tuesday evening last, at the residence of Mrs. J. King McLanahan, on East Allegheny street, the following board of officers was re-elected for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. Wm. H. Gardiner; Vice Presidents, Mrs. H. M. Baldrige and Miss Mollie Reamey; Secretary, Mrs. A. S. Landis; Treasurer, Miss Mary P. McFadden; Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. Jas. Denniston. This Society was organized about eight years ago by the ladies of the First Presbyterian church, and since its organization has always contributed largely and generously to all the various church improvements. Their last and noblest work has been the introduction of a handsome pipe organ into the church. This organ is the largest and finest structure of the kind in Blair county, and will stand as a lasting and ever reminding monument of the generosity and unflagging zeal of these estimable ladies, and these ladies are deserving of the unstinted praise and admiration of the entire congregation for their unselfish and untiring efforts for furtherance of the welfare of the church. To-day the Society finds itself free from debt and with a balance of about $130 in its treasury. During its existence this Society has paid out over $2,000.


Hewed Out by a Sharp Blade and Gathered Up for Our Readers.


Robin red-breast has come to tell us winter is over.


Mrs. James Ayres, of Altoona, is visiting relatives about town.


A new stone crossing would be a convenience in front of Burket's.


Wm. Zimmerman, of Sarah Furnace, will become a resident of town about the first.


The unsightly piles of snow are rapidly disappearing, and no one appears to be sorry.


J. M. Dibert is getting the lumber on the ground for the new store- room, which will be begun in a few days.


William Shildt will move his family and household goods to Tyrone, where he will enter the employ of A. G. Morris.


It is with sincere sorrow that we learn of the serious illness of Mrs. Amos Nowlen, of Altoona, and hope she may soon be restored to her good health.


School here will close in a few days, when there will be literary exercises, consisting of recitations, essays, readings, orations, dialogues, interspersed with vocal music.


Mrs. Susan Klotz, the oldest lady resident of town, is, we are sorry to note, lying in a state of unconsciousness. The cause of her sickness is inflammation of the bowels.


Editor Lehman, of the Martinsburg Herald, and Charles P. Ashchom came this way last Saturday for the purpose of looking up prospects for the organization of a Castle of Knights of the Golden Eagle.


Some Interesting Paragraphs from Our Busy Neighboring Town.


Rev. J. H. Mathers was popular enough to secure a place on both the Council and School Board.


Camp 128, P. O. S. of A., intend to observe their first anniversary, March 20th, and entertain the audience with a mock initiation.


Bellwood has lost or is about to lose two families, those of Mr. J. M. Spade and Mr. R. V. Lyle, the former going to Irvona and the latter to Oak Hall, Centre county.


The election returns were in long before noon yesterday, and Judge Fagley back in time for dinner. Nobody can complain that all classes of citizens are not represented on the new board of officers.


Corporal Tanner entertained his audience Tuesday evening to their entire satisfaction for nearly two hours, and afterwards for almost that length of time entertained "the boys" in the Post room.


The agony is over and to some there is relief and to others chagrin. Those who now have chagrin will probably have relief when the acts of the successful are passed in review and they are pronounced wanting by their fellow citizens.


The young folks seem to have a good time in getting ready for another school entertainment next Friday evening. It would be almost useless to ask for a better one than the last, so that it may be sufficient to hope that they will equal it and sustain their reputation.


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 22, 1888, page 2




Eleventh avenue pavements are becoming about as soft as a bread pudding.


Officer Collier arrested a boy, named Duke, last evening, for train jumping and stealing coal from cars on the P. R. R. He will have a hearing to-day.


Mrs. Clara Strattan, wife of E. R. Strattan, died at her husband's residence, No. 1816 Twelfth avenue, yesterday. No arrangements have as yet been made for the funeral.


The Gray and Stephens Combination had a parting salute at the Mountain City Theatre last evening that crowded the big building in every part. There were over 1,400 paid admissions.


The agency at Summer Hill has been changed from passenger and second-class freight to passenger and first-class freight and F. P. Moyer has been appointed agent vice John Brown, resigned.


Early Wednesday morning, say about 4 o'clock, several rolls of thunder were heard preceded by flashes of lightning, and the rain came down in torrents for a few minutes. It was the first thunder shower of the season and the opening of spring.


The present condition of the city station house should have the immediate attention of the Board of Health. It is filthy and dirty to an extreme degree. As the Mayor is the President of the Health Board he will have the first opportunity to report it.


Said He found it at Clark's Novelty Store on Eleventh Avenue.


It has been a custom with Clark, the novelty man, to have two glass show cases in a stationary position in front of his popular store on Eleventh avenue for the display of jewelry and notions, and when John Nolan came along that way yesterday morning about 3 o'clock, one of the show cases just sized up to his idea as a good thing to have, so he took it along. He carried it bodily down Fourteenth street to Tenth avenue, and then up along Tenth avenue to the Seventeenth street bridge. As he was toiling up the iron stairway with his load Officer Dotzler came out and observed: "Well, old man; where did you get it?"


John took it coolly, incidentally remarking that he found it on a pavement. Officer Dotzler took John and his find to the station house, and he was given a hearing yesterday afternoon before Judge Rose and committed to jail in default of bail. Nolan said that he lived in Philadelphia, but that he had come from Johnstown on a freight train Tuesday night, and six hours later walked off with the show case. He has the appearance of being a very fly tramp, and refused to commit himself in any manner. He never whimpered a word about his comrades, if he had any, and only answered such questions as he could not evade. He is in all likelihood one of a gang who find in this town a fruitful field for burglarious operations. It is a satisfaction to know that an arrest has been made, and let us hope that many others will follow. Manager Cooper took the show case back to Clark's and there will be no display of that kind hereafter outside of business hours. Nolan will not see the Spring flowers come this year nor hear the robins sing in the orchard trees amid the sweet and fragrant apple blossoms.


Killed by Mail Train.


Huntingdon Local News 21st.
A Finlander, who had been employed on the grade for the third track, was instantly killed at Mt. Union yesterday afternoon. He was walking on the south track towards Mt. Union, and while on the bridge the Mail train whistled, and the poor man, becoming bewildered, jumped over to the north track, where he was struck by the Cowcatcher and almost instantly killed. Both his feet were cut off, his head crushed and his body mutilated. An inquest was held on the remains by 'Squire Stewart at Mt. Union, but was continued until the testimony of the engineer and fireman can be obtained. Deceased was aged about 35 years, and has a wife and family at his home in Finland. His name is Matti Airassari. [Ahassari? Anassari?] The remains were brought to this place for interment.


Stabbed His Companion with a Pen Knife.
From Our Hollidaysburg Correspondent.


A very disgraceful and perhaps serious stabbing affray occurred in the lower part of town late on Tuesday evening last. Two young boys got into a quarrel over some small difficulty. The fight culminated near Lindsay's grocery. In the heat of the fight one of the boys, Henry Smith, aged about 13 years, suddenly drew a pen knife and plunged the blade into the left side of his opponent, young Frank Kohler, inflicting a very severe and perhaps fatal wound. The boy reeled back under the effect of the blow. The assailant, seeing the injured boy's condition, ran to his assistance and helped him reach the house of his father, Michael Kohler, and Dr. Crawford Irwin was summoned, who came and dressed the wound.


Want a Little Board of Trade in Their's. [sic]
From the Tyrone Times.


It is certainly high time that a Board of Trade is organized in Tyrone, to look after her business interests and financial prosperity. With an organization of that character united efforts looking to the establishment of new enterprises would prove far more effective and beneficial than otherwise. That new industries are needed here to give additional employment to labor and help build up our growing city cannot be gainsaid. Who will take the initiative to start the organization?


Proceedings Touching Motions, Orders and Petitions and the Civil List.


The County Court reconvened at Hollidaysburg at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. The following list of business was transacted by the bench, bar and jury:


Motions, Orders and Petitions.


Alexander & Herr - The mortgage executed by R. H. Porter, administrator of Porter D. Kennedy, to secure $1,500 borrowed for the benefit of the estate, was approved by the Court.


Bell - The order to sell real estate of Joseph A. Jones, deceased, was continued.


Same - The orders of sale in the assigned estate of Frederick Jaekel was continued.


Same - Leave of Court was granted Martin Bell, assignee of S. C. Baker, to join with the heirs of Elias Baker, deceased, in deeds for certain described real estate.


Flick - A rule was granted on John Bender to pay his wife an allowance for maintenance and counsel fees pending the decision of the divorce suit.


Hicks, W. L. - The report of viewers laying out a road from Lyon street, East Tyrone, to property of W. M. Lyon was confirmed nisi.


Hewitt - A rule was granted to show cause why there was an assignment of a certain mortgage against the real estate of John Walker, of Allegheny township.


Neff & Hicks - An alias rule was granted on the claimants in the case of Theo. H. Wigton and J. G. Davis vs. George A. McCormick.


Riley - A rule was granted on the defendants to file release of dower in cases of Hannah E. Furry vs. Thos. J. Armstrong and others.


Woodcock S. M. - An attachment was ordered to issue against Dr. C. H. Clossin, executor of Mrs. Temperance Clossin, deceased, unless he file his account within ten days.


Smith J. H. - The order of sale in the assigned estate of R. A. Irwin was continued.


The Sheriff came into Court and acknowledged his deeds for properties sold on March 9th.


Civil List.


On account of the crowded condition of the list the following cases were continued:


James M. Bunn vs. People's Mutual Insurance Company of Pittsburg.
Sarah S. Hare vs. Stephen Lehner.
Second National Bank of Altoona vs. D. E. Notley.
F. D. Saupp vs. John Sellers & Co.
D. E. Notley vs. First National Bank of Altoona.
A. S. Morrow, trustee of Mrs. E. E. Lytle vs. J. L. Keagy et al.
Willian Reed vs. City of Altoona.
Emanuel Duck vs. City of Altoona.
Mrs. Katharine Shadler vs. Blair County.
Samuel Loucks vs. Ed. T. Dunn.
Samuel Loucks vs. Ed. T. Dunn and C. V. Thompson.
John Irvin and Brother vs. John W. Otto.
M. Pendergest vs. A. D. Goetz.
Union Planing Mill Company vs. Ed. T. Dunn, A. K. Riling.
George W. Smith vs. The People's Mutual Accident Association, of Pittsburg.
August Keller vs. Mary Everhart.
L. H. Ale, administrator of Ezra Ale, deceased, vs. Martin Hoelle.
Catherine Lockhard vs. Samuel Reighard.


Cases Settled and Tried.


Cases were settled and tried as follows:


James S. Bowser vs. Martin Mummert. Case settled by the parties.


C. C. Reese vs. Ellen Dunn (two cases.) Cases settled by the parties.


Joseph A. Wagoner and wife vs. Jacob Webber, Jere Brown and David Mock. The defendants confessed a judgment in favor of the plaintiffs for $50.


W. W. Stonebraker vs. Mrs. Georgianna Stonebraker. This was a suit to obtain a divorce on the grounds of a malicious desertion. Both the parties are residents in Altoona, and the desertion complained of extended over a period of five years. The defendant is the second wife of the plaintiff and is his junior by several years. The evidence adduced tended to show that the parties did not live happily or peaceably together. The trial of this case, which commenced on Tuesday afternoon, was continued on Wednesday morning, and the entire day was taken up with hearing of the evidence on part of both the plaintiff and defendant. The evidence was closed before the Court adjourned last evening. The counsel will argue the case to the jury this morning.


The Court will meet at 9 o'clock this morning.


Altoona Times, Altoona, Pa., Thursday, March 22, 1888, page 4




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